60 resultados para QRS
Padronização de parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de cães da raça Golden Retriever clinicamente sadios
A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) em humanos é uma alteração neuromuscular hereditária, de caráter recessivo, ligada ao cromossomo X e causada pela ausência ou disfunção da distrofina. Clinicamente, caracteriza-se por grave alteração na musculatura esquelética, resultando em morte precoce do indivíduo acometido. Em cães da raça Golden Retriever, a mutação que leva à distrofia muscular ocorre espontaneamente e a extensa homologia entre a patogênese da DMD e da distrofia muscular do Golden Retriever permite qualificar o cão como o principal substituto de humanos nos testes clínicos de novas terapias. O miocárdio deficiente em distrofina é mais vulnerável à sobrecarga de pressão e os pacientes com DMD podem desenvolver cardiomiopatia dilatada, hipertensão arterial e o eletrocardiograma pode se apresentar distintamente anormal. No presente estudo, foram avaliados exames eletrocardiográficos de 38 cães da raça Golden Retriever clinicamente sadios (20 animais de até 12 meses de idade e 18 animais entre 12 e 36 meses de idade), com a finalidade de se obter parâmetros para a padronização do eletrocardiograma nessa referida raça, o que futuramente poderá servir de referência na identificação de cães portadores ou afetados pela distrofia muscular. Os valores eletrocardiográficos obtidos encontraram-se dentro dos valores de normalidade e referência para as diferentes raças de cães; e as variáveis peso e idade alteraram significativamente a freqüência cardíaca e a amplitude do complexo QRS.
A eletrocardiografia pode ser usada para quantificar o treinamento e o desempenho atlético. Pode ainda avaliar a função cardíaca sob efeito do exercício identificando a influência de anomalias cardíacas, assim como os efeitos deletérios do esforço frente à função cardíaca. Considerando a complexidade do esforço físico inerente a cavalos em competições de polo, juntamente com a carência de relatos na literatura sobre a demanda cardíaca resultante. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar e avaliar eletrocardiograficamente os efeitos cardíacos do exercício de polo em equinos de forma a subsidiar dados para a compreensão da demanda fisiológica cardíaca desta modalidade. Foram avaliados 27 equinos praticante de polo em repouso e entre cinco e dez minutos após o exercício. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as alterações observadas na duração e amplitude da onda P e duração do intervalo PR e QT foram consideradas fisiológicas em resposta ao aumento da frequência cardíaca. A onda P difásica encontrada em repouso representou hipertrofia atrial e quando bífida representou diferentes pontos de ativação do nó sinoatrial. Como esperado o complexo QRS não sofreu alterações consideráveis entre os dois momentos. O supradesnível do segmento ST e as variações da onda T observadas após o exercício poderiam representar efeito adverso ao miocárdio, entretanto estudos analisando múltiplos fatores são necessários para confirmar esta associação e definir sua real causa. O aumento do QTc sugeriu fadiga miocárdica leve representando alta demanda cardíaca para esta modalidade. O escore cardíaco demonstrou que estes animais estavam dentro do padrão de adaptação cardíaca para um cavalo atleta. A rápida recuperação cardíaca demonstrou bom condicionamento atlético. O marca-passo atrial mutável foi um achado normal encontrado nos equinos de polo. Foi observada baixa incidência de alterações no ritmo cardíaco.
O conhecimento de parâmetros cardíacos em animais modelo experimentais é essencial para a investigação médica comparativa. Nosso estudo teve como objetivo estabelecer parâmetros eletrocardiográficos e valores de referência para saguis-de-tufo-preto (Callithrix penicillata). Dezenove saguis-de-tufo-preto adultos saudáveis foram utilizados. Uma combinação de tiletamina e zolazepam foi empregada para contenção química antes da realização do exame eletrocardiográfico (ECG). Foi utilizado para o exame de ECG um equipamento computadorizado. Os valores dos parâmetros do ECG encontrados foram frequência cardíaca média de 264±74 bpm, uma variação do eixo cardíaco médio entre 60° e -90°, a duração da onda P média de 34±6ms e amplitude de 0,132±0,051mV, um intervalo PR com duração de 56±11ms, duração média do complexo QRS de 35±7ms e amplitude de 0,273±0,269mV, duração do intervalo QT de 130±26ms, segmento ST isoelétrico (13 animais) e com supradesnível (seis animais) e uma amplitude de onda T de 0,19±0,083mV e com polaridade positiva. Não houve diferença significativa entre machos e fêmeas. Os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos obtidos em nosso estudo em saguis-de-tufo-preto podem ser utilizados como referência em outras pesquisas futuras, oferecendo aos pesquisadores parâmetros eletrocardiográficos que contribuem com a literatura.
O método de eletrocardiografia computadorizada (ECG-C) vem sendo crescentemente difundido na medicina veterinária, havendo atualmente diversas marcas e modelos de eletrocardiógrafos disponíveis no mercado. Diante da possibilidade de diferenças na sensibilidade e na reprodutibilidade das medidas obtidas nos traçados, o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de cães, obtidos por dois sistemas. Foram avaliados dois diferentes softwares computadorizados, o Wincardio Micromed® (WIN) e o modelo TEB ECGPC® (TEB). Quarenta e dois cães hígidos, de diferentes raças (Cocker Spaniel, Daschund, Labrador, Pinscher, Pit Bull Terrier Poodle, Schnauzer, Shit Tzu, Yorkshire e sem raça definida), machos e fêmeas e com idade entre 4 meses e 16 anos foram agrupados segundo o peso e examinados pelos dois sistemas. As medidas eletrocardiográficas dos diferentes traçados foram analisadas na derivação DII. Os resultados indicaram que o sistema TEB apresentou maior sensibilidade na obtenção das medidas de duração da onda P e do complexo QRS, enquanto o sistema WIN foi mais sensível para determinar as medidas de amplitude dos mesmos parâmetros. Os animais de maior porte (26-37kg) apresentaram maior variância nas medidas de duração e amplitude de onda P e duração do complexo QRS em comparação aos cães de médio (14-25kg) e pequeno (1-13kg) porte. O achado de diferenças entre os sistemas testados deve ser levado em consideração ao se empregar os diversos equipamentos para diagnóstico por meio de ECG-C na rotina clínica, de modo a evitarem-se divergências na interpretação dos exames entre diferentes prestadores de serviços veterinários.
The purpose of this study was to establish normal reference electrocardiographic (ECG) values for standard limb lead II in Saanen goats. For this, were used 19 healthy adult female Saanen goats. And for reference values for the ECG parameters, were used 95% confidence level. The overall P, Q, R, S and T durations (seconds) were 0.03±0.01, 0.02±0.005, 0.03±0.014, 0.03±0.011, 0.06±0.014 respectively, and the reference values were 0.01-0.04, 0.01-0.02, 0.01-0.06, 0.02-0.04 and 0.04-0.08 respectively. The amplitudes (milivolts) of these waveforms were 0.1±0.031, 0.06±0.023, 0.44±0.312, 0.39±0.434, 0.26±0.164 (T negative) and 0.15±0.071 (T positive), respectively. The reference values were 0.05-0.15, 0.05-0.1, 0.05-1.2, 0.05-1.1 and -0.2-0.7 respectively. The PR and QT interval, the QRS complex and the ST segment durations (seconds) were 0.08±0.018, 0.26±0.03, 0.05±0.008, 0.15±0.041 respectively. The reference values were 0.06-0.12, 0.2-0.32, 0.04-0.07 and 0.11-0.26, respectively. It was possible to observe differences in ECG of Saanen goats regarding the amplitude and duration of the constituents when compared to the results of other breeds. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further studies to allow comparisons, detect and diagnose cardiac arrhythmias and help the development of therapies.
The agouti is one of the most intensely hunted species throughout the Amazon and the semiarid regions of north-eastern Brazil. Considering the current tendency of wild animal management in captivity, the objective of this study was to determine heart reference values for agouti raised in captivity, based on electrocardiographic assessments (ECG). Adult agouti were selected without clinical signs of heart disease (n=30). The animals were restrained physically and then the ECG was performed. Standardized measurements were taken to establish the statistical analysis of the data. Analysis of the QRS complex showed values compatible with previous reports in peer animals and the limited data available for other wild and exotic species, except for the T wave that showed similar amplitude to the R wave in all the animals studied. The data obtained provided the first reference values for ECG tracings in agouti, contributing to a better understanding of heart electrophysiology in identifying myocardial pathology in these animals.
A eletrocardiografia constitui ferramenta indispensável no diagnóstico de arritmias e distúrbios de condução elétrica do coração de equinos, bem como na determinação do prognóstico de cardiopatias, do desempenho atlético, da eficiência do treinamento, além de sugerir distúrbios eletrolíticos. No entanto, as variáveis eletrocardiográficas em equinos podem sofrer influência de diversos fatores como a idade, sexo, raça e constituição morfofuncional, dentre outas, tornando-se necessário conhecer as características de normalidade para as diferentes raças e fases do desenvolvimento. Descendentes dos cavalos da Península Ibérica, a raça Crioula foi trazida ao continente americano há mais de quatro séculos, resultando em características físicas e de resistência únicas, dada por sua seleção natural. Desta forma, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar e comparar os aspectos eletrocardiográficos de fêmeas da raça Crioula, em diferentes idades, bem como avaliar possíveis alterações eletrocardiográficas secundárias a prenhes. Para tanto, 84 éguas hígidas (34 prenhes e 50 não prenhes) da raça Crioula foram submetidas à avaliação eletrocardiográfica digital na derivação ápice-base, e os registros eletrocardiográficos subdivididos quanto à idade em G1 (até 4 anos), G2 (5 a 9 anos), G3 (acima de 10 anos). Não foram observadas arritmias cardíacas fisiológicas ou patológicas e distúrbios de condução elétrica do coração nas 84 éguas. Houve predomino de taquicardia sinusal, ondas P bífidas, complexos QRS do tipo rS e ondas T bifásicas em todos os grupos. Apenas a duração média do complexo QRS foi superior no grupo G1 (110,65±8,49) quando comparadas aos grupos G2 (101,98±10,02) e G3 (100,92±10,72). As variáveis autonômicas mensuradas (ITV, NNmédio e SDNN) foram inferiores nas éguas prenhes em relação às não prenhes, sugerindo maior participação do sistema nervoso autônomo simpático e ou menor participação parassimpática. Conclui-se, portanto, que a idade influenciou apenas na duração do complexo QRS , e que a prenhes foi capaz de diminuir as variáveis de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca no domínio do tempo e, possivelmente, influenciar na avaliação eletrocardiográfica das éguas Crioulas aqui testadas.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of converting enzyme inhibition by captopril on ECG parameters in aged rats. Four-month-old male rats received captopril dissolved in tap water (0.5 mg/l) or tap water for 2 or 20 months. At the end of treatment, under anesthesia, RR and PR interval, P wave and QRS duration, QT and corrected QT interval were measured in all animals. On the following day, chronic ECG (lead II) recordings were performed to quantify supraventricular (SVPB) or ventricular premature beats (VPB). After sacrifice, the hearts were removed and weighed. RR interval was similar in young and untreated aged rats, but significantly larger in aged rats treated with captopril. P wave and QRS length did not differ among groups. PR interval was significantly larger in old than in young rats and was not affected by captopril. Corrected QT interval was larger in aged than in young rats (117 ± 4 vs 64 ± 6 ms, P<0.05) and was reduced by captopril (71 ± 6 ms, P<0.05). VPB were absent in young rats and highly frequent in untreated old animals (8.4 ± 3.0/30 min). Captopril significantly reduced VPB in old rats (0.3 ± 0.1/30 min, P<0.05). The cardiac hypertrophy found in untreated aged rats was prevented by captopril (3.44 ± 0.14 vs 3.07 ± 0.10 mg/g, P<0.05). The beneficial effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition on the rat heart during the aging process are remarkable.
The effects of various hypertonic solutions on the intraventricular conduction, ventricular repolarization and the arrhythmias caused by the intravenous (iv) injection of bupivacaine (6.5 mg/kg) were studied in sodium pentobarbital-anesthetized mongrel dogs. Hypertonic solutions, given iv 5 min before bupivacaine, were 7.5% (w/v) NaCl, 5.4% (w/v) LiCl, 50% (w/v) glucose (2,400 mOsm/l, 5 ml/kg), or 20% (w/v) mannitol (1,200 mOsm/l, 10 ml/kg). Bupivacaine induced severe arrhythmias and ventricular conduction and repolarization disturbances, as reflected by significant increases in QRS complex duration, HV interval, IV interval and monophasic action potential duration, as well as severe hemodynamic impairment. Significant prevention against ventricular electrophysiologic and hemodynamic disturbances and ventricular arrhythmias was observed with 7.5% NaCl (percent increase in QRS complex duration: 164.4 ± 21.8% in the non-pretreated group vs 74.7 ± 14.1% in the pretreated group, P<0.05; percent increase in HV interval: 131.4 ± 16.1% in the non-pretreated group vs 58.2 ± 7.5% in the pretreated group, P<0.05; percent increase in monophasic action potential duration: 22.7 ± 6.8% in the non-pretreated group vs 9.8 ± 6.3% in the pretreated group, P<0.05; percent decrease in cardiac index: -46 ± 6% in the non-pretreated group vs -28 ± 5% in the pretreated group, P<0.05). The other three hypertonic solutions were ineffective. These findings suggest an involvement of sodium ions in the mechanism of hypertonic protection.
A routine electrocardiogram cannot be used to determine the size of myocardial infarction in the rat
Nine lead electrocardiograms of non-infarcted (N = 61) and infarcted (N = 71) female Wistar rats (200-250 g) were analyzed in order to distinguish left ventricle myocardial infarction (MI) larger than 40% (LMI) from MI smaller than 40% (SMI). MI larger than 40% clearly caused a deviation of ÂQRS and ÂT from normal values of 270-360 degrees to 90-270 degrees. Infarcted rats showed Q wave in D1 larger than 1 mm with 94% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The sum of QRS positivity in V1, V2 and V6 lower than 10 mm identified MI with 82% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The data showed that MI can be easily and reliably diagnosed by electrocardiogram in the rat. However, contradicting what is frequently believed, when specificity and sensitivity were analyzed focusing on MI size, none of these current electrocardiographic indices of MI size adequately discriminates LMI from SMI.
Electrocardiograms (ECG) obtained with standard limb leads and augmented unipolar limb leads were recorded from 17 unanesthetized adult sloths. The animals were held in their habitual position in an experimental chair. We determined heart rate and rhythm from the R-R intervals, the amplitude and duration of each wave, and the duration of the segments and intervals of the ECG. The mean electrical axes of P and T waves and QRS complex were calculated on the basis of the amplitude of these waves in leads I, II, III, aV R, aV L, and aV F. The P wave appeared positive in most tracings with low amplitude in lead II, the QRS complex was generally negative in leads aV R, III and aV F, and no arrhythmias were observed. With a mean ± SD heart rate for all recordings of 81 ± 18 bpm, the duration of P and T waves, QRS complex, and PR, QT and RR intervals averaged 0.05 ± 0.02, 0.15 ± 0.05, 0.07 ± 0.02, 0.13 ± 0.02, 0.38 ± 0.04, and 0.74 ± 0.17 s, respectively. The ECG shape had a definite configuration on each lead. The angles of the mean ± SD electrical axes for atrial and ventricular depolarization and ventricular repolarization in the horizontal plane were +34 ± 68º, -35 ± 63º, and -23 ± 68º, respectively. All electrical axes showed great variations and their mean values suggest that, when the sloth is in a seated position, the heart could be displaced by the diaphragm to a semi-horizontal position.
The mechanisms by which PM2.5 increases cardiovascular mortality are not fully identified. Autonomic alterations are the current main hypotheses. Our objective was to determine if PM2.5 induces acute cardiac polarization alterations in healthy Wistar rats. PM2.5 samples were collected on polycarbonate filters. Solutions containing 10, 20, and 50 µg PM2.5 were administered by tracheal instillation. P wave duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.95 ± 0.06, and 0.96 ± 0.07; P < 0.001), and 50 µg (0.98 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.96 ± 0.08; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution (P < 0.001). PR interval duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.97 ± 0.08) and 50 µg (0.99 ± 0.05, 0.97 ± 0.0, and 0.95 ± 0.05; 60, 90, and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QRS interval duration decreased at 20 and 50 µg in relation to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QT interval duration decreased significantly (P < 0.001) with time in animals receiving 20 µg (0.94 ± 0.12, 0.88 ± 0.14, and 0.88 ± 0.11) and 50 µg (1.00 ± 0.13; 0.97 ± 0.11 and 0.98 ± 0.16; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). PM2.5 induced reduced cardiac conduction time, within a short period, indicating that depolarization occurs more rapidly across ventricular tissue.
Therapy with bone marrow-derived cells has been used in ischemic patients with reported success. The aim of this study was to determine the therapeutic efficacy of fresh and frozen human umbilical cord blood cells (hUCB) in Wistar rats submitted to permanent occlusion of the left coronary artery. Three hours after myocardial infarction, 2 x 10(7) hUCB cells or vehicle were administered by intramyocardial injection. The animals were divided into five groups: control (N = 10), sham operated (N = 10), infarcted that received vehicle (N = 9), infarcted treated with cryopreserved hUCB (N = 7), and infarcted treated with fresh hUCB (N = 5). Cardiac function was evaluated by electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogram (ECHO) before cell therapy, and by ECG, ECHO, cardiopulmonary test, and left ventricular pressure measurements 3 weeks later. After 3 weeks, both groups treated with hUCB still had Q wave present in L1, âQRS >90° and reduced shortening fraction (less than 50%). In addition, cardiac indexes of left ventricular contractility and relaxation were 5484 ± 875 and -4032 ± 643 mmHg (cryopreserved hUCB) and 4585 ± 955 and -2862 ± 590 mmHg (fresh hUCB), respectively. These values were not statistically different from those of saline-treated animals. Cardiopulmonary exercise test profile was typical of infarcted hearts; exercise time was about 14 min and maximal VO2 was 24.77 ± 5.00 mL·kg-1·min-1. These data show that hUCB therapy did not improve the cardiac function of infarcted animals or prevent cardiac remodeling.
The SEARCH-RIO study prospectively investigated electrocardiogram (ECG)-derived variables in chronic Chagas disease (CCD) as predictors of cardiac death and new onset ventricular tachycardia (VT). Cardiac arrhythmia is a major cause of death in CCD, and electrical markers may play a significant role in risk stratification. One hundred clinically stable outpatients with CCD were enrolled in this study. They initially underwent a 12-lead resting ECG, signal-averaged ECG, and 24-h ambulatory ECG. Abnormal Q-waves, filtered QRS duration, intraventricular electrical transients (IVET), 24-h standard deviation of normal RR intervals (SDNN), and VT were assessed. Echocardiograms assessed left ventricular ejection fraction. Predictors of cardiac death and new onset VT were identified in a Cox proportional hazard model. During a mean follow-up of 95.3 months, 36 patients had adverse events: 22 new onset VT (mean±SD, 18.4±4‰/year) and 20 deaths (26.4±1.8‰/year). In multivariate analysis, only Q-wave (hazard ratio, HR=6.7; P<0.001), VT (HR=5.3; P<0.001), SDNN<100 ms (HR=4.0; P=0.006), and IVET+ (HR=3.0; P=0.04) were independent predictors of the composite endpoint of cardiac death and new onset VT. A prognostic score was developed by weighting points proportional to beta coefficients and summing-up: Q-wave=2; VT=2; SDNN<100 ms=1; IVET+=1. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis optimized the cutoff value at >1. In 10,000 bootstraps, the C-statistic of this novel score was non-inferior to a previously validated (Rassi) score (0.89±0.03 and 0.80±0.05, respectively; test for non-inferiority: P<0.001). In CCD, surface ECG-derived variables are predictors of cardiac death and new onset VT.
Epilepsy-induced electrocardiographic alterations following cardiac ischemia and reperfusion in rats
The present study evaluated electrocardiographic alterations in rats with epilepsy submitted to an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) model induced by cardiac ischemia and reperfusion. Rats were randomly divided into two groups: control (n=12) and epilepsy (n=14). It was found that rats with epilepsy presented a significant reduction in atrioventricular block incidence following the ischemia and reperfusion procedure. In addition, significant alterations were observed in electrocardiogram intervals during the stabilization, ischemia, and reperfusion periods of rats with epilepsy compared to control rats. It was noted that rats with epilepsy presented a significant increase in the QRS interval during the stabilization period in relation to control rats (P<0.01). During the ischemia period, there was an increase in the QRS interval (P<0.05) and a reduction in the P wave and QT intervals (P<0.05 for both) in rats with epilepsy compared to control rats. During the reperfusion period, a significant reduction in the QT interval (P<0.01) was verified in the epilepsy group in relation to the control group. Our results indicate that rats submitted to an epilepsy model induced by pilocarpine presented electrical conductivity alterations of cardiac tissue, mainly during an AMI episode.