129 resultados para Rural Studies
Resting adults Culicidae were collected from January 1992 through January 1993 in several habitats of the Ribeira Valley region. The diversity of species found among them suggested that the vegetation remaining within human settlements favored the survival and the population increase of some mosquitoes. Among there are: Ae. scapularis, Ae. serratus, Cx. (Culex), Cx. nigripalpus and Cx. (Melanoconion) such as Cx. ribeirensis. That preservation role may be attributed to the rearing of livestock and the consequent increase in the number of blood sources. These species may be classified as hemisynanthropes and Cx. oedipus apparently evolving to the eusynanthropic status. On the other hand, An. cruzii showed an asynanthropic behaviour, with a low degree of survival in the modified human environment. Epidemiological implications of the data are mentioned.
Studies on breeding Anopheles albitarsis and association with rice growth in irrigated paddy fields were carried out during the rice cultivation cycle from December 1993 to March 1994. This period corresponded to the length of time of permanent paddy flooding. Breeding occurred in the early stage up until five weeks after transplantation when rice plant height was small. That inverse correlation may give potential direction to control measures.
Studies on culicid breeding in empty rice fields were carried out during the cultivation cycle from May to November 1993. This period corresponded to stages 1 and 2, when empty conditions prevailed. Breeding occurred in stage 1 and the first part of stage 2, corresponding respectively to fallow uncultivated and ploughing situations. No breeding was found to take place during the second part of stage 2 when transient floods and harrowing occurred. The predominant species were Aedes scapularis, Culex nigripalpus and Cx. mollis. The Pilosus Group of Culex (Melanoconion) was found at lower densities. Some epidemiological considerations are presented.
Results obtained with catches performed at several sites of the Ribeira Valley, SP (Brazil) are reported. Collections with Shannon type traps showed a concentration of An.albitarsis s.l. in the Experimental Farm of Pariquera-Açu County, associated with the development of irrigated rice cultivation. Two species of the complex, named A and B, were recognized. Species B predominated in the samples. Indoor and outdoor crepuscular human bait captures were performed a the domiciliary environment. The two species showed a generally low William's media valve of 0.2, the highest value obtained was 1.6. No differences were found between indoor and outdoor behaviours between the two species of the complex.
A study of Spissipes Section of Culex (Melanoconion) adults behaviour was carried out from August 1992 through December 1993 in human dominated (anthropic) environment in the Ribeira Valley, S.Paulo State, Brazil. By sampling at several sites it the dominance of Culex ribeirensis and Cx. sacchettae became evident even through a total number of ten species was recorded. Those two mosquitoes showed a clear tendency to frequent the domiciliary environment where they were caught, both indoor and outdoor, through the use of the human bait. In the outside environments, the residual patchy forests seems to display a concentration role, from which these adults spread to the open land and reach the dwellings. As their vector competence has been demonstrated through the virus isolations in natural conditions, it is advisable to pay attention to the presence of these mosquitoes in the man-made environment.
Objetivando-se conhecer as espécies de Culicidae aptas a colonizarem ambiente de um ribeirão com mata ciliar reduzida e localizado na região Sul do Brasil, foram realizadas capturas com auxílio de rede para coleta de insetos aquáticos. Foram apanhadas as seguintes espécies: Aedes crinifer, Aedomya squamipennis, Anopheles fluminensis, An. intermedius, An. albitarsis, An. argyritarsis, An. evansae, An. galvaoi, An. oswaldoi, An. strodei, An. triannulatus, Chagasia fajardi, Culex bidens, Cx. grupo coronator, Cx. eduardoi, Cx. mollis, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. coppenamensis, Cx. vaxus, Cx. grupo inhibitator, Cx. intrincatus, Cx. (Melanoconion) sp., Psorophora saeva (?) e Uranotaenia pulcherrima. Para as espécies em que foi capturada uma amostra tida como representativa, foram estudadas a distribuição ao longo da área pesquisada, a flutuação populacional e a correlação com fatores físicos do ambiente. Conclui-se da análise que massas de água orladas por mata ciliar reduzida podem funcionar como refúgio para alguns Culicidae e esta condição pode contribuir decisivamente para o processo de domiciliação de espécies deste grupo.
A survey of adult behaviour of Culex (Culex) species was carried out from August 1992 through December 1993 in a human modified (anthropic) environment in the Ribeira Valley, S.Paulo State, Brazil. Culex nigripalpus dominated the catches at several sites and it's tendency to increase in the anthropic environment became quite clear. Nevertheless no high level of synanthropy was demonstrated. So it seems that the mosquito may have a restricted role in natural arbovirus cycles. Nonetheless, Cx. nigripalpus must be considered a potential vector of arboviruses, especially St. Louis encephalitis virus outside dwellings.
An. (Ker.) cruzii and An. (Ker.) bellator were monitored by the use of human bait and Shannon trap collections during a one-year period in 1994. Indoor and outdoor collections were made on human bait and inside the forest environment a Shannon trap was used. Both were undertaken in the evening crepuscular period. Results showed a greater abundance of An. cruzii in the forest, where as An. bellator was more abundant in the domiciliary environment. Through the application of the Polovodova method an age grading was established. Computing the parous and nulliparous females with Christopher's Stage III and above, more than 30.0% of blood-seeking specimens of both anophelines had had a previous blood meal. The higher abundance of An. bellator as compared with that of An. cruzii in the domiciliary environment may be explained by the influence of the neighboring low-lying coastal islands of the estuary system.
Results obtained with Anopheles albitarsis s.l. catches mainly performed through human bait at the Ribeira Valley region, SP (Brazil), are reported. Two species of the complex were recognized, namely An. albitarsis s.s. and species B. This latter predominated both in the rice fields and in the dwelling environments. The crepuscular rhythms showed an unimodal sunset pattern with most blood-seeking females caught during dusk. The absence of differences between indoor and outdoor behavior was confirmed for both species of the complex.
INTRODUÇÃO: A utilização pelos Culicidae de recipientes contendo água para a colocação de seus ovos, em área antropogênica, pode indicar plasticidade genética que os direcione evolutivamente no sentido da domiciliação. Nesse sentido, foram coletadas as diferentes espécies de Culicidae que colonizam recipientes alocados em mata ciliar, na área rural. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram instalados recipientes de pneu, plástico, lata e bambu, em mata ciliar, em área rural no Norte do Paraná, Brasil. RESULTADOS: Coletaram-se larvas de Cx. grupo coronator, Cx. declarator, Cx. laticlasper, Cx. (Melanoconion) secção Spissipes, Cx. tatoi, Tr. compressum, Tr. pallidiventer, Ae. terrens, Cx. mollis, Cx. bigoti, Hg. leucocelaenus, Cx. eduardoi, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Li. durhamii e Toxorhynchites sp. As cinco primeiras espécies foram específicas de pneus. As duas espécies de Trichoprosopon ficaram restritas a bambu. Ae. terrens e Cx. mollis foram caletadas em pneu e bambu, Cx. bigoti foi coletada em pneu, lata e bambu, enquanto que Hg. leucocelaenus só não foi encontrada em lata. As quatro últimas espécies foram coletadas em todos os tipos de recipientes. Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. eduardoi, Li. durhamii tiveram significante flutuação populacional. CONCLUSÕES: O pneu caracterizou-se como o recipiente mais aceito pelos culicídeos. As áreas onde a mata ciliar esteve mais densa e o locais onde o solo esteve mais úmido foram os pontos com maior número de capturas. A mata ciliar, mesmo muito reduzida e alterada, foi suficiente para abrigar várias espécies de culicídeos. As espécies caputradas podem ser portadoras de plasticidade gênica que as capacitem a colonizar ambientes antropogênicos.
Durante estudos ecológicos sobre mosquitos anofelíneos no município de Bataguassu, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, foram encontradas larvas e adultos de Aedes albopictus. Pela primeira vez sua introdução ocorre numa área enzoótica do vírus selvático da febre amarela no Brasil. Isto sugere risco potencial para transferência desse vírus para área urbana infestada com Aedes aegypti.
OBJETIVO: Se realizó una intervención comunitaria bajo la estrategia de promoción de la salud, con el objetivo de desarrollar un programa de educación para la salud con mujeres. MÉTODOS: Se analizó la metodología de educación popular; con la finalidad de generar procesos organizativos y de participación social que mejoren la nutrición y sobrevivencia infantil. RESULTADOS: Los principales resultados, se relacionan con la generación de procesos autogestivos, la conformación de un grupo de promotoras de salud que han impulsado la organización de las mujeres enfocando su trabajo a mejorar la nutrición infantil y la salud familiar. Las promotoras han tomado en sus manos el programa de vigilancia epidemiológica en nutrición infantil y en conjunto con las mujeres han emprendido una serie de acciones para mejorar la nutrición de los niños y los porcentajes de desnutrición en los niños que participan en el programa de nutrición infantil han iniciado un descenso (64% a 62%). CONCLUSIONES: Los programas de nutrición infantil tienen mayores posibilidades de éxito en la medida que logran involucrar a la población en la resolución de esta problemática, eso es posible cuando se utiliza una metodología que propicie la participación de los individuos y se generen espacios que les permitan realizar una práctica transformadora de su realidad. La metodología de la educación popular proporciona las pautas en ese sentido. Es necesario continuar ampliando las experiencias educativas en educación para la salud con este tipo de metodología.
OBJETIVO: Conocer la percepción, recursos y prácticas que sobre el aborto tienen las parteras de un área rural mexicana, el Municipio de Yecapixtla, Morelos, situado en la parte central de México. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó método cualitativo, realizándose entrevistas en profundidad, grupos focales y observación participativa. Los tópicos indagados fueron aspectos socioculturales, sexualidad, reproducción y aspectos de salud en relación al aborto. Se entrevistó en profundidad a 9 parteras y se realizó un grupo focal en el que participaron 16 parteras. RESULTADOS: Éstos dan cuenta de una profunda actitud de rechazo ante el aborto, inducido o espontáneo. El primero se conceptúa como un pecado grave y el segundo como un fracaso en la principal función de la mujer en estas comunidades, la reproducción. Las mujeres que abortan son llamadas "puercas", "cochinas" o "perras" y las parteras se muestran reacias a atenderlas. Sin embargo, es común entre las mujeres de la comunidad la práctica de la "regulación de la regla", es decir, la utilización de sustancias que hacen que aparezca la menstruación si ésta se ha retrasado. Dicha práctica no se considera abortiva. CONCLUSIONES: El conocimiento del mundo de significaciones populares en torno al aborto es imprescindible para construir modelos y estrategias efectivas que, desde los servicios institucionales de salud, refuercen los vínculos entre éstos y las parteras tradicionales, de manera que se mejore el acceso a servicios y la calidad de la atención a las mujeres.
OBJETIVO: Investigar a ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho, na zona rural, e sua associação com alguns fatores de risco. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado na zona rural do município de Pelotas, RS. O delineamento do estudo foi transversal de base populacional. Uma amostra representativa dos trabalhadores rurais foi obtida por meio de amostragem, em estágios múltiplos, utilizando-se os setores censitários da Fundação IBGE. As entrevistas foram realizadas em um período de quatro meses, utilizando-se questionários padronizados e pré-codificados. Os 580 trabalhadores entrevistados pertenciam a 258 famílias da zona rural. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de acidentes encontrada foi de 11%. Os fatores de risco associados à maior ocorrência de acidentes, na análise multivariada, foram a classe social mais baixa (OR=1,81), a cor não-branca (OR=3,50) e a insatisfação com o trabalho realizado (OR=2,77).
OBJECTIVE: Selecting controls is one of the most difficult tasks in the design of case-control studies. Hospital controls may be inadequate and random controls drawn from the base population may be unavailable. The aim was to assess the use of hospital visitors as controls in a case-control study on the association of organochlorinated compounds and other risk factors for breast cancer conducted in the main hospital of the "Instituto Nacional de Câncer" -- INCA (National Cancer Institute) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). METHODS: The study included 177 incident cases and 377 controls recruited among female visitors. Three different models of control group composition were compared: Model 1, with all selected visitors; Model 2, excluding women visiting relatives with breast cancer; and Model 3, excluding all women visiting relatives with any type of cancer. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to test the associations. RESULTS: Age-adjusted OR for breast cancer associated with risk factors other than family history of cancer, except smoking and breast size, were similar in the three models. Regarding family history of all cancers, except for breast cancer, there was a decreased risk in Models 1 and 2, while in Model 3 there was an increased risk, but not statistically significant. Family history of breast cancer was a risk factor in Models 2 and 3, but no association was found in Model 1. In multivariate analysis a significant risk of breast cancer was found when there was a family history of breast cancer in Models 2 and 3 but not in Model 1. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that while investigating risk factors unrelated to family history of cancer, the use of hospital visitors as controls may be a valid and feasible alternative.