408 resultados para larynx edema


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Se presenta un enfoque panorámico de estudios epidemiológicos, clínicos y experimentales referentes a Loxosceles laeta y loxoscelismo efectuados en 1955-1988 en Santiago, Chile. Se estudiaron 216 casos de loxoscelismo. Los hechos más relevantes fueron: 52,8% correspondió a mujeres; edad entre 7 meses y 78 años; 84,3% fué loxoscelismo cutáneo (LO y 15,7% loxoscelismo cutáneo-visceral (LCV); 73,6% sucedió en época calurosa; en 86,6% el accidente ocurrió en la vivienda, especialmente en dormitorios, mientras la persona dormía o se vestía. La araña fué vista en 60,2% de los casos e identificada en laboratorio como L. laeta en 17,7% (10,6% de los 216 casos). Los sitios más frecuen temente afectados fueron las extremidades con 67,6%, lancetazo urente fué el síntoma inicial más frecuente. Dolor, edema y placa livedoide, la cual posteriormente se transformaría en escara necrótica, fueron las manifestaciones locales predominantes. En LCV hematuria y hemoglobinuria fueron constantes, ictericia, fiebre y compromiso de conciencia se presentaron en la mayoría de los casos. Tratamiento: LC con antihistamínicos o corticoides inyectables, LCV con corti-coides inyectables. La condición de los pacientes en el último control fué: curación completa en 75,5%, curación con secuela cicatrizal en 8,3%, muerte en 3,7% (todos con LCV) y abandono en 12,5%. Adicionalmente, se ha efectuado una serie de estudios experimentales, tanto in vivo como in vitro para esclarecer aspectos básicos sobre el veneno de L. laeta y el tratamiento del loxoscelismo.


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The first case of mediastinal and pulmonary entomophthoromycosis with supe rior vena cava syndrome is reported. The patient presented with a history of edema of the face, neck and upper limbs as well as collateral circulation in the anterior wall of the chest. Histological examination of tissue from mediastinum revealed a granulomatous reaction with microabscesses surrounded by eosinophilic amorphous material and with broad hyphae in the center. Culture was not performed because a preliminary diagnosis of nonHodgkin's malignant lymphoma was made. Surgical correction of the obstructed area was performed and the patient was sucessfully treated with potassium iodide. The authors propose that mediastinal entomoph thoromycosis must be considered in the differential diagnosis of diseases causing superior vena cava syndrome in tropical and sub-tropical regions. This case enlarges the spectrum of clinical manifestations of the zigomycosis caused by Entomoph-thoraceae.


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La descripción macroscópica del proceso de patogénesis en hamsters inoculados subcutáneamente en nariz con Sporothrix schenckii ó Leishmania mexicana spp. proporcionó bases para diferenciar estos dos microorganismos en un modelo animal utilizado comunmente para estudiarlos. Observaciones secuenciales durante 150 días permitieron afirmar que en las infecciones causadas por estos patógenos se presentaron edema y eritema como signos primarios, seguidos de alopecia, necrosis y ulceración. La producción de pus fué una característica distintiva para el S. schenckii. Estos signos clínicos se observaron más temprano en la esporotricosis que en la infección por L. mexicana, mostrando diferencias estadísticas significantes en días promedio de aparición. El presente trabajo muestra que las lesiones producidas tanto por el S. schenckii como la L. mexicana en este modelo experimental comparten signos clínicos, pero el tiempo de aparición de los mismos y su frecuencia relativa permiten diferenciarlas. Las condiciones de inoculación como: cepa de los microorganismos, dosis del inóculo, sitio y vía de inoculación, deben tenerse presentes en la evaluación de su comportamiento experimental.


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São analisados três pacientes que apresentaram comprometimento da função respiratória após acidente por Crotalus durissus. As manifestações respiratórias surgiram nas primeiras 48 horas após a picada do ofídio e consistiram de dispnéia, taquipnéia, uso da musculatura acessória da respiração (casos 1 e 2) e batimento das aletas nasais (caso 2). Dois pacientes (casos 1 e 2) apresentaram insuficiência respiratória aguda. O diagnóstico desta complicação no caso 1 foi clínico pois o paciente apresentou apnéia. O paciente do caso 2, 24 horas após o acidente ofídico apresentou dificuldade respiratória intensa e períodos de apnéia sendo intubado, permanecendo em respiração espontânea. Houve agravamento dos sinais clínicos de insuficiência respiratória e a determinação de pH e gases do sangue arterial mostrou em relação ao exame inicial elevação da pressão parcial de gás carbônico (40 mmHg para 50,3 mm Hg) caracterizando insuficiência ventilatória aguda. Ambos foram tratados com emprego de ventilação artificial mecânica, tendo o paciente do caso 1 permanecido no ventilador durante 33 dias e o do caso 2 durante 15 dias. Ambos desenvolveram insuficiência renal aguda, necessitaram de diálise peritoneal e recuperaram a função renal. A paciente do caso 3, apesar dos sintomas e sinais de comprometimento respiratório não apresentou alterações do pH e gases arteriais. Espirometria realizada 58 horas após o acidente mostrou capacidade vital forçada (CVF) e volume espirado no primeiro segundo (VEF1) abaixo do previsto (60 e 67% respectivamente). As espirometrias realizadas nos dias subseqüentes evidenciaram melhora progressiva destes parâmetros. No 10º dia após o acidente constatou-se aumento de 20% da CVF e de 17% do VEF1 comparativamente ao exame inicial. A relação entre VEF1 e a CVF manteve-se praticamente inalterada e em valores próximos ao previsto, caracterizando distúrbio ventilatório do tipo restritivo. O comprometimento respiratório nestes pacientes foi atribuído à ação da crotoxina na musculatura respiratória desde que não se encontravam presentes outras condições etiológicas que pudessem ocasioná-lo como uremia avançada, atelectasias, infecção pulmonar, hipopotassemia, congestão e edema pulmonar agudo.


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In October, 1986, 7 to 22 days after a meeting at a farm in Paraíba state, 26 individuals presented with a febrile illness associated with bilateral eyelid and lower limb edema, mild hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy and, occasionally a skin rash. A 11-year-old boy exhibited atrial premature complexes and a 74-year-old patient developed acute heart failure. In two patients hospitalized in São Paulo city, acute Chagas' disease was diagnosed by the demonstration of circulating Trypanosoma cruzi. At autopsy in a fatal case, acute Chagas' cardiomyopathy was demonstrated. Xenodiagnosis were positive in 9 out of 14 tested patients. A specific IgG immune response was found in all patients and specific IgM antibodies were identified in 20 out of 22 tested patients. A epidemiological survey showed the existence of Triatoma brasiliensis in the outbuildings of this farm, but none in the house where most of the guests stayed. A high rate of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi was found in opossums. These observations together with those related to the food consumed by the patients, lead the authors to suggest that the human infections resulted from oral contamination probably originating from naturally infected marsupials in the area or crushed infected bugs.


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Foram estudados 249 casos de acidentes por cascavel sul-americana (Crotalus durissus) atendidos no HVB-IB, São Paulo, Brasil, de 1974 a 1990. Os acidentes foram mais comuns no período da tarde, nos meses de janeiro a abril e de outubro a dezembro. Dentre cem serpentes classificadas quanto à subespécie 99 eram C. d. terrificus. Pertenciam ao sexo masculino 80,7% dos pacientes. Os membros inferiores e superiores foram picados em, respectivamente, 66,4% e 29,2% dos casos. As manifestações clínicas mais freqüentes foram dor (61,0%) e edema (55,0%) no local da picada, ptose palpebral (75,9%), escurecimento da urina atribuível à mioglobinúria (38,6%) e mialgia (36,1%). Nove pacientes foram submetidos a diálise devido a insuficiência renal aguda (3,6%), três apresentavam insuficiência respiratória que motivou intubação e/ou traqueostomia e um apresentou acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. A alteração da coagulação sanguínea ocorreu em 48,1% dos pacientes. Oito amostras de sangue colhidas horas após a picada mostraram leucocitose sendo 6 com desvio a esquerda e, nos dias subseqüentes, tendência à normalização do número de leucócitos e aparecimento de eosinofilia. Atividade sérica da creatinoquinase apresentou-se aumentada em 20 dentre 21 pacientes, sendo maior no final das primeiras 24 horas após a picada, chegando a 2.377 vezes o valor de referência. A letalidade foi de 0,8%.


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Scorpion stings in Brazil are important not only because of their incidence but also for their potential ability to induce severe, and often fatal, clinical situations, especially among children. In this report we present the clinical and laboratory data of 4 patients victims of scorpion stings by T. serrulatus, who developed heart failure and pulmonary edema, with 3 of them dying within 24 hours of the sting. Anatomopathologic study of these patients revealed diffuse areas of myocardiocytolysis in addition to pulmonary edema. The surviving child presented enzymatic, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic changes compatible with severe cardiac involvement, which were reversed within 5 days. These findings reinforce the need for continuous monitoring of patients with severe scorpion envenoming during the hours immediately following the sting.


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We present a case of subcutaneous hyalohyphomycosis due to Acremonium recifei, a species whose habitat is probably the soil, first identified in 1934 by Arêa Leão and Lobo in a case of podal eumycetoma with white-yellowish grains and initially named Cephalosporium recifei. A white immunocompetent female patient from the state of Bahia, Brazil, with a history of traumatic injury to the right hand is reported. The lesion was painless, with edema, inflammation and the presence of fistulae. Seropurulent secretion with the absence of grains was present. Histopathological examination of material stained with hematoxylin-eosin showed hyaline septate hyphae. A culture was positive for Acremonium recifei. Treatment with itraconazole, 200 mg/day, for two months led to a favorable course and cure of the process. We report for the first time in the literature a case of subcutaneous hyalohyphomycosis due to Acremonium recifei in a immunocompetent woman. Treatment with itraconazole 200 mg/day, for two months, resulted in cure.


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From January 1984 to May 1994, 17 of 239 children under 15 years old stung by Tityus serrulatus (15.1%) or Tityus bahiensis (84.9%) presented severe envenoming. Of these 17 patients (1-11 years old; median=2 yr) 14 were stung by T.serrulatus and three by T.bahiensis. All of them received scorpion antivenom i.v. at times ranging from 45 min. to 5 h after the accident (median=2h). On admission, the main clinical manifestations and laboratory and electrocardiographic changes were: vomiting (17), diaphoresis (15), tachycardia (14), prostration (10), tachypnea (8), arterial hypertension (7), arterial hypotension (5), tremors (5), hypothermia (4), hyperglycemia (17), leukocytosis (16/16), hypokalemia (13/17), increased CK-MB enzyme activity (>6% of the total CK, 11/12), hyperamylasemia (11/14), sinusal tachycardia (16/17) and a myocardial infarction-like pattern (11/17). Six patients stung by T.serrulatus had depressed left ventricular systolic function assessed by means of echocardiography. Of these, five presented pulmonary edema and four had shock. A child aged two-years old presented severe respiratory failure and died 65 h after being stung by T.serrulatus. Severe envenomations caused by T.serrulatus were 26.2 times more frequent than those caused by T.bahiensis (p<0.001).


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Systematic examination of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts (URDT) was performed in a group of 80 paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patients submitted to post-treatment follow-up ranging from 8 months to 17 years. Mucosae of the URDT had been involved prior to specific treatment in 74 patients, distributed as follows: oropharynx, 50 (41 alone, 7 in association with the larynx, and 2 with the nasal mucosa); larynx, 30 (23 alone and 7 in association); and nasal mucosa, 3(1 alone and 2 in association). Inactive lesions were observed in all the 50 patients with lesions of the oropharynx, 3 of whom with deforming scars (1 with retraction of the tongue and 2 with narrowing of the oral orifice). One case presented a destructive lesion, with perfuration of the palate. Of the other 46 cases, examination showed nacreous white striated scars which were nearly imperceptible in some cases and in others displayed partial retraction of anatomical structures without any alteration of their features. Patients presented a high rate of missing teeth. In 3 patients with involvement of the nasal mucosa, none of whom presented active PCM lesions, 2 still had nasal voices. In 30 patients with lesions of the larynx, 1 suffered a relapse of PCM and 2 developed epidermoid carcinoma. Of the other 27 cases, none of whom had active PCM lesions, 15 presented dysphonia, 3 were tracheotomized, and 9 were asymptomatic.


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Human infections caused by a hantavirus were reported in different regions of the State of São Paulo (SP), Brazil during the first six months of 1998. Two cases of fatal pulmonary syndrome occurred in May of 1998 in the City of Guariba, located in the Northeastern Region of SP. Both patients worked in a corn storage barn infested by rodents. These patients, after 2 or 3 days of non-specific febrile illness, developed a severe interstitial pneumonia spreading widely in both lungs, causing respiratory failure and death. At autopsy both patients showed lung interstitial edema with immunoblast-like mononuclear cell infiltrates, consistent with a viral etiology. Hantavirus infection was diagnosed by ELISA in both cases and by RT-PCR in one of the patients. Aspects of the clinical presentation, physiopathology and differential diagnosis of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome are discussed.


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From January, 1984 to December, 1996, 422 patients (ages 9 m-99 y, median 29 y) were admitted after being bitten by spiders which were brought and identified as Phoneutria spp. Most of the bites occurred at March and April months (29.2%), in the houses (54.5%), during the day (76.5%), and in the limbs (feet 40.9%, hands 34.3%). Upon hospital admission, most patients presented only local complaints, mainly pain (92.1%) and edema (33.1%) and were classified as presenting mild (89.8%), moderate (8.5%) and severe (0.5%) envenomation. Few patients (1.2%) did not present signs of envenomation. Severe accidents were only confirmed in two children (9 m, 3 y). Both developed acute pulmonary edema, and the older died 9 h after the accident. Patients more than 70 year-old had a significantly greater (p<0.05) frequency of moderate envenomations compared to the 10-70-year-old individuals. Proceedings to relief local pain were frequently performed (local anesthesia alone 32.0%, local anesthesia plus analgesics 20.6% and oral analgesics alone 25.1%). Only 2.3% of the patients (two cases classified as severe and eight as moderate, eight of them in children) were treated with i.v. antiarachnid antivenom. No antivenom early reaction was observed. In conclusion, accidents involving the genus Phoneutria are common in the region of Campinas, with the highest risk groups being children under 10 years of age and adults over 70 years of age. Cases of serious envenomation are rare (0.5%).


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Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) has been recognized recently in Brazil, where 28 cases have been reported as of September 1999. We report here the clinical and laboratory findings of three cases whose diagnoses were confirmed serologically. All the patients were adults who presented a febrile illness with respiratory symptoms that progressed to respiratory failure that required artificial ventilation in two of them. Laboratory findings were most of the time consistent with those reported in the United States in patients infected with the Sin Nombre virus, and included elevated hematocrit and thrombocytopenia; presence of atypical lymphocytes was observed in one patient. The chest radiological findings observed in all the patients were bilateral, diffuse, reticulonodular infiltrates. Two patients died. Histopathological examination of the lungs of these patients revealed interstitial and alveolar edema, alveolar hemorrhage, and mild interstitial pneumonia characterized by infiltrate of immunoblasts and mononuclear cells. In the epidemiologic investigation of one of the cases, serologic (ELISA) tests were positive in 3 (25%) out of 12 individuals who shared the same environmental exposure. HPS should be included in the differential diagnosis of interstitial pneumonia progressing to acute respiratory failure.


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Heparin, in some regions of Brazil has been used in the treatment of bothropic accidents, but the data found in the literature are inconclusive about its effectiveness. The venoms of Bothrops atrox and of B. erythromelas were characterized according to their biological activities. The capacity of heparin in neutralizing these activities was tested with doses of 3 and 6 IU in isolated form and associated to Antibothropic Serum (ABS). It was verified that heparin, in doses of 3 and 6 IU, was not effective in neutralizing the desfibrinating and edema-forming activities of B. atrox venom and the hemorrhagic and coagulant actions of both venoms. Heparin diminished the effectiveness of the ABS in the neutralization of the hemorrhagic and edema-forming activities of the B. atrox venom. However, heparin in the 6 IU dose was capable of neutralize the edema-forming of the B. erythromelas and increase the effectiveness of the ABS. Heparin also neutralized the phospholipasic A2 activity of B. atrox (14.3%) and B. erythromelas (28.0%) venoms. For B. erythromelas venom, the associated treatment, heparin and ABS, was more effective in the neutralization of its lethal activity.


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From January, 1984 to March, 1999, 73 children under 15 y old (ages 1-14 y, median 9 y) were admitted after being bitten by snakes of the genus Bothrops. Twenty-six percent of the children were classified as mild envenoming, 50.7% as moderate envenoming and 20.6% as severe envenoming. Two patients (2.7%) showed no signs of envenoming. Most of the patients presented local manifestations, mainly edema (94.5%), pain (94.5%) ecchymosis (73.9%) and blisters (11%). Local and/or systemic bleeding was observed in 28.8% of the patients. Before antivenom (AV) administration, blood coagulation disorders were observed in 60.7% (incoagulable blood in 39.3%) of the 56 children that received AV only in our hospital. AV early reactions, most of which were considered mild, were observed in 44.6% of these cases (in 15/30 patients not pretreated and in 10/26 patients pretreated with hydrocortisone and histamine H1 and H2 antagonists). The main clinical complications observed were local infection (15.1%), compartment syndrome (4.1%), gangrene (1.4%) and acute renal failure (1.4%). No deaths were recorded. There were no significant differences with regard to severity of envenoming versus the frequency of blood coagulation disorders among the three categories of envenoming (p = 0.75) or in the frequency of patients with AV early reactions between the groups that were and were not pretreated (p = 0.55). The frequency of local infection was significantly greater in severe cases (p < 0.001). Patients admitted more than 6 h after the bite had a higher risk of developing severe envenoming (p = 0.04).