113 resultados para Popular literature.
The authors report a case of primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the diaphragm, an extremely rare presentation with only 14 cases reported in the literature. An 18-year-old male presented 2 spontaneous occurrences of pneumothorax. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance showed a tumoral mass on the right diaphragmatic surface, and after biopsy, the diagnosis was compatible with spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma. Because the visceral pleura was invaded by the tumoral mass, a right pleuropneumonectomy was performed. The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy, and there was no evidence of disease 15 months after the operation. Based on the Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group (IRSG) criteria, which consider the extent of the disease and its surgical resectability, rhabdomyosarcomas can be classified into 4 groups. In clinical group I, which was the classification of our patient, the tumor is localized and completely resectable, which implies a good prognosis. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare tumor, and a good outcome may result if it is completely resected.
Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is one of leading causes of death in children, especially among those younger than 3 years of age. The inhalation of a foreign body may cause a wide variety of symptoms, and early diagnosis is highly associated with the successful removal of the inhaled foreign material. Despite the great advances in endoscopic procedures and anesthesia, a large number of difficulties and complications still result from foreign body aspiration. We describe 5 cases of serious acute complications following aspiration of foreign bodies that became lodged in the tracheobronchial tree, including pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, total atelectasis, foreign body dislodgment, and need for thoracotomy in children admitted into our intensive care unit in 1999 and 2000; these were all situations that could have been prevented with early recognition and prompt therapeutic intervention.
Laparoscopic operations offer a myriad of advantages resulting in a rapid postoperative recovery. Incisional hernia is an uncommon cause of morbidity in operative procedures performed by laparoscopic access, and the diagnosis may not be easily made. In our service we identified 2 patients with incisional hernia the site of trocar insertion. The records of these 2 cases were reviewed. We report on these 2 cases and present a review of the literature.
A particular event concerning a Swan-Ganz catheter complication is reported. A 41-year-old woman was admitted at the emergency room of our hospital with massive gastrointestinal bleeding. A total gastrectomy was performed. During the postoperative period in the intensive care unit , the patient maintained hemodynamic instability. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter was then indicated. During the maneuvers to insert the catheter, a true knot formation was identified at the level of the superior vena cava. Several maneuvers by radiological endovascular invasive techniques allowed removal of the catheter. The authors describe the details of this procedure and provide comments regarding the various techniques that were employed in overcoming this event. A comprehensive review of evidence regarding the benefits and risks of pulmonary artery catheterization was performed. The consensus statement regarding the indications, utilization, and management of the pulmonary artery catheterization that were issued by a consensus conference held in 1996 are also discussed in detail.
Gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors comprise a rare group of gastrointestinal tract wall tumors that have long been a source of confusion and controversy, especially in terms of pathological classification, preoperative diagnosis, management strategies, and prognosis. This report describes the clinical manifestations and management of 2 rectal leiomyomas and reviews the pertinent literature. Case 1: A 44-year-old woman was admitted reporting a nodule in the right para-anal region for the previous 2 years. At proctological examination, a 4-cm diameter fibrous mass situated in the para-anal region that produced an arch under the smooth muscle on the right rectal wall just above the anorectal ring was noted. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis showed the lesion and detected no other abnormalities. Surgical treatment consisted of wide local resection of the tumor through a para-anal incision, with no attempts to perform lymphadenectomy. Case 2: A 40-year-old male patient was admitted reporting constant anal pain for 4 months. He presented a 3-cm submucosal nodule at the anterior rectal wall just above the dentate line. After 2 inconclusive preoperative biopsies, transanal resection of the tumor was performed. Histological analysis of the specimen showed a benign leiomyoma. A review of the literature is presented, emphasizing some clinical and therapeutic aspects of this unusual rectal tumor.
A review of the literature on measurements of rain water interception processes by forests is made. Information on Africa, Central and South America, and Asia is given. A general analysis is made and the need to further the measurements under field conditions is stressed.
La quimioterapia has sido un gran adelanto en Farmacologia, pero las secuelas de las racciones adversas han despertado una tendencia a volver a lo natural, especialmente hacia el reino vegetal, esto nos estimuló a la orientación de nuestra investigación para iniciar esta labor. En la primera y segunda parte se identificaron un total de 100 especues, la identificación ha comprobado que los ejemplares pertenecen a distintas familias y sus usos para combatir diveresas afecciones. Se indentificaron en esta tercera parte outras 50 especies. Se recopilaron datos sobre el uso de plantas que curar afecciones, luego se procedieron a la herborización e identificación de las especies, cuyos ejemplares se conservan en el herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad nacional de Asunción. La identificaíon botánica y la recopilación de sus usos populares, servirán de base para posteriores investigaciones fitoquímicas y farmacológicas que es nuestro propósito.
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar produtos e subprodutos de origem animal e vegetal utilizados na medicina popular que são comercializados na cidade de Boa Vista, Estado de Roraima, traçando um perfil preliminar de sua forma de comercialização. Foram identificados 117 produtos : 100 (85,5 %) de origem vegetal e 17 (14,5 %) de origem animal. Os produtos de origem vegetal de maior destaque foram o Jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril), o Barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstrinfens), a Sucuba (Himatanthus articulatus), o Xixuá (Maytenus guianesis), a Copaíba (Copaifera officinalis) e a Pata-de-vaca (Bauhinia ungulata). A banha de Pirarara (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus) foi o produto de origem animal mais procurado pelos usuários. A maioria dos produtos identificados são originários da região Nordeste do Brasil, embora Roraima possua uma rica flora medicinal , porém, pouco explorada de forma comercial.
Objective Conduct a systematic review to investigate whether healthy elderly have deficits in the decision-making process when compared to the young. Methods We performed a systematic search on SciELO, Lilacs, PsycINFO, Scopus and PubMed database with keywords decision making and aging (according to the description of Mesh terms) at least 10 years. Results We found nine studies from different countries, who investigated 441 young and 377 elderly. All studies used the IOWA Gambling Task as a way of benchmarking the process of decision making. The analysis showed that 78% of the articles did not have significant differences between groups. However, 100% of the studies that assessed learning did find relevant differences. Furthermore, studies that observed the behavior of individuals in the face of losses and gains, 60% of articles showed that the elderly has more disadvantageous choices throughout the task. Conclusion: The consulted literature showed no consensus on the existence of differences in performance of the decision-making process between old and young, but it is observed that the elderly has deficits in learning and a tendency to fewer advantageous choices.
ABSTRACT Objective To present Brazilian’s empirical studies that address this issue between the period of 2004 to 2014. Methods It is a Brazilian literature Systematic Review using the descriptors “crack cocaine” AND “women”, in the database Scopus, Lilacs, Medline and SciELO. Results From the 785 articles found, 16 articles contemplated the inclusion criteria. It was evidenced that the use of crack by women is related to physical and sexual violence, provoking HIV risks in consequence of prostitution, and social prejudice. Conclusion Given this reality, studies evaluating treatments in the Brazilian context are essential, according the specificities of women crack users.
We report the case of a 3-year-old female patient, who, since birth, had cyanosis difficult to explain with usual diagnostic tests. The only findings on physical examination were cyanosis and clubbing of her fingers. Chest computerized tomography showed images of excessive attenuation in the right lung, which resembled arteriovenous fistulae that were later confirmed on cardiac catheterization. The fistulous trajectories were then embolized with 7 Gianturco coils, which resulted in an immediate increase in the arterial saturation of blood oxygen.
Friedreich's Ataxia: Cardiac Evaluation of 25 Patients with Clinical Diagnosis and Literature Review
OBJECTIVE - Cardiac evaluation (clinical, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic) of 25 Brazilian patients with clinical diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia (FA) related to the frequency and the size of GAA repeats (unstable expansion of trinucleotide repeats that results in the disease). METHODS - Clinical and cardiac study including electrocardiogram and echocardiogram of all patients and molecular analysis to detect the frequency and the size of GAA expansion, by polymerase chain reaction analysis. RESULTS - Homozygous GAA expansion was detected in 17 patients (68%) -- all typical cases. In 8 (32%) cases (6 atypical and 2 typical), no GAA expansion was observed, therefore it was not considered Friedreich's ataxia. All patients with GAA expansion (100%) had electrocardiographic abnormalities, and only 25% of the cases without GAA expansion had some abnormality on this exam. However, only 6% of all patients revealed some signals/symptoms suggestive of cardiac involvement. CONCLUSION - A molecular analysis is essential to confirm the diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia; however, an adequate cardiac evaluation, including an electrocardiogram, was extremely useful to better screening the patients which should perform these molecular analysis.
Chloroquine has been widely used in rheumatological treatment, but potential severe side effects require careful follow-up. Cardiac damage is not a common consequence, but its clinical relevance has not yet been described. We report the case of a 58-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis, in whom chronic chloroquine use resulted in major irreversible cardiac damage. She presented with syncopal episodes due to complete atrioventricular block confirmed by electrophysiological study whose changes were concluded to be irreversible and a permanent pacemaker was indicated. Endomyocardial biopsy was also performed to search for histopathological and ultrastructural cardiac damage. We also reviewed the 22 cases of chloroquine-induced cardiopathy described to date as well as its pathophysiology.
Crabs of the genus Uca Leach, 1814 are characterized by having strong sexual dimorphism and a global distribution. Currently, 97 species have been described and analyzed under several aspects, including population ecology, physiology and ethology. However, there is no general summary of the information from the various literatures. The aim of this study is to perform a scientometric analysis of fiddler crab studies. For this we searched papers available in the Thomson ISI database that contained the words "Uca" OR "fiddler* crab*" between the years 1991 and 2007. For each paper, we researched and recorded the following characteristics: publication year; journal of publication; the first author's nationality; the country where the study was conducted; study type; species studied; and the work area. Our results indicated that there was no increase in the number of articles through the years considered. The Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology published most of the articles on Uca, indicating the importance of this group as a model for testing ecological hypotheses using experimental approaches. Our results also showed that United States had the highest number of authors and published studies on Uca, following the overall trend in dominance on scientific research. Furthermore, using models with three variables (per capita income, number of species of Uca and extent of coastal countries) we observed that, according to the Akaike Information Criterion, the per capita income was the most important correlate for the number of articles per country (both the author's country and country of study). Additionally, our results show that the species U. pugilator (distributed on the East Coast of the North American continent) was the species most singularly referenced in the papers considered. Moreover, our results indicate that most studies on Uca use a descriptive and local scale. The majority of papers in our literature search reflect studies in population biology, followed by behavioral and physiological characteristics.