165 resultados para Testosterona, Hormones sexuals


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The objective of this work was to assess the regulatory effects of auxin-priming on gas exchange and hormonal homeostasis in spring wheat subjected to saline conditions. Seeds of MH-97 (salt-intolerant) and Inqlab-91 (salt-tolerant) cultivars were subjected to 11 priming treatments (three hormones x three concentrations + two controls) and evaluated under saline (15 dS m-1) and nonsaline (2.84 dS m-1) conditions. The priming treatments consisted of: 5.71, 8.56, and 11.42 × 10-4 mol L-1 indoleacetic acid; 4.92, 7.38, and 9.84 × 10-4 mol L-1 indolebutyric acid; 4.89, 7.34, and 9.79 × 10-4 mol L-1 tryptophan; and a control with hydroprimed seeds. A negative control with nonprimed seeds was also evaluated. All priming agents diminished the effects of salinity on endogenous abscisic acid concentration in the salt-intolerant cultivar. Grain yield was positively correlated with net CO2 assimilation rate and endogenous indoleacetic acid concentration, and it was negatively correlated with abscisic acid and free polyamine concentrations. In general, the priming treatment with tryptophan at 4.89 × 10-4 mol L-1 was the most effective in minimizing yield losses and reductions in net CO2 assimilation rate, under salt stress conditions. Hormonal homeostasis increases net CO2 assimilation rate and confers tolerance to salinity on spring wheat.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of abscisic acid, applied at different rates and different fruit developmental stages, on the thinning of 'Chiripá' peach. Abscisic acid (ABA) at 500 mg L-1 was applied at three stages of fruit development based on lignin deposition: stage 1, at 24 days after full bloom (DAFB); stage 2, at 40 DAFB; and stage 3, at 52 DAFB. Only ABA application at stage 2 - 40 DAFB - reduced fruit set and the number of fruit per plant. Three ABA concentrations (350, 500, and 750 mg L-1) were then applied at 40 DAFB. All rates increased fruit ethylene production and fruit abscission.


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In the last years, several research groups have been working on the synthesis of new steroidal plant hormones called brassinosteroids (BS), which promote plant growth and better crops. Many synthetic targets and applications of these compounds and their analogues have been described in the literature. From Solanum species of the Distrito Federal, we isolated the steroidal alkaloid solasodine, which was then converted into our starting material, vespertiline. By functionalization of rings A and B, we have synthesized a new analogue of BS, with a 2alpha,3alpha-dihydroxy-6-one structure, typical of the naturally occurring BS castasterone, the immediate biosynthetic precursor of brassinolide.


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Molecular Modeling is an important tool in drug design and it is very useful to predict biological activity from a library of compounds. A wide variety of computer programs and methods have been developed to visualize the tridimensional geometry and calculate physical properties of drugs. In this work, we describe a practical approach of molecular modeling as a powerful tool to study structure-activity relationships of drugs, including some antibacterials, hormones, cholinergic and adrenergic agents. At first, the students learn how to draw 3D structures and use them to perform conformational and molecular analysis. Thus, they compare drugs with similar pharmacological activity by superimposing one structure on the top of another and evaluate the geometry and physical properties.


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Natural and synthetic estrogens have been detected in rivers, lakes and estuaries in several parts of the world. The primary sources of these compounds are the industrial and household effluents, which are not eliminated by the received treatment. This paper presents a brief description of the problem as well as the physical and chemical characteristics of the main compounds, the environmental behavior, methods of determination, ecotoxicological aspects and a discussion about its relevance in terms of ecology and public health.


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The aim of this work was to analyze 17 β estradiol and estrone, natural estrogenic hormones present in domestic effluents and animal excreta, in the public water supply system of Jaboticabal, SP. The results have shown the presence of estrogens in 22% of the samples in concentrations from 6,8 ng L-1 (treated water) to 30,6 ng L-1 (riverhead) for 17 β estradiol and 600 ng L-1 of estrone (stream), respectively. We concluded that animal wastes, discharges from the wastewater treatment station, and discharges of domestic effluent without treatment from rural proprieties were probably the cause of this contamination.


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An analytical procedure for determination of estriol, 17β-estradiol, estrone and 17α-ethinylestradiol in drinking water is presented. The method employs solid phase extraction (SPE) and sample dechlorination as cleanup procedures, followed by HPLC-DAD analysis. Validation was carried out using RE No. 899/2003 guidelines established by the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance, Brazil), with some adaptations. The statistically evaluated results have shown that the method is selective, precise (0,06% to 19,40% CV) and accurate (91,52% to 109,41% average recoveries). The developed method was applied to the analysis of these contaminants in drinking water from São Luís, MA.


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This paper describes the adsorption of 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) from aqueous solution by decomposed peat. The peat presented a good adsorption process, close to 76.2% for E2 removal and approximately 55.0% for EE2. Moreover, the results indicated a probable multi-layered process. Adsorption isotherms were well fitted by Freundlich model. The data were evaluated considering the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order approaches, being the second more significant mechanism in the rate-controlling step. Thermodynamic data revealed that hormones adsorption onto peat is spontaneous under the employed experimental conditions. The results confirmed the potential of this adsorbent to be employed for effluents treatment.


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The marine environment is certainly one of the most complex systems to study, not only because of the challenges posed by the nature of the waters, but especially due to the interactions of physical, chemical and biological processes that control the cycles of the elements. Together with analytical chemists, oceanographers have been making a great effort in the advancement of knowledge of the distribution patterns of trace elements and processes that determine their biogeochemical cycles and influences on the climate of the planet. The international academic community is now in prime position to perform the first study on a global scale for observation of trace elements and their isotopes in the marine environment (GEOTRACES) and to evaluate the effects of major global changes associated with the influences of megacities distributed around the globe. This action can only be performed due to the development of highly sensitive detection methods and the use of clean sampling and handling techniques, together with a joint international program working toward the clear objective of expanding the frontiers of the biogeochemistry of the oceans and related topics, including climate change issues and ocean acidification associated with alterations in the carbon cycle. It is expected that the oceanographic data produced this coming decade will allow a better understanding of biogeochemical cycles, and especially the assessment of changes in trace elements and contaminants in the oceans due to anthropogenic influences, as well as its effects on ecosystems and climate. Computational models are to be constructed to simulate the conditions and processes of the modern oceans and to allow predictions. The environmental changes arising from human activity since the 18th century (also called the Anthropocene) have made the Earth System even more complex. Anthropogenic activities have altered both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and the legacy of these impacts in the oceans include: a) pollution of the marine environment by solid waste, including plastics; b) pollution by chemical and medical (including those for veterinary use) substances such as hormones, antibiotics, legal and illegal drugs, leading to possible endocrine disruption of marine organisms; and c) ocean acidification, the collateral effect of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, irreversible in the human life time scale. Unfortunately, the anthropogenic alteration of the hydrosphere due to inputs of plastics, metal, hydrocarbons, contaminants of emerging concern and even with formerly "exotic" trace elements, such us rare earth elements is likely to accelerate in the near future. These emerging contaminants would likely soon present difficulties for studies in pristine environments. All this knowledge brings with it a great responsibility: helping to envisage viable adaptation and mitigation solutions to the problems identified. The greatest challenge faced by Brazil is currently to create a framework project to develop education, science and technology applied to oceanography and related areas. This framework would strengthen the present working groups and enhance capacity building, allowing a broader Brazilian participation in joint international actions and scientific programs. Recently, the establishment of the National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs) for marine science, and the creation of the National Institute of Oceanographic and Hydrological Research represent an exemplary start. However, the participation of the Brazilian academic community in the latest assaults on the frontier of chemical oceanography is extremely limited, largely due to: i. absence of physical infrastructure for the preparation and processing of field samples at ultra-trace level; ii. limited access to oceanographic cruises, due to the small number of Brazilian vessels and/or absence of "clean" laboratories on board; iii. restricted international cooperation; iv. limited analytical capacity of Brazilian institutions for the analysis of trace elements in seawater; v. high cost of ultrapure reagents associated with processing a large number of samples, and vi. lack of qualified technical staff. Advances in knowledge, analytic capabilities and the increasing availability of analytical resources available today offer favorable conditions for chemical oceanography to grow. The Brazilian academic community is maturing and willing to play a role in strengthening the marine science research programs by connecting them with educational and technological initiatives in order to preserve the oceans and to promote the development of society.


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In vitro release of bioidentical hormones in four different liposomal transdermal emulsions (containing testosterone, progesterone, estradiol, or estradiol and estriol) was assessed. For this purpose, novel high-performance liquid chromatography methods were developed and validated in an eco-friendly manner and used to determine the in vitro release of such products. The methods were suitable for our intended goal, and the emulsions employed were found to be effective as transporting candidates for the efficient release of hormones in the transdermal delivery of human sexual steroids.


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ABSTRACTThe study was conducted with shoot tip explants of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) to identify a viable regenerative process. Shoot tips were obtained from neem embryos cultured alternatingly in DKW medium supplemented with BAP and medium without hormones. Initial shoot development was influenced by cotyledon presence. Basal callus, excised from in vitro stem base, also presented organogenic potential. In some cases, plant lines, obtained from each seed, presented different characteristics. The most common characteristic observed in vitro was callus formation at the stem base. However, the rarest characteristics were stem callus formation and leaf senescence. The regenerated shoot tips were further subculture and rooted on a medium supplemented with IBA so that complete plants could be obtained. The rooted plants were transplanted to a greenhouse and successfully acclimatized. No significant differences in in vivo development were observed between neem plants from callus and from shoot tip propagation.


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Ginecomastia é o aumento da mama masculina que pode acometer até 65% dos indivíduos deste sexo na fase infanto-puberal, compreendida entre 13 e 16 anos. Tem como principais causas hepatite ou cirrose hepática, carcinoma ou doenças inflamatórias pulmonares crônicas, carcinomas ou disfunções testiculares, tumores glandulares (pituitária, supra-renal), alterações dos níveis séricos de testosterona, síndromes genéticas (síndrome de Klinefelter, p.ex.), uso de drogas como heroína, maconha ou anabolizantes e hanseníase. Podemos classificar a ginecomastia quanto ao volume, quanto aos tecidos que a compõem (gordurosa ou pseudoginecomastia, glandular e mista), ou quanto ao tratamento necessário para sua correção cirúrgica (pequena, moderada e grave). O tratamento das formas mais graves de ginecomastia é muito diferente daquele aplicado às formas mais suaves, pois nas formas graves, além da ressecção dos tecidos gorduroso e glandular, existe a necessidade de ressecção da pele em excesso e o reposicionamento do complexo aréolo-mamilar. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever uma técnica cirúrgica específica para estes pacientes portadores de formas graves de ginecomastia, através de dois pedículos dermogordurosos, um lateral e um medial, com aproximadamente 2cm de espessura, mantendo assim a nutrição do complexo aréolo-mamilar. Esses pedículos são delimitados entre as bissetrizes dos quadrantes súpero-lateral e ínfero-lateral, e súpero-medial e ínfero-medial, tendo o mamilo como vértice. Na área de pele excessiva periareolar, obtida através do pinçamento interdigital, é realizada a desepidermização dos pedículos lateral e medial e ressecção de toda pele e tecido celular subcutâneo até a fáscia peitoral nas regiões superior e inferior aos pedículos; a síntese é realizada em dois planos, sendo periareolar a cicatriz resultante. Foram operados com esta técnica vinte pacientes com forma grave de ginecomastia, com média etária de 23,3 anos; sendo seis pacientes da raça negra. O bom posicionamento do complexo aréolo-mamilar e uma cicatriz periareolar resultante, bem como a retirada de conteúdo suficiente, foram as principais vantagens observadas. Como complicações, tivemos assimetria das placas aréolo-mamilares em dois casos, nos quais havia acentuada diferença entre os dois lados na avaliação pré-operatória; cicatrização hipertrófica em um paciente da raça negra, cuja cicatriz foi atenuada com injeções intracicatriciais de triancinolona; necrose parcial de aréola em um caso, cuja ferida cicatrizou por segunda intenção, dispensando qualquer tratamento local posterior; deiscência de sutura periareolar em um caso, no qual foi feita a ressutura, com bom resultado, e quatro pacientes apresentaram coleção sero-hemática subcutânea, que foram drenadas e não apresentaram recidiva.


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an epidemic health problem. Approximately, 90% of diabetic patients are overweight or are obese. The current increase in the prevalence of obesity has been associated with an increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obese patients in terms of controlling weight and co-morbidities. Sustained normal plasma concentration of glucose has been reported in most diabetic morbid obese patients, which has been managed surgically. Available data show a significant alteration in the production of some gastrointestinal hormones, which might explain the improvement of glucose metabolism following these procedures. Diabetic patient improvements following some bariatric surgeries seems to be an independent factor unrelated to the amount of weight loss. The authors reviewed data published on the effects of bariatric surgery in diabetic patient improvements and the possible mechanisms responsible for this control.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da icterícia colestática na variação ponderal. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 64 ratos adultos, distribuídos em seis grupos: F1 (n=6) - fêmeas normais, F2 (n=6) - fêmeas laparotomizadas, F3 (n=20) - fêmeas ictéricas, M1 (n=6) - machos normais, M2 (n=6) - machos laparotomizados, M3 (n=20) - machos ictéricos. A icterícia foi obtida com ligadura e secção do ducto biliopancreático. Os pesos dos animais foram registrados semanalmente, durante sete semanas. No 14º dia de experimento, dosaram-se as bilirrubinas séricas e os hormônios gonadais. Após a sétima semana, realizou-se estudo histológico do fígado. RESULTADOS: Os animais dos grupos F3 e M3 apresentaram bilirrubinas elevadas e diminuição da massa corpórea, quando comparados com os demais grupos. As diferenças ponderais foram significativas a partir da quarta semana entre as fêmeas e da quinta semana entre os machos. Nos animais ictéricos houve aumento do estradiol e diminuição da progesterona e da testosterona total. Septos de fibroses perivenular e periportal, colangite e hiperplasia de ductos biliares ocorreram no fígado dos animais ictéricos. Nenhum animal apresentou cirrose. CONCLUSÃO: Ocorreu redução do peso corpóreo murino em presença de icterícia colestática em ambos os sexos.


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The antiandrogenic therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer represents an additional risk factor for the development of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. Still, bone health of patients on ADT is often not evaluated. After literature research we found that simple preventive measures can prevent bone loss in these patients, resulting in more cost-effective solutions to the public health system and family when compared to the treatment of fractures.