164 resultados para fallback foods


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Survey of ear flies (Diptera, Ulidiidae) in maize (Zea mays L.) and a new record of Euxesta mazorca Steyskalin Brazil. Species of Euxesta (Diptera, Ulidiidae), known as silk flies or ear flies, are becoming increasingly important as maize insect pests in South America, although very little is known about them in Brazil. The larvae of some species of this genus initially damage female reproductive tissues, and then the developing kernels on the ear. As a result of feeding, fermentation and associated odors cause complete loss of the grain because it is no longer fit for human or livestock consumption. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the incidence of Euxesta spp. in Brazilian maize fields and to determine the most prevalent species using two different hydrolyzed protein foods attractants, BioAnastrepha® (hydrolyzed maize protein) and Torula, placed inside McPhail traps. The two species identified were E. eluta Loew and E. mazorca Steyskal, the latter being a new record from Brazil. Between the two species, E. eluta was the more abundant in maize fields. Both attractants were efficient in capturing the two species. However, BioAnastrepha® captured significantly more insects than Torula.


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Soils play a fundamental role in the production of human foods. The Oxisols in the state of Paraná are among the richest and most productive soils in Brazil, but degradation and low porosity are frequently documented, due to intensive farming involving various management strategies and the application of high-tech solutions. This study aims to investigate changes in the porosity of two Red Oxisols (Latossolos Vermelhos), denoted LVef (eutroferric) and LVdf (dystroferric) under conventional and no-tillage soil management, with a succession of annual crops of soybean, maize and wheat over a continuous period of more than 20 years. After describing the soil profiles under native forest, no-tillage management and conventional tillage using the crop profile method, deformed and non-deformed soil samples were collected from the volumes most compacted by human intervention and the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties analyzed. The various porosity classes (total pore volume, inter-aggregate porosity between channels and biological cavities) and intra-aggregate porosity (determined in 10 cm³ saturated clods subjected to a pressure of -10 kPa to obtain a pore volume with a radius (r eq), > 15 μm and < 15 μm). The results showed that the effects of no-tillage farming on porosity are more pronounced in both soil types. Porosity of the LVdf was higher than pf the LVef soil, whatever the management type. In the LVdf soil, only pores with a radius of > 15 μm were affected by farming whereas in the LVef soil, pores with a radius of < 15 μm were affected as well.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of grains of soybean (Glycine max) cultivars for food processing. The soybean cultivars evaluated were: grain-type - BRS 133 and BRS 258; food-type - BRS 213 (null lipoxygenases), BRS 267 (vegetable-type) and BRS 216 (small grain size). BRS 267 and BRS 216 cultivars showed higher protein content, indicating that they could promote superior nutritional value. BRS 213 cultivar showed the lowest lipoxygenase activity, and BRS 267, the lowest hexanal content. These characteristics can improve soyfood flavor. After cooking, BRS 267 cultivar grains presented a higher content of aglycones (more biologically active form of isoflavones) and oleic acid, which makes it proper for functional foods and with better stability for processing, and also showed high content of fructose, glutamic acid and alanine, compounds related to the soybean mild flavor. Because of its large grain size, BRS 267 is suitable for tofu and edamame, while small-grain-sized BRS 216 is good for natto and for soybean sprouts production. BRS 216 and BRS 213 cultivars presented shorter cooking time, which may be effective for reducing processing costs.


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This paper seeks to explore a survey of consumers in Spain. The survey explores the attributes of quality that consumers are seeking and promotion of grapes via "quality" marks, which are indicators of possible ways to increase demand. The reason consumers are switching to other foods, such as dairy based snacks, is that grapes are not easy to eat, can be unreliable in terms of their quality attributes, and their price more variable. Consumers are also generally unaware of the marks quality currently used.


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O experimento foi realizado em área de pequeno produtor fornecedor da Maguari (Kraft Foods do Brasil) em Araguari - MG, e teve por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de maracujazeiro-amarelo propagado por enxertia hipocotiledonar, sobre cinco porta-enxertos de passifloráceas nativas. Os tratamentos utilizados foram cinco porta-enxertos: P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. caerulea, P. alata, P. gibertii e P. cincinnata, e o maracujazeiro-amarelo de pé-franco como controle, totalizando seis tratamentos. Para todos os tratamentos, a variedade-copa utilizada foi o maracujazeiro-amarelo Cv. FB 200. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. A parcela foi constituída de uma fileira de 20 metros de comprimento contendo quatro plantas. A condução foi realizada conforme os tratos culturais recomendados para a cultura. As características avaliadas foram: altura das plantas, número de folhas, diâmetro da região da enxertia, diâmetro do enxerto, diâmetro do porta-enxerto, relação enxerto/porta-enxerto. As plantas de P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. caerulea e pé-franco apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento. Já as plantas sobre o porta-enxerto P. alata não desenvolveram bem. Embora as plantas de pé-franco tenham superado numericamente o desenvolvimento das enxertadas sobre P. cincinnata e P. gibertii, não houve diferenças significativas entre eles. O porta-enxerto P. alata influenciou negativamente na altura das plantas, número de folhas, diâmetro da região da enxertia, diâmetro do enxerto, diâmetro do porta-enxerto e na relação enxerto/porta-enxerto.


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O trabalho foi realizado no ripado e na área de Fruticultura do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP), em Jaboticabal-SP, e em área de pequeno produtor fornecedor da Maguari (Kraft Foods do Brasil) em Araguari-MG, tendo por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de maracujazeiro-amarelo enxertado por enxertia hipocotiledonar, sobre seis espécies de Passifloraceas. Foram utilizados sete tratamentos, sendo seis tratamentos com as espécies: P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. caerulea, P. alata, P. gibertii, P. coccinea, P. cincinnata e um tratamento com pé-franco de P. edulis f. flavicarpa. Para todos os tratamentos, a variedade-copa utilizada foi o maracujazeiro-amarelo 'FB 200'. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. A parcela foi constituída de uma linha de quatro plantas (20m lineares). A condução foi realizada conforme os tratos culturais recomendados para a cultura. As características avaliadas foram florescimento, produção, número e peso médio de frutos. Em Jaboticabal-SP, o pé-franco apresentou melhor desenvolvimento e maior produção que as plantas enxertadas. Em Araguari-MG, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. caerulea e pé-franco apresentaram melhor produção. Não houve diferença significativa no número de frutos, e o P. alata diminuiu, em relação aos outros porta-enxertos, o peso dos frutos.


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This review presents some characteristics related to slurry sampling in trace analysis in terms of its advantages, limitations and applications, as well as the latest advance in this area, such as mechanization, chemical modifiers, stabilization agents and others. The reviewed applications include foods, biological and geological materials.


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The microwave oven became a common domestic equipment, due mainly to the short time spent to heat foods. One of the most interesting characteristics of the microwave oven is the selective heating. Different from the conventional oven, where the heating is not selective, the heating by microwave depends on the chemical nature of the matter. Many Students of Chemistry have no knowledge of the principles involved in this selective heating, in spite of the daily microwave oven use. The heating by microwave is feasible for chemistry courses. In discussions about the microwave absorption by the matter it is possible to explore chemical properties like: heat capacity, chemical bound, molecular structure, dipole moments, polarization and dielectric constant. This paper presents the basic principles involved in the microwave heating. It is proposed a simple and inexpensive experiment that could be developed in general chemistry courses, to illustrate the relationship between heating and the chemical properties of some solvents. Experiments to check the power of the microwave oven are also proposed.


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A critical review of the most relevant analytical methodologies for quality and authenticity control of dairy products and foods containing milk proteins is presented. Chromatographic, electrophoretic and immunological methods are used for: detection of cow's milk in ewe and goat milks, detection of whey added to milk, detection of caseins and/or whey proteins in non-lactic foods and study compounds resulting from milk proteins degradation. Techniques based on polimerase chain reaction are also suitable for detection of cow's milk on cheeses of ewe and goat milks.


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The Brazilian market has been showing a growing concern with nutritional values of oil components of foods. Chemical interesterification is a promising alternative to the current processes of modifying the consistency of oils. Chemical interesterification of deodorized palm oil was studied on a laboratory scale. The best results were obtained with 0.4% MeONa and heating for 20 min at 100 °C. These conditions are based on the largest variation in triacylglycerols as compared to a control. The trisaturated values varied from 6.2 to 9.9%, showing that the consistency of the oil improved for it to be used in margarines, without the formation of trans isomers.


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The aim of this work is to discuss selected applications of electroanalytical techniques for the detection of pesticides in foods and beverages, published in the last ten years. The applications involved different working electrodes for the electroanalytical determination of pesticides, namely amperometric biosensors, cholinesterase-based biosensors, polymer-modified electrodes, ultramicroelectrodes and hanging mercury drop electrodes. They were used for several voltammetric and amperometric techniques in different analytical procedures for the detection and quantification of different classes of pesticides in different food matrices.


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Fumonisins are mycotoxins occurring worldwide, mainly in maize and maize-based food products, which could affect animal and human health. This paper reviews analytical methodologies for the determination of these fungal toxins in foods. It includes extraction, cleanup, derivatization procedures, detection, quantification, and confirmation procedures. Initial attempts at gas chromatographic methods and thin layer chromatography were supplanted by liquid chromatographic methods, mainly performed with fluorometric detection, or mass spectrometry detection, enabling the analysis of polar and thermolabile chemicals without chemical derivatization, which results in lower limits of detection. Alternative methods, such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay or zone capillary zone electrophoresis, are also described.


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The aim of this work was to develop and to validate a methodology using HPLC for the simultaneous determination of folates and folic acid in foods. The limits of detection and the recovery rates for the vitamins in the certified reference materials were respectively 5 pg/mL and 94-108% for 5-MTHF, 7 pg/mL and 97-102% for THF, 30 pg/mL and 97.9-104% for 5-FTHF, 30 pg/mL and 95-107 for 10-FFA, 5 ng/mL and 97-102% for FA and 5 ng/mL and 98-103% for 10-MFA. Repeatability showed a coefficient of variation below 3.9% for all the vitamins. The proposed methodology was shown to be efficient when applied to different certified reference materials, namely pig's liver (BCR487), powdered milk (BCR421) and a vegetable mixture (BCR485).


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Synthetic dyes are much used in processed foods. HPLC was applied to different types of snacks, such as colored cereals, chocolate confetti, chewing gums and candies for the determination of those additives. In the case of artificially colored breakfast cereals, 71% of the samples exceeded the allowed limits. Regarding the portions recommended for consumption by the makers of two of the samples, the amounts exceeded those allowed by the Brazilian legislation. In the case of chocolate confetti and candies none of the samples showed higher amounts than those allowed. However 37% of the chewing gum samples presented larger contents than the authorized ones, and one sample contained five times more synthetic dyes than allowed.


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Photodynamic Therapy uses photosensitive dyes and visible light that, combined in the presence of oxygen, produce cytotoxic species that cause tumor death. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeasts and viruses (including HIV) can also be inactivated by visible light after treatment with an appropriate photosensitizer as an alternative low cost treatment for localized infections, viral lesions such as acnes, and fungical skin lesions for example. Besides, Photodynamic Inactivation can be used for sterilization of blood and its subproducts for clinical use, in the treatment of drinking water as well as in antimicrobial detoxification of foods.