94 resultados para flour improver
β-glucan is currently one of the most important bioactive substances. Hence, there is a growing interest in the production of various foods containing β-glucan. The study examines the influence of the degree of wheat flour extraction in the quality of breads with high β-glucan content. Rheological tests were conducted on dough. Volume, mass, color and texture of bread were measured after baking. We observed that increasing the degree of extraction caused an increase in the storage and loss modulus. All of the bread made from the different flours were smaller in volume after the addition of β-glucan, although the yield increased. The crumb color of β-glucan-added breads was darker than the control samples. Control samples were higher in textural parameters (firmness, gumminess and chewiness). β-glucan-added samples had decreased porosity. The results revealed that using very strong flour with a high protein content results in a high quality β-glucan bread with a higher nutritional value due to the high total dietary fiber and β-glucan content.
The aim of this study was to determine the physical and microbiological characteristics of extruded broken beans flour, in addition to developing mixtures for gluten-free cake with these flours, evaluating their technological and sensory quality. Gluten-free formulations were prepared with 45%, 60% and 75% of extruded broken beans. All analyzes of the flours and mixtures for cakes were performed according to standard techniques found in the literature. Sensory analyzes of cakes applied the 9-point structured hedonic scale. Results were submitted to variance analysis and comparison of means test (Tukey, p<0.05). The use of extruded broken beans improved the water absorbed and water solubility index of the mixtures for gluten-free cake, and for the lower viscosity and retrogradation when compared to the standard formulation. All cakes were accepted (rate ≥ 7) for all the analyzed attributes. From the technological and sensory standpoints, the development of gluten-free cake mixtures is feasible with up to 75% of extruded broken beans.
Pearl millet flour was utilized in kibbeh formulations instead of whole-wheat flour. Physicochemical properties, oxidation stability and sensorial characteristics of control kibbeh made with whole-wheat flour (CT) were compared with kibbehs prepared with millet flour (roasted or wet) and stored for 90 days (–18 °C). Kibbeh prepared with millet flour presented good oxidation stability (TBARS concentration). Baked kibbehs (with roasted millet flour) presented good acceptability and kibbeh samples did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) from the whole-wheat flour sample, when global appearance, texture and flavor were evaluated. Millet flour could be a suitable ingredient for kibbeh formulations, maintaining their nutritional value and sensorial quality in addition to being a gluten-free product.
AbstractFlour prepared via current assay methodologies from the carcasses of the Pantanal alligator (Caiman crocodilus yacare) was analyzed for its chemical composition, minerals, fatty acids, and sensorial profile. Carcasses of the Pantanal alligator, originating from the Coocrijapan scientific zoo, Cáceres MT Brazil, were utilized. The carcasses were cooked for 60 minutes in a pressure cooker with water containing 2% salt and 5% chimichurri. The cooked carcasses were then ground and the mass was used for the manufacture of flour via three techniques: non-smoked, hot-smoked, and liquid-smoked. After each technique, the carcasses were dehydrated at 60ºC for 3h and were ground. Alligator flour was then produced. The moisture of liquid-smoked flour (10.97%) was higher than that of non-smoked flour (3.78%) and hot-smoked flour (4.43%). The flours provided high protein (57.11% - 58.27%) and ash (23.45 – 26.42%) rates, and were predominantly calcium (6.77% - 7.69%), phosphorus (3.67% - 4.05%), and iron (73.13 – 273.73 ppm/100 mg). Smoked-flour had a better acceptance rate by tasters when compared to non-smoked flour. Results show that flours produced from alligator carcasses had high protein, ash, and mineral rates and a reasonable acceptability by most tasters.
Abstract Grape pomace, which is derived from the skin and seeds, is the residue from the production of grape juice and wine. It corresponds to up to 20% of the total volume and it contains a high level of dietary fibers and bioactive compounds. In the Brazilian market, there is no product containing grape pomace as a replacement for conventional wheat flour. Thus, this study aimed to assess the effects of whole-wheat flour and organic Bordeaux grape pomace (Vitis labrusca L.) on the sensory, physicochemical and functional properties of cookies using response surface methodology (RSM). The regression models indicated that the addition of whole-wheat and organic grape pomace decreased (p < 0.0001) the water activity and significantly increased the content of fibers, hardness, brittleness, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of the cookies. The RSM models presented suitable R2 and R2adj values (> 65% of explained data variability), except for brittleness. The sensory evaluation results revealed that no significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed for the cookie samples, implying that the addition of grape pomace and whole-wheat flour did not negatively affect the preference of cookies.
The aim of this work was to study the changes induced by BG in the behaviour of wheat starch, and observe the influence of these variations on the quality of a basic white bread. The effect of four BG addition levels in the wheat flour functional characteristics (WAI, WSI, and pasting properties) and bread quality (physical parameters, crumb grain structure, moisture and hardness) was investigated. The highest levels of BG (1% and 2%) decreased the peak viscosity, and increased the stability and setback of the flour. This was due to a lower gelatinization of the starch granules, caused by a competition for water between the hydrocolloid and starch. These changes influenced the bread quality. The loaves added with 1% and 2% of BG presented smaller alveoli: this resulted in more compact, hard and less airy crumbs. Nevertheless, the moisture of the samples at 1% and 2% of added gum was higher than the control bread. However, the incorporation of BG at 0.5% did not affect the pasting parameters and bread quality, but increased moisture of crumb, so this concentration would be most recommended for baking, since higher humidity could favour the shelf- life of the product.
Abstract A wide range of quality parameters have been used to describe maize flours for food use, but there is no general agreement about the most suitable parameters for breadmaking. The objective of this study was to identify the maize flour parameters related to the consumer perceived quality of Portuguese broa bread (more than 50% maize flour). The influence of eleven maize landraces was assessed and compared with commercial flour using baking tests. The broa were evaluated by instrumental (colour, firmness) and sensory hedonic analysis with a consumer panel of 52 assessors. The broa sensory analysis revealed similar assessments among landraces and the lowest scores for commercial flour. The flour particle size distribution is the major influence, with commercial flour showing the highest mean diameter and a large particle distribution range. Broa consumer panel linkage associations and specific sensory descriptors have been identified; age as an influence on colour, cohesiveness, and source region as an influence on appearance and texture.
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical quality and sensory acceptance of gluten-free breads with different percentages of chia flour (Salvia Hispanica L .). The chia flour was used to substitute rice flour and soy flour in order to replace the gum required in this type of bread. Four formulations were developed; a standard made with gum, and three formulations with 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5% of chia flour. Analyses of specific volume, cooking losses and the rise in dough of the breads were performed. Sensory analysis included tests for affective acceptability and purchase intent. The results showed that the bread with 2.5% chia flour had specific volume and cooking losses similar to the standard. In terms of the rise in dough, the standard showed the highest values, followed by the bread made with 5.0% chia flour. The substitution of soy and rice flour with 2.5% of chia flour produced bread with sensory characteristics similar to the standard in all of the analyzed attributes; it also received higher purchase intent. Using chia flour at a concentration of 2.5%, compared to rice flour and soy flour, proved that it was possible to replace gum in the bread formulation.
OBJECTIVE To analyze if dietary patterns during the third gestational trimester are associated with birth weight.METHODS Longitudinal study conducted in the cities of Petropolis and Queimados, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Southeastern Brazil, between 2007 and 2008. We analyzed data from the first and second follow-up wave of a prospective cohort. Food consumption of 1,298 pregnant women was assessed using a semi-quantitative questionnaire about food frequency. Dietary patterns were obtained by exploratory factor analysis, using the Varimax rotation method. We also applied the multivariate linear regression model to estimate the association between food consumption patterns and birth weight.RESULTS Four patterns of consumption – which explain 36.4% of the variability – were identified and divided as follows: (1) prudent pattern (milk, yogurt, cheese, fruit and fresh-fruit juice, cracker, and chicken/beef/fish/liver), which explained 14.9% of the consumption; (2) traditional pattern, consisting of beans, rice, vegetables, breads, butter/margarine and sugar, which explained 8.8% of the variation in consumption; (3) Western pattern (potato/cassava/yams, macaroni, flour/farofa/grits, pizza/hamburger/deep fried pastries, soft drinks/cool drinks and pork/sausages/egg), which accounts for 6.9% of the variance; and (4) snack pattern (sandwich cookie, salty snacks, chocolate, and chocolate drink mix), which explains 5.7% of the consumption variability. The snack dietary pattern was positively associated with birth weight (β = 56.64; p = 0.04) in pregnant adolescents.CONCLUSIONS For pregnant adolescents, the greater the adherence to snack pattern during pregnancy, the greater the baby’s birth weight.
Aspects related to the longevity and oviposition of Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes, 1985 are studied. Males had a mean lifespan longer than females (40.24 vs. 33.15 days, respectively), while still possessing qualitative advantages during this period. Females O. albuquerquei were fed on powdered milk, fish flour, refined sugar and water, and provided fish flour and moistened sawdust for oviposition. The length of the oviposition period for females was 46.75 days, and most of the deposition of the eggs occurred in the first days of the colony. Females completed 50% of their egg deposition by Day 16, seven days before the large last mortality peak and about 12 days after the first oviposition in the colony. Females deposited an average of 184 eggs per individual. Mortality of males, unlike females, was low until the 28th day, and increased thereafter. It was demonstrated that it is possible to maintain colonies of this species under laboratory conditions for at least 28 days with high fertility and low cost.
Ophyra albuquerquei may often be a potential predator of Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 in poultry and pig houses in southern Brazil. Here we address the developmental period of immatures stages and their viability. To obtain eggs, larvae and pupae, a colony was established in the laboratory. Adult flies were fed on a diet comprising two parts dry milk, two parts sugar and one part fish flour. Larval diet comprised one part fish flour and one part sawdust and water. The eggs, larvae and pupae were incubated at 26º ± 1ºC, 75% ± 10% R.H. and 12 h photoperiod. The egg to adult cycle took 573 h with a total viability of 64%. The shortest of the stages was the egg stage, which lasted about 20 h. The larval stage had the lowest viability (about 82%) and longest time interval (279 h). Overall, the results of this study show that O. albuquerquei can be readily maintained in the laboratory.
- The objective of this work was to determine the total protein profile and the contents of the four major protein fractions (albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin) and of the amino acids in the endosperm of the rice wild species Oryza glumaepatula. The experiment was performed with 29 accessions of this species, collected from 13 Brazilian locations, and two commercial cultivars. Protein samples were prepared using dried, polished, and ground grains to obtain homogeneous, dry flour used in the preparation of extracts. Oryza glumaepatula accessions were identified with the highest levels of total protein, albumin and glutelin protein fractions, and amino acids (with the exception of tryptophan) in comparison to the two analized rice cultivars. The albumin and glutelin profiles in SDS-Page were distinct between rice cultivars and O. glumaepatula. This wild species has the potential to increase the nutritional quality of rice storage protein through interspecific crosses.
This paper presents a system for electrochemical hydride generation using flow-injection and atomic absorption spectrometry to determine selenium in biological materials. The electrolytic cell was constructed by assembling two reservoirs, one for the sample and the other for the electrolytic solution separated by a Nafion membrane. Each compartment had a Pt electrode. The sample and electrolyte flow-rates, acidic media, and applied current were adjusted to attain the best analytical performance and ensure the membrane lifetime. The atomisation system used a T quartz tube in an air-LPG flame. The composition of the flame, the observation height, and the argon flow rate used to carry the hydrides were critically investigated. The system allowed to perform thirty determinations per hour with a detection limit of 10 mug L-1 of Se. Relative standard deviations were in general lower than 1.5% for a solution containing 20.0 and 34.0 mug L-1 of Se in a typical sample digest. Accuracy was assessed analysing the certified materials: rice flour (NIST-1568) from National Institute of Standard and Technology and dried fish (MA-A-2), whole animal blood (A-2/1974) from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Complex B vitamins are present in some cereal foods and the ingestion of enriched products contributes to the recommended dietary intake of these micronutrients. To adapt the label of some products, it is necessary to develop and validate the analytical methods. These methods must be reliable and with enough sensitivity to analyze complex B vitamins naturally present in food at low concentration. The purpose of this work is to evaluate, with validated methods, the content of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and niacin in five cereal flours used in food industry (oat, rice, barley, corn and wheat).
An enzymatic method was used for obtaining protein extracts from wheat flour using an alkaline protease. Some parameters were evaluated aiming the optimization of this method: temperature (40-50 ºC); time (2-5 h); physical treatment of the sample (no treatment, ultra-turrax/16,000 rpm/5 min and ultrasound/120 W/10 min); enzyme:substrate ratio (E:S) of 5:100 - 10:100 and concentration of wheat flour (1:3, 1:5 and 1:10 w/v). The results showed that the best condition for protein extraction was that using the sample concentration of 1:3 (w/v), ultra-turrax, E:S of 10:100, at 40 ºC, 2 h, having reached an extraction yield of 88.53%.