53 resultados para Teoría causal
Northern corn leaf blight, caused by Exserohilum turcicum(Et), is one of the major corn diseases which can reduce grain yield and quality. The aim of this study was to determine the mycelial sensitivity of ten Etisolates, five from Argentina and five from Brazil, to six fungicides (carbendazim, captan, fludioxinil, metalaxyl, iprodione and thiram) used in seed treatment. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) was determined by using seven concentrations of the fungicides supplemented to the agar medium. The mycelial colony diameter was measured with a digital caliper. Experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. Data on the percent mycelial growth inhibition were analyzed by logarithmic regression and the IC50 was calculated. The fungicide iprodione was the most potent, with IC50 < 0.01 mg/L, followed by fludioxonil, IC50 0.31 mg/L, and thiram, 1.37 mg/L. Carbendazim, metalaxyl and captan were classified as non-fungitoxic, showing IC50 > 50 mg/L for all isolates. Although iprodione is the most potent fungicide, it is not used for corn seed treatment. The IC50s obtained in this study can be used as baseline for future monitoring studies of Etsensitivity to fungicides.
Reação à Bipolaris maydis, agente causal da mancha foliar, em híbridos apomíticos de Panicum maximum
A mancha foliar, causada por Bipolaris maydis, é a principal doença de Panicum maximum. A seleção de genótipos resistentes é a melhor estratégia para o controle desta doença. Com o objetivo de identificar fontes de resistência de P. maximum à mancha foliar, 92 híbridos apomíticos, originários de cruzamentos das cultivares Tanzânia-1 e Mombaça, e outros três genótipos sexuais foram testados. Em blocos casualizados, com oito repetições cada, inocularam-se plantas com 30 dias de idade e, após 12 dias, a severidade da doença foi avaliada. Foram verificadas diferenças significativas (P<0,05), de genótipos entre e dentro das progênies, com relação a resistência à mancha foliar. Identificaram-se híbridos com resistência à doença, com destaque para os híbridos MS81, A109, B109, B89 e A4.
La proposición "Dios elige lo mejor" constituye una verdad incuestionable para Leibniz, y una premisa fundamental en su explicación de la existencia del mundo, tanto como en su teodicea. Leibniz sintió la necesidad de clarificar su carácter modal, dada la importancia de tal cuestión en relación con la libertad divina. Sin embargo, en el abordaje de este problema, se vio conducido a infringir los criterios de su propia teoría modal, con el fin de justificar la contingencia de tal proposición. Este trabajo intenta mostrar que la posición principal sostenida por Leibniz, en torno a la modalidad de esta proposición, constituye una suerte de excepción en el marco de su doctrina modal, y que esta ambigüedad refleja las razones profundas de las oscilaciones constatables en sus escritos sobre esta temática.
Resumen El articulo tiene por objetivo la reconstrucción alternativa del concepto de estructura, motivado por los articulos (1) y (3), como una generalización abstracta de lo que es un objeto matemático. Primero, mostramos su construcción, que tiene que ver con la teoría de tipos y orden en lógica, dando a lugar a propiedades y varios ejemplos interesantes. Luego avanzamos hacia una semántica concreta, para su análisis, y para permitirnos operar sobre ellas, sabiendo de este modo, lo que es "lo verdadero en ella". Obtenido ello, mostraremos los resultados de reducción de orden y de individuos, pero vistos en este contexto, así formalizando completamente en nuestra teoría de tipos la discusión de (1) (Ver también (2) y (3)) sobre estos temas.
Commercial broiler flocks from a farm located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, presented diarrhea, depression, increased mortality and poor weight gain. Upon post-mortem examination, classical signs of Inclusion Body Hepatitis/Hydropericardium Syndrome (IBH/HPS) were observed, including enlarged pale yellow-colored livers and straw-colored liquid in the pericardial sac. In addition, gross lesions were also observed in the kidneys, pancreas, thymus, intestines and gallbladder. Samples of these organs were analyzed by PCR for the detection of the hexon gene of the Fowl Adenovirus (FAdVs) Group I. The results were positive for both flocks (A and B) assayed by PCR. The macroscopic lesions associated with the detection of FAdV Group I by PCR in several of these affected organs allowed for the identification of IBH/HPS. In fact, this is the first report in Brazil of IBH/HPS in broilers, which identifies FAdVs group I as a causal agent of the disease. These findings may contribute to the worldwide epidemiology of the adenovirus-mediated hepatitis/hydropericardium syndrome.
Formerly the concept of economic development involved transforming the productive structures in order to employ the population in higher productivity activities, so that welfare improved. Development implied that economic systems followed development paths (not always in equilibrium) in order to reach more desirable welfare results: Equilibrium was not the main target. More recently, economic strategies emphasize reaching growth within equilibrium paths, thus, preserving economic structures. The latter vision yields incompatible results with the former. This paper revises some issues concerning structural change versus equilibrium targets as a means to reach development.
Las investigaciones sobre Luis de León se han centrado, sobre todo, en su mística, narrativa y teoría literaria. En este trabajo, el autor intenta desarrollar los principales aspectos de su teoría jurídica. Al igual que otros grandes teólogos de la Escuela de Salamanca, también León ha estudiado el problema de la naturaleza de la ley humana y su vinculación con el derecho natural. Éste es, justamente, el tema del siguiente trabajo.