79 resultados para Red-footed boobies
Abstract: The present paper reports blood gas analysis, hematologic and micro bacteriologic information on four female Red-billed curassows, rescued from illegal wild animal trading, that were undergoing habilitation for reintroduction into the wild through Projeto Centrofauna/Botucatu-SP. There is a lack of physiological data on this species, endemic to the region of Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica), now under threat of extinction. This lack of information makes the clinical evaluation of these birds very difficult and has a direct and adverse effect on any of these birds received for medical treatment in hospitals, veterinary clinics and centers for research and conservation, as well as in reintroduction centers.
Red rice is a troublesome weed in irrigated rice production and is spread through contaminated commercial rice seed and machinery. Seed dormancy is a major trait for red rice. Studies were carried out at two locations to determine red rice seed longevity in the soil of several ecotypes from four US states. Five months after burial near Beaumont, Texas only three ecotypes had viable seed (<1%) when buried at 5 cm, but 9 ecotypes had viable seed after two years when buried at 25 cm. At the thirty-sixth month after burial, ecotypes Arkansas 2, Louisiana 2 and 4, Mississippi 4 and Texas 1 had viable seeds, but at less than 1%. Freshly harvested red rice seeds buried at 12 cm near College Station, TX, survived longer than seeds placed on the soil surface. The percentage of maximum viable seeds was 2% for blackhull type Texas 4, after 17 months. In both studies, commercial rice cultivar seeds were not viable after 5 months, regardless of their position in the soil. Under farming conditions with no fallow land preparations or deep tillage, most red rice seed germinated or was dead after 2 to 3 years, with only minor variation among ecotypes.
Irrigated rice sowing season and red rice competition are among the main factors affecting grain yield. The objective of this work was to evaluate the sowing date of irrigated rice and moments of application of the herbicide imazapyr + imazapic to control red rice management and irrigated rice grain yield. Eight experiments were performed at the following dates (09/30, 10/19, 11/08 and 12/01) for the 2010/2011 harvest season and (09/27, 10/17, 11/08 and 12/05) for the 2011/2012 harvest season. The treatments were: application of the herbicide imazapyr + imazapic at doses of 105+35 g ha-1 in pre-emergence (PRE); 52.5+17.5 g ha‑1 in pre-emergence and 52.5+17.5 g ha-1 in post-emergence (PRE + POST); and 105+35 g ha-1 in post- emergence (POST), and a control without application and no weeding. The cultivar Puitá Inta CL was used and a randomized block design with four replicates. A joint analysis of the experiments was carried out. There was less emergence of red rice and higher grain yield of the irrigated rice at the early periods (09/30/10 and 09/27/11), with 10,578 and 8,653 kg ha-1, respectively. At the end of the season (12/01/10 and 12/05/11), there was greater reduction of the red rice seed bank. Sowing at the beginning of the recommended period provided more irrigated rice grain yield. The application of imazapyr + imazapic at a dose of 52.5+17.5 g ha-1 in PRE + 52.5+17.5 g ha-1 POST, and 105+35 g ha-1 only in PRE and POST was effective in the control of red rice.
Roguing is a practice used to reduce the seed source of red rice escapes to control in Clearfield-rice areas. However, there is great difficulty in performing it in large and heavily infested rice fields. This objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the use of imazamox herbicide, applied in different rates and times, on plants of Clearfield-rice and red rice. Four experiments were conducted during the 2007/08 and 2008/09 growing seasons, in completely randomized block design and treatments arranged in factorial design, using three replications per treatment. The treatments had increasing rates of imazamox, application times and rice cultivars. The rice cultivars tested were IRGA 417, IRGA 422 CL, Avaxi CL and Puitá INTA CL. The variables evaluated were the number of panicles m-2, number of grains panicle-1, spikelet sterility in rice and red rice; and, rice grain yield and its components. The imazamox reduced the seed production of red rice escapes in a simulated situation of commercial Clearfield-rice area. The greater percentage reductions were obtained when this herbicide was applied at final formation of the panicle or panicle exertion of the red rice plant escapes to control. The Puitá INTA CL cultivar has high level of resistance to imazamox, independent of rate and application times tested, becoming the only alternative to the use of this practice.
A lectin present in the marine red alga Pterocladiella capillacea was purified and characterised by extraction of soluble proteins (crude extract) in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.5. Among the analysed erythrocytes (human blood group A, B and O and the animals ox, goat, chicken and rabbit) the lectin agglutinated specifically rabbit erythrocytes. The hemagglutinating activity assay showed that the lectin was not dependent on divalent cations and was shown to be inhibited by the glycoproteins avidin and mucin. The purification procedure was conduced by precipitation of the crude extract with 80% saturation ammonium sulfate (F0/80) followed by affinity chromatography on guar-gum column. The lectin of P. capillacea was purified 14.5 fold and had a recovery of 27.4% of the original total specific activity present in the crude extract. The absence of carbohydrate suggested that the lectin is not a glycoprotein. The molecular mass of P. capillacea lectin, determined by gel filtration, was 5.8 kDa. SDS-PAGE in the presence of ß-mercaptoethanol gave one band, indicating that the native lectin is a monomeric protein. The activation energy of denaturation process (D G') was calculated to be 106.87 kJ . mol-1 at 70 ºC.
Gracilaria cornea J. Agardh is an important agarophyte occurring in the western Atlantic Ocean. Green colour individuals of G. cornea were found in a natural population, growing next to red individuals, which were more common. Due to the importance of colour strains in genetic and intraspecific variability studies, this work aimed to characterize the red and green strains evaluating different nutritional and light conditions. Red and green gametophytes were cultivated at 14:10 light: dark cycle, with alternating aeration periods of 30 min. Two different enriched solutions were tested: von Stosch (VSS) at concentrations reduced to 12.5% and 25%; and Provasoli (PES) at concentrations reduced to 25% and 50%, and 100%. Red and green gametophytes were cultivated at the irradiance of 45 mumol photons m-2 s-1. In another experiment utilizing PES 100%, two sources of light (Osram 40 W daylight fluorescent tubes and Sylvania Designer 3,500 tubes) were tested at irradiances of 90 and 180 mumol photons m-2 s-1. Growth rates (GR) were evaluated for five weeks. Gametophytes developed few branches and reproductive structures were not induced. Differences were not observed between GR of red and green strains in the conditions tested. GR were higher in VSS 12.5% (8.4% day-1) than in 25% (7.1% day-1), suggesting an adaptation of the species to low nutrient concentrations. GR were higher at 180 (9.0% day-1) than at 90 mumol photons m-2 s-1 (6.3% day-1). These results suggest that G. cornea should be cultivated in laboratory at high irradiances and low nutrient concentrations. These data will be useful in future genetic and physiological studies of the species.
En este artículo se describe la trayectoria de búsqueda espiritual de un agente nodal en la red espiritual alternativa comúnmente conocida como New Age para atender el impacto de su trayectoria en la hibridación de una espiritualidad neoindia. Se proponen tres procesos a tenerse en cuenta para una metodología del estudio del impacto de hibridación cultural que genera el New Age: 1) Su condición de diseñador de menús creyentes individualizados hechos con retazos de distintas tradiciones religiosas (Champion y Hervieu-Lèger 1990); 2) su agencia como “agente nodal” para tejer articulaciones, alianzas y conexiones en la red: entre otros agentes nodos, entre diversos circuitos y otros campos sociales especializados; y 3) su competencia de “polinizador” (Soares 2009) de culturas y religiones. El argumento de este trabajo destaca que los buscadores espirituales en su andar no sólo recogen fragmentos culturales de distintas tradiciones para armar menús personalizados de creencias, sino que además son transmisores de significados que contribuyen a hibridar las culturas por donde van pasando. Muchas de las cuales coinciden con comunidades étnicas valoradas por su relación con la naturaleza, su ancestralidad y su exotismo a los ojos de los occidentales.
Red blood cells (RBC) are viable if kept in an adequate preservative solution, although gradual changes in morphology and metabolism may occur. There is a gradual decrease in adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) concentration, pH, glucose consumption, and enzyme activity during preservation. The normal discocyte shapes are initially replaced by echinocytes and stomatocytes and, at final stages, by spherocytes, the last step before splenic sequestration. Post-transfusional survival has been correlated with the ATP concentration. RBC preserved in ADSOL, a solution containing adenine, dextrose, sodium chloride, and mannitol, are viable for transfusion for up to 6 weeks. Erythrocytes from 10 blood units taken from healthy adult donors were preserved for 12 weeks in ADSOL at 4oC. We now report a significant correlation (r2 = 0.98) between the percentage of discocytes (89 to 7%) and ATP (100 to 10%) concentration in ADSOL-preserved RBC. The results suggest that the percent of discocyte shapes used as an indicator of ATP concentration may be a useful indicator for quality control of RBC viability in centers which have limited assay facilities.
The induction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) in etiolated maize (Zea mays) seedlings by UV-B and UV-A radiation, and different levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm) was investigated by measuring changes in activity, protein quantity and RNA levels as a function of intensity and duration of exposure to the different radiations. Under low levels of PAR, exposure to UV-B radiation but not UV-A radiation for 6 to 24 h caused a marked increase in the enzyme levels similar to that observed under high PAR in the absence of UV-B. UV-B treatment of green leaves following a 12-h dark period also caused an increase in NADP-ME expression. Exposure to UV-B radiation for only 5 min resulted in a rapid increase of the enzyme, followed by a more gradual rise with longer exposure up to 6 h. Low levels of red light for 5 min or 6 h were also effective in inducing NADP-ME activity equivalent to that obtained with UV-B radiation. A 5-min exposure to far-red light following UV-B or red light treatment reversed the induction of NADP-ME, and this effect could be eliminated by further treatment with UV-B or red light. These results indicate that physiological levels of UV-B radiation can have a positive effect on the induction of this photosynthetic enzyme. The reducing power and pyruvate generated by the activity of NADP-ME may be used for respiration, in cellular repair processes and as substrates for fatty acid synthesis required for membrane repair.
We report the detection of insulin-like antigens in a large range of species utilizing a modified ELISA plate assay and Western blotting. We tested the leaves or aerial parts of species of Rhodophyta (red alga), Bryophyta (mosses), Psilophyta (whisk ferns), Lycopodophyta (club mosses), Sphenopsida (horsetails), gymnosperms, and angiosperms, including monocots and dicots. We also studied species of fungi and a cyanobacterium, Spirulina maxima. The wide distribution of insulin-like antigens, which in some cases present the same electrophoretic mobility as bovine insulin, together with results recently published by us on the amino acid sequence of an insulin isolated from the seed coat of jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) and from the developing fruits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), suggests that pathways depending on this hormone have been conserved through evolution.
We report the antinociceptive activity, determined by the writhing, formalin and hot-plate tests in mice, of crude (F0/60), lectin and carbohydrate fractions isolated by ammonium sulfate precipitation (0 to 60%) from Bryothamnion seaforthii and B. triquetrum, species of red algae. Not only fraction F0/60 but also lectins from both species significantly inhibited acetic acid-induced abdominal contractions after intraperitoneal or oral administrations. In the formalin test, lectins (1 and 5 mg/kg, ip, and 5 to 20 mg/kg, po) inhibited the 1st and 2nd phases (5 and 20 min, respectively), but the effect occurred predominantly on the 2nd phase. The effects of the lectins were totally or partially reversed by naloxone (2 mg/kg, sc) in the 1st and 2nd phases, respectively. Experiments performed with lectins in the absence and presence of avidin (1 mg/kg, ip) and D-mannose (1 mg/kg, ip) showed that avidin did not interfere with the effect of B. seaforthii lectin but partially reversed the effect of B. triquetrum lectin. D-Mannose completely reversed the effects of both species. F0/60 fractions from both algae significantly increased the latency time in response to thermal stimuli, and naloxone reversed antinociception, indicating the involvement of the opioid system in both the peripheral and central effects of the fractions. In the writhing test, the carbohydrate fractions were the most active, inhibiting the contractions by 71 and 79% (B. triquetrum) and by 46 and 69% (B. seaforthii) at doses of 1 and 5 mg/kg, ip, respectively. Sulfated carbohydrate fractions of B. seaforthii and B. triquetrum, containing only about 5% protein as contaminants, are probably responsible for the antinociceptive effects of these red algae.
Eighty micrograms red blood cell (RBC) ghosts from patients who had previously exhibited the cutaneous form of loxoscelism (presenting localized dermonecrosis) and the viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism (presenting dermonecrosis, hemoglobinuria, hematuria, and jaundice) and from controls were incubated with 2.5 µg crude Loxosceles gaucho venom in 5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 37ºC. Among all membrane proteins, quantitative proteolysis of the important integral transmembrane protein 3 increased with venom dose and with incubation time from 30 to 120 min, as demonstrated by gel densitometry. Similar quantitative data were obtained for RBC ghosts from patients and from control subjects, a fact that argues against the possibility of genetic factors favoring the hemolytic viscerocutaneous form. These data suggest that the clinical forms may be different types of the same disease, with the viscerocutaneous form being the result of large amounts of intravascularly injected venom and the superficial form being the result of in situ venom action. Since protein 3 is a housekeeping integral membrane protein, whose genetic deficiency leads to hemolytic anemia, it is reasonable to relate it to the hemolysis which occurs in the viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism. The venom protease responsible for the process was not inhibited after 120-min incubation by 0.2 mM paramethylsulfonyl fluoride or by 0.2 mM N-ethylmaleimide but was inhibited by 25 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (a calcium-chelating agent) in 5 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, which suggests that the enzyme is a calcium-dependent metalloprotease.
Two variants (A and B) of the widely employed Walker 256 rat tumor cells are known. When inoculated sc, the A variant produces solid, invasive, highly metastasizing tumors that cause severe systemic effects and death. We have obtained a regressive variant (AR) whose sc growth is slower, resulting in 70-80% regression followed by development of immunity against A and AR variants. Simultaneously with the beginning of tumor regression, a temporary anemia developed (~8 days duration), accompanied by marked splenomegaly (~300%) and changes in red blood cell osmotic fragility, with mean corpuscular fragility increasing from 4.1 to 6.5 g/l NaCl. The possibility was raised that plasma factors associated with the immune response induced these changes. In the present study, we identify and compare the osmotic fragility increasing activity of plasma fractions obtained from A and AR tumor bearers at different stages of tumor development. The results showed that by day 4 compounds precipitating in 60% (NH4)2SO4 and able to increase red blood cell osmotic fragility appeared in the plasma of A and AR tumor bearers. Later, these compounds disappeared from the plasma of A tumor bearers but slightly increased in the plasma of AR tumor bearers. Furthermore, by day 10, compounds precipitating between 60 and 80% (NH4)2SO4 and with similar effects appeared only in plasma of AR tumor bearers. The salt solubility, production kinetics and hemolytic activity of these compounds resemble those of the immunoglobulins. This, together with their preferential increase in rats bearing the AR variant, suggest their association with an immune response against this tumor.
Abnormal riboflavin status in the absence of a dietary deficiency was detected in 31 consecutive outpatients with Parkinson's disease (PD), while the classical determinants of homocysteine levels (B6, folic acid, and B12) were usually within normal limits. In contrast, only 3 of 10 consecutive outpatients with dementia without previous stroke had abnormal riboflavin status. The data for 12 patients who did not complete 6 months of therapy or did not comply with the proposed treatment paradigm were excluded from analysis. Nineteen PD patients (8 males and 11 females, mean age ± SD = 66.2 ± 8.6 years; 3, 3, 2, 5, and 6 patients in Hoehn and Yahr stages I to V) received riboflavin orally (30 mg every 8 h) plus their usual symptomatic medications and all red meat was eliminated from their diet. After 1 month the riboflavin status of the patients was normalized from 106.4 ± 34.9 to 179.2 ± 23 ng/ml (N = 9). Motor capacity was measured by a modification of the scoring system of Hoehn and Yahr, which reports motor capacity as percent. All 19 patients who completed 6 months of treatment showed improved motor capacity during the first three months and most reached a plateau while 5/19 continued to improve in the 3- to 6-month interval. Their average motor capacity increased from 44 to 71% after 6 months, increasing significantly every month compared with their own pretreatment status (P < 0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test). Discontinuation of riboflavin for several days did not impair motor capacity and yellowish urine was the only side effect observed. The data show that the proposed treatment improves the clinical condition of PD patients. Riboflavin-sensitive mechanisms involved in PD may include glutathione depletion, cumulative mitochondrial DNA mutations, disturbed mitochondrial protein complexes, and abnormal iron metabolism. More studies are required to identify the mechanisms involved.
The duration of the intraerythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium is a key factor in the pathogenicity of this parasite. The simultaneous attack of the host red blood cells by the parasites depends on the synchronicity of their development. Unraveling the signals at the basis of this synchronicity represents a challenging biological question and may be very important to develop alternative strategies for therapeutic approaches. Recently, we reported that the synchrony of Plasmodium is modulated by melatonin, a host hormone that is synthesized only during the dark phases. Here we report that N-acetyl-serotonin, a melatonin precursor, also releases Ca2+ from isolated P. chabaudi parasites at micro- and nanomolar concentrations and that the release is blocked by 250 mM luzindole, an antagonist of melatonin receptors, and 20 mM U73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor. On the basis of confocal microscopy, we also report the ability of 0.1 µM melatonin and 0.1 µM N-acetyl-serotonin to cross the red blood cell membrane and to mobilize intracellular calcium in parasites previously loaded with the fluorescent calcium indicator Fluo-3 AM. The present data represent a step forward into the understanding of the signal transduction process in the host-parasite relationship by supporting the idea that the host hormone melatonin and N-acetyl-serotonin generate IP3 and therefore mobilize intracellular Ca2+ in Plasmodium inside red blood cells.