141 resultados para Wegematic 1000


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Human bartonellosis is found predominantly in Perú2, 6, 8, 12, 15, as well as in Ecuador3, 7, 10 and Colombia13, 15. In Peru, the disease is restricted to the valleys of the western-side and a few inter-andean and eastern-slopes of the andean valleys6, 15, 18 at altitudes between 1000 and 3200 masl. Most human cases are reported from the regions of Chavin, Nor Oriental del Marañon and Lima16. Lutzomyia verrucarum is presumed to be the only vector of human bartonellosis in the valleys of Peru1, 2, 8, 11, 17, 19/ Our research objetive was to detect the presence of Lu. verrucarum in various localities known to be endemic for human bartonellosis in three provinces of Region Nor Oriental del Marañon. Sandfly collections were made between 1987 and 1992 during four visits to bartonellosis-endemic provinces: San Ignacio (districts of San José de Lourdes: 1020-1260 m and La Coipa: 1200-1560 m), Jaén (districts of Santa Rosa: 1300-1680 m and Jaén: 1220-1680 m) and Utcubamba (districts of Lonya Grande: 1200 m and El Milagro: 1200-1540 m)


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The aim of this case series was to describe the clinical, laboratory and epidemiological characteristics and the presentation of bacillary angiomatosis cases (and/or parenchymal bacillary peliosis) that were identified in five public hospitals of Rio de Janeiro state between 1990 and 1997; these cases were compared with those previously described in the medical literature. Thirteen case-patients were enrolled in the study; the median age was 39 years and all patients were male. All patients were human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infected and they had previous or concomitant HIV-associated opportunistic infections or malignancies diagnosed at the time bacillary angiomatosis was diagnosed. Median T4 helper lymphocyte counts of patients was 96 cells per mm³. Cutaneous involvement was the most common clinical manifestation of bacillary angiomatosis in this study. Clinical remission following appropriate treatment was more common in our case series than that reported in the medical literature, while the incidence of relapse was similar. The frequency of bacillary angiomatosis in HIV patients calculated from two of the hospitals included in our study was 1.42 cases per 1000 patients, similar to the frequencies reported in the medical literature. Bacillary angiomatosis is an unusual opportunistic pathogen in our setting.


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Toxocariasis is a frequent helminthiasis that can cause visceral and ocular damage in humans specially in children. The identification of specific antigens of Toxocara canis is important in order to develop better diagnostic techniques. Ten rabbits were infected orally with a dose of 5000 Toxocara canis embryonated eggs. Rabbits were bled periodically and an ELISA assay was performed to determine levels of specific Toxocara IgG antibodies. ELISA detected antibodies at day 15 after infection. Western blot (WB) assay was performed using excretory/secretory antigens (E/S) of T. canis second stage larvae. Different antigen concentrations were evaluated: 150, 200, 250 and 300 µg/mL. The concentration of 250 µg/mL was retained for analysis. Rabbit sera were diluted 1:100. Secondary antibody was used at a dilution of 1:1000. Results of WB indicated that in the first month after infection specific antibodies against the 200 KDa, 116 KDa, 92 KDa and 35 KDa antigens were detected; antibodies against the 92 KDa, 80 KDa, 66 KDa, 45 KDa, 31 KDa and 28 KDa antigens appeared later. All positive sera in the ELISA test were also positive in WB. Two antigen bands, 92 KDa and 35 KDa, were identified since the beginning and throughout the course of infection. These antigens merit further evaluation as candidates for use in diagnosis.


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In order to assess the potential risk of anti-HBc-positive blood donors for post-transfusional hepatitis and to investigate whether other HBV serological markers are capable of identifying the presence of the virus, 1000 first-time blood donors were enrolled between June and July 1997. These donors were screened using routine Brazilian blood center tests (HIV 1 and 2, HTLV 1 and 2, Chagas disease, Syphilis, HCV, HBsAg, anti-HBc and ALT ). The 120 (12%) found to be anti-HBc-positive underwent further tests: HBe, anti-HBe, anti-HBs and HBV-DNA by PCR. Ten cases were HBsAg positive and all were HBV-DNA positive by PCR. Three HBsAg-negative donors were HBV-DNA-positive. Two HBV-DNA-positive donors were also anti-HBs-positive. All the HBV-positive donors had at least one HBV marker other than anti-HBc. Anti-HBc is an important cause of blood rejection. Testing for HBsAg alone is not fully protective and anti-HBc remains necessary as a screening test. The presence of anti-HBs is not always indicative of absence of the virus. The addition of other HBV serological markers could represent an alternative in predicting the presence of the virus when compared with PCR. It is recommended that other studies should be carried out to confirm this finding.


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The insecticidal effect of six commercially available plant oils was tested against 4th larval instars of Culex pipiens. Larvae were originally collected from Meit El-Attar, Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt, and then reared in the laboratory until F1 generation. The LC50 values were 32.42, 47.17, 71.37, 83.36, 86.06, and 152.94 ppm for fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-grecum), earth almond (Cyperus esculentus), mustard (Brassica compestris), olibanum (Boswellia serrata), rocket (Eruca sativa), and parsley (Carum ptroselinum), respectively. The tested oils altered some biological aspects of C. pipiens, for instance, developmental periods, pupation rates, and adult emergences. The lowest concentrations of olibanum and fenugreek oils caused remarkable prolongation of larval and pupal durations. Data also showed that the increase of concentrations was directly proportional to reduction in pupation rates and adult emergences. Remarkable decrease in pupation rate was achieved by mustard oil at 1000 ppm. Adult emergence was suppressed by earth almond and fenugreek oils at 25 ppm. In addition, the tested plant oils exhibited various morphological abnormalities on larvae, pupae, and adult stages. Consequently, fenugreek was the most potent oil and the major cause of malformation of both larval and pupal stages. Potency of the applied plant oils provided an excellent potential for controlling C. pipiens.


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The objective of this study was to describe a pseudo-outbreak of C. difficile in a hospital, following a change in the method used to detect the toxin. In February 2002, there were two cases of CDAD and in March 7 occurred, coinciding with a change of the test (from detection of toxin A to toxin A/B). An outbreak was suspected. Active surveillance and education of staff were started. A CDAD case was defined as a patient with acute onset of diarrhea (³ three episodes of liquid stools) and a positive stool test. They were classified as hospital or community-acquired. Stool samples were also collected for C. difficile culture and isolates were typed using AP-PCR. From March 2002 through December 2003 there were 138 cases of CDAD: 70% were hospital-acquired and among the 30% with CDAD present on admission, most (81%) came directly from the community (50% had no history of hospitalization). Fifty-two percent of hospital-acquired CDAD and 94% of cases on admission had already used antibiotics. The incidence of CDAD in hospitalized patients during surveillance was 3.3 per 1000 patient-admissions. The incidence of CDAD present on admission was 6.1/1000 patients. Sixteen isolates were typed and presented 13 different profiles. In conclusion, the CDAD increase in our study occurred due to change in diagnostic methods and not due to an outbreak, as suspected initially. The incidence in hospitalized patients was much lower than in reported outbreaks. There were 13 molecular types suggesting that an outbreak did not occur. CDAD was largely community-acquired.


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The dengue virus (DENV), which is frequently involved in large epidemics, and the yellow fever virus (YFV), which is responsible for sporadic sylvatic outbreaks, are considered the most important flaviviruses circulating in Brazil. Because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), which is widely dispersed across the Americas. The aim of this study was to conduct a molecular investigation of 11 flaviviruses using 604 serum samples obtained from patients during a large dengue fever outbreak in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) between 2011 and 2012. Simultaneously, 3,433 female Culex spp. collected with Nasci aspirators in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2013, and allocated to 409 pools containing 1-10 mosquitoes, were also tested by multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR for the same flaviviruses. SLEV was detected in three patients co-infected with DENV-4 from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. One of them was a triple co-infection with DENV-1. None of them mentioned recent travel or access to sylvatic/rural regions, indicating that transmission might have occurred within the metropolitan area. Regarding mosquito samples, one pool containing one Culex quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV, with a minimum infection rate (MIR) of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates both human and mosquito SLEV cluster, with isolates from genotype V-A obtained from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará. This is the first report of SLEV molecular identification in MT.


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"Vaccines" prepared from parasites of an avirulent cultivated Y strain of T. cruzi, suspended in phenolated 1/10.000 saline solution, with aluminum stearate, containing alive parasites, gave high degree of protection to mice against a posterior infection with virulent blood forms of the same parasites and strain. The degree of protection with 1/1000 and 1/10.000 phenol "vaccines", with no alive parasites, was very poor specially in the first group. The immunity seems to be related to the number of alive trypanosomes in the "vaccines".


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São relatadas observações acumuladas nos períodos pré-epidêmico e epidêmico (1973-1975) do atual surto de meningoencefalite meningocócica na área do Grande Rio, e realizados estudos bacteriológicos baseados em 1.000 casos suspeitos de meningoencefalite e submetidos à punção lombar, no Hospital Estadual São Sebastião. É proposto e discutido esquema simples e eficaz para processamento bacteriológico dos LCR suspeitos, a partir da colheita e pronta semeadura do material. É também discutida a real contribuição da bacterioscopia no diagnóstico presuntivo das meningoencefalites, definindo-se as limitações da técnica. Foi obtido elevado grau de isolamento de microorganismos, variando de 3%, para líquores entre zero e 10 células/mm' e 72%, para líquores acima de 1000 células/mm³. No decorrer do estudo, foram isoladas e caracterizadas 356 amostras bacterianas, assim discriminadas: N. meningitidis, 281; Haemophilus sp., 22; Enterobacteriaceae, 15; D. pneumoniae, 26; bastonetes gram negativos oxidattvos, 3; estreptococo beta hemolitico, 1 e enterococo, 1. As amostras de meningococos eram, em 15% dos casos, do grupo sorológico A, em 2% do grupo B e em 14%, do grupo sorológico C. Os testes de sensibilidade, em disco, aos agentes antimicrobianos principalmente utilizados na quimioprofilaxia e tratamento da doença meningocócica revelaram alto grau de sensibilidade das amostras ensaiadas a todos os agentes testados. A resistência à sulfadiazina sódica, em testes realizados segundo as normas preconizadas pela Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.), revelaram elevado grau de resistência, particularmente dos meningococos do grupo C.


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A estabilidade da contagem de ovos de Schistosoma mansoni pelo método de Kato-Katz foi avaliada em 144 pessoas residentes em uma área endêmica de Minas Gerais. Os resultados do primeiro exame foram comparados à média obtida em três exames de fezes realizados num período de 11 semanas. Os pacientes foram agrupados de acordo com a contagem de ovos obtida no primeiro exame de fezes: < 100, 100-499, 500-999 e ≥ 1000 ovos (classificação A); < 100, 100-499 e ≥ 500 ovos (classificação B); < 500, 500-999 e ≥ 1000 ovos (classificação C). A percentagem de pacientes que permaneceram no mesmo grupo no qual haviam sido enquadrados no primeiro exame foi estatisticamente semelhante nas classificações A, Be C (73-81%). O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi alto (r= 0,9038) e a média geométrica do número de ovos no primeiro exame (5 75,7 + 5,4) foi semelhante à obtida em três exames de fezes (556,6 + 4,4 ovos/g fezes).


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Antibodies against striated muscle (cardiac and skeletal) were studied in serum samples from 36 purebred prepubertal Pinscher dogs (15 Controls without infection and 21 infected with Trypanosoma cruzi from 7 to 400 days after infection with 1000 trypomastigotes/gram body weight of the Colombiana strain by the intraperitoneal route). Although three different immunohistological pattems of tissue-reacting immunoglobulins were found their presence was not correlated with any peculiar characteristics or with the severity of the disease in each particular dog.


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Foi avaliada a resposta terapêutica em 75 doentes com malária pelo P. falciparum, em Porto Velho - Rondônia, tratados com mefloquina nas doses de 1250, 1000 e 750 mg. Não houve diferença significante nos resultados obtidos nos três grupos. Até o terceiro dia de tratamento, a febre desapareceu em 76,0% dos casos. A parasitemia negativou-se em 68,0% dos pacientes nos 3 primeiros dias após o inicio do tratamento, em 24,0% no quarto dia e em 5,3% no quinto.Havia um doente positivo no sexto dia e outro no sétimo. Nenhum paciente apresentou trofozoito no período de seguimento de 7 a 28 dias. Não houve modificações do quadro hematológico, exceto por um incremento da taxa de reticulócitos em 76,0%. As alterações bioquímicas registradas no seguimento dos doentes constaram de elevação da desidrogenase lática (28,0%) e, dafosfatase alcalina (41,3%). As reações colaterais foram discretas e infreqüentes; em 72,0% dos tratados não se constatou nenhum efeito secundário. Não se verificou nenhum caso de recidiva. A mefloquina revelou-se eficaz e bem tolerada no tratamento da malária no Estado de Rondônia.


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Human accidental infection with Angiostrongylus costaricensis may result in abdominal disease of varied severity. Slugs from the Veronicellidae family are the main intermediate hosts for this parasitic nematode of rodents. Phyllocaulis variegatus, Phyllocaulis soleiformis and Phyllocaulis boraceiensis were experimentally infected to describe the kinetics of L3 elimination in the mucus secretions of those veronicelid species. A maximum of 2 L3/g/day was found in the mucus, while the number of L3 isolated from the fibromuscular tissues varied from 14 to 448. Productive infection was established by inoculations in the hyponotum or in the body cavity, through the tegument. Intra-cavity injection is a less complex procedure and permits a better control of inocula. A preliminary trial to titrate the infective dosis for P. variegatus indicated that inocula should range between 1000 and 5000 L1. The data also confirmed the importance of P. variegatus as an intermediate host of A. costaricensis.


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La Universidad de Guadalajara decidió realizar en 1987 un estudio seroepidemiológico para conocer la prevalencia de la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en los 124 municipios del Estado de Jalisco, México, en el cual se obtuvieron tasas de 21,6 por 100 habitantes. De diciembre de 1993 a junio de 1994 se realizó un seguimiento de algunos de esos individuos, estudiándose sólo 2669 de ellos, de 50 municipios de áreas rurales del estado. Las causas de no encuesta de los faltantes fueron diversas, estando entre las más importantes la emigración (27,6) y la renuencia (14,8). Encontramos a 476 positivos (17,8%) y 2193 negativos (82,2%). Este segundo estudio nos permitió detectar 80 infectados nuevos (2,9%) lo que representa una tasa de incidencia de 30 por 1000 habitantes. Sin embargo, encontramos una seroconversión en los individuos estudiados, ya que de 1007 individuos que estaban positivos en 1987, 943 de ellos continúan así, mientras, que 64 individuos se negativizaron (2,3%), no siendo esto imputable a fallas de laboratorio, la prevalencia de positividad detectada en ambos estudios fue casi idéntica 18,1 y 17,8 % respectivamente, por lo que nosotros pensamos que las condiciones en que viven los individuos de las localidades rurales del Estado de Jalisco favorecen a que las infecciones continúen.


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To investigate whether mice immunization with the recombinant form of a 14.7 KDa Schistosoma mansoni protein (rSm14) confers protection against a S. mansoni lethal challenge infection, rSm14-immunized mice were challenged with different cercarial burdens. A significant protection was detected in immunized mice challenged with 100 or 1,000 S. mansoni cercariae when compared with their controls (p< 0.004 and p< 0.01 respectively). Differently from previous report, none of the mice from the control group (not immunized and infected with 1000 cercariae) died before the 30th day post-infection. A direct correlation between the number of challenge cercariae and the precocity of mice death was found. IgM anti-rSm14 antibodies were significantly produced (p< 0.05) mainly in the groups of immunized mice infected with 500 or 1000 cercariae. IgG and IgA anti-rSm14 antibodies were not significantly detected. In Western immunoblots, all mice sera showed a specific antibody response with a 14.7 KDa antigen being reacted with particular intensity in sera from immunized mice. The results show that immunization with rSm14 reduced mice worm burden independently of the cercariae load of challenge infection. No correlation was found between serum antibodies and worm burden reduction. In relation to cercarial load and the rate and precocity of mice mortality a direct correlation was found.