58 resultados para Rowan, Andrew Summers.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the change in soil C and N mineralization due to successive pig slurry application under conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT) systems. The experiment was carried out in a clayey Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico (Rhodic Eutrudox) in Palotina, PR, Brazil. Increasing doses of pig slurry (0, 30, 60 and 120 m³ ha-1 per year) were applied in both tillage systems, with three replicates. Half of the pig slurry was applied before summer soil preparation, and the other half before the winter crop season. The areas were cultivated with soybean (Glycine max L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in the summers of 1998 and 1999, respectively, and with wheat (Triticum sativum Lam.) in the winters of both years. Soil samples were collected at 0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm depths. Under both CT and NT systems, pig slurry application increased C and N mineralization. However, increasing pig slurry additions decreased the C to N mineralization ratio. Under the NT system, C and N mineralization was greater than in CT system.


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The objective of this work was to assess the potential of interspecific hybridization of Vitis labruscana and Muscadinia rotundifolia by using artificial cross-pollinations. Microsatellite markers were used to confirm interspecific hybridizations and the identity of the parental genotypes. In crosses in which M. rotundifolia was used as the female parent, no true hybrids were obtained. In the reciprocal crosses, 114 seedlings were identified as true V. labruscana x M. rotundifolia hybrids. Self pollination occurred in direct and in reciprocal crosses. The crossings between 'Bordo' x 'Carlos', 'Magnolia', 'Regale' and' Roanoke', and between' Isabel' x 'Bountiful', 'Carlos', 'Magnolia', 'Regale' and 'Roanoke' were confirmed. The 15 markers evaluated showed that two M. rotundifolia parental genotypes had the same fingerprint profile, indicating a like lyplanting error. The success of hybridization depends mainly on the species and on the cultivar used as the female parent. Microsatellite markers are efficient to confirm the paternity of interspecific F1 hybrids and to determine the correct identity of M. rotundifolia cultivars.


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The objective of this work was to obtain transgenic tomato plants expressing the PfCP-2.9 protein (a chimera of the antigens MSP1 and AMA1 of Plasmodium falciparum). Cotyledons of seven-day-old tomatoes, cultivar Summers, were transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transgenic expression in the T0 plants was verified in the DNA extracted from fruits. PCR analysis was used to test the presence of the gene of interest in the T1 generation. Reverse transcriptase PCR provided evidence of gene expression at the RNA level, and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of the protein of interest in the T1 plants. This is the first report of successful transformation with the expression of a malaria antigen (PfCP-2.9) in transgenic tomato plants from the T0 and T1 generations.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of simulating maize yield in a sub‑tropical region of southern Brazil using the general large area model (Glam). A 16‑year time series of daily weather data were used. The model was adjusted and tested as an alternative for simulating maize yield at small and large spatial scales. Simulated and observed grain yields were highly correlated (r above 0.8; p<0.01) at large scales (greater than 100,000 km²), with variable and mostly lower correlations (r from 0.65 to 0.87; p<0.1) at small spatial scales (lower than 10,000 km²). Large area models can contribute to monitoring or forecasting regional patterns of variability in maize production in the region, providing a basis for agricultural decision making, and Glam‑Maize is one of the alternatives.


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The left brachiocephalic vein occasionally follows an aberrant course. It is usually associated with congenital cardiac anomaly. We present a case of anomalous left brachiocephalic vein which followed a sub aortic course, with no cardiac abnormality. Multi detector computed tomography is very useful in accurate diagnosis of this condition and prevents any further investigation in cases of isolated abnormalities.


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Gravimetric and Bailey-Andrew methods are tedious and provide inflated results. Spectrofotometry is adequate for caffeine analysis but is lengthy. Gas chromatography also is applied to the caffeine analysis but derivatization is needed. High performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) and reversed phase is simple and rapid for xanthine multianalysis. In HPLC-UV-gel permeation, organic solvents are not used. HPLC-mass spectrometry provides an unequivocal structural identification of xanthines. Capillary electrophoresis is fast and the solvent consumption is smaller than in HPLC. Chemometric methods offer an effective means for chemical data handling in multivariate analysis. Infrared spectroscopy alone or associated with chemometries could predict the caffeine content in a very accurate form. Electroanalytical methods are considered of low cost and easy application in caffeine analysis.


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A new method using the headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) technique was used to evaluate the infinite dilute activity coefficient (γ1∞) in an alcohol/water/salt system. The studied systems were ethanol and water with NaCl and NH4Cl at salt concentrations of 5, 10, 15, and 30% m/v and temperatures of 303.15 and 313.15 K. The method was used to investigate the salt effect on vapor/liquid equilibrium in an ethanol/water system, yielding satisfactory results. The study focused on the rich side in ethanol. The data were compared with the literature infinite dilution data determined by other methods such as differential ebulliometry (EBUL), differential static cell equilibrium (STAT), and gas-liquid chromatography with no gas phase correction (GC). In this study, NaCl showed better separation rates than NH4Cl.


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A amostragem de amônia no ar é feita usualmente com filtro impregnado com ácido. O ácido ascórbico, quando usado como impregnante, é facilmente oxidado em meio básico e aquoso, gerando uma solução fortemente colorida que inviabiliza a determinação por colorimetria. Este trabalho apresenta um novo procedimento para extração do íon amônio dos filtros de amostragem, transferindo o íon amônio para uma gota de solução contendo ácido sulfúrico 0,1 mol L-1. A amostra do filtro é inicialmente solubilizada com água. A solução é colocada dentro de uma câmara com posterior adição de solução de NaOH 1,5 mol L-1. Com a ajuda de com borbulhamento de nitrogênio, a amônia formada passa para a fase gasosa, sendo finalmente recolhida para uma gota de ácido sulfúrico. A esta gota é adicionado um reagente e o produto determinado colorimetricamente pela reação do indofenol. Além da eliminação de interferentes, o procedimento apresenta a vantagem de fazer uma nova pré-concentração da amônia, possibilitando melhorar o limite de detecção do método de determinação.


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A seleção de uma máquina agrícola pode tornar-se uma tarefa árdua, pois há diversas variáveis que devem ser consideradas. A escolha do equipamento mais adequado para uma propriedade agrícola é uma das etapas mais importantes do processo produtivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo de computador por programação linear em plataforma web para seleção automatizada de conjuntos mecanizados agrícolas, baseados no menor custo operacional. O programa, desenvolvido em linguagem ASP.NET, pode ser acessado gratuitamente pela Internet (http://www.maquinas.ufms.br). O usuário pode selecionar um conjunto mecanizado agrícola dentro de uma vasta lista de opções que contém suas especificações técnicas ou deixar que o programa lhe retorne automaticamente a melhor opção, pelo menor custo operacional. O programa desenvolvido proporciona ao usuário uma seleção racional via Internet de conjuntos mecanizados, permitindo o estudo econômico do uso das máquinas e implementos, sem a necessidade da instalação de programas dedicados no computador, que dificultariam a manutenção do banco de dados.


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A reunião de revista "Telemedicina baseada em evidências - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE) realizou uma revisão crítica da literatura e selecionou três artigos atuais sobre o tratamento do trauma de baço. O foco foi em lesão de baço grave, definida pela American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) como graus III a V. O primeiro artigo foi uma atualização do protocolo de 2003 da Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) para o tratamento não operatório de trauma do baço. O segundo artigo foi apresentado na plenária de 2012 da AAST avaliando o papel do extravasamento de contraste na tomografia computadorizada em pacientes com lesão grave de baço (AAST IV-V). O último artigo é europeu e investigou o efeito da angioembolização da artéria esplênica na função do baço após lesão esplênica grave (AAST III-V). A reunião de revista TBE-CiTE elaborou conclusões e recomendações para o tratamento de lesão grave do baço.


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This paper examines how exchange rate policies and IMF Stand-By Arrangements affect debt crises using econometrics and a comparison between Argentina and Brazil. It refines an existing diagram outlining crisis development to propose crisis prevention strategies. Flexible exchange rate policies reduce a country's probability of default by over 4%, but Stand-By Arrangements increase it by an inconsequential percentage. Unlike Argentina, Brazil avoided a default via a freely-floating exchange rate system, fiscal deficit reduction, and a cooperative and coordinated relationship with the IMF. The results provide policymakers from developing countries with lessons to manage their countries' default risks more effectively.


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This article examines recent arguments from development economists, from historians and from international relations specialists that do challenge the continued relevance of the idea of the Third World. It then examines five reasons why these arguments are wrong. We can indeed understand much about emerging powers in terms of how they are seeking to navigate and best position themselves within an existing state-centric, liberal and capitalist order whilst accepting many of the underlying assumptions and values of that order. But the nature of that navigation has been shaped by their historical trajectory and by the developmental, societal and geopolitical context of their emergence.


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Not all categorization is conceptual. Many of the experimental findings concerning infant and animal categorization invite the hypothesis that the subjects form abstract perceptual representations, mental models or cognitive maps that are not composed of concepts. The paper is a reflection upon the idea that conceptual categorization involves the ability to make categorical judgements under the guidance of norms of rationality. These include a norm of truth-seeking and a norm of good evidence. Acceptance of these norms implies willingness to defer to cognitive authorities, unwillingness to commit oneself to contradictions, and knowledge of how to reorganize one's representational system upon discovering that one has made a mistake. It is proposed that the cognitive architecture required for basic rationality is similar to that which underlies pretend-play. The representational system must be able to make room for separate 'mental spaces' in which alternatives to the actual world are entertained. The same feature underlies the ability to understand modalities, time, the appearance-reality distinction, other minds, and ethics. Each area of understanding admits of degrees, and mastery (up to normal adult level) takes years. But rational concept-management, at least in its most rudimentary form, does not require a capacity to form second-order representations. It requires knowledge of how to operate upon, and compare, the contents of different mental spaces.