129 resultados para Somatic Excision


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In order to test Piza's conclusions regarding the dicentricity of Hemipteran chromosomes, two species of bugs of the family Coreidae, namely, Anasa sp. and Leptoglossus stigma (Herbst), are studied in the present paper. a) Anasa sp. - The male of this species has 21 chromosomes, that is, 20 pairs of autosomes and a single sex chromosome. The latter divides equationally in the first division of the spermatocytes and passes undivided to one cell in the second division. In this it moves with its longer axis parallelly to the spindle axis and shows fibrillar connections with both poles. Special attention was paid to the behavior of the chromosomes in the anaphase of the spermatogonia. As it was previously stated (Piza 1946 and 1946a) with regard to other species, the chromosomes are here attached to the spindle by both ends and begin to move toward the poles strongly curved to them. No intercalary fibers could be detected although their existente may not be denied by theoretical reasons developed in another paper (Piza 1946). Mitoses in somatic tissues of the embryo were equally studied. Careful examination of anaphase chromosomes in a great number of cells showed that the chromosomes behave exactly as in the spermatogonia, being equally attached to the spindle by the extremities alone and moving with their ends looking to the pole. A weak median constriction sometimes replaced by a slightly clearer space was observed in prometaphase and even in metaphase chromosomes of the spermatogonia as well as the somatic cells, having already been referred to in the case of Diactor bilineatus. (Piza 1945). Hemipteran chromosomes being considered as iso-chromosomes originated by a longitudinal spliting of the monocentric chromosomes resulting from the second division of the spermatocytes, the median aspect just mentioned may be regarded as the point of union of the separated halves. (See origin of dicentricity in Piza 1946). b) Leptoglossus stigma - This species has spermatogonia provided with 20 pairs of autosomes and one sex chromosome whose behavior differs in nothing from what was stated in regard of the preceding species. In the primary spermatocytes nothing meriting special mention was observed. Orientation, connection with the poles and movements of the sex chromosome in the secondary spermatocytes confirm the views already developed.


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Three species of Scorpions beloging to two different families were studied cytologically: a) Tityus mattogrossensis Borelli (Fam. Buthidae), - This species presents spermatogonia provided with 20 short chromosomes which orient at metaphase with their axis parallelly to the plane of the equator and move toward the poles without changing this position, from the stage pachytene to metaphase the bivalents become, as in Tityus bahiensis, progressivery shorter and thicker, without showing that chiasmata occured at any time. The paired chromosomes never open themselves, out to form loops as in orthodox meioses. As in Tityus bahiensis the bivalents are inserted In the spindle before reaching their maxim contraction. No diakinesis has been observed. The primary spermatocyte metaphases are provided, with 10 pairs of chromosones, two of which are larger and two smaller than the rest. The bivalents orient as in Tityus bahiensis with their length in the plane of the equator and separate parallelly. Spindle fibres are seen alongst their entire body. While, in Tityus bahiensis the ends of the chromosomes are pronouncedly turned to opposite poles at metaphase, nothing like this was observed in the present species. Only late in anaphase the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossensis show a bending to the poles. The secondary spermatocytes present 10 short chromosomes, two being larger than, the others. Here, on the contrary, the chromosomes are strongly curved toward the poles since the beginning of anaphase. Some chromosomal anomalies have been noticed. Primary spermatocytes with 14 bivalents, some of which representing probably free fragments, were observed. Primary spermatocytes with 8 bivalents and one cross of 4 chromosomes were interpreted as resulting from breakages followed by translocations Primary spermatocytes with 9 bivalents, one of which being much longer than the longst of the normal plates, show that fusion by the extremities of two non homologous chromosomes on the onde side, and of their respective homologous in the same way on tre other, have occured. Orientation of bivalents with their body parallelly to the spindle axis and anaphasic bridges have been encountered. All in all points to the conclusion that the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossesis, like those of Tityus bahiensia are provided with one kinetochore at each end. Ananteris balzani Thorell - (Fam. Buthidae). - This species which belongs to the same family as Tityus, is provided with 12 chromosomes (diploid). These studied in embryonic tissues, showed the same behavior as the somatic chromosomes of Tityus bahiensis. Bothrirus sp. (Bothriuridae). - Only spermatogonia were found in the testis, of the single male hitherto investigated. The chromosomes, in number of 36, are of different sizes but small and provided, as ordinarily, with a single kinetochore. They behave therefore in an orthodox manner in mitosis.


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In the present paper the behaviour of the chromosomes in the spermatogenesis of the Myriapod Rhinocricus Padbergi Verhoeff, 1938 is studied. The primary spermatocytes are provided with 10 independent bivalents which separate normally giving rise to equivalent secondary spermatocytes. No indication of sex chromosomes has been found. Fusion of two bivalents or of four, two by two, has been observed, giving origin to secondary spermatocytes with 9 and 8 chromosomes respectively, in which fused chromosomes could be discovered. For analysing the facts the chomosomes of both, primary and secondary metaphases were separately counted from a total of 190 celis of four individuals and statistically treted. The X2-test gave insignificant results. Twenty chomosomes were counted in somatic tissues. The heterochròmatic parts of the leptotene threads were usually arranged in the periphery of the nucleus. In resting nuclei chromocenters can be observed in varyng number. Their chromosomal nature is revealed by the fact that when treated by KCÑ or KNOS they begin uncoiling.


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Material: Studies were made mainly with Ascaris megalocephála Cloq. univalens and bivalens, and also with Tityus bahiensis Perty. 1) Somatic pairing of heterochromatic regions. The heterochromatic ends of the somatic chromosomes in Ascaris show a very strong tendency for unspecifical somatic pairing which may occur between parts of different chromosomes (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18,), between the two ends of the same chromosome either directly (Figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18) or inversely (Fig. 8, in the arrow) and also within a same chromosomal arm (Fig. 6). 2) During the early first cleavage division the chomosomes are an isodiametric cylinder (Figs. 6, 9, 11, 13, 14). But in later metaphase the ends become club shaped (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10) which is interpreted as the beginning of migration of chromatic substance from the central euchromatic region towards the heterochromatic regions. This migration becomes more and accentuated in anaphase (Figs. 19, 22, 23) and in the vegetative cells where euchromatic region looses more and more staing power, especially in the intersititial zones between the individual small spherical chromosomes into which the euchromatic region desintegrates. The emigrated chromatin material is finally eliminated with the heterochromatic chromosome ends (Fig. 23 and 24). 3) It seems a general rule that during mitotic anaphase all chromosomes with diffuse or multiple spindle fiber attachement (Ascaris, Tityus, Luzula, Steatococcus, Homoptera and Heteroptera in general) move to the poles in the form of an U with precedence of the chromosomal ends. In Ascaris, the heterocromatic regions are pulled passively towards the poles and only the euchromatic central portion may be U-shaped (Fig. 19, 22, 25). While in the other species this U-shape is perfect since the beginning of anaphase, giving the impression that movement towards the poles begins at both ends of a chromosome simultaneously, this is not the case in Ascaris. There the euchromatic region is at first U-shaped, passing then to form a straight or zig-zag line and becoming again U-shaped during late anaphase. This is explained by the fact that the ends of the euchromatic regions have to pull the weight of the passive heterochromatic portions. 4) While it is generally accepted that, during first meio-tic division untill second anaphase, all attachement regions remain either undivided or at least united closely, this is not the case in chromosomes with diffused or multiple attachment. Here one clearly sees in all cases so far studied four parallel chromatids at first metaphase. In Luzula and Tityus (for Tityus all figs. 26 to 31) this division is allready quite clear in paraphase (pro-metaphase) and it cannot be said wether in other species the division in sister chromatids is allready present, but not visible at this stage. During first anaphase the sister chromatids of Titbits remain more or less in contact, while in Luzula and especially in Ascaris they are quite separated. Thus one can count in late anaphase or telophase of Ascaris megalocephala bivalens, nearly allways, four separate chromosomes near each pole, or a total of eight chromatids per division figure (Figs. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41).


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The classification of salmonellae in accordance with the Kauffmann-White schema accepted by the presents various inconveniences and difficulties to application. Among these is the necessity of preparing, dosing and preserving a considerable number of specific sera whose validity as is well known, is limited. The criterion of Kauffmann’s classification is exclusively, for it abandoned cultural tests, leaving therefore only a unilateral criterion. By following it one might include Chromobacterium typhi-flavum in the Salmonella genus as well as other bacteria which differ completely from the Salmonella, as long as they are antigenically related. On the other hand, the chart approximates or separates in the different groups of antigen O species or types of salmonellae which are biologically close or almost indistinguishable. The chart has given rise to an excessive number of species and lypes of salmonellae which from 44 in the chart approved by the in 1934 rose ro 60 in Bergey’s Manual and everything leads one to believe that the end is not yet for every day new lypes or species are found. And perforce this must be so for new antigenic factors have been found which give rise to new structural combinations. Applying the formula of combinations (formule) to the factors already known, there are probable possibilities of having 260 different antigenic combinations in group A, or 3260 lypes or species if all the flagellate antigens of the other groups should be found, in it combined 2 and 2. Futher applying the formula of combinations to the other groups there would be possibility of so many combinations that the number of salmonellae would exceed the number of known bacterian species or perhaps the number of those existing on earth. Undoubledly Kauffmann-White’s chart is an improvement, but the bacterian analysis made with it was exaggerated and exceeded the limit of the present possibilities of the realities of life. It revealed interesting aspects of the somatic complexity of bacteria but seems untenable because of its use in pratical sense.


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The action of colchicine upon the spermatogenesis of Triatoma infestans, (Hemipt. Heteroptera), has been studied and the different categories of giant spermatids that appear during the treatment have been compared with the nuclear volumes of the whole series of normal spermatogenetic stages. The following facts have been ascertained: 1) 4 hours after the treatment the gonial mitotic metaphases, and the 1st. and 2nd. metaphases of meiosis are stopped. The prophasic stages of meiosis and diakynesis appear to be normal. After 9 days of treatment, all the tetrads are broken in the meiotic metaphases and the cells appear with 44 and 22 chromosomes respectively, scattered in the cytoplasm. 2) At 9 days, practically all spermatogenetic stages have disappeared except for a few cysts of spermatogonia, and practically the whole testicle is full of cysts of spermatozoa and spermatid, with some large zones of necrosis with pycnotic nuclei. The spermatids appear to be of different sizes and the statistical analysis of the nuclear volumes gives a polymodal hystogram with 4 modes, whose volumes are in the ratio of 1:2:4:8. Ripe spermatozoa seem to have a certain volume variability, that has not been possible to analyse quantitatively. All these facts confirm what DOOLEY found in the colchicinized Orthoptera testicle. 3) The caryometric analysis conducted statistically on the normal stages of the spermatogenesis (resting spermatogonia, gonial prophases, leptotene, "confused stage", diakynesis, and spermatid) revealed the following facts: a) Considering the volume of the resting, spermatogonia as 1, their mitotic prophases have a volume of 2. Some rare prophases appear to have a volume of 4 and probably belong to tetraployd spermatogonia normally present in the testicle of Hemiptera. b) The first spermatocyte at the beginning of the auxocitary growth (leptotene) has a volume of 2, which is equal to that of them gonial prophase. It grows further during the "confused stage" and reduplicates, reaching thus the volume of 4. Diakynesis has a rather variable nuclear volume and it is higher than volume 4. This is probably of physico-chemical nature and not a growth increase. c) The spermatid at the beginning of the spermiogenetic process has a volume of 1 which is very constant and homogeneous. 4) These results can be summarized concluding that the meiotic process begins from a spermatogonium at the end of his mitotic interphasic growth (vol. 2) and instead of entering into the mitotic prophase transforms itself into the leptotene spermatocyte. During the diplotene ("confused stage") the volume of the nucleus doubles once more and reaches volume 4. In consequence of the two successive meiotic divisions the spermatid, although having an haploid number of chromosomes, has a nuclear volume of 1, just like the diploid spermatogonium. The interpretation of this strange result probably comes from the existence of the "tertiary split" in the chromosomes of the haploid set, that has been illustrated in the Hemiptera by HUGUES SCHRADER and in Orthoptera by MICKEY and co-workers. The tertiary split indicates that the chromosomes of the haploid set are constituted from almost two chromonemata, and this double constitution corresponds to the double cycle of reduplication that takes place during the spermatogenesis starting from the resting gonia. In Triatoma infestans the tertiary split appears in the chromosomes in the 1st. and 2nd. metaphases and in the diakynesis. In the blocked metaphases at the 9th. day of colchicinization some of the 44 elements scattered in the cytoplasm, show, when properly oriented, the split very clearly. Some new and strange facts revealed by SCHRADER and LEUCHTEMBERGER in Arvelius suggest the possibility of other interpretations of the rhythmic growth in special cases. There appears the necessity of more knowledge about the multiple or simple constitution of the chromosomes in somatic and spermatogonial mitosis.


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The ultrastructure and distribution of gonial and somatic cells in the ovary of Dermatobia hominis was studied during the 3rd larval instar. In larvae weighing between 400 and 500 mg, the ovary is partially divided into basal and apical regions by oblong somatic cells that penetrate from the periphery; these cells show ovoid nucleus and cytoplasm full of microtubules. In both regions, gonial cells with regular outlines, large nucleus and low electron-density cytoplasm are scattered among the interstitial somatic cells. These later cells have small nucleus and electrodense cytoplasm. Clear somatic cells with small nucleus and cytoplasm of very low electron-density are restrict to the apical region of the gonad. Degenerating interstitial somatic cells are seen in the basal portion close to the ovary peduncle. During all this larval period the morphological features of the ovary remain almost the same. At the end of the period there is a gradual deposition of glycogen in the cytoplasm of the somatic cells, increase in the number and density of their mitochondria plus nuclear modification as membrane wrinkling and chromatin condensation in masses.


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Ovaries up to the 8th day pupae of Dermatobia hominis were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Ovarioles were recognized in ovaries of 4-day old pre-pupae, surrounded by a thin tunica propria of acellular fibrilar material similar in structure to the internal portion of the external tunica of the ovary. There is continuity of the tunica propria and the ovarian tunica, indicating that the former structure originates from the tunica externa. In 5 to 7-day pupae the interstitial somatic cells from the apical region of the ovary, close to the ovarioles, show delicate filamentous material inside of their rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae; similar material is seem among these cells. Our observations suggest that interstitial somatic cells do not originate the tunica propria but contribute to its final composition.


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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) subsp. medellin (Btmed) produces parasporal crystalline inclusions which are toxic to mosquito larvae. It has been shown that the inclusions of this bacterium contain mainly proteins of 94, 68 and 28-30 kDa. EcoRI partially digested total DNA of Btmed was cloned by using the Lambda Zap II cloning kit. Recombinant plaques were screened with a mouse policlonal antibody raised against the 94 kDa crystal protein of Btmed. One of the positive plaques was selected, and by in vivo excision, a recombinant pBluescript SK(-) was obtained. The gene encoding the 94 kDa toxin of Btmed DNA was cloned in a 4.4 kb DNA fragment. Btmed DNA was then subcloned as a EcoRI/EcoRI fragment into the shuttle vector pBU4 producing the recombinant plasmid pBTM3 and used to transform by electroporation Bt subsp. israelensis (Bti) crystal negative strain 4Q2-81. Toxicity to mosquito larvae was estimated by using first instar laboratory reared Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus larvae challenged with whole crystals. Toxicity results indicate that the purified inclusions from the recombinant Bti strain were toxic to all mosquito species tested, although the toxicity was not as high as the one produced by the crystal of the Btmed wild type strain. Poliacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicate that the inclusions produced by the recombinant strain Bti (pBTM3) were mainly composed of the 94 kDa protein of Btmed, as it was determined by Western blot


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We report the finding of Tetrameres spirospiculum Pinto & Vicente, 1995 from Theristicus melanopis melanopis (Threskiornithidae) from Patagonia, Argentina. These constitute new host and locality records. We propose the assignation of this species to the subgenus T. (Gynaecophila) Gubanov, 1950, based on the presence of labia and the absence of cuticular flanges at the anterior end. Some new morphological data are provided, such as the arrangement of cuticular spines and the presence of a pair of somatic papillae at beginning of posterior third of body length. T. (G.) spirospiculum may probably be regarded as specific to birds of the genus Theristicus.


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Malnutrition hampers the course of schistosomiasis mansoni infection just as normal growth of adult worms. A comparative morphometric study on adult specimens (male and female) recovered from undernourished (fed with a low protein diet - regional basic diet) and nourished (rodent commercial laboratory food, NUVILAB) white mice was performed. Tomographic images and morphometric analysis of the oral and ventral suckers, reproductive system and tegument were obtained by means of confocal laser scanning microscopy. Undernourished male specimens presented smaller morphometric values (length and width) of the reproductive system (first, third and last testicular lobes) and thickness of the tegument than controls. Besides that, it was demonstrated that the dorsal surface of the male worms bears large tubercles unevenly distributed, but kept grouped and flat. At the subtegumental region, vacuolated areas were detected. It was concluded that the inadequate nutritional status of the vertebrate host has a negative influence mainly in the reproductive system and topographical somatic development of male adult Schistosoma mansoni, inducing some alterations on the structure of the parasite.


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The majority of Kudoa species infect the somatic muscle of fish establishing cysts. As there is no effective method to detect infected fish without destroying them these parasited fish reach the consumer. This work was developed to determine whether this parasite contains antigenic compounds capable of provoking an immune response in laboratory animals, in order to consider the possible immunopathological effects in man by the ingestion of Kudoa infected fish. BALB/c mice were injected by the subcutaneous route with the following extracts suspended in aluminium hydroxide: group 1 (black Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extract), group 2 (white Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extract), and group 3 (non-infected hake meat extract). Specific antibody levels were measured by ELISA against homologous and heterologous antigens. The highest responses were obtained from the black Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extract (group 1).The low optic density levels detected in group 3 proved that the results obtained in groups 1 and 2 were a consequence of the parasitic extract injection. The IgG1 was the predominant subclass. IgE detected in groups 1 and 2 showed the possible allergenic nature of some of the components of the parasitic extract. High IgA levels and medium IgG2a and IgG3 levels were obtained in groups 1 and 2. Low IgG2b responses were shown. No cross-reactions between Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extracts and the non-infected hake meat extract were observed.


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Pre-mRNA maturation in trypanosomatids occurs through a process called trans-splicing which involves excision of introns and union of exons in two independent transcripts. For the first time, we present the standardization of Trypanosoma cruzi permeable cells (Y strain) as a model for trans-splicing study of mRNAs in trypanosomes, following by RNase protection reaction, which localizes the SL exon and intron. This trans-splicing reaction in vitro was also used to analyze the influence of NFOH-121, a nitrofurazone-derivative, on this mechanism. The results suggested that the prodrug affects the RNA processing in these parasites, but the trans-splicing reaction still occurred.


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The first South American case of human trichinosis, resulting from the consumption of roast wild boar (Sus scrofa) is reported in Chile. The patient presented fever, diarrhea, myalgias, facial edema, sub-conjunctival reddening, photophobia, eosinophilia, and elevated glutamic oxalacetic transaminase. The diagnosis was confirmed by two immunoenzymatic tests (ELISA) using somatic and excretion-secretion antigens.


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The aim of the present study was to analyze the antibody response against excretory-secretory antigens (ES-Ag) from Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces, using sera from dogs infected with E. granulosus and other helminths. ES-Ag were obtained from the first 50 h maintenance of protoscoleces in vitro. Immunochemical characterization was performed by immunoblotting with sera from dogs naturally infected with E. granulosus (n = 12), sera from dogs infected with helminths other than E. granulosus (n = 30), and helminth-free dog sera (n = 20). These findings were compared to those obtained from a somatic extract of protoscoleces (S-Ag). ES-Ag only showed four cross-reacting proteins of 65, 61, 54, and 45-46 kDa. Antigens with apparent masses of 89 and 50 kDa in ES-Ag and of 130 and 67 kDa in S-Ag were identified by sera of dogs infected with E. granulosus only, whereas a protein of 41-43 kDa was recognised by the majority of the sera from dogs with non-echinococcal infection. Employing ELISA to study the same sera, S-Ag revealed higher immunoreactivity than ES-Ag, but also showed higher cross-reactivity levels when sera from dogs with non-echinococcal infection were assayed in immunoblotting.