77 resultados para Seguros-México


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This paper is based on Sarcophagid flies taken by prof. A. DAMPF at CHAPULTEPEC (D.F.) and Cuernavaca (State of Morelos), mexico. The author examines 33 species and a subspecies belonging to 13 genera, including 6 new species and a new subspecies. One species of the genus Oxysarcodexia was found also at Texas, U. S. A. by Dr. H. J. Reinhard.


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Os autores, depois de recordar ràpidamente as pesquisas anteriores feitas no México sôbre doença de Chagas, devidas em grande parte a LUIS MAZZOTTI, relatam os primeiros resultados obtidos em breve excrusão científica, patrocinada pelo Insituto Nacional de Cardiologia dêsse país, a Apatzingán, Estado de Michoacán, na qual constataram elevado índice de parasitismo de Triatoma pallidipennis pelo Schizotrypanum cruzi (identificado por inoculação em camondongo e cobaias) e verificaram 4 casos de doença de Chagas diagnosticados pela reação de fixação do complemento (antígeno de cultura de S. cruzi).


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The present paper is based on Sarcophagidae taken in Mexico by Prof. A. Dampf. Two new species were described, belonging to the genera Emdenimyia and Sarconeiva. Helicobia stellata (Wulp) and Helicobia rapax (Walker) were considered as different species.


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Seroepidemiological studies of cutaneous leishmaniasis were carried out on 169 individuals in a rural area of the Campeche state of México. Fifty showed cutaneous lesions suggestive of leishmaniasis, 70% were parasite positive and 96% skin test positive. An overall 40% positivity to skin test with Montenegro's antigen was found. Most of the affected individuals were males from 11 to 30 years-old. Antibodies were determined by immunofluorescent antibody test (IFA) and by Western blot. Two antigen preparations were used, one from a Leishmania mexicana strain which produced localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) and the other from a diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL). In the general population from the area of study 19% gave positive IFA tests with DCL antigen and 20% with LCL antigen while for the patients 67% gave positive IFA tests with DCL and 71% with LCL. By Western blot analysis most of the patients recognized more antigens in the DCL than in the LCL strain. In the DCL strain 78% of patients recognized a 105 kDa, 34% a 139 kDa, 28% a 117 kDa and 26% a 205 kDa MW antigen. In the LCL strain 40% of patients recognized a 205 kDa and 22% a 175 kDa antigens


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The presence of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 in water supplies for human consumption in the city of Campeche and rural locality of Bécal was investigated. V. cholerae non-O1 was detected in 5.9% of the samples obtained in deep pools of Campeche. Studies conducted in Bécal and neighbourhood of Morelos in Campeche indicated that collected samples harbored V. cholerae non-O1 in 31.5% and 8.7% respectively. There was a particular pattern of distribution of V. cholerae non-O1 serotypes among different studied regions. Accordingly, V. cholerae non-O1 serotype O14 predominated in the deep pools of Campeche and together with V. cholerae non-O1, O155 were preferentially founds in samples taken from intradomiciliary faucets in the neighbourhood of Morelos. Samples from Bécal predominantly presented the serotype O112. 60% and 53.8% of all studied strains of V. cholerae non-O1 proved to be resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin. 3.1%, 7.7% and 6.2% presented resistant to doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and erythromycin respectively. The study showed the necessity of performing a strong epidemiologic surveillance for emergence and distribution of V. cholerae non-O1


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With the purpose of evaluating the risk of transmission of the Chagas disease in the State of Colima, México, an entomological survey was performed to obtain triatominae and the rate of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi determined by examination of its dejections. Two hundred eighteen houses located in 16 villages were sampled. In each house the intradomestic and peridomestic habitats were examined by the man-hour-house method, sensor boxes and mouse-baited traps. Also, 12 silvatic places were explored around the same areas using the same techniques as the ones sampled. In total, 456 specimens were captured, of which 139 correspond to Triatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis; 80 to T. p. longipennis; one specimen of T. dimidiata and 236 nymphs of Triatoma sp. Two hundred ninety seven insects were captured in the intradomestic habitat, 132 in the peridomestic and 26 in the silvatic. The index of positive houses was 27%, located in the central area of the state. The rate of natural infection with T. cruzi showed 25.6%. This results confirmed the presence of two important vectors of the Chagas disease in Colima. Its preference for the domestic habitat and its high levels of natural infection with T. cruzi suggested the existence of a significant risk for its transmission in this area of the country.


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In México, the role of mammals in the transmission cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi is poorly known. In the State of Yucatán, an endemic area of Chagas disease, both Didelphis virginiana and D. marsupialis occur sympatrically. However, until now, only the former species had been found infected with T. cruzi. To evaluate the role of D. virginiana in a peridomestic transmission, nine periods of capture-recapture were performed around the village of Dzidzilché, Yucatán. The sex, age, reproductive status, location, and presence of infection with T. cruzi were recorded for each opossum. The chromosome morphology was used to identify the opossum species. T. cruzi was identified by the presence of pseudocysts of amastigotes in cardiac muscle fibers of Balb/c mice inoculated with strains isolated from opossums. However, xenodiagnosis was the best diagnostic method. Triatoma dimidiata, the vector, were collected in and around the opossums' nests, and human dwellings; and were checked for T. cruzi. From 102 blood samples of D. virginiana examined 55 (53.9%) were positive to T. cruzi, the only two D. marsupialis captured were negative. Significant differences were found between infection, and both sex and reproductive condition. Eight out of 14 triatomines collected in peridomestic nests (57.1%), and 32 of 197 captured inside houses (16.3%) were found infected, suggesting a peridomestic transmission. The statistically high abundance of infected opossums and triatomines during the dry season (March to May) suggested the existence of a seasonality in the peridomestic transmission of T. cruzi in Dzidzilché.


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OBJETIVO: Documentar las creencias y las prácticas de las parteras tradicionales respecto al embarazo parto y puerperio. MÉTODOS: Aprovechando un curso de capacitación de 160 parteras tradicionales locales de las regiones Media y Huasteca del Estado de San Luis Potosí, México, dos de las enfermeras-instructoras entrevistaron a 25 de los capacitandos, apoyadas por un miembro de las comunidades náhuatl y tenek. La identidad de los participantes se mantiene anónima y se obtuvo permiso para publicar los resultados mediante consentimiento informado. RESULTADOS: Las prácticas de las parteras (os) tradicionales son comunes en los grupos sociales que carecen de servicios de salud. Sus funciones no están limitadas al parto e incluyen nutrición, cuidados prenatales, del puerperio y la lactancia, así como apoyo afectivo emocional de las madres parturientas y sus familiares. En este estudio se registraron varios mitos y terapias tradicionales. CONCLUSIÓN: Los recursos de la terapia tradicional y de la atención primaria de la salud de las parteras Náhuatl y Tenek son útiles y benéficos para los cuidados perinatales.


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Estudo transversal com os objetivos de determinar a capacidade de autocuidado de pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e relacionar tal capacidade com variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. Participaram 251 pessoas que ingressaram no Serviço de Urgência do Hospital Regional Mérida, em Yucatán, México, em 2006. Os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevista domiciliar dirigida, utilizando-se formulário, questionário e a Escala de Capacidade Autocuidado. Para a análise, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e correlacional. Os resultados mostraram que 83 (33,5%) dos sujeitos apresentaram boa capacidade de autocuidado e 168 (66,5%), capacidade regular. Obteve-se correlação diretamente proporcional entre capacidade de autocuidado e anos de estudo (r=0,124; p<0,05), mas negativa para religião (rs=-0,435; p<0,05) e tempo de evolução da doença (r=-0,667; p<0,05). Para a promoção do autocuidado em pessoas com diabetes faz-se necessário considerar essas variáveis, bem como desenvolver novos estudos que enfoquem outras variáveis envolvidas no comportamento adotado em benefício da saúde.


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El objetivo del estudio fue identificar diferencias de actitud entre estudiantes de la educación secundaria consumidores y no de alcohol a través de la Teoría de la Conducta Planeada. Estudio descriptivo transversal con abordaje cuantitativo, con una muestra de 131 adolescentes. Se verifi có que 74% ya habían consumido alcohol y 18.3% tienen consumo dañino. Se constató que las creencias conductuales hacia el consumo eran más altas en los consumidores de alcohol (X=29.32, Mdn=27.50) que en los no consumidores, así con la evaluación de las creencias en sentido positivo son más altas en los consumidores de alcohol (X=17.72, Mdn=9.52) que en los no consumidores, haciéndose necesaria la implementación de programas preventivos que fortalezcan las creencias de los adolescentes, así como estimular las estrategias vinculadas con el fortalecimiento de factores protectores y estilos de vida saludables.


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Se describe e ilustran los adultos y genitalia de macho y hembra de Copitarsia uncilata Burgos & Leiva sp. nov., que se distribuye en Colombia y México. La nueva especie se caracteriza por poseer un uncus ancho apicalmente espatulado con una diminuta proyección dorsal bulbosa, digitus de corte apical ampliamente cóncavo y una ampulla con ápice recurvado que sobresale de la valva, externamente es similar a Copitarsia decolora (Guenée).


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Observations on the biology and distribution of Uresiphita reversalis (Lepidoptera, Crambidae), a defoliator of the native tree Calia secundiflora in México. Uresiphita reversalis (Guenée, 1854) feeding on Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev is recorded for the first time in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. New aspects regarding the life cycle, feeding behaviour, geographical distribution and host plant damage by U. reversalis on C. secundiflora are here presented and discussed.


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The semi-arid region of Chiapas is dominated by N2 -fixing shrubs, e.g., Acacia angustissima. Urea-fertilized soil samples under maize were collected from areas covered and uncovered by A. angustissima in different seasons and N2O and CO2 emissions were monitored. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of urea and of the rainy and dry season on gas emissions from semi-arid soil under laboratory conditions. Urea and soil use had no effect on CO2 production. Nitrons oxide emission from soil was three times higher in the dry than in the rainy season, while urea fertilization doubled emissions. Emissions were twice as high from soil sampled under A. angustissima canopy than from arable land, but 1.2 lower than from soil sampled outside the canopy, and five times higher from soil incubated at 40 % of the water-holding capacity (WHC) than at soil moisture content, but 15 times lower than from soil incubated at 100 WHC. It was found that the soil sampling time and water content had a significant effect on N2O emissions, while N fertilizer and sampling location were less influent.


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O estudo focaliza a reconfiguração da gestão educacional a partir da nova lógica de regulação social e do novo papel do Estado, à luz da historicidade dos países estudados (Argentina, Brasil, Chile e México), examinando os fatores culturais que interferiram na dinâmica da reforma educacional da década de 90. Aspectos que evidenciam a homogeneidade e a heterogeneidade dessa reforma na região, bem como as especificidades nacionais que intervieram em sua concretização, são destacados. Afirma que a historicidade que caracteriza a realidade educacional tem sofrido, no México, o que poderíamos denominar "ruptura conservadora"; no Chile, "continuidade conservadora"; no Brasil, "renovação conservadora"; e, na Argentina, "ruptura interrompida". Recupera algumas conclusões alcançadas por meio da análise de 186 textos de caráter acadêmico sobre os impactos, nos países estudados, da reforma educacional da década.