56 resultados para culture,worldbuilding,hofstede,agar,fictional universes,animated media
É proposta uma modificação da fórmula do agar fenil-alanina, com a finalidade de simplificar a prova da desaminação dêste aminoácido, que consiste na adição de citrato de ferro amoniacal ao meio.
Ao pesquisar-se a presença de Salmonella a partir de materiais diversos, foram empregados vários meios de cultura e entre eles o meio Agar Xilose Lisina Verde Brilhante, com a finalidade de avaliá-lo em relação a outros meios seletivo-indicadores mais comumente empregados no isolamento desses microrganismos. Os resultados mostraram que o meio Agar Xilose Lisina Verde Brilhante foi inferior aos Agar SS e Agar Verde Brilhante, ligeiramente superior ao Agar EMB e superior ao Agar Sulfito de Bismuto no isolamento de Salmonella. Grande vantagem adicional desse meio é que as colônias de Salmonella apresentam-se facilmente identificáveis.
Lyme Disease is a tick-borne (specially by Ixodes ticks) immune-mediated inflammatory disorder caused by a newly recognize spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. Indirect fluorescent antibody (IF) staining methods and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay are frequently relied upon to confirm Lyme borreliosis infections. Although serologic testing for antibodies has limitations, it is still the only practical means of confirming B. burgdorferi infections. Because we have no previous report of Lyme disease in human inhabitants in Argentina, a study was designed as a seroepidemiologic investigation of the immune response to B. burgdorferi in farm workers of Argentina with arthritis symptoms. Three out of 28 sera were positive (#1,5 and 9). Serum # 1 was positive for Immunoglobulin G at dilution 1:320, serum # 5 and # 9 both to dilution 1:160; while for Immunoglobulin M all (#1, 5 and 9) were positive at low dilution (1:40) using IF. The results showed that antibodies against B. burgdorferi are present in an Argentinian population. Thus caution should be exercised in the clinical interpretation of arthritis until the presence of B. burgdorferi be confirmed by culture in specific media.
INTRODUCCIÓN: Considerando la indiscutible evidencia de los efectos adversos del tabaco, para la salud, millones de personas continúan fumando. La situación es de mayor gravedad, ya que muchos de estos fumadores y la mayoría de los nuevos fumadores, tanto en Chile, como en otros países, son adolescentes. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar la prevalencia de tabaquismo en escolares chilenos y cuantificar el impacto relativo que ejercen factores socioeconómicos, socioculturales, familiares, de exposición a medios de comunicación de masas, demográficos, educacionales y psicosociales, sobre la prevalencia de tabaquismo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria, representativa de 2.967 escolares de educación básica y media de la Región Metropolitana de Chile, proporcional de acuerdo al curso(IV, VI, y VIII año básico y I y IV año medio), sexo, tipo de colegio y área geográfica. La prevalencia de tabaquismo se determinó mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado. El nivel socioeconómico(NSE) se midió por medio del método de Graffar modificado, midiéndose además, las condiciones familiares, la exposición a medios de comunicación de masas y factores psicosociales. El rendimiento escolar se determinó mediante un test de castellano y matemáticas, al mismo tiempo que se registraron otras variables educacionales. El análisis estadístico incluyó análisis de varianza, test de la t de Student y test de Scheffe para comparación de medias, correlación, regresión múltiple stepwise, chi-cuadrado y la metodología del enfoque de riesgo de OPS/OMS, para el cálculo del riesgo relativo simple (RR). RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de tabaquismo (10,6%) aumentó significativamente con la edad, de 1,3% en los escolares menores de 13 años, a 15,4% y 36,9%, en los adolescentes entre 13-15 años y ³ 16 años, respectivamente (p< 0,001), a la vez que fue mayor en los escolares de sexo femenino. El grado de placer(r=0,499 p<0,001), el grado de rebeldía(r=0,124 p<0,0001), el grado de recreación familiar (r=-0,131 p<0,0001) y el porcentaje de asistencia al colegio(r=-0,118 p< 0,0001), fueron las variables independientes con el mayor poder explicatorio en la varianza del tabaquismo (r²= 0,2860), pero el grado de placer fue la variable con el mayor poder explicatorio en la varianza explicada (89,2%) y con el mayor RR (34,3). El impacto relativo de las variables independientes sobre el tabaquismo experimentó diferencias de acuerdo a la edad, sexo y NSE. CONCLUSIONES: Nuestros resultados han demonstrado que el grado de placer, el grado de rebeldía, el grado de recreación familiar y el porcentaje de asistencia al colegio, fueron las variables independientes que mayormente contribuyeron a explicar el tabaquismo. Estos hallazgos podrían ser de utilidad para las políticas educacionales y de salud focalizadas a la población escolar, con el objeto de prevenir este importante factor de riesgo para la salud de la población.
Calf serum and fetal bovine serum present great variability as to its growth promoting efficiency (GPE). As supplement of culture media to cultivate cells of animal origin they stimulate the "in vitro" multiplication and maintain cell viability. When fourteen lots of calf sera of variable GPE had the total protein contents as well as the percentages of serum fractions determined, no significant differences that could possibly explain the variability of the GPE were observed. Evaluation of the antiproteolytic activity of nineteen lots of calf serum and eighteen serum lots of younger calves showed that the former exhibited lower antiproteolytic titers (1:40 to 1:80) than the latter (1:80 to 1:160). Twelve lots of fetal bovine serum studied in parallel, showed the highest concentration of antiproteolytic factors, with titers equal to 1:320. Sera of bovine origin, but not fetal sera, are usually heat-inactivated, what was demonstrated to be responsible for the decrease of the antiproteolytic activity of 75% of the lots tested. This could explain the inability of certain heat-inactivated sera in promoting multiplication of some cells "in vitro", as verified with primary monkey kidney cells. The results obtained in this study indicated the convenience of submiting each lot of serum to be introduced in cell culture to previous determination of its characteristics, such as growth promoting efficiency, antiproteolytic activity and also toxicity, absence of extraneous agents, etc., in order to minimize the possibility of using serum lots of questionable quality, thus preventing not only the loss of cell lines, but also undesirable and sometimes expensive delays.
Mice immunized with heat or merthiolate-killed culture trypomastigotes of the non-virulent G strain were resistant to the challenge by insect-derived trypomastigotes of the CL strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. No parasitemia was detected, by direct microscopic examination of blood samples, in 90% of immunized mice while all control animals developed a high parasitemia. Trypsinization before heat-inactivation, or fixation with paraformaldehyde, apparently reduced the immunogenicity of the G strain trypomastigotes. Mice immunized with trypomastigotes treated by either of these procedures were not protected against infection by virulent T. cruzi. Analysis of the 13I-labeled surface proteins of G strain trypomastigotes inactivated by the various methods suggests that these components are involved in eliciting protective immunity against T. cruzi infection.
A comparative study of the antigenic profile of bloodstream and cell culture derived trypomastigotes showed many differences in their components. Using mouse anti-T. cruzi antibodies the differences were located mostly in the 120 kDa band, whereas using chagasic patient sera the differences were located in the 85 and 52 kDa bands. These findings might explain known physiological differences between trypomatigotes obtained from cell culture and from infected blood. A brief report of this work has already been published9.
Se estudió la susceptibilidad "in vitro" de 24 cepas de 3 especies del género Cryptococcus a 5 drogas antifúngicas (anfotericina B, 5 fluorocitosina, ketoconazol, itraconazol y miconazol). Las mismas se agruparon según su especie, variedad y origen de aislamiento. Para determinar la concentración inhibitoria mínima (C.I.M.) de cada droga se empleó el método de dilución en agar con el medio básico nitrogenado para levaduras, adicionado de glucosa. Se obtuvo además la media geométrica de estos valores para cada grupo y se comparó cada uno de ellos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron homogéneos con la sola excepción de las cepas de Cryptococcus sp (no neoformans), en las cuales se detectaron elevados valores de C.I.M. para la 5 fluorocitosina.
Six cases of a cavitary pulmonary ball formed by Actinomycetes are reported. They were observed in the state of Bahia, Brazil. All patients complained of cough and hemoptysis and the pathological study showed bronchiectasis and small cavities in the lungs. The lesions contained micro-colonies of Actinomyces, identified by morphology, staining properties and culture in two cases (thioglycolate media). In the six patients the disease was limited to the lungs. In one patient grains were found, within micro-abscesses in the surrounding parenchyma. Probably the invasion occurred due to ulceration of bronchial mucosa that was covered by granulation tissue. The author suggests that as in nocardiosis actinomycosys may have an invasive form, a saprophytic one may and colonize pulmonary cavities.
The fungicidal action of sodium hypochlorite (0.3, 1, 2.5, 5 and 10%); formaldehyde (2, 5, and 10%); and ethyl alcohol (70%) on yeast forms of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb 18 and a newly-isolated Goiana strain was described. Contact between the fungus and the disinfectants was maintained for 1, 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours at room temperature. Viability was evaluated by the fluorescein diacetate-ethidium bromide treatment, culture in solid and liquid media (36ºC and 26ºC); yeast to mycelial germination at room temperature; and radiometric study of metabolic activity. All concentrations of disinfectants were found to be effective in inactivating Pb 18 and Goiana strains, except for the 1-hour contact with 2% formaldehyde, in which fluorescein diacetate-ethidium bromide treatment was found to reveal 40 and 27% of viable cells, respectively. The yeast to mycelial germination method was considered to reveal faster and similar results as compared to culture in solid and liquid media.
Helicobacter pylori was investigated in 189 patients for culture, microscopic visualization of campylobacter-like organisms (CLO) and a ten minute urease test. In 136 (72%) the bacteria was isolated, and in 98 of them CLO were histologically detected. Specificity, sensitivity, positive and negative predictive values of microscopic visualization of CLO were: 0.77, 0.73, 0.97 and 0.51, respectively; 98 culture-positive patients were urease test positive. Specificity, sensitivity, positive and negative predictive values of the urease test were: 0.83, 0.72, 0.92 and 0.54, respectively. Comparing the urease test with culture of H. pylori combined with microscopic visualization of CLO, its specificity, sensitivity, positive and negative predictive values were: 0.95, 0.71, 0.98 and 0.48, respectively. Probably, these values are not real, since bacteria different from H. pylori could be misclassified as CLO.