343 resultados para Taxonomia Animal (Geral)
Febre Purpúrica Brasileira (FPB) é causada por cepas invasoras de Haemophilus aegyptius (H. influenzae biogrupo aegyptius, Hae). Estas cepas invasoras foram diferenciadas de cepas de Hae associadas apenas a conjuntivites (cepas não invasoras) através de marcadores moleculares específicos. Modelo de ratos recém nascidos depletados de complemento foi aplicado ao estudo de cepas de Hae, associadas e não associadas a FPB, com o objetivo de se caracterizar seus potenciais de virulência. Com dose infectante de 10(5) células, as cepas invasoras causaram bacteriemia em 80-100% dos ratos inoculados,.e a magnitude da bacteriemia variou de 10(2,5±0,49) a > 10(4,69) ufc/ml de sangue. Usando a mesma dose infectante as cepas controles não causaram bacteriemia frequente (0 a 50%) e a magnitude variou de 0 a 10(3,69±0,53) ufc/ml de sangue. As doses infectantes capazes de causar bacteriemia em 50% dos ratos inoculados (DB50%) para as cepas invasoras de Hae variaram de < 10³ a 10(4,2) bactérias, enquanto que para as cepas não invasoras, as DB50% variaram de 10(6,2) a > 10(7,3) bactérias. Imunização passiva com antissoros produzidos com cepas invasoras demonstrou que os ratos foram protegidos das bacteriemias causadas pelas cepas homólogas, mas não da infecção causada pela cepa heteróloga. Comparando a bacteriemia causada pelas cepas de Hae com a bacteriemia causada pelo H. influenzae b, cepa Eagan (Hib), foi demonstrado o maior potencial de invasibilidade de Hib. Este modelo animal demonstrou ser útil para esclarecer o maior potencial de virulência das cepas invasoras de Hae.
The basis for virulence in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is not completely understood. There is a consensus that the sequencial in vitro subcultivation of P. brasiliensis leads to loss of its pathogenicity, which can be reverted by reisolation from animal passage. Attention to morphological and biochemical properties that are regained or demonstrated after animal passage may provide new insights into factors related to the pathogenicity and virulence of P. brasiliensis. We evaluated morphological characters: the percentage of budding cells, number of buds by cell and the diameter of 100 mother cells of yeast-like cells of 30 P. brasiliensis isolates, before and after animal passage. The isolates were obtained from patients with different clinical forms of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM): acute form (group A, n=15) and chronic form (group C, n=15). The measurement of the yeast cell sizes was carried out with the aid of an Olympus CBB microscope coupled with a micrometer disc. We measured the major transverse and longitudinal axes of 100 viable cells of each preparation. The percentage of budding cells as also the number of buds by cell was not influenced by animal passage, regardless of the source of the strain (acute or chronic groups). The size values of P. brasiliensis isolates from groups A and C, measured before the animal passage exhibited the same behavior. After animal passage, there was a statistically significant difference between the cell sizes of P. brasiliensis isolates recovered from testicles inoculated with strains from groups A and C. The maximum diameter of mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a size of 42.1mm in contrast with 32.9mm exhibited by mother cells from group C (p<0.05). The diameter of 1500 mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a medium size of 16.0mm (SD ± 4.0), a value significantly higher than the 14.1mm (SD = ± 3.3) exhibited by 1500 mother cells from group C isolates (p<0.05). Our results reinforce the polymorphism exhibited by P. brasiliensis in biological material and the need for further investigations to elucidate the role of morphological parameters of the fungus in the natural history of the disease.
To compare two yeast identification methods, i. e, the manual and the VITEK mechanical methods, 62 clinical samples from hemocultures and animal sources were analyzed. After identification as Candida yeasts by the VITEK method, the strains were recharacterized using manual assimilation methods and sugar fermentation tests. Our findings reveal 58% concurrent identification between the two methods for animal strains, and 51% for human hemoculture strains.
The authors present a review of records of intestinal parasitic helminths from animals in human archaeological remains, reported since the emergence of paleopathological studies. The objective was to relate paleoparasitological findings to geographic, biotic, and abiotic factors from the environment in which the prehistoric populations lived, and understand some aspects related to the process of human dispersion and biological and cultural evolution. Modification of eating habits and the incorporation of new cultural practices are analyzed from the perspective of zoonoses from prehistory to the present day, especially in Brazilian indigenous populations. Three tables identifying the helminths, their natural hosts, dates, and sites of archaeological findings complete this review. In conclusion, various zoonoses known today have occurred since antiquity, and these data, combined with studies on the emergence and reemergence of diseases, could make possible to compose scenarios for the future.
Leishmaniasis remains a major public health problem worldwide and is classified as Category I by the TDR/WHO, mainly due to the absence of control. Many experimental models like rodents, dogs and monkeys have been developed, each with specific features, in order to characterize the immune response to Leishmania species, but none reproduces the pathology observed in human disease. Conflicting data may arise in part because different parasite strains or species are being examined, different tissue targets (mice footpad, ear, or base of tail) are being infected, and different numbers (“low” 1×102 and “high” 1×106) of metacyclic promastigotes have been inoculated. Recently, new approaches have been proposed to provide more meaningful data regarding the host response and pathogenesis that parallels human disease. The use of sand fly saliva and low numbers of parasites in experimental infections has led to mimic natural transmission and find new molecules and immune mechanisms which should be considered when designing vaccines and control strategies. Moreover, the use of wild rodents as experimental models has been proposed as a good alternative for studying the host-pathogen relationships and for testing candidate vaccines. To date, using natural reservoirs to study Leishmania infection has been challenging because immunologic reagents for use in wild rodents are lacking. This review discusses the principal immunological findings against Leishmania infection in different animal models highlighting the importance of using experimental conditions similar to natural transmission and reservoir species as experimental models to study the immunopathology of the disease.
After vaccination with the live PF strain of Trypanosoma cruzi, 194 blood cultures were performed in 143 mice, 9 dogs, 5 Cebus monkeys and 7 human subjects. Some of these blood cultures were simultaneously done with xenodiagnosis, subinoculation in baby mice and/or culture of viscerae. The trypanosomes isolated from the few positive cases (6,1%) were incapable of infecting baby mice were considered as cases of immunotolerance. All the other tests were negative.
Admitida uma baixa freqüência de Salmonella com base em verificações anteriores em casos de diarréia aguda na cidade de Araraquara, S. Paulo, realizou-se uma investigação com um esquema ampliado para o isolamento de Salmonella a partir de 47 casos de gastroenterite infantil, 51 amostras de fezes de animais e 50 amostras de carnes e vísceras de animais destinados a alimentação. Foram isoladas Salmonella em 6,3% dos casos de gastroenterite, 5,8% de fezes de animais e 8,0% de amostras de alimentos, nesse último caso verificando-se a contaminação exclusivamente em fígado de porco, senão negativos todos os resultados de carne e vísceras de bovinos. Os sorotipos isolados corresponderam, em ordem decrescente de freqüência a S. anatum, S. derby e S. daytona. Nas gastroenterites infantis a freqüência de Shigella (12,7%) foi duas vezes superior à de Salmonella (6,3%).
Avaliamos a freqüência de fungos nos materiais de broncofibroscopia em pacientes infectados ou não pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), quais as espécies de fungos mais encontradas e se a infecção pelo HIV alterava o perfil destes fungos. Foram revistas 1943 broncofibroscopias realizadas em hospital de referência para SIDA, no período de 1990-1995. Deste total, 47% foram realizadas em pacientes HIV positivos e 53% em HIV negativos . Dos 908 HIV positivos, 38 (4%) tiveram diagnóstico de micose pulmonar enquanto que dos 1035 HIV negativos, somente 4 (0,2%) tiveram tal diagnóstico (p < 0,001). O diagnóstico de histoplasmose e criptococose predominou no grupo soropositivo para o HIV (p < 0,001). A paracoccidioidomicose foi diagnosticada em três pacientes não infectados pelo HIV. O estudo mostrou que, embora a positividade da pesquisa de fungos nestes materiais tenha baixo percentual de positividade, o grupo soropositivo para o HIV parece se beneficiar desta pesquisa rotineira.
Com objetivo de estudar a situação da filariose linfática em Alagoas, foi realizado um inquérito hemoscópico na população geral de áreas urbanas das três diferentes regiões fisiográficas do estado. Dos 101 municípios, foram pesquisados aleatoriamente 10, sendo a bancroftose detectada somente na capital, Maceió. Em um estudo seccional feito com a população geral de 4 bairros desta cidade foram examinados 10.973 indivíduos sendo detectados 226 microfilarêmicos, com prevalências nos bairros variando de 0 a 5,4%. Tanto a prevalência de microfilarêmicos como a microfilaremia média foram significativamente maiores em indivíduos do sexo masculino. Entre os examinados não nascidos em Maceió, o tempo de residência na área endêmica foi significativamente maior entre microfilarêmicos que entre amicrofilarêmicos. Baseado nestes dados, medidas de controle já foram implementadas visando a eliminação da filariose linfática na região.
Foram avaliados os questionários respondidos por 476 alunos, com idade entre 15 e 20 anos, de uma escola do bairro Pedra 90 em Cuiabá-MT, objetivando conhecer as características da população canina e felina daquele local. Dos 476 domicílios, em 371 (78%), foram registrados 513 cães e 307 gatos. Dos 513 cães, 289 (56,3%) eram machos e 224 (43,7%) fêmeas. Dos 307 gatos, 182 (59,3%) eram machos e 125 (40,7%) fêmeas. Os proprietários de 474 (92,4%) cães e 267 (86,9%) gatos afirmaram ter vacinado seus animais contra raiva.
Abstract: Dengue is an arbovirosis that ranges from an asymptomatic presentation to a more severe disease, which is characterized by a vascular leakage syndrome where abdominal pain is a major symptom. Transplant recipients are immunosuppressed and are less likely to develop a severe form of the disease because of a reduction in immune-mediated responses that trigger plasma extravasation events. Herein, we report two cases of severe dengue in the early postoperative period of two kidney transplant recipients. Considering the severity of the cases, we emphasize the importance of dengue screening immediately before transplantation in areas endemic for the disease.