84 resultados para Pouch Young
The aim of this study was to characterize gas exchange responses of young cashew plants to varying photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), temperature, vapor-pressure deficit (VPD), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), under controlled conditions. Daily courses of gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were measured under natural conditions. Maximum CO2 assimilation rates, under optimal controlled conditions, were about 13 mmol m-2 s-1 , with light saturation around 1,000 mmol m-2 s-1. Leaf temperatures between 25ºC and 35ºC were optimal for photosynthesis. Stomata showed sensitivity to CO2, and a closing response with increasing Ci. Increasing VPD had a small effect on CO2 assimilation rates, with a small decrease above 2.5 kPa. Stomata, however, were strongly affected by VPD, exhibiting gradual closure above 1.5 kPa. The reduced stomatal conductances at high VPD were efficient in restricting water losses by transpiration, demonstrating the species adaptability to dry environments. Under natural irradiance, CO2 assimilation rates were saturated in early morning, following thereafter the PPFD changes. Transient Fv/Fm decreases were registered around 11h, indicating the occurrence of photoinhibition. Decreases of excitation capture efficiency, decreases of effective quantum yield of photosystem II, and increases in non-photochemical quenching were consistent with the occurrence of photoprotection under excessive irradiance levels.
The objective of this work was to assess the genetic parameters and to estimate genetic gains in young rubber tree progenies. The experiments were carried out during three years, in a randomized block design, with six replicates and ten plants per plot, in three representative Hevea crop regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Twenty-two progenies were evaluated, from three to five years old, for rubber yield and annual girth growth. Genetic gain was estimated with the multi-effect index (MEI). Selection by progenies means provided greater estimated genetic gain than selection based on individuals, since heritability values of progeny means were greater than the ones of individual heritability, for both evaluated variables, in all the assessment years. The selection of the three best progenies for rubber yield provided a selection gain of 1.28 g per plant. The genetic gains estimated with MEI using data from early assessments (from 3 to 5-year-old) were generally high for annual girth growth and rubber yield. The high genetic gains for annual girth growth in the first year of assessment indicate that progenies can be selected at the beginning of the breeding program. Population effective size was consistent with the three progenies selected, showing that they were not related and that the population genetic variability is ensured. Early selection with the genetic gains estimated by MEI can be made on rubber tree progenies.
Young nests of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus are characterized by refuse soil in the exterior of the nest, a single fungus chamber 11 to 20 cm deep in relation to soil surface and internal volume ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 liters. These nidification patterns are important characteristics for identifying and understanding the interactions between species and their habitats.
ABSTRACT The Paratudo (Tabebuia aurea) is a species occurring in the Pantanal of Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, an area characterized by seasonal flooding. To evaluate the tolerance of this plant to flooding, plants aged four months were grown in flooded soil and in non-flooded soil (control group). Stomatal conductance, transpiration and CO2 assimilation were measured during the stress (48 days) and recovery (11 days) period, totalling 59 days. The values of stomatal conductance of the control group and stressed plants at the beginning of the flooded were 0.33 mol m-2s-1 and reached 0.02 mol m-2 s-1 (46th day) at the end of this event. For the transpiration parameter, the initial rate was 3.1 mol m s-1, and the final rate reached 0.2 or 0.3 mol m-2 s-1 (47/48 th day). The initial photosynthesis rate was 8.9 mmol m-2s-1 and oscillated after the sixth day, and the rate reached zero on the 48th day. When the photosynthesis rate reached zero, the potted plants were dried, and the rate was analyzed (11th day). The following values were obtained for dried plants: stomatal conductance = 0.26 mol m-2 s-1, transpiration rate = 2.5 mol m-2 s-1 and photosynthesis rate = 7.8 mmol m-2 s-1. Flooded soil reduced photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, leading to the hypertrophy of the lenticels. These parameters recovered and after this period, and plants exhibited tolerance to flooding stress by reducing their physiological activities.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation levels on canopy and root growth, productivity, and fruit quality of young Tahiti acid lime trees. The experiment was installed in Piracicaba, Brazil in a 1.0-ha orchard plot with Tahiti acid lime trees, grafted on Swingle citrumelo rootstock and carried out from August of 2002 to May 2005. Each treatment was assigned to a drip irrigation level, based on ETc as follows: T1) non-irrigated, T2) 25%, T3) 50%, T4) 75% and T5) 100% of ETc determined by weighing lysimeter presented in the orchard plot. Trunk diameter and tree height were evaluated monthly. The roots were evaluated when the trees were 30 and 48 months old. The yield and fruit quality was evaluated in 2004 and 2005. The results showed that irrigation did not influence root distribution in depth, and trees irrigated with 75% and 100% ETc showed horizontal root distribution concentrated until 0.6 m from the trunk. Irrigation did not improve the quality of fruit. Yield increased in all irrigated treatment, but the most efficient yield mean per unit of water applied was the 25% ETc treatment.
Most studies on measures of transpiration of plants, especially woody fruit, relies on methods of heat supply in the trunk. This study aimed to calibrate the Thermal Dissipation Probe Method (TDP) to estimate the transpiration, study the effects of natural thermal gradients and determine the relation between outside diameter and area of xylem in 'Valencia' orange young plants. TDP were installed in 40 orange plants of 15 months old, planted in boxes of 500 L, in a greenhouse. It was tested the correction of the natural thermal differences (DTN) for the estimation based on two unheated probes. The area of the conductive section was related to the outside diameter of the stem by means of polynomial regression. The equation for estimation of sap flow was calibrated having as standard lysimeter measures of a representative plant. The angular coefficient of the equation for estimating sap flow was adjusted by minimizing the absolute deviation between the sap flow and daily transpiration measured by lysimeter. Based on these results, it was concluded that the method of TDP, adjusting the original calibration and correction of the DTN, was effective in transpiration assessment.
Physical and chemical characteristics of manure are modified by different animal production systems. In cattle feeding system for young bulls there is an inversion of the proportion between forage and concentrate. In other words, the animals receive a smaller amount of forage compared to the traditional system. These changes in the manure characteristics involve changes in the treatment systems. The aim of this study was to determine the potential production of biogas of batch digesters fed with manure from young bulls that received two diets containing different proportions between forage and concentrate, with or without inoculums and submitted to three levels of temperature (25, 35 and 40(0)C). The evaluated parameters were total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) reduction and biogas potentials production. The digesters fed with manure from animals that received the diet 2 (80%C + 20% R) showed the largest reductions of TS and VS. About the potentials of biogas production there was interaction between the factors diet and inoculums, but no effects of temperatures. The treatment content manure from animals fed with diet 2 without inoculums presented the greatest potential of biogas production per kg of TS added (0.2123 m³).
In vitro- and in vivo-assays were conducted, to study the possible role of streptomycin- and actinomycin-producing soil actinomycetes for the pathogenesis of "Cara inchada" in cattle (CI). Adherence of Bacteroides spp. to epithelial cells of the bovine gingiva, known to be associated with the progressive lesions of CI, was significantly increased by the addition of streptomycin, actinomycin or antibiotic culture supernatants of the soil actinomycetes. Applications of these mixtures together with Actinomyces pyogenes to the marginal gingiva of the upper premolar teeth of about 1 month old Holstein Friesian calves did not lead to progressive lesions of CI. Only one calf exhibited a slight diarrhea and a temporary retraction of the gingiva at the site of application.
This study was carried out to investigate the efficiency of several herbicides under field conditions, by post-emergence application onto the entire area, their effect on the control of weeds in young coffee plantations and commercial coffee and bean intercropping system, as well as on both crops. Seedlings of Coffea arabica cv. Red Catuaí with four to six leaf pairs were transplanted to the field and treated according to conventional agronomic practices. A bean and coffee intercropping system was established by sowing three lines of beans in the coffee inter-rows. At the time the herbicides were sprayed, the coffee plants had six to ten leaf pairs; the bean plants, three leaflets; and the weeds were at an early development stage. Fluazifop-p-butyl and clethodim were selective for coffee plants and controlled only Brachiaria plantaginea and Digitaria horizontalis efficiently. Broad-leaved weeds (Amaranthus retroflexus, Bidens pilosa, Coronopus didymus, Emilia sonchifolia, Galinsoga parviflora, Ipomoea grandifolia, Lepidium virginicum, and Raphanus raphanistrum) were controlled with high efficiency by sole applications of fomesafen, flazasulfuron, and oxyfluorfen, except B. pilosa, C. didymus, and R. raphanistrum for oxyfluorfen. Sequential applications in seven-day intervals of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl, or clethodim, and two commercial mixtures of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl simultaneously controlled both types of weed. Cyperus rotundus was only controlled by flazasulfuron. Except for fluazifop-p-butyl and clethodim, all herbicide treatments caused only slight injuries on younger coffee leaves. However, further plant growth was not impaired and coffee plant height and stem diameter were therefore similar in the treatments, as evaluated four months later. Fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and clethodim, at sole or sequential application, and the commercial mixtures of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl were also highly selective for bean crop; thus at doses recommended for bean crop, these herbicides may be applied to control weeds in coffee and bean intercropping systems by spraying the entire area.
The effects of competition of seven weed species on the growth of coffee plants were evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Thirty days after coffee seedling transplantation into 12 L pots with soil level area of 6.5 dm², weeds were transplanted into or sown in those pots, at densities of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 plants per pot. Competition or weedy periods from weed transplantation or emergence to plant harvesting, at weed pre-flowering stage, were: 77 days - Bidens pilosa, 98 days - Brachiaria decumbens, 180 days - Commelina diffusa, 82 days - Leonurus sibiricus, 68 days - Nicandra physaloides, 148 days - Richardia brasiliensis and 133 days - Sida rhombifolia. Coffee plant height, stem diameter, leaf number and shoot dry matter were determined. Effects of competition by N. physaloides and S. rhombifolia against coffee plants were among the lowest, since only a slight decrease in all the characteristics evaluated in coffee plants was observed. The other weed species caused severe decrease in growth, mainly with increasing weed plant densities. Competition degree was found to depend on weed species and density.
Trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl are the most widely used ripeners in sugarcane. The application is performed by airborne spraying. Thus, if weather conditions are unfavorable, spray drift to neighboring areas may occur. The objective of this study was to assess the selectivity of the plant growth regulators trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl, used as sugarcane ripeners, to eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urograndis) young plants. The experiment was installed in an eucalyptus commercial yield area, in the municipality of Tambaú, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and arranged in a 2 x 8 factorial design in randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments studied were trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl, sprayed in eight doses, 0; 1.0; 2.5; 5.0; 10; 25; 50 and 100% of the dose used in sugarcane as ripeners (200 g ha-1 of trinexapac-ethyl and 15 g ha-1 of sulfometuron-methyl). Chemical ripeners were applied on eucalyptus plants with 48 cm in height on average; 10.1 branches; 4.5 mm of stem diameter and 44.3 cm of crown diameter, at 46 days after seeding. Trinexapac-ethyl was selective to eucalyptus and stimulated crown diameter growth. At higher doses, sulfometuron-methyl promoted severe noticeable injuries in eucalyptus plants, such as apical bud death. However, during the assessment period the plants recovered and the visual symptoms of phytotoxicity and growth alterations were not observed at 60 days after application. The plant growth regulators trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl were selective to eucalyptus young plants.
Six brachytic maize varieties were crossed in a diallel mating scheme. Both varieties and crosses were grown hydroponically in a greenhouse, in randomized complete blocks with three replications in two seasons. Four brachytic double cross hybrids were used as checks. Twenty-eight days after planting, data for eight traits were taken for weights of the total plant (TPW), top plant (TOW), total roots (TRW), seminal roots (SRW), and nodal roots (NRW) and number of total roots (TRN), seminal roots (SRN), and nodal roots (NRN). Ten plants were measured in each plot and all the analyses were accomplished with plot means. In the diallel cross the top plant contributed 57.6% of the total plant weight, for seminal roots 15.4%, and for nodal roots 27.0%. Root number distribution was 36.7% seminal roots and 63.3% nodal roots. Approximately the same ratios were observed in the checks. The average heterosis effects were nonsignificant for all traits; the other components of heterosis (variety and specific heterosis) also were not important sources of variation in young plants. The overall results suggest that nonadditive gene action is not an important source of variation for the plant and root system of young plants. The positive correlation coefficients for combinations of traits indicated that they are under the control of a polygenic system
Type 1 diabetes, as an autoimmune disease, presents several islet cell-specific autoantibodies such as islet cell antibody (ICA), anti-insulin, anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and the antibody (Ab) against tyrosine phosphatase (PTP)-like protein known as ICA-512 (IA-2). In order to determine the frequency of the anti-GAD and anti-IA-2 autoantibodies in Brazilian type 1 diabetes patients we studied 35 diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 patients with recent-onset disease (£12 months) and 37 type 1 diabetes patients with long-duration diabetes (>12 months) who were compared to 12 children with normal fasting glucose. Anti-GAD65 and anti-IA-2 autoantibodies were detected with commercial immunoprecipitation assays. The frequency of positive results in recent-onset DM type 1 patients was 80.0% for GADAb, 62.9% for IA-2Ab and 82.9% for GADAb and/or IA-2Ab. The long-duration type 1 diabetes subjects presented frequencies of 54.1% for GADAb and IA-2Ab, and 67.5% for GAD and/or IA-2 antibodies. The control group showed no positive cases. Anti-GAD and IA-2 assays showed a high frequency of positivity in these Brazilian type 1 diabetes patients, who presented the same prevalence as a Caucasian population.
Although a slightly elevated office blood pressure (BP) has been reported in several studies, little is known about the prolonged resting blood pressure, heart rate (HR) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) of prehypertensive subjects with a family history of hypertension. Office blood pressure, prolonged resting (1 h) BP and HR were measured in 25 young normotensives with a positive family history of hypertension (FH+) and 25 young normotensives with a negative family history of hypertension (FH-), matched for age, sex, and body mass index. After BP and HR measurements, blood samples were collected for the determination of norepinephrine, plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels, and baroreflex sensitivity was then tested. Casual BP, prolonged resting BP and heart rate were significantly higher in the FH+ group (119.9 ± 11.7/78.5 ± 8.6 mmHg, 137.3 ± 12.3/74.4 ± 7.9 mmHg, 68.5 ± 8.4 bpm) compared to the FH- group (112.9 ± 11.4/71.2 ± 8.3 mmHg, 128.0 ± 11.8/66.5 ± 7.4 mmHg, 62.1 ± 6.0 bpm). Plasma norepinephrine level was significantly higher in the FH+ group (220.1 ± 104.5 pg/ml) than in the FH- group (169.1 ± 63.3 pg/ml). Baroreflex sensitivity to tachycardia (0.7 ± 0.3 vs 1.0 ± 0.5 bpm/mmHg) was depressed in the FH+ group (P<0.05). The FH+ group exhibited higher casual blood pressure, prolonged resting blood pressure, heart rate and plasma norepinephrine levels than the FH- group (P<0.05), suggesting an increased sympathetic tone in these subjects. The reflex tachycardia was depressed in the FH+ group.