86 resultados para mental practice


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OBJECTIVE : To investigate the association between common mental disorders and intimate partner violence during pregnancy. METHODS : A cross sectional study was carried out with 1,120 pregnant women aged 18-49 years old, who were registered in the Family Health Program in the city of Recife, Northeastern Brazil, between 2005 and 2006. Common mental disorders were assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Intimate partner violence was defined as psychologically, physically and sexually abusive acts committed against women by their partners. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were estimated for the association studied utilizing logistic regression analysis. RESULTS : The most common form of partner violence was psychological. The prevalence of common mental disorders was 71.0% among women who reported all form of violence in pregnancy and 33.8% among those who did not report intimate partner violence. Common mental disorders were associated with psychological violence (OR 2.49, 95%CI 1.8;3.5), even without physical or sexual violence. When psychological violence was combined with physical or sexual violence, the risk of common mental disorders was even higher (OR 3.45; 95%CI 2.3;5.2). CONCLUSIONS : Being assaulted by someone with whom you are emotionally involved can trigger feelings of helplessness, low self-esteem and depression. The pregnancy probably increased women`s vulnerability to common mental disorders


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O objetivo dessa comunicação foi analisar a variação do perfil dos benefícios previdenciários por transtornos mentais e comportamentais e sua relação com o trabalho. Foram utilizados dados secundários da Previdência Social brasileira de 2008 a 2011. Foram calculadas taxas de variação média anual no período acerca da população economicamente ativa, número de segurados, benefícios auxílio-doença concedidos em geral e, especificamente, os relativos a transtornos mentais e comportamentais. Os transtornos mentais mantêm-se como a terceira causa das concessões. Houve aumento médio anual de 0,3% de novas concessões, com queda de 2,5% da incidência média anual. Foram considerados relacionados ao trabalho 6,2% dos casos, na média, principalmente decorrentes de transtornos de humor.As autoridades governamentais devem usar os dados da Previdência Social para auxiliar no debate sobre políticas públicas de saúde mental.


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A literature review was conducted aiming to understand the interface between the Intellectual Disability and Mental Health fields and to contribute to mitigating the path of institutionalizing individuals with intellectual deficiencies. The so-called dual diagnosis phenomenon remains underestimated in Brazil but is the object of research and specific public policy internationally. This phenomenon alerts us to the prevalence of mental health problems in those with intellectual disabilities, limiting their social inclusion. The findings reinforce the importance of this theme and indicate possible diagnostic invisibility of the development of mental illness in those with intellectual disabilities in Brazil, which may contribute to sustaining psychiatric institutionalization of this population. 


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OBJECTIVE To understand the job function of caregivers of older adults and contribute to the debate on the consolidation of this professional practice. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES This is a descriptive, qualitative, and exploratory study. Four focal group sessions were performed in 2011 with 11 elderly companions, formal caregivers of older adults in the Programa Acompanhante de Idosos (Program for Caregivers of Older Adults), Sao Paulo, SP, Southeastern Brazil. These sessions, guided by a semi-structured script, were audio-recorded and fully transcribed. Data were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique, Thematic Modality. RESULTS In view of considering the caregivers of older adults as a new category of workers, it was difficult to define their duties. The elderly companions themselves as well as the care receivers, their families, and the professionals that comprised the team were unclear about their duties. The professional practice of these formal caregivers has been built on the basis of constant discussions and negotiations among them and other team members in Programa Acompanhante de Idosos during daily work. This was achieved via a recognition process of their job functions and by setting apart other workers’ exclusive responsibilities. CONCLUSIONS The delimitation of specific job functions for elderly companions is currently one of the greatest challenges faced by these workers to develop and consolidate their professional role as well as improve Programa Acompanhante de Idosos.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze if maternal mental health is associated with infant nutritional status at six month of age. METHODS A cross-sectional study with 228 six-month-old infants who used primary health care units of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil. Mean weight-for-length and mean weight-for-age were expressed in z-scores considering the 2006 World Health Organization reference curves. Maternal mental health was measured by the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. The following cutoff points were used: ≥ 3 for common mental disorders, ≥ 5 for more severe mental disorders, and ≥ 9 for depression. The statistical analysis employed adjusted linear regression models. RESULTS The prevalence of common mental disorders, more severe mental disorders and depression was 39.9%, 23.7%, and 8.3%, respectively. Children of women with more severe mental disorders had, on average, a weight-for-length 0.37 z-scores lower than children of women without this health harm (p = 0.026). We also observed that the weight-for-length indicator of children of depressed mothers was, on average, 0.67 z-scores lower than that of children of nondepressed women (p = 0.010). Maternal depression was associated with lower mean values of weight-for-age z-scores (p = 0.041). CONCLUSIONS Maternal mental health is positively related to the inadequacy of the nutritional status of infants at six months.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of common mental disorders in Brazilian adolescent students, according to geographical macro-regions, school type, sex, and age. METHODS We evaluated 74,589 adolescents who participated in the Cardiovascular Risk Study in Adolescents (ERICA), a cross-sectional, national, school-based study conducted in 2013-2014 in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. A self-administered questionnaire and an electronic data collector were employed. The presence of common mental disorders was assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). We estimated prevalence and 95% confidence intervals of common mental disorders by sex, age, and school type, in Brazil and in the macro-regions, considering the sample design. RESULTS The prevalence of common mental disorders was of 30.0% (95%CI 29.2-30.8), being higher among girls (38.4%; 95%CI 37.1-39.7) when compared to boys (21.6%; 95%CI 20.5-22.8), and among adolescents who were from 15 to 17 years old (33.6%; 95%CI 32.2-35.0) compared to those aged between 12 and 14 years (26.7%; 95%CI 25.8-27.6). The prevalence of common mental disorders increased with age for both sexes, always higher in girls (ranging from 28.1% at 12 years to 44.1% at 17 years) than in boys (ranging from 18.5% at 12 years to 27.7% at 17 years). We did not observe any significant difference by macro-region or school type. Stratified analyses showed higher prevalence of common mental disorders among girls aged from 15 to 17 years of private schools in the North region (53.1; 95%CI 46.8-59.4). CONCLUSIONS The high prevalence of common mental disorders among adolescents and the fact that the symptoms are often vague mean these disorders are not so easily identified by school administrators or even by health services. The results of this study can help the proposition of more specific prevention and control measures, focused on highest risk subgroups.


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INTRODUCTION: Spontaneous sedimentation is an important procedure for stool examination. A modification of this technique using conical tubes was performed and evaluated. METHODS: Fifty fecal samples were processed in sedimentation glass and in polypropylene conical tubes. Another 50 samples were used for quantitative evaluation of protozoan cysts. RESULTS: Although no significant differences occurred in the frequency of protozoa and helminths detected, significant differences in protozoan cyst counts did occur. CONCLUSIONS: The use of tube predicts a shorter path in the sedimentation of the sample, increases concentration of parasites for microscopy analysis, minimizes the risks of contamination, reduces the odor, and optimizes the workspace.


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INTRODUCTION: The development of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) has increased; this study aimed to assess the quality of CPGs for the management of Chagas disease. METHODS: Following a systematic search of the scientific literature, two reviewers assessed the eligible guidelines using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument. RESULTS: Five CPGs were included. The AGREE domains of scope/purpose, stakeholder involvement, and clarity of presentation were rated well, and the domains of applicability and editorial independence received poor ratings. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of CPGs for Chagas disease is poor, and significant work is required to develop high-quality guidelines.


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OBJETIVO: A religião tem um importante papel na vida de indivíduos encarcerados. A saúde mental e a possibilidade de reabilitação parecem ser favorecidas através da religião. Entretanto poucos estudos no Brasil abordaram a saúde mental em população carcerária feminina e a relacionaram com a religiosidade. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o perfil de saúde mental e a relação entre religião, religiosidade e saúde mental numa amostra de mulheres encarceradas em São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistadas 358 mulheres, detentas da Penitenciária Feminina da Capital (São Paulo-SP). Foi aplicado um questionário amplo que abrangeu dados sociodemográficos e culturais (incluindo a religiosidade), assim como itens sobre saúde mental e perfil criminal. A avaliação psicopatológica foi feita com o General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Análises estatísticas comparando as variáveis com o GHQ-12 foram realizadas. Foi utilizada também a análise de regressão logística multivariada para respostas dicotômicas para as variáveis que possivelmente interagiram com a saúde mental. RESULTADOS: A idade média da amostra foi 30,7 anos ± 8,5. A prevalência de possível caso psiquiátrico foi 26,6%. CONCLUSÕES: Uma maior religiosidade pessoal associou-se a menor freqüência de possível transtorno mental. Não foram encontradas associações entre tipo de crime e saúde mental.


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OBJECTIVE: Brazil is the country with the largest community of Japanese descendants in the world, from a migration movement that started in 1908. However, more recently (1988), a movement in the opposite direction began. Many of these descendants went to Japan for work purposes and suffered mental distress. Some of them sought treatment in Japan, while others returned to Brazil to seek treatment. The aim of the present study was to compare the sociodemographic profile and diagnoses of Japanese Brazilian psychiatric outpatients in Japan (remaining group) and in Brazil (returning group). METHOD: All consecutive Japanese Brazilian outpatients who received care from the psychiatric units in Japan and Brazil from April 1997 to April 2000 were compared. The diagnoses were based on ICD-10 and were made by psychiatrists. Sociodemographic data and diagnoses in Brazil and Japan were compared by means of the Chi-Squared Test. RESULTS: The individuals who returned to Brazil were mostly male and unmarried, had lived alone in Japan, had stayed there for short periods and were classified in the schizophrenia group. The individuals who remained in Japan were mostly female and married, were living with family or friends, had stayed there for long periods and were classified in the anxiety group. Logistic regression showed that the most significant factors associated with the returning group were that they had lived alone and stayed for short periods (OR = 0.93 and 40.21, respectively). CONCLUSION: We conclude that living with a family and having a network of friends is very important for mental health in the context evaluated.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as relações entre as dimensões da vida sociocultural, como rede social de apoio e religião, saúde mental e qualidade de vida (QV) em idosos de um Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF). MÉTODOS: Avaliou-se uma amostra de 82 idosos (> 60 anos), cadastrados em um PSF. Foram descritos o perfil de saúde física e mental, a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida, assim como fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e culturais associados a essas dimensões. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Inventário Sociodemográfico, Clínico e de Religiosidade, MINI, WHOQOL-bref e o Índice de Barthel. RESULTADOS: Dos 82 idosos, 47 (57%) eram mulheres e 35 (43%) homens, porquanto 42 (51%) com de idade de 60 a 69 anos e 40 (49%) com idade de 70 anos ou mais. Por meio de modelos multivariados, identificou-se que a presença de transtornos mentais associa-se a morar só ou com apenas uma pessoa. Apresentaram uma pior QV os idosos que não recebem aposentadoria e que fizeram uso de benzodiazepínicos no último ano. A religião revelou-se dimensão importante associada à QV; em todos os domínios da WHOQOL-bref os idosos membros de igrejas evangélicas apresentaram piores escores. CONCLUSÕES: O presente estudo evidencia que idosos com menores escolaridade e renda tendem a ter pior QV e saúde.


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OBJECTIVE: Common mental disorders (CMD) have a high impact on interpersonal relationships and quality of life and are potential underlying causes for the development of more serious disorders. Medical students have been indicated as a risk population for the development of CMD. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of CMD in undergraduate medical students and to identify related factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in a sample population of medical students. CMD was identified according to the 20-item Self-Report Questionnaire. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-three students completed the questionnaire. The overall prevalence of CMD was 29.6% and its presence was independently associated with sleep disorders, not owning a car, not working and sedentary lifestyle. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate a high prevalence of CMD in the sample studied and are important for supporting actions to prevent mental disorders in future doctors and for reflecting on the curricula currently in use in medical schools.


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OBJETIVO: O estudo objetivou caracterizar os idosos institucionalizados residentes em três instituições de longa permanência para idosos, quanto a sua capacidade funcional e seu estado mental, e verificar se existe correlação entre ambas. MÉTODOS: Para isso foram utilizados três instrumentos: um formulário de identificação, o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e o Índice de Barthel. Foram utilizados como tratamento estatístico a Correlação de Person e o Teste da ANOVA. RESULTADOS: A população avaliada consistiu de 115 idosos com idades entre 62 e 104 anos, sendo 40,66% do sexo feminino e 59,13% do sexo masculino. São alfabetizados 49,56% e analfabetos 50,43%, quanto ao estado civil predominaram os solteiros (46,65%) e viúvos (21,8%). Quanto ao estado mental e funcional, houve alta taxa de idosos apresentando déficit cognitivo (76,72%) e de idosos independentes funcionalmente (75,65%). CONCLUSÕES: De acordo com os resultados observa-se que existe correlação significativa entre o Índice de Barthel e o MEEM (r = 0,441; p < 0,000), e também que as variáveis sexo e idade não influenciam nos resultados destes instrumentos. Existe relação estatística significativa (p < 0,0001) entre escolaridade e estado mental e/ou funcional do indivíduo.