123 resultados para Relatório anual 1979
Envenomation by coral snakes (Micrurus sp.) is one of the most dangerous injuries in America and it is considered as a serious medical emergency, however bites by these snakes appear to be rare. We analyzed epidemiological data, clinical signs and antivenom use in Argentina during the period between 1979-2003. During this period of study 46 non-fatal Micrurus bites were reported. The majority of cases were men from 31 to 40 years old. Bites occurred primarily in spring and summer. Most cases were reported from the northeast and northwest provinces of the country. The bites were mostly located on hands or feet and occurred mostly during agricultural activities and so mainly involved farmers. Only four cases occurred as a result of handling snakes. The median time it took for antivenom to be administrated was 60 minutes after the bite, and the median number of vials applied was 2. Local pain was mentioned and edema was reported in 41% of patients. All patients recovered without sequelae. This study showed a low incidence of Micrurus bites and low severity of envenomation. However, although no deaths have been reported during the last 30 years, given the toxicity of the venom of Micrurus snakes, the risk of severe envenomation should be considered.
Baseado em dados secundários realizou-se análise epidemiológica do tipo ecológico da série histórica da incidência parasitária anual da malária, produção oficial anual garimpeira de ouro e gastos financeiros do Programa de Controle da Malária na Bacia Amazônica relativo ao Estado de Mato Grosso, no período de 1985-1996. Associação positiva e estatisticamente significante (p<0,001) entre produção de ouro e IPA foi observada em análise multivariada, ainda que controlada por gastos financeiros. Esse achado contribui para a elucidação da tendência de redução da malária em MT, observada na última década.
A doença de Chagas e as leishmanioses são importantes condições que ainda afetam milhões de pessoas, com relevantes implicações médicas, sociais e econômicas. As reuniões anuais sobre doença de Chagas e leishmanioses são marcantes fóruns de discussão sobre novos achados acerca destas doenças, bem como de planejamento de estratégias de controle, que envolvem grande número de conceituados e de jovens pesquisadores. Assim, essas Reuniões devem continuar com todo vigor representando a luta contra tais doenças.
Larval development of the freshwater shrimp Pseudopalaemon amazonensis Ramos-Porto was studied in the laboratory based on the offspring of ovigerous females collected in a small “terra-firme” forest stream near Manaus, Brazil. Ovigerous females with a mean total length of 36.5 ± 1.9 mm carried 13-19 eliptical, yolk-rich eggs measuring 2.55 ± 0.16 x 1.64 ± 0.11 mm. The larval period consisted of 3 benthie stages and the larvae accomplished metamorphosis after 7-8 days without feeding. The newly-hatched larva had sessile eyes and all appendages, except for the uropods; chelipeds were present as uniramous buds, but walking legs were fully developed and functional. Descriptions and illustrations of the 3 larval and first juvenile stages are presented.
Estudos sobre a climatologia das precipitações no Estado do Pará são essenciais para o planejamento das atividades agrícolas. A variação da precipitação anual e sazonal no Estado do Pará foi analisada com base em séries históricas de 23 anos (1976-1998) de dados diários de chuva. A análise foi realizada para 31 localidades do Estado do Pará, sendo os resultados representados em mapas com a utilização de técnicas de sistemas de informações geográficas (SIG). A variabilidade da precipitação anual e sazonal foi caracterizada com base no coeficiente de variação e no índice de variabilidade interanual relativo. A variação desses coeficientes para a precipitação anual no Estado do Pará foi de 15 a 30%. As características mensais da estação chuvosa, em termos de início, fim e duração, foram determinadas utilizando-se o critério proposto por KASSAM (1979). A variação entre as datas de plantio precoces e tardias corresponderam aos decêndios identificados pelos dias julianos 309319 e 353363, respectivamente.
OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados das intervenções coronárias percutâneas, no Brasil, no biênio 1996-97, comparando-os com os do biênio 1992-93. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados dados relativos a angioplastia com balão (ATC), aterectomia direcionada (AD), aterectomia rotacional (AR), angioplastia com laser (L) e stents coronários (ST). Estes dados foram comparados aos equivalentes, do Registro 1992-93. RESULTADOS: Participaram do registro atual 79% dos sócios titulares da SBHCI, de 127 hospitais, em 1996-97. Foram incluídos 22.025 pacientes, sendo 60,67% submetidos à ATC; 36,57% a ST; 2,3% a AR; 0,06% à AD e 0,4% ao L. A ATC foi o procedimento mais executado, observando-se um aumento relativo do implante de ST, de 1996 para 1997 de 35% (31,1 para 42,1%, p= 0,0001), com concomitante queda na utilização do balão (65,7% para 55,8%, p= 0,0001). A despeito da população de coronarianos tratados, em 1996-97 ser de maior complexidade clínica e anatômica, que a de 1992-93, verificaram-se maiores índices de sucesso do procedimento (89,7% x 92,8%, p= 0,000001), com menor lesão residual (22% x 19%, p= 0,001). Além disto, houve menores índices de complicações maiores: infarto agudo (2,5% x 1,2%, p<0,01), cirurgia de emergência (0,8% x 0,5%, p= 0,002) e óbito (1,8% x 1,4%, p= 0,0003). CONCLUSÃO: Os procedimentos mais executados no último biênio foram: o balão (60,67%) e os stents coronários (36,57%); verificam-se elevados índices de sucesso (92,3%) e baixas taxas de complicações maiores, confirmando o desempenho de excelência da Cardiologia Intervencionista brasileira.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the following parameters in the Brazilian State of São Paulo: 1) the percentage of deaths due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurring in hospitals; 2) the percentage of deaths due to AMI occurring in public health system hospitals as compared with all in-hospital deaths due to AMI between 1979 and 1996; 3) the fatality due to AMI in public health system hospitals from 1984 to 1998. METHODS: Data were available on the Datasus Web site (the health information agency of the Brazilian Department of Health) that provided the following: a) number of deaths resulting from AMI in hospitals; b) number of deaths resulting from AMI in public health system hospitals; c) number of hospital admissions due to AMI in public health system hospitals. RESULTS: The percentage of in-hospital deaths due to AMI increased from 54.9 in 1979 to 68.6 in 1996. The percentage contribution of the public health system to total number of deaths due to AMI occurring in hospitals decreased from 22.9 in 1984 to 13.7 in 1996; fatality due to AMI occurring in public health system hospitals had an irregular evolution from 1984 to 1992 and showed a slight trend for increased frequency from 1993 to 1998. CONCLUSION: The percentage of in-hospital deaths due to AMI has been increasing. Deaths resulting from AMI in public health system hospitals have decreased when compared with the total number of deaths due to AMI in all hospitals. Fatality due to AMI in public health system hospitals did not decrease from 1992 to 1998.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the trends in mortality due to circulatory diseases in men and women aged > or = 30 years in Brazil from 1979 to 1996. METHODS: We analyzed population count data obtained from the IBGE Foundation and mortality data obtained from the System of Information on Mortality of the DATASUS of the Ministry of Health. RESULTS: Circulatory diseases, ischemic heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease were the major causes of death in men and women in Brazil. The standardized age coefficient for circulatory disease in men aged > or = 30 years ranged from 620 to 506 deaths/100,000 inhabitants and in women from 483 to 383 deaths/100,000 inhabitants for the years 1979 and 1996, respectively. In men, the mean coefficient for the period was 586.25 deaths with a significant trend towards a decrease (P<0.001) and a decline of 8.25 deaths/year. In women, the mean coefficient for the period was 439.58 deaths, a significant trend towards a decrease (P<0.001) and a rate of decline of 7.53 deaths/year. The same significant trend towards a decrease in death (P<0.001) was observed for ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. Risk of death from these causes was always higher for men of any age group (P<0.001). Cerebrovascular disease was the primary cause of death in women. CONCLUSION: Although circulatory diseases have been the major cause of mortality in men and women in the Brazilian population, with a greater participation by cerebrovascular diseases, a trend towards a decrease in the risk of death from these causes is being observed.
OBJECTIVE - To analyze the trends in risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases in the northern, northeastern, southern, southeastern, and central western Brazilian geographic regions from 1979 to 1996. METHODS - Data on mortality due to cardiovascular, cardiac ischemic, and cerebrovascular diseases in 5 Brazilian geographic regions were obtained from the Ministry of Health. Population estimates for the time period from 1978 to 1996 in the 5 Brazilian geographic regions were calculated by interpolation with the Lagrange method, based on the census data from 1970, 1980, 1991, and the population count of 1996, for each age bracket and sex. Trends were analyzed with the multiple linear regression model. RESULTS - Cardiovascular diseases showed a declining trend in the southern, southeastern, and northern Brazilian geographic regions in all age brackets and for both sexes. In the northeastern and central western regions, an increasing trend in the risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases occurred, except for the age bracket from 30 to 39 years, which showed a slight reduction. This resulted from the trends of cardiac ischemic and cerebrovascular diseases. The analysis of the trend in the northeastern and northern regions was impaired by the great proportion of poorly defined causes of death. CONCLUSION - The risk of death due to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and cardiac ischemic diseases decreased in the southern and southeastern regions, which are the most developed regions in the country, and increased in the least developed regions, mainly in the central western region.