76 resultados para Repeat
Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (TB), a disease that affects approximately 5% of Argentinean cattle. Among the molecular methods for genotyping, the most convenient are spoligotyping and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR). A total of 378 samples from bovines with visible lesions consistent with TB were collected at slaughterhouses in three provinces, yielding 265 M. bovis spoligotyped isolates, which were distributed into 35 spoligotypes. In addition, 197 isolates were also typed by the VNTR method and 54 combined VNTR types were detected. There were 24 clusters and 27 orphan types. When both typing methods were combined, 98 spoligotypes and VNTR types were observed with 27 clusters and 71 orphan types. By performing a meta-analysis with previous spoligotyping results, we identified regional and temporal trends in the population structure of M. bovis. For SB0140, the most predominant spoligotype in Argentina, the prevalence percentage remained high during different periods, varying from 25.5-57.8% (1994-2011). By contrast, the second and third most prevalent spoligotypes exhibited important fluctuations. This study shows that there has been an expansion in ancestral lineages as demonstrated by spoligotyping. However, exact tandem repeat typing suggests dynamic changes in the clonal population of this microorganism.
Distinct genetic structure in populations of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) shown by genetic markers ISSR and COI gene. Green lacewings are generalist predators, and the species Chrysoperla externa presents a great potential for use in biological control of agricultural pests due to its high predation and reproduction capacities, as well as its easy mass rearing in the laboratory. The adaptive success of a species is related to genetic variability, so that population genetic studies are extremely important in order to maximize success of the biological control. Thus, the present study used nuclear (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat - ISSR) and mitochondrial (Cytochrome Oxidase I - COI) molecular markers to estimate the genetic variability of 12 populations in the São Paulo State, Brazil, as well as the genetic relationships between populations. High levels of genetic diversity were observed for both markers, and the highest values of genetic diversity appear associated with municipalities that have the greatest areas of native vegetation. There was high haplotype sharing, and there was no correlation between the markers and the geographic distribution of the populations. The AMOVA indicated absence of genetic structure for the COI gene, suggesting that the sampled areas formed a single population unit. However, the great genetic differentiation among populations showed by ISSR demonstrates that these have been under differentiation after their expansion or may also reflect distinct dispersal behavior between males and females.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a seleção, utilizando valores genéticos preditos pelo BLUP clássico (BLUP), BLUP marcadores (BLUPM) e pela seleção individual (SI), usando simulação com o programa Genesys. Para obter a matriz de similaridade genética utilizada no BLUPM, foram simulados cem marcadores moleculares do tipo microssatélite (SSR - Simple Sequence Repeat), por meio de um coeficiente de similaridade correspondente à distância euclideana média para dados quantitativos. A fim de comparar os diferentes métodos, utilizaram-se populações com tamanho efetivo de 66,66 e média de 30 repetições, avaliando-se os valores fenotípicos médios. Os ganhos ao longo das 20 gerações de seleção foram maiores para o BLUP em relação ao BLUPM, e este foi superior à SI. Quanto ao ganho obtido nas cinco primeiras gerações, o BLUPM apresentou ganhos semelhantes ao BLUP e superiores à SI. Diferentes sistemas de acasalamento dos reprodutores selecionados não revelaram diferenças em ganho genético nos métodos baseados no BLUP.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of rice (Oryza sativa) landraces collected in Brazilian small farms. Twelve simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers characterized 417 landraces collected in 1986, 1987 and 2003, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The number of landraces with long and thin grain type increased in the evaluated period, probably due to market demand. Based on the molecular data, the genetic variability increased during this period and, as per to the factorial correspondence analysis, most of the accessions were grouped according to the year of collection. The incorporation of modern rice cultivars in landrace cultivation areas and the selection carried out by small farmers are the most probable factors responsible for increasing landrace genetic variability, during the evaluated period. Genotype exchange between farmers, selection practice and local environmental adaptation are able to generate novel adapted allele combinations, which can be used by breeding programs, to reinitiate the process.
The objectives of this work were to investigate the genetic variation in 79 soybean (Glycine max) accessions from different regions of the world, to cluster the accessions based on their similarity, and to test the correlation between the two types of markers used. Simple sequence repeat markers present in genomic (SSR) and in expressed regions (EST-SSR) were used. Thirty SSR primer-pairs were selected (20 genomic and 10 EST-SSR) based on their distribution on the 20 genetic linkage groups of soybean, on their trinucleotide repetition unit and on their polymorphism information content. All analyzed loci were polymorphic, and 259 alleles were found. The number of alleles per locus varied from 2-21, with an average of 8.63. The accessions exhibit a significant number of rare alleles, with genotypes 19, 35, 63 and 65 carrying the greater number of exclusive alleles. Accessions 75 and 79 were the most similar and accessions 31 and 35, and 40 and 78, were the most divergent ones. A low correlation between SSR and EST-SSR data was observed, thus genomic and expressed microsatellite markers are required for an appropriate analysis of genetic diversity in soybean. The genetic diversity observed was high and allowed the formation of five groups and several subgroups. A moderate relationship between genetic divergence and geographic origin of accessions was observed.
The objective of this work was to analyze coffee (Coffea arabica) genotypes resistant to the coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella) using microsatellite markers. Sixty-six loci were evaluated, of which 63 were obtained from the Brazilian Coffee Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) database. These loci were amplified in bulks of individuals from F5 progenies of 'Siriema' (C. arabica x C. racemosa) resistant and susceptible to the insect, in eight samples of C. racemosa, and in a F6 population of 'Siriema' with 91 individuals segregating for resistance to the leaf miner. Polymorphisms were verified for two simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci in bulks of the susceptible progenies. The two polymorphic alleles were present in around 70% of the susceptible genotypes in F5 and in approximately 90% of the susceptible individuals in F6. However, the polymorphic EST-SSR markers among populations contrasting for resistance to leaf miner were not correlated to the evaluated characteristics. SSR markers show inter- and intraspecific polymorphism in C. arabica and C. racemosa.
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of male sterility or manual recombination on genetic variability of rice recurrent selection populations. The populations CNA-IRAT 4, with a gene for male sterility, and CNA 12, which was manually recombined, were evaluated. Genetic variability among selection cycles was estimated using14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A total of 926 plants were analyzed, including ten genitors and 180 individuals from each of the evaluated cycles (1, 2 and 5) of the population CNA-IRAT 4, and 16 genitors and 180 individuals from each of the cycles (1 and 2) of CNA 12. The analysis allowed the identification of alleles not present among the genitors for both populations, in all cycles, especially for the CNA-IRAT 4 population. These alleles resulted from unwanted fertilization with genotypes that were not originally part of the populations. The parameters of Wright's F-statistic (F IS and F IT) indicated that the manual recombination expands the genetic variability of the CNA 12 population, whereas male sterility reduces the one of CNA-IRAT 4.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to identify polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for varietal identification of cotton and evaluation of the genetic distance among the varieties. Initially, 92 SSR markers were genotyped in 20 Brazilian cotton cultivars. Of this total, 38 loci were polymorphic, two of which were amplified by one primer pair; the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.2. The values of polymorphic information content (PIC) and discrimination power (DP) were, on average, 0.374 and 0.433, respectively. The mean genetic distance was 0.397 (minimum of 0.092 and maximum of 0.641). A panel of 96 varieties originating from different regions of the world was assessed by 21 polymorphic loci derived from 17 selected primer pairs. Among these varieties, the mean genetic distance was 0.387 (minimum of 0 and maximum of 0.786). The dendrograms generated by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) did not reflect the regions of Brazil (20 genotypes) or around the world (96 genotypes), where the varieties or lines were selected. Bootstrap resampling shows that genotype identification is viable with 19 loci. The polymorphic markers evaluated are useful to perform varietal identification in a large panel of cotton varieties and may be applied in studies of the species diversity.
The majority of cloned resistance (R) genes characterized so far contain a nucleotide-binding site (NBS) and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, where highly conserved motifs are found. Resistance genes analogs (RGAs) are genetic markers obtained by a PCR-based strategy using degenerated oligonucleotide primers drawn from these highly conserved "motifs". This strategy has the advantage of the high degree of structural and amino acid sequence conservation that is observed in R genes. The objective of the present study was to search for RGAs in Carica papaya L. and Vasconcellea cauliflora Jacq. A. DC. Out of three combinations of primers tested, only one resulted in amplification. The amplified product was cloned in pCR2.1TOPO and than sequenced using M13 forward and reverse primers. Forty-eight clones were sequenced from each species. The 96 sequences generated for each species were cleaned of vector sequences and clustered using CAP3 assembler. From the GENEBANK, one RGA was identified in C. papaya showing a BlastX e-value of 2x10-61 to the gb|AAP45165.1| putative disease resistant protein RGA3 (Solanum bulbocastanum). To the extent of our knowledge this is the first report of a RGA in the Caricaceae Dumort family. Preliminary structural studies were performed to further characterize this putative NBS-LRR type protein. Efforts to search for other RGAs in papaya should continue, mostly to provide basis for the development of transgenic papaya with resistance to diseases.
A umbu-cajazeira (Spondias sp.) é uma frutífera nativa do Semiárido brasileiro, ainda em fase de domesticação, cujos frutos apresentam excelentes perspectivas de aproveitamento comercial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variabilidade genética entre acessos de umbu-cajazeira pertencentes ao Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Fruteiras Tropicais da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, por meio de marcadores moleculares ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat). Foram analisados 17 acessos de umbu-cajazeira, com 25 marcadores ISSR, os quais produziram um total de 249 bandas, sendo 201 bandas polimórficas e 48 monomórficas. As dissimilaridades genéticas entre os acessos variaram de 0,247 a 0,665, com base no coeficiente de Jaccard. O método UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method Average) agrupou os acessos em cinco grupos, sendo que 'Preciosa' e 'Suprema' foram os acessos mais similares. A maior dissimilaridade foi observada entre os acessos 'Esperança' e 'Pomar'. O alto grau de polimorfismo encontrado demonstrou a eficiência dos marcadores ISSR, indicando que estes podem ser utilizados com sucesso na caracterização molecular de germoplasma e em futuros trabalhos de melhoramento genético dessa frutífera. Existe considerável variabilidade genética entre os acessos de umbu-cajazeira presentes no BAG Fruteiras Tropicais, que pode ser explorada para a conservação e o melhoramento da espécie.
We developed a simple, rapid, and solventless method for analyzing trihalomethanes in beer samples using headspace solid-phase microextraction. The effects of varying experimental parameters, such as extraction temperature and time, addition of sodium chloride, and agitation speed, on extraction yield were studied using a univariate experimental design. Limits of detection between 0.22 and 0.46 µg L- 1 and wide linear ranges were achieved for trihalomethanes. We measured the trihalomethane recoveries and precision (as the standard deviation of repeat measurements) and demonstrated the applicability of the proposed method by analyzing 32 beer samples.
Lasiodiplodia theobromae is an important fungal pathogen of higher plants from tropical and sub-tropical regions. The fungus infects divergent hosts in a wide range of environmental conditions, suggesting that it is highly variable. The aim of this study was to develop new polymorphic microsatellite markers from a Brazilian isolate of L. theobromae that can be used in population studies of this and related fungi. The nine microsatellite markers developed included six that revealed allelic polymorphisms among nine isolates of the disease collected from infected plants in Brazil. Preliminary evaluation of the markers suggested substantial genetic variability among Brazilian L. theobromae populations. These markers have potential utility for evolutionary and epidemiologic studies of this fungus.
Telomerase activity associated with progression of cervical lesions in a group of Colombian patients
Abstract PURPOSE To analyze the relation between the cytological findings and telomerase activity (TA). METHODS Cervical samples were evaluated and classified according to the Bethesda System. Telomerase activity was measured total product generated values (TPG) using the TRAP assay (telomeric repeat amplification protocol); data were analyzed statistically using the χ2 test, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. RESULTS The study was conducted on 102 patients. Of these, 3.9% showed normal cytological findings, 8.8% showed cervicitis; 2% showed Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASCUS); 67.6% showed Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL); 11.8% showed High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (H-SIL) and 5.9% showed Squamous Carcinoma. Among telomerase-positive samples, the TPG values were cervicitis
In goat and sheep flocks, mycoplasmosis is a disease that may cause severe economical losses associated with polyarthritis, mastitis, agalactia, conjunctivitis, pneumonia and reproductive failure. The latter may involve repeat breeding, granular vulvovaginitis, infertility and abortions. The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of Mycoplasma agalactiae (Ma) in semen and milk samples from naturally infected goat in the semiarid region from Pernambuco State, Northeast from Brazil. Thirty-nine semen samples and 81 milk samples were submitted to DNA extraction using a commercially available kit and following the manufacturer's instructions. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was then performed in accordance with protocols described in the literature. The results of the present study revealed the presence of Ma in the DNA of 17.9% (7/39) of the semen samples and 3.7% (3/81) of the milk samples. The results obtained in the present study confirm the elimination of the DNA of Ma in the semen and milk samples. The presence of this agent in goat flocks is considered very risky in terms of reproductive disorders and contagious agalactia outbreaks in the Northeast region of Brazil.
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is a form of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia first described in North-American patients originating from the Portuguese islands of the Azores. Clinically this disorder is characterized by late onset progressive ataxia with associated features, such as: ophthalmoplegia, pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs and distal muscular atrophies. The causative mutation is an expansion of a CAG repeat in the coding region of the MJD1 gene. We have identified 25 unrelated families segregating the MJD mutation during a large collaborative study of spinocerebellar ataxias in Brazil. In the present study a total of 62 family members were genotyped for the CAG repeat in the MJD1 gene, as well as 63 non-MJD individuals (126 normal chromosomes), used as normal controls. We observed a wide gap between the size range of the normal and expanded CAG repeats: the normal allele had from 12 to 33 CAGs (mean = 23 CAGs), whereas the expanded alleles ranged from 66 to 78 CAGs (mean = 71.5 CAGs). There were no differences in CAG tract length according to gender of affected individuals or transmitting parent. We observed a significant negative correlation between age at onset of the disease and length of the CAG tract in the expended allele (r = -0.6, P = 0.00006); however, the size of the expanded CAG repeat could explain only about 40% of the variability in age at onset (r2 = 0.4). There was instability of the expanded CAG tract during transmission from parent to offspring, both expansions and contractions were observed; however, there was an overall tendency for expansion, with a mean increase of +2.4 CAGs. The tendency for expansion appeared to the greater in paternal (mean increase of +3.5 CAGs) than in maternal transmissions (mean increase of +1.3 CAGs). Anticipation was observed in all transmissions in which ages at onset for parent and offspring were known; however, anticipation was not always associated with an increase in the expanded CAG repeat length. Our results indicate that the molecular diagnosis of MJD can be confirmed or excluded in all suspected individuals, since alleles of intermediary size were not observed.