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With the purpose of evaluating the risk of transmission of the Chagas disease in the State of Colima, México, an entomological survey was performed to obtain triatominae and the rate of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi determined by examination of its dejections. Two hundred eighteen houses located in 16 villages were sampled. In each house the intradomestic and peridomestic habitats were examined by the man-hour-house method, sensor boxes and mouse-baited traps. Also, 12 silvatic places were explored around the same areas using the same techniques as the ones sampled. In total, 456 specimens were captured, of which 139 correspond to Triatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis; 80 to T. p. longipennis; one specimen of T. dimidiata and 236 nymphs of Triatoma sp. Two hundred ninety seven insects were captured in the intradomestic habitat, 132 in the peridomestic and 26 in the silvatic. The index of positive houses was 27%, located in the central area of the state. The rate of natural infection with T. cruzi showed 25.6%. This results confirmed the presence of two important vectors of the Chagas disease in Colima. Its preference for the domestic habitat and its high levels of natural infection with T. cruzi suggested the existence of a significant risk for its transmission in this area of the country.


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Phenology of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) at Área de Proteção Ambiental of Descalvado, São Paulo State. The flight phenology of the Braconidae fauna was conducted using Malaise traps in five sites of the Environmental Protected Area of Descalvado. A total of 2,792 specimens, representing 22 subfamilies, was sampled throughout a period of sixteen months from May, 1999 to August, 2000. The traps catches for koinobionts peak was in August, 1999 a month before of the idiobionts peak and in June, 2000 both peaks were simultaneous. The phenological peaks of dominant koinobiont taxa (Microgastrinae) were similar to all koinobionts, and the peaks of dominant idiobiont taxa (Doryctinae) were similar to all idiobionts, as well. December, 1999 and February, 2000 were the richer months in number of subfamilies (N= 19 and 18, respectivaly), corresponding to the same period when the subfamilies which potentially attack Lepidoptera where collected. The number of females was superior to the number of males and this relation was more accentuated in koinobionts. The peaks of both females and males were similar to dominate koinobiont and idiobionte taxa.


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The material studied comes from three of the several natural environments which still occur in Paraná State. The samples were collected during the project PROFAUPAR, developed by Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná. The selected sites were: Antonina (in the coastal plain), São José dos Pinhais (in the coastal mountain range) and Telêmaco Borba (in the second plateau). During one year of the project, 2,106 specimens of Braconidae were collected with light trap. These wasps represented 21 subfamilies and 1,966 specimens were identified in 85 genera. Hormiinae, Rogadinae, Microgastrinae, Alysiinae, Doryctinae and Meteorinae were the most frequent subfamilies. Indices of diversity and evenness were used to discuss richness and dominance of genera in each locality. Statistical analyses indicated that the asymptote of actual genera richness have been approached only to Antonina and Telêmaco Borba.


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Chimarra (Curgia) paucispina sp. nov., of the aurivittata group Flint, 1998 is described and illustrated from specimens collected in Amazonas State. The key to species of Chimarra (Curgia) Walker, 1860 presented by Flint was modified to include the new species. Chimarra (Chimarrita) chela Blahnik, 1997 and Chimarra (Curgia) jugescens Flint, 1998 are for first time reported for the Amazonas State. This is the first record of C. chela in Brazil.


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Feeding and oviposition preferences of Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) for Eucalyptus spp. and other Myrtaceae in Brazil. The Australian psyllid, Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor (Hemiptera, Psyllidae), was first detected in Brazil in 1994, where it was found on drought-affected shoots of Eucalyptus grandis in a plantation located in the northern part of Paraná State. The oviposition and feeding preferences of this psyllid were examined on 19 Eucalyptus species, one Eucalyptus hybrid (Cambiju), three Corymbia species and four native Myrtaceae species (Hexaclames edulis, Marlieria edulis, Plinia trunciflora, and Psydium sp.) under greenhouse conditions. The largest populations of C. spatulata were found on E. robusta and E. pellita, while sizeable infestations were also found on E. urophylla, E. grandis, and the Cambiju hybrid. The plants with the greatest symptoms of damage were E. grandis and E. resinifera. Eucalyptus cinerea, E. benthamii, E. pilularis, and E. dunnii were not infested and E. cloeziana was minimally infested. Among the Corymbia species, the number of eggs of C. spatulata was very low on C. citriodora and C. torelliana. No eggs and nymphs of C. spatulata were found on native Brazilian Myrtaceae. The number of eggs on plants was highly correlated with the subsequent levels of nymphs, suggesting that egg counts can be used as a viable monitoring tool to assist with the integrated management of this pest.


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Nyssomyia whitmani (Antunes and Coutinho, 1939) has been considered as a complex of cryptic species, and some of the populations of this complex plays an important role in the transmission of Leishmania spp. in Brazil. The present study reports the biological aspects concerning the productivity out of eggs and the development time of the descendants of females obtained in Dourados municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul state. The females were captured with modified electric aspirators, fed in hamsters and further individualized in containers for breeding. At the insectary, temperature and relative humidity were maintained on average of 24.5 °C and 67.3%, respectively. From 944 females 3737 eggs were obtained, 748 (20.0%) evolved to the stage of larvae, and 93 (12.4%) of these reached adult stage. The life cycle lasted 80.6 days and the last larval instar was the longest. The use of a higher protein diet revealed a significant improvement in larval development.


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Leptosols and Regosols are soils with a series of restrictions for use, mainly related to the effective depth, which have been poorly studied in Brazil. These soils, when derived from sedimentary rocks should be treated with particular care to avoid environmental damage such as aquifer contamination. The purpose of this study was to verify the behavior of hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity in profiles of Leptosols and Regosols derived from sandstone of the Caturrita formation in Rio Grande do Sul state. The morphology, particle size distribution, porosity, soil density (Ds), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), basic water infiltration in the field (BI) and water retention were determined in soil and saprolite samples of six soil profiles. High Ds, low macroporosity and high microporosity were observed in the profiles, resulting in a low Ks and BI, even under conditions of sandy texture and a highly fractured saprolite layer. The variation coefficients of data of Ks and BI were high among the studied profiles and between replications of a same profile. Water retention of the studied soils was higher in Cr layers than in the A horizons and the volume of plant-available water greater and variable among A horizons and Cr layers.


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One of the largest strawberry-producing municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) is Turuçu, in the South of the State. The strawberry production system adopted by farmers is similar to that used in other regions in Brazil and in the world. The main difference is related to the soil management, which can change the soil chemical properties during the strawberry cycle. This study had the objective of assessing the spatial and temporal distribution of soil fertility parameters using principal component analysis (PCA). Soil sampling was based on topography, dividing the field in three thirds: upper, middle and lower. From each of these thirds, five soil samples were randomly collected in the 0-0.20 m layer, to form a composite sample for each third. Four samples were taken during the strawberry cycle and the following properties were determined: soil organic matter (OM), soil total nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), soil pH (pH), cation exchange capacity (CEC) at pH 7.0, soil base (V%) and soil aluminum saturation(m%). No spatial variation was observed for any of the studied soil fertility parameters in the strawberry fields and temporal variation was only detected for available K. Phosphorus and K contents were always high or very high from the beginning of the strawberry cycle, while pH values ranged from very low to very high. Principal component analysis allowed the clustering of all strawberry fields based on variables related to soil acidity and organic matter content.


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The Tahiti acid lime in Brazil is mostly grown in the São Paulo State. The value of this crop production ranks among the ten most important fruits in the country. The Brazilian exports of Tahiti limes have increased in the last years with a corresponding increased demand for superior quality of fresh fruits, which is affected by mineral nutrients. Therefore, this study evaluated nutrient soil availability and its influence on nutritional status of trees based on the determination of leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations, fruit characteristics, and post harvest quality. Eleven commercial groves with trees older than 4-yr and differently managed were studied. Plots with six trees in each grove were sampled for soil (0-20 cm depth layer), leaf and fruit analyses with three replicates. Correlation coefficients were pair wised established for all variables. The results showed that N leaf concentration was well correlated with green color of fruit peel as measured by a color index (r = -0.71**), and which was optimum with Leaf-N around 22 g kg-1. Leaf-Ca was inversely correlated with fruit water loss after 14-day interval from harvest (r = -0.54*) demonstrating that Ca plays an important role in Tahiti fruit shelf-life. Data also suggested that increased fruit K concentration correlated with increased fruit water losses during storage (r >0.58*).


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We consider the relevance of the study of the glassy state properties and the glass transition as important topics of the physical chemistry for undergraduate courses of Chemistry. Two of the most important theoretical approaches for the description of the glassy state, the thermodynamic and the kinetic models, are summarized with emphasis on the physical chemistry aspects. Examples illustrating the glass transition of some materials are also presented.


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An easy experiment on the synthesis of 3,3-diphenyl-3H-naphtho[2,1-b]pyran and characterization of its photochromic behaviour is reported. Upon irradiation of an uncoloured toluene solution of 3,3-diphenyl-3H-naphtho[2,1-b]pyran with near UV light, an intense yellow colouration is produced due to the formation of two coloured open forms. When the irradiation source is removed the coloured open forms return to the uncoloured state. The analysis of the absorbance decay with time allows the determination of the discoloration rate constants of each open form. The reversibility of the photochromic phenomenon, well demonstrated by the exposure of the solution to sunlight for a few seconds, is particularly attractive to the students.


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The purpose of this work is to study theoretically stereoelectronic aspects of the interaction between heme and artemisinin in the transitional heme-artemisinin complex. Through semi-empirical calculations using the PM3 method, the potential energy barrier of artemisinin rotation relative to heme in the heme-artemisinin complex was studied in vacuum and in the partially solvated state. The minimum heat of formation obtained for the complex with and without water molecules is -702.39 and -100.86 kcal mol-1, respectively, which corresponds to the dihedral angle C-Fe-O1-O2 of 43.93º and 51.90º around the iron-oxygen O1 bond, respectively. The water molecules bind to heme via 13 hydrogen bonds and O-H•••O and 6 C-H•••O interactions, which accounts for -67.23 kcal mol-1. It is observed that the inclusion of water molecules does not affect significantly the stability of the heme-artemisinin complex.


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The thermochromic behavior exhibited by vanadium(IV) alkoxides, [V2(μ-OPr i)2(OPr i) 6] and [V2(μ-ONep)2(ONep)6 ], OPr i = isopropoxide and ONep = neopentoxide, was studied by molecular modeling using DFT, TDDFT and INDO/S methods. The vibrational and electronic spectra calculated for [V2(μ-OPr i)2(OPr i) 6] were very similar to the experimental data registered for crystalline samples of the complex and for its solutions at low temperature (< 210 K), while spectra recorded at high temperature (> 315 K) were compatible with those calculated for the monomeric form, [V(OPr i)4]. These results consistently point to a monomer/dimer equilibrium as an explanation for the solution thermochromism of {V(OPr i)4}n. In spite of the structural similarity between [V2(μ-ONep)2(ONep)6 ] and [V2(μ-OPr i)2(OPr i) 6] in the solid state, the thermochromic behavior of the former could not be explained by the same model, and the possibility of tetranuclear aggregation at low temperatures was also investigated.


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The phenotypic diversity of Magnaporthe grisea was evaluated based on leaf samples with blast lesions collected from eight commercial fields of the upland rice cultivars 'BRS Primavera' and 'BRS Bonança', during the growing seasons of 2001/2002 and 2002/2003, in Goias State. The number of M. grisea isolates from each field utilized for virulence testing varied from 28 to 47. Three different indices were used based on reaction type in the eight standard international differentials and eight Brazilian differentials. The M. grisea subpopulations of ´Primavera' and 'Bonança', as measured by Simpson, Shannon and Gleason indices, showed similar phenotypic diversities. The Simpson index was more sensitive relation than those of Shannon and Gleason for pathotype number and standard deviation utilizing Brazilian differentials. However, the Gleason index was sensitive to standard deviation for international differentials. The sample size did not significantly influence the diversity index. The two sets of differential cultivars used in this study distinguished phenotypic diversity in different ways in all of the eight subpopulations analyzed. The phenotypic diversity determined based on eight differential Brazilian cultivars was lower in commercial rice fields of 'Primavera' than in the fields of 'Bonança,' independent of the diversity index utilized, year and location. Considering the Brazilian differentials, the four subpopulations of 'BRS Primavera' did not show evenness in distribution and only one pathotype dominated in the populations. The even distribution of pathotype was observed in three subpopulations of 'BRS Bonança'. The pathotype diversity of M. grisea was determined with more precision using Brazilian differentials and Simpson index.


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The aim of this paper was to estimate the loss caused by rust (Puccinia psidii) to 'Paluma' guava production in orchards located in Rio de Janeiro State. The disease intensity on the reproductive organs of plants was observed during two chemical control experiments carried out in 2003 and 2004. The loss was estimated based on simple linear regression and the production reduction (fruit number and weight ha-1) on the incidence of diseased buds and fruits. In the first experiment, no relationship was established between incidence of diseased buds and loss since there was a delay in spraying and the incidence of buds showing rust was high (mean of 47%) at the beginning of flowering. In the second experiment (2003-2004), spraying occurred at the beginning of the epidemics and there was a linear relationship between incidence of diseased buds and loss, justifying fungicide intervention at this stage. For the fruiting stage, a significant relationship was found between incidence of diseased fruits and loss in both experiments. In the absence of chemical control, rust reduced fruit production by around 90%.