69 resultados para Stewart, Ian
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar parâmetros do látex e da borracha natural de quatro clones de seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.-Arg.] cultivados em larga escala na Fazenda Cambuhy no Município de Matão, Estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados látex de 20 árvores do estande de cada um dos clones, GT 1, PB 235, IAN 873 e RRIM 600, com 12 anos de idade, no quarto ano de sangria sob o sistema 1/2S d/3 6d/7. 11m/y. ET 5,0%. Pa 12/y. Foram analisados o conteúdo de borracha seca, porcentagem de cinzas, porcentagem de nitrogênio, plasticidade Wallace (P O), índice de retenção de plasticidade e viscosidade Mooney (V R). O conteúdo de borracha seca apresentou tendência de queda com o decréscimo da temperatura ao longo do ano (r = 0,75). Contrário ao conteúdo de borracha seca, as propriedades porcentagem de nitrogênio e porcentagem de cinzas apresentaram tendência de aumento com a redução da temperatura ao longo do período das coletas. A correlação entre P O e V R foi linear e elevada (r = 0,93). Os altos valores de P O e V R indicam que as borrachas dos clones estudados são consideradas como borrachas duras. Os valores do índice de retenção de plasticidade foram baixos, indicando baixa resistência à degradação térmica. Os resultados mostram influência marcante dos fatores climáticos em algumas propriedades dos látices e da borracha natural dos clones estudados, sugerindo condição importante para se entender o comportamento dos mesmos.
The objective of this work was to assess the performance of panel clones under crowns resistant to South American leaf blight (Microcyclus ulei). The experiment was carried out with 18 panel clones crown-budded with Hevea pauciflora x H. guianensis, in a Xanthic Ferralsol (Oxisol) in Manaus, AM, Brazil. The following parameters were evaluated: dry rubber yield, plant nutritional status, and anatomical and physiological characteristics of the latex vessels. In the first three years of evaluation, the panel clones IAN 2878, IAN 2903, CNS AM 7905, CNS AM 7905 P1, and PB 28/59 showed the highest dry rubber yield potential, while the clones IAN 6158, IAN 6590, and IAN 6515 should not be recommended for crown budding. Higher potassium and copper foliar content in panel clones were associated to an increase in dry rubber yield. The simultaneous evaluation of anatomical and physiological characteristics of latex is fundamental for the selection of panel clones in the Amazon region. Crown budding is an efficient technology for South American leaf blight management in endemic regions.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el desempeño productivo y el contenido de macronutrientes del caucho extraído de cuatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis, en diferentes sistemas de sangría y estados fenológicos de las plantas. El experimento fue realizado en los años agrícolas de 2010 y 2011, en diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar, en parcelas subdivididas, con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos principales - clones GT 1, PB 235, IAN 873 e RRIM 600 - fueron ubicados en las parcelas, y los subtratamientos, que fueron los sistemas de sangría ½S d/2, ½S d/4 ET 2,5% y ½S d/7 ET 2,5%, se ubicaron en las subparcelas. Las variables analizadas fueron producción y contenido de macronutrientes. Las muestras fueron obtenidas en los estados fenológicos de brotación foliar, hojas maduras y senescencia foliar. La producción y los contenidos de macronutrientes del caucho son más influenciados por la práctica de sangría que por el material genético en los estados fenológicos más restrictivos para el follaje de caucho.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de 12 combinações de três clones de painel (PB 311, PB 314 e RRIM 600) com quatro clones de copa (F 4512, MDF 180, IAN 6158 e IAN 6543) de seringueira cultivados no sudoeste do Estado do Mato Grosso. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados: produção de borracha seca, percentagem de plantas aptas à sangria, secamento de painel, estado nutricional, teor de borracha seca, plasticidade Wallace (P0 e P30), índice de retenção de plasticidade e viscosidade Mooney. As combinações das copas IAN 6543 e MDF 180 com os painéis PB 311, RRIM 600 e PB 314 apresentaram estado nutricional adequado, com produtividade de borracha seca acima de 1,41 Mg ha-1 por ano. O clone de copa IAN 6158 propiciou, em oito anos, as maiores quantidades de plantas aptas à sangria. As combinações painel/copa apresentaram baixa incidência de secamento de painel, exceto PB 311 x IAN 6158. As borrachas das 12 combinações painel/copa apresentam boa resistência à degradação térmica e alta retenção de plasticidade.
World mango production is spread over 100 countries that produce over 34.3 million tons of fruit annually. Eighty percent of this production is based in the top nine producing nations that also consume upward of 90% of their production domestically. One to 2 percent of fruit is traded internationally in to markets in the European Community, USA, Arabian Peninsula and Asia. This paper outlines some of the recent research and development advances in mango breeding and genomics, rootstock development, disease management and harvest technologies that are influencing the production and quality of mango fruit traded domestically and internationally.
Species of Cassia are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world, and have been extensively investigated chemically and pharmacologically.They are known to be a rich source of phenolic derivatives, most of them with important biological and pharmacological properties. Some Asian, African and Indian tribes use these species as a laxative, purgative, antimicrobial, antipyretic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. Among a number of other classes of secondary metabolites, such as anthracene derivatives, antraquinones, steroids and stilbenoids, biologically active piperidine alkaloids are an especially important bioactive class of compounds that showed to be restricted to a small group of Cassia species. In this paper we present an overview of the chemical, biological and ethnopharmacological data on Cassia piblished in the literature.
The phytochemical investigation of the flowers of Pterogyne nitens (Caesalpinioideae) resulted in the isolation and identification of nine phenolic derivatives, quercetin 3-O-sophoroside, taxifolin, astilbin, ourateacatechin, caffeic, ferulic, sinapic, chlorogenic and gallic acid, besides two guanidine alkaloids, pterogynine, pterogynidine. This is the first time these compounds have been reported in P. nitens flowers. As this is a monospecific genus, these secondary metabolites may have taxonomical significance. Their structures were assigned on the basis of spectroscopic analyses, including two-dimensional NMR techniques.
Chromatographic fractionation of the EtOH extract from the leaves of Swartzia langsdorffii afforded the pentacyclic triterpenes oleanolic acid and lupeol, and two saponins: oleanolic acid 3-sophoroside and the new ester 3-O-b-D-(6'-methyl)-glucopyranosyl-28-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl-oleanate. Their structures were elucidated from spectral data, including 2D NMR and HRESIMS experiments. Antifungal activity of all isolated compounds was evaluated, using phytopathogens Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum, and human pathogens Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and Cryptococcus neoformans.
A simple, four-step method for better introducing undergraduate students to the fundamentals of molecular orbital (MO) theory of the polyatomic molecules H2O, NH3, BH3 and SiH4 using group theory is reported. These molecules serve to illustrate the concept of ligand group orbitals (LGOs) and subsequent construction of MO energy diagrams on the basis of molecular symmetry requirements.
The use of natural products has definitely been the most successful strategy in the discovery of novel medicines. Secondary metabolites from terrestrial and marine organisms have found considerable use in the treatment of numerous diseases and have been considered lead molecules both in their natural form and as templates for medicinal chemistry. This paper seeks to show the great value of secondary metabolites and emphasize the rich chemical diversity of Brazilian biodiversity. This natural chemical library remains understudied, but can be a useful source of new secondary metabolites with potential application as templates for drug discovery.
While in Europe vodka is mainly derived from potatoes or cereals, a large proportion of Brazilian vodka is likely obtained from sugarcane, which contains ethyl carbamate (EC) precursors. EC, in addition to several other contaminants and congeners, were investigated in 32 samples of Brazilian vodka. All samples complied with the Brazilian regulations for congeners and contaminants, having EC content below 0.01 mg/L (detection limit). These results are probably related to the processing of vodka, in particular the use of extractive and rectifying stainless steel distillation columns, which allow the production of high strength spirits with low levels of congeners and contaminants.
Brazilian biodiversity is a colossal source of secondary metabolites with remarkable structural features, which are valuable in further biodiscovery studies. In order to fully understand the relations and interactions of a living system with its surroundings, efforts in natural product chemistry are directed toward the challenge of detecting and identifying all the molecular components present in complex samples. It is plausible that this endeavor was born out of recent technological sophistication in secondary metabolite identification with sensitive spectroscopic instruments (MS and NMR) and higher resolving power of chromatographic systems, which allow a decrease in the amount of required sample and time to acquire data. Nevertheless, the escalation of data acquired in these analyses must be sorted with statistical and multi-way tools in order to select key information. Chromatography is also of paramount importance, more so when selected compounds need to be isolated for further investigation. However, in the course of pursuing a "greener" environment, new policies, with an aim to decrease the use of energy and solvents, are being developed and incorporated into analytical methods. Metabolomics could be an effective tool to answer questions on how living organisms in our huge biodiversity work and interact with their surroundings while also being strategic to the development of high value bio-derived products, such as phytotherapeutics and nutraceuticals. The incorporation of proper phytotherapeutics in the so-called Brazilian Unified Health System is considered an important factor for the urgent improvement and expansion of the Brazilian national health system. Furthermore, this approach could have a positive impact on the international interest toward scientific research developed in Brazil as well as the development of high value bio-derived products, which appear as an interesting economic opportunity in national and global markets. Thus, this study attempts to highlight the recent advances in analytical tools used in detection of secondary metabolites, which can be useful as bioproducts. It also emphasizes the potential avenues to be explored in Brazilian biodiversity, known for its rich chemical diversity.
Chapas de partículas de cimento-madeira foram confeccionadas com a madeira de quatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (seringueira): IAN 717, IAN 873, GT 711 e AVROS 1301. Confeccionaram-se as chapas na proporção de 1:4:1 (madeira:cimento:água) por peso e nas dimensões de 450 x 450 x 13 mm e densidade nominal de 1,4 g/cm³, com a adição de 4% de cloreto de cálcio di-hidratado (CaCl2.2H2O) como acelerador. Foram testadas partículas fervidas e não-fervidas dos quatro clones, totalizando oito tratamentos, sendo em cada um destes, com quatro repetições, avaliadas as propriedades mecânicas e físicas das chapas, segundo a norma ASTM D 1037 - 96a. De forma geral, os melhores resultados de propriedades físicas e mecânicas foram obtidos nas chapas com partículas do clone AVROS 1301. No teste de hidratação do cimento, a madeira de seringueira in natura foi classificada como de "inibição extrema", porém com a adição de CaCl2 o foi como de "baixa inibição". Essa madeira se mostrou tecnicamente viável à produção de chapas de cimento-madeira, independentemente do clone.
Apesar da grande importância da cultura da seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) para o Brasil, pouco se conhece sobre a flutuação populacional dos ácaros nessa cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a flutuação populacional de ácaros na seringueira no Estado do Mato Grosso, bem como observar a evolução dos sintomas de ataque de tais pragas nessa planta. O estudo foi conduzido em campos de seringueira de Itiquira e Pontes e Lacerda, Estado do Mato Grosso, com seis clones: FX 3864, RRIM 600, IAN 873, IAN 713, PB 260 e PR 255, cujas coletas foram realizadas de agosto de 1998 a julho de 2000. Na safra de 1998/1999, a amostragem foi de 150 folhas de cada um dos estratos basal, mediano e apical, em 10 plantas ao acaso. A metodologia de coleta na safra de 1999/2000 foi alterada devido aos resultados da parcial anterior de cinco folhas do estrato mediano de cada uma das 15 plantas ao acaso. Calacarus heveae Feres foi a espécie mais freqüente em Itiquira e Phyllocoptruta serigueirae Feres em Pontes e Lacerda. A queda prematura das folhas foi observada apenas em Itiquira.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the efficacy of the amniotic membrane used with polypropylene mesh against the formation of adhesions and its influence on healing. METHODS: twenty five female Wistar rats were anesthetized for creating a parietal defect in the anterior abdominal wall. Its correction was made with polypropylene mesh alone and associated with amniotic membrane. In the control group (n=11), the screen was inserted alone. In group A (n=7) we interposed the amniotic membrane between the screen and the abdominal wall. In group B, the amniotic membrane was placed on the mesh, covering it. After seven days, the animals were euthanized for macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of healing. RESULTS: adhesions were observed in all animals except one in the control group. Severe inflammation was observed in all animals in groups A and B and in three of the control group, with significant difference between them (A and B with p=0.01). Pronounced angiogenic activity was noted in one animal in the control group, six in group A and four in group B, with a significant difference between the control group and group A (p=0.002) and group B (p=0.05). The scar collagen was predominantly mature, except in five animals of the control group, with significant difference between the control group and group A (p=0.05) and group B (p=0.05). CONCLUSION: The amniotic membrane did not alter the formation of adhesions in the first postoperative week. There were also pronounced inflammation, high angiogenic activity and predominance of mature collagen fibers, regardless of the anatomical plane that it was inserted in.