321 resultados para amônio quaternário
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a assimilação metabólica de nitrogênio em plântulas de seringueira cultivadas na presença de nitrato ou de amônio, por meio da quantificação da atividade das enzimas redutase do nitrato (RN), glutamina sintetase (GS), glutamato sintase (GOGAT) e glutamato desidrogenase (GDH). Os seguintes tratamentos foram avaliados: fontes de N - controle, sem aplicação de N; amônio a 8 mmol L-1; e nitrato a 8 mmol L-1 - e tempos de exposição - 0 e 27 dias -, em arranjo fatorial 3x2, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. A forma amoniacal promoveu maior assimilação metabólica de N, o que resultou em maior acúmulo de aminoácidos. A assimilação, tanto da forma nítrica quanto da amoniacal, aconteceu principalmente via GS/GOGAT; parte do N nítrico é assimilado nas raízes, com pequena participação da GDH, e parte é translocada para outros órgãos. O N amoniacal é totalmente assimilado nas raízes, com significativa participação da GDH. Nas folhas, a GS participa tanto da assimilação primária como da reassimilação do amônio fotorrespirado, independentemente da fonte nitrogenada, enquanto a enzima GDH tem papel secundário, independentemente da fonte ou do tempo de exposição. A atividade da RN in vitro é detectada somente em raízes e caules.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a análise da emissão da fluorescência da clorofila a e dos teores de clorofilas em plantas de Ananas comosus (L. Merril) cv pérola, cultivadas em casa de vegetação, submetidas a quatro concentrações de nitrogênio por adição ou não de sulfato de amônio, de acordo com os seguintes tratamentos: Tº= 0 T1/2 = 15; T1 = 30; e T2 = 60 mg/kg solo. As determinações de fluorescência mínima (F0), máxima (Fm), variável (Fv), terminal (Ft) e da eficiência fotoquímica máxima (Fv/Fm) de folhas adaptadas ao escuro foram realizadas ao longo do dia, aos cinco dias após a segunda aplicação de sulfato de amônio, efetuada 120 dias após o transplantio. A adição de sulfato de amônio afetou a fluorescência variável e a máxima, mas não afetou a fluorescência mínima, a terminal nem a eficiência fotoquímica. Houve diferenças significativas entre os valores das variáveis da fluorescência ao longo do dia em que foram feitas as leituras. Houve diferenças nos teores de clorofilas foliares, em função das concentrações de sulfato de amônio aplicadas, com aumento para clorofila a e para a relação clorofila a/b, mas não para clorofila b.
The purpose of this work was the production of ammonium sulfate double labeled with 15N and 34S ((15NH4)2(34)SO4)), employing the ion exchange technique in two different processes. The first one was carried out using Na2(34)SO4 and (15NH4)2SO4 previously enriched. It was possible to obtain about 54g of (15NH4)2(34)SO4 from 70.0g of Na2(34)SO4 and 64.2g of (15NH4)2SO4 . The second method involved the production of H2(34)SO4, by ion exchange, and its subsequent reaction with 15NH3(aq), using a distillation system, to yield 58 g of (15NH4)2(34)SO4 from 43.1 g of H2(34)SO4.
This paper evaluates the occurrence of nitrate and ammonium in the Barreiras aquifer in the metropolitan area of Belém, Pará State, Brazil. The results show that some wells display ammonium and nitrate concentrations above or close to the limits of water potability regulations. The main cause of the pollution of these waters is related the local disposal of domestic effluents and/or leakage from pipes of old sewage systems.
Wet and dry (dust) deposition was measured in the Serra dos Órgãos National Park. VWM pH was 5.3. Non-sea-salt (nss) SO4(2-) comprised 97% of total SO4(2-). The molar ratio [2(nss-SO4(2-)) + NO3-]/[NH4+ + H+] was 1.1, suggesting that pH is predominantly controlled by H2SO4, HNO3, and NH3. Wet deposition of NH4+, NO3-, and nss-SO4(2-) was respectively 0.59, 0.25, and 0.30 kmol ha-1 yr-1. Assuming that dry deposition of N can comprise 30-50% of its total (dry + wet) deposition, the latter is estimated to be 1.2-1.7 kmol ha-1 yr-1 (17-24 kg N ha-1 yr-1).
This work describes the use of clinoptilolite for removal of ammonium ions present in waters produced at the Campos' Basin. Samples were previously treated in order to remove organic compounds and metals. Experiments were run in fixed- and fluidized-bed systems, at room temperature. The fluidized-bed systems did not remove efficiently the ammonium ion. The best operational conditions were obtained with clinoptilolite particle size in the range 0.30-0.50 mm, under ascendant flow (3 mL min-1), in a fixed-bed system. The best zeolite performance was found when it was pretreated with 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH. Na+ was the most important interfering ion due to its high concentration in the water. Clinoptilolite lost partially its capacity to retain ammonium ions after several regeneration cycles with NaOH.
A binary sampling flow analysis system equipped with gas diffusion cell was developed for NH4+ and/or NH2Cl determination in wastewater and disinfection products samples based on the Berthelot reaction of the NH2Cl diffused through the semi-permeable PTFE membrane. The effect of the analytical conditions related to the reaction and flow parameters were evaluated and N-NH4+ and N-NH2Cl were determined in concentration ranges from 0.17 to 5 mg L-1 and from 0.5 to 14.5 mg L-1, respectively. Limits of detection (3σ) of 50 and 140 µg L-1 for N-NH4+ and N-NH2Cl were calculated, respectively, and RSD of 5 and 2% were calculated for 10 consecutive determinations of N-NH4+ (1 and 3 mg L-1) and N-NH2Cl (3 and 9 mg L-1), respectively with 30 determinations h-1.
In this work, the combustion process of ammonium dinitramide, ADN, has been modeled in two different situations: decomposition in open environment, with abundant air and decomposition in a rocket motor internal environmental conditions. The profiles of the two processes were achieved, based on molar fractions of the species that compose the products of ADN combustion. The velocity of formation and quantity of species in the open environment was bigger than the ones in the rocket motor environment, showing the effect of the different atmosphere in the reactions kinetics.
Rainwater samples (bulk deposition samples) were collected in Pinheiro and Viana. Rainwater pHs were higher than the range usually expected for unpolluted rain (5.0-5.6). The highest values were found in the beginning of the rainy season. High concentrations of ammonium found in the rainwater samples could probably explain the high pHs. Grazing animals and other human activities, combined with soil characteristics and climatic conditions can be the potential factors controlling the rainwater concentrations of ammonium in Baixada Maranhense.
Sodium faujasite zeolites with Si/Al ratio of 1.4 and 2.5 were exchanged with methylammonium cations. The influence of framework aluminum and ion exchange degree in their basic properties were evaluated. These properties were assessed in the Knoevenagel catalytic condensation. The sodium ion exchange was restricted to the supercavity and the exchange degree depended on the cation volume and on the Si/Al ratio. The higher catalytic activity is achieved for the zeolite with the lower Si/Al ratio exchanged with the monomethylammonium cation. The best performance of this catalyst is attributed to the higher basicity in combination with elevated micropore volume.
Iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized in microemulsion systems composed by Triton X-100/hexyl alcohol/cyclohexane/aqueous solution. The nanoparticles were synthesized in microemulsions containing different amounts of ammonium, in order to evaluate the influence of this parameter on the size of the nanoparticles and on the phase transformation after heat treatment. Powder materials were obtained after centrifugation, washing and drying, and they were analyzed as synthesized and after heating at 350, 500 and 1000 °C. It was observed that the higher amount of ammonium induced smaller particles and minor phase transformation, possibly due to a preferential nucleation process.
The quaternary chitosan was synthesized by reaction of chitosan with glycidyl trimethylammonium chloride. it was characterized by infrared spectra and conductometric titration. Adsorption of reactive blue 4 (RB4) and reactive red 120 (RR120) by quaternary chitosan was studied from aqueous medium. Two kinetic adsorption models were tested: pseudo first-order and pseudo second-order. The experimental data best fitted the pseudo second-order model. The Langmuir isotherm model provided the best fit to the equilibrium data in the concentration range investigated and the maximum adsorption capacity determined was 415 mg (RR120) and 637 mg (RB4) of reactive dye per gram of adsorbent.
Systematic studies were undertaken in the intra zeolitic media to better understand the ability of zeolite type LTA in occluded nitrogen used in fertilizer and soil conditioning. We have measured the dry matter production from the cultivation of corn in a greenhouse for about 40 days, and also the amounts of nitrogen absorbed, retained and lost by leaching. The dry matter production in the cultivation with different concentrations of nitrogen occluded in the zeolite, was more efficient than the traditional fertilizer, which demonstrated better use of nitrogen to reduce leaching losses, which implies a possible reduction of costs for nitrogen.
Um sistema de injeção em fluxo envolvendo complexação com dietilditiofosfato de amônio e sorção de complexos metálicos em minicolunas de sílica gel modificada por grupos octadecil C18 é proposto para determinações multielementares em espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado. Influência da concentração de reagentes, natureza do ácido, tempo de reação, tempos de comutação, vazões e interferência de sódio foram investigadas. Água ou solução 2% v/v HNO3 podem ser utilizadas para lavar a coluna antes da eluição dos analitos com etanol. Amostras contendo 5000 mg Na L-1 e analisadas diretamente com o sistema proposto produzem uma concentração aparente de 63Cu de 0,45 µg L-1; por outro lado não foi observada interferência para As, Pb, Bi, Se, In, Tl, Cd, Hg e 65Cu. Para 0,25 % w/v NH4DTP e 3 mL de solução de amostra, curvas analíticas para Bi, Cu, Pb, As, Se, In, Tl, Cd, Hg no intervalo de 0,10 a 2,00 µg L-1 podem ser construídas com boas correlações (r2 > 0.998). A velocidade analítica e sensibilidade podem ser melhoradas pois dependem das condições de pré-concentração e eluição selecionadas. Com os parâmetros acima fixados, limites de detecção de 0.014 (Cu), 0.027 (As), 0.06 (Se), 0.02 (Cd), 0.029 (In), 0.043 (Hg), 0.02 (Tl), 0.06 (Pb) e 0.002 µg L-1 (Bi) foram obtidos.