94 resultados para Surrealismo, Poesia, Arte


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Neglected diseases are a major global cause of illness, long-term disability and death. Chagas' disease is a parasitic infection widely distributed throughout Latin America, with devastating consequences in terms of human morbidity and mortality. The existing drug therapy suffers from a combination of drawbacks including poor efficacy, resistance and serious side effects. In 2009, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Chagas' disease, facing the challenges of developing new, safe and effective drugs for the treatment of this disease. This brief review attempts to highlight the state of the art, limitations and perspectives of Chagas' disease drug development.


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Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals, also known as quantum dots, have attracted great attention since they have interesting size-dependent properties due to the quantum confinement effect. These nanoparticles are highly luminescent and have potential applications in different technological areas, including biological labeling, light-emitting diodes and photovoltaic devices. The synthetic methods of semiconductor nanocrystals have progressed in the last 30 years, and several protocols were developed to synthesize monodisperse nanocrystals with good optical properties, different compositions and morphologies. This review describes the main methods used to synthesize nanocrystals in the II-VI and III-V systems, and the recent approaches in this field of research.


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This review describes the advantages and disadvantages of using capillary liquid chromatography (CLC), which is considered the newest member in the analytical separation science arsenal. Although CLC has tremendous potential for being the next major innovation in separatory analysis, it has not yet obtained great popularity compared to conventional high performance (and ultra-high performance) liquid chromatography. Comparisons are made between these techniques and some of the reasons that CLC has not yet reached its potential will be advanced.


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In the present work, Raman Microscopy was employed in the characterization of the pigments used in a drawing assigned to Tarsila do Amaral, one of the most important Brazilian artists. The work (colored pencil on paper), supposedly produced in the 1920 decade, is of a very simple composition, where blue, green and brown were the colors used. Prussian Blue was found as the blue pigment, whereas green was a mixture of copper phthalocyanine and a yellow dye, probably a diarylide; the brown pigment was a carbonaceous compound. Prussian Blue was replaced by phthalocyanine as pigment since the end of the 1930's and the possibility that it could have been used as pigment in the 1920's can be ruled out.


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The determination of veterinary drug residues in foods of animal origin is an important issue because of the risk these compounds pose to human health in addition to their persistence and tendency to bioaccumulate. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the area and this review presents the state of the art in sample preparation procedures associated with chromatographic techniques coupled to mass spectrometry for multiresidue determination of veterinary drugs in food of animal origin at concentration levels suitable for the control of residues and contaminants in food.


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Brazilian biodiversity is a colossal source of secondary metabolites with remarkable structural features, which are valuable in further biodiscovery studies. In order to fully understand the relations and interactions of a living system with its surroundings, efforts in natural product chemistry are directed toward the challenge of detecting and identifying all the molecular components present in complex samples. It is plausible that this endeavor was born out of recent technological sophistication in secondary metabolite identification with sensitive spectroscopic instruments (MS and NMR) and higher resolving power of chromatographic systems, which allow a decrease in the amount of required sample and time to acquire data. Nevertheless, the escalation of data acquired in these analyses must be sorted with statistical and multi-way tools in order to select key information. Chromatography is also of paramount importance, more so when selected compounds need to be isolated for further investigation. However, in the course of pursuing a "greener" environment, new policies, with an aim to decrease the use of energy and solvents, are being developed and incorporated into analytical methods. Metabolomics could be an effective tool to answer questions on how living organisms in our huge biodiversity work and interact with their surroundings while also being strategic to the development of high value bio-derived products, such as phytotherapeutics and nutraceuticals. The incorporation of proper phytotherapeutics in the so-called Brazilian Unified Health System is considered an important factor for the urgent improvement and expansion of the Brazilian national health system. Furthermore, this approach could have a positive impact on the international interest toward scientific research developed in Brazil as well as the development of high value bio-derived products, which appear as an interesting economic opportunity in national and global markets. Thus, this study attempts to highlight the recent advances in analytical tools used in detection of secondary metabolites, which can be useful as bioproducts. It also emphasizes the potential avenues to be explored in Brazilian biodiversity, known for its rich chemical diversity.


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The constant evolution of science and the growing demand for new technologies have led to new techniques in instrumentation that can improve detection, separation, resolution, and peak capacity. Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC×LC) is presented as a powerful tool in complex sample analyses. During an analysis, a sample is subjected to two independent separation mechanisms that are combined, resulting in increased resolving power. For appropriate application of LC×LC, understanding the influence of parameters that require optimization is necessary. The main purpose of optimization is to predict the combination of stationary phases, separation conditions, and instrumental requirements to obtain the best separation performance. This review discusses theoretical, intrumental, and chemometric aspects of LC×LC and focuses on its applications in foods. It aims to provide a clear understanding of the aspects that can be used as strategies in the optimization of this analytical method.


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Goethe's novel 'Elective Affinities', published in 1809, uses Bergmann's concept of 'Elective Attractions', from 1775, as a metaphor for social relations. Its analysis demonstrates the possibility of describing chemical theories, characterised by an anthropomorphic language, using poetic means. Due to the inherently poetic nature of chemical language, Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann (2002) suggests relaxing strictures against expressing emotions and personal motives in scientific publications, thus enabling the use ofing poetry to understand and communicate science. Based on the analysis of Goethe's novel and Hoffmann's essay, this article discusses the possibility of using poetic means to help understand chemistry and communicate its research results.


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Along the historical background of science, the hydrogen bond became widely known as the universal interaction, thus playing a key role in many molecular processes. Through the available theoretical approaches, many of these processes can be unveiled on the basis of the molecular parameters of the subject intermolecular system, such as the variation of bond length and mainly the frequency shift observed in the proton donor. Supported by the natural bond analysis (NBO) with the quantification of the hybridization contributions, the structural deformations and vibrational effects cited above are also attributed to the outcome of the intermolecular interaction strength, which consequently can be estimated by means of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) as well as evaluated by the symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT). Moreover, to identify the preferential interaction sites for proton donors and acceptors, the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) is useful in this regard.


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Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) has been gaining increased attention for its effective separation of highly polar compounds, which include carbohydrates, amino acids, pharmaceutical compounds, proteins, glycoproteins, nucleosides, etc. Polar compounds are usually poorly retained on reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) columns or have poor solubility in the apolar mobile phase of normal-phase high performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC). Since HILIC uses organic solvents such as ACN or MeOH ( > 70%), also used in RP-HPLC and polar stationary phases similar to NP-HPLC (bare silica, diol, amino, amide, saccharide, zwitterionic stationary phases, etc.), it represents a hybrid of the two separation modes. The high organic content in the MP leads to good compatibility with mass spectrometry (MS), increasing the detectivity. This review describes the fundamentals of HILIC and highlights some interesting applications.


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O artigo examina o que está envolvido no processo de conhecer e julgar outras pessoas, questão central para a compreensão do projeto autobiográfico de Rousseau. Isso é feito sobretudo a partir da análise de algumas figuras de "observadores" que encontramos na obra de Rousseau: o "Rousseau" dos Dialogues, Émile, Saint-Preux e Wolmar.


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Platão não é o iniciador, e sim o herdeiro da "velha divergência" entre filósofos e poetas. A motivação ético-teológica, que já animava Xenófanes,vai se reatualizar na República. Para poder apreciar o sentido dessa reatualização, importa que não se considere o Livro X isoladamente, mas se atente para os primeiros livros do diálogo. Neles, e com vistas a uma melhor determinação do justo -que é o que está em pauta-, Platão mostra a necessidade de se discutir as afirmações dos poetas. Trata-se assim de destituí-los da autoridade de que ainda gozam na educação e na opinião comum. Só graças à discussão filosófica e a uma educação por ela inspirada -o que pressupõe a produção ou a seleção de mitos- é que se pode esperar uma maior realização da justiça, tanto no plano do indivíduo (do governo de sua alma) quanto no nível da cidade. A leitura aqui proposta das "razões" de Platão na República não impede que reconheçamos a importância da tragédia para a compreensão da existência humana, inclusive no que toca à idéia do divino.


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Este artigo analisa e compara a reflexão de Hegel e de W. Benjamin sobre a crise da arte na época moderna, a partir de semelhanças e diferenças entre a tese do fim da arte, defendida pelo primeiro, e a concepção da perda da aura na arte, afirmada pelo segundo. Ao contrário de W Benjamin, que se detém na mudança do conceito de arte promovida pelos meios técnicos, Hegel pensa a transformação da arte a partir de um ponto de vista histórico amplo, que envolve toda a história da arte, desde os tempos antigos até a época moderna.


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Este artigo pretende oferecer uma re-interpretação da suposta tese hegeliana sobre o fim da arte. A especulação estética de Hegel não envolve uma constatação do fim da arte enquanto fenômeno histórico, mas apenas da sua transformação gradual a partir do predomínio da reflexão sobre intuição na idade moderna.


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O objetivo deste texto é apontar os pontos de proximidade e de diferença entre as reflexões de Nietzsche e de Platão sobre o papel da arte para o autogoverno do indivíduo e a autonomia e soberania da cultura.