70 resultados para Polar Regions


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The purposes of this study were to determine the distribution and climatic patterns of current and future physic nut (Jatropha curcas) cultivation regions in Mexico, and to identify possible locations for in vivo germplasm banks establishment, using geographic information systems. Current climatic data were processed by Floramap software to obtain distribution maps and climatic patterns of regions where wild physic nuts could be found. DIVA-GIS software analyzed current climatic data (Worldclim model) and climatic data generated by CCM3 model to identify current and future physic nut cultivation regions, respectively. The distribution map showed that physic nut was present in most of the tropical and subtropical areas of Mexico, which corresponded to three agroclimatic regions. Climate types were Aw2, Aw1, and Bs1, for regions 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Nontoxic genotypes were associated with region 2, and toxic genotypes were associated with regions 1 and 3. According to the current and future cultivation regions identified, the best suitable ones to establish in vivo germplasm collections were the coast of Michoacán and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, located among the states of Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas.


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ABSTRACT The flavor quality of citrus fruits is largely determined by the sugar-acid ratio, but it remains uncertain how sugar- and/or acid-metabolizing enzymes regulate the sugar-acid ratio of navel oranges and further affect the fruit quality. In the present study, Robertson navel oranges (Citrus sinesis Osb.) were collected from six representative habitats in three eco-regions of Sichuan, China. The changes in the sugar-acid ratio and the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SS), cytosolic cio-aconitase (ACO), and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) were examined in navel oranges during fruit development. The results indicated that the sugar-acid ratio of fruits in different eco-regions changed significantly from 150 days after full bloom. The SPS and cytosolic ACO fruit activities had minor changes among different ecoregions throughout the experimental periods, whereas the activities of SS and IDH changed significantly in fruits among three eco-regions. Furthermore, the sugar-acid ratio and the activities of SS in the synthetic direction and IDH were the highest in south subtropics and the lowest in north mid-subtropics, probably due to the effects of climate conditions and/or other relevant eco-factors. It demonstrated that SS in the synthetic direction and IDH were of greater importance in regulating the sugar-acid ratio of navel oranges in different eco-regions, which provided new insights into the factors that determine the flavor quality of navel oranges and valuable data for guiding relevant agricultural practices.


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Monitoring of sewage sludge has proved the presence of many polar anthropogenic pollutants since LC/MS techniques came into routine use. While advanced techniques may improve characterizations, flawed sample processing procedures, however, may disturb or disguise the presence and fate of many target compounds present in this type of complex matrix before analytical process starts. Freeze-drying or oven-drying, in combination with centrifugation or filtration as sample processing techniques were performed followed by visual pattern recognition of target compounds for assessment of pretreatment processes. The results shown that oven-drying affected the sludge characterization, while freeze-drying led to less analytical misinterpretations.


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GC/MS/FID analyses of volatile compounds from cladodes and inflorescences from male and female specimens of Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC. collected in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, Brazil, showed that carquejyl acetate was the primary volatile component (38% to 73%), while carquejol and ledol were identified in lower concentrations. Data were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis, which confirmed that the chemical compositions of all samples were similar. The results presented here highlight the occurrence of the same chemotype of B. trimera in three southern states of Brazil.


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Using PCR-based assays with specific primers for amplification of the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer region (IGS) and a portion of the mitochondrial DNA small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (mtDNA SSU rRNA), the genetic variability among Verticillium dahliae isolates from olive (Olea europaea) and other host species from Argentina and Brazil was estimated. The derived UPGMA-generated phenograms based upon the restriction fingerprinting data of rDNA IGS products revealed genetic differences, correlating with the host of origin. Isolates infecting olive genetically distinct from those from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Digestion of mitochondrial DNA SSU rRNA PCR products revealed less variability, distinguishing only one isolate from sunflower. Ribosomal DNA ITS restriction patterns were identical for all isolates of V. dahliae, irrespective of host of origin. These preliminary results may have relevance for Verticillium wilt control practices, possibly reflecting a different evolutionary origin, or reproductive isolation of the pathogen in olive, distinct from populations of other hosts.


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ABSTRACT Knowledge of natural water availability, which is characterized by low flows, is essential for planning and management of water resources. One of the most widely used hydrological techniques to determine streamflow is regionalization, but the extrapolation of regionalization equations beyond the limits of sample data is not recommended. This paper proposes a new method for reducing overestimation errors associated with the extrapolation of regionalization equations for low flows. The method is based on the use of a threshold value for the maximum specific low flow discharge estimated at the gauging sites that are used in the regionalization. When a specific low flow, which has been estimated using the regionalization equation, exceeds the threshold value, the low flow can be obtained by multiplying the drainage area by the threshold value. This restriction imposes a physical limit to the low flow, which reduces the error of overestimating flows in regions of extrapolation. A case study was done in the Urucuia river basin, in Brazil, and the results showed the regionalization equation to perform positively in reducing the risk of extrapolation.


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ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the thermal efficiency of roofs used on individual shelters during milk-feeding stage of Girolando calves. The research was conducted at a farm located in a dry region of Pernambuco state, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 27 Holstein × Gir dairy crossbred calves housed in shelters with three roofing materials (fibre cement tile, recycled tile, and thatched roofs). The recycled tiles and thatched roofs provided reductions of 18.7 and 14.6% in radiant thermal load, respectively. Regardless the roofing material, all animals increased their respiratory rate to maintain thermal equilibrium.


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OBJETIVO: determinar a relação entre a morfologia do primeiro corpúsculo polar (CP) de oócitos humanos e as taxas de fertilização e clivagem e a qualidade embrionária em procedimentos de Injeção Intracitoplasmática de Espermatozóide (ICSI). MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo de 582 ciclos consecutivos de ICSI no período de julho de 2003 a julho de 2005. A morfologia do primeiro CP foi avaliada com revisão de 3.177 oócitos em metáfase II, imediatamente antes da realização da ICSI, sempre pelo mesmo observador. O CP foi classificado nas seguintes categorias: CP intacto e de tamanho normal, CP fragmentado ou CP de tamanho aumentado. Avaliamos as taxas de fertilização e de clivagem, o número e a proporção de embriões de boa qualidade em cada um dos três grupos avaliados 48 horas após a ICSI (D2). Foram considerados de boa qualidade os embriões com quatro células, sem fragmentação e com blastômeros simétricos em D2. RESULTADOS: as taxas de fertilização, clivagem e de formação de embriões de boa qualidade resultantes da inseminação de oócitos com o CP aumentado (20,7, 18,7 e 5%, respectivamente) foram significativamente menores que as de oócitos com o CP intacto e de tamanho normal (70,8, 62,5 e 19%, respectivamente) ou CP fragmentado (69,7, 60,5 e 17,1%, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: observamos que a presença do primeiro CP aumentado relaciona-se com piores taxas de fertilização, clivagem e de formação de embriões de má qualidade. Entretanto, a fragmentação no primeiro CP parece não interferir nos resultados da ICSI.


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A molecular epidemiological study was performed with Babesia bigemina isolates from five geographical regions of Brazil. The genetic analysis was done with random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), repetitive extragenic palindromic elements-polymerase chain reaction (REP-PCR) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) that showed genetic polymorphism between these isolates and generated fingerprinting. In RAPD, ILO872 and ILO876 primers were able to detect at least one fingerprinting for each B. bigemina isolate. The amplification of B. bigemina DNA fragments by REP-PCR and ERIC-PCR gave evidence for the presence in this haemoprotozoan of the sequences described previously in microorganisms of the bacterial kingdom. For the first time it was demonstrated that both techniques can be used for genetic analysis of a protozoan parasite, although the ERIC-PCR was more discriminatory than REP-PCR. The dendogram with similarity coefficient among isolates showed two clusters and one subcluster. The Northeastern and Mid-Western isolates showed the greatest genetic diversity, while the Southeastern and Southern isolates were the closest. The antigenic analysis was done through indirect fluorescent antibody technique and Western blotting using a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against epitopes on the merozoite membrane surface, rhoptries and membrane of infected erythrocytes. As expected, the merozoite variable surface antigens, major surface antigen (MSA)-1 and MSA-2 showed antigenic diversity. However, B cell epitopes on rhoptries and infected erythrocytes were conserved among all isolates studied. In this study it was possible to identify variable and conserved antigens, which had already been described as potential immunogens. Considering that an attenuated Babesia clone used as immunogen selected populations capable of evading the immunity induced by this vaccine, it is necessary to evaluate more deeply the cross-protection conferred by genetically more distant Brazilian B. bigemina isolates and make an evaluation of the polymorphism degree of variable antigens such as MSA-1 and MSA-2.


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Blood-sucking diptera are important parasites in bovine production systems, especially regarding confinement conditions. Haematobia irritans, the horn fly, is one of the most troublesome species within bovine production systems, due to the intense stress imposed to the animals. An important aspect while studying the variability within a species is the study of the geographic structure of its populations and, attempting to find out the genetic flow of Brazilian populations of horn fly, the RAPD technique, which is suited for this purpose, has been used. The use of molecular markers generated from RAPD made it possible to identify the geographic origin of samples from different Brazilian geographic regions, as well as to estimate the genotypic flow among the different Brazilian populations of the horn fly.


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The clonal relationship among avian Escherichia coli strains and their genetic proximity with human pathogenic E. coli, Salmonela enterica, Yersinia enterocolitica and Proteus mirabilis, was determined by the DNA sequencing of the conserved 5' and 3'regions fliC gene (flagellin encoded gene). Among 30 commensal avian E. coli strains and 49 pathogenic avian E. coli strains (APEC), 24 commensal and 39 APEC strains harbored fliC gene with fragments size varying from 670bp to 1,900bp. The comparative analysis of these regions allowed the construction of a dendrogram of similarity possessing two main clusters: one compounded mainly by APEC strains and by H-antigens from human E. coli, and another one compounded by commensal avian E. coli strains, S. enterica, and by other H-antigens from human E. coli. Overall, this work demonstrated that fliC conserved regions may be associated with pathogenic clones of APEC strains, and also shows a great similarity among APEC and H-antigens of E. coli strains isolated from humans. These data, can add evidence that APEC strains can exhibit a zoonotic risk.


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Experiments were performed to determine average heat transfer coefficients and friction factors for turbulent flow through annular ducts with pin fins. The measurements were carried out by means of a double-pipe heat exchanger. The total number of pins attached to the inner wall of the annular region was 560. The working fluids were air, flowing in the annular channel, and water through the inner circular tube. The average heat transfer coefficients of the pinned air-side were obtained from the experimental determination of the overall heat transfer coefficients of the heat exchanger and from the knowledge of the average heat transfer coefficients of the circular pipe (water-side), which could be found in the pertinent literature. To attain fully developed conditions, the heat exchanger was built with additional lengths before and after the test section. The inner circular duct of the heat exchanger and the pin fins were made of brass. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the brass, the small tube thickness and water temperature variation, the surface of the internal tube was practically isothermal. The external tube was made of an industrial plastic which was insulated from the environment by means of a glass wool batt. In this manner, the outer surface of the annular channel can be considered adiabatic. The results are presented in dimensionless forms, in terms of average Nusselt numbers and friction factors as functions of the flow Reynolds number, ranging from 13,000 to 80,000. The pin fin efficiency, which depends on the heat transfer coefficient, is also determined as a function of dimensionless parameters. A comparison of the present results with those for smooth sections (without pins) is also presented. The purpose of such a comparison is to study the influence of the presence of the pins on the pressure drop and heat transfer rate.


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Among the goals of the Brazilian soybean improvement programmes, the breeding strategies for cultivars adapted to low latitudes have been included to extend crop areas and to increase production. Seeds of nine Brazilian soybean cultivars adapted to low latitudes were investigated regarding to their composition, and amino acid and antinutritional/toxic protein contents. Protein (394.5 ± 13.1 to 445.3 ± 8.0 g kg-1 dry matter) and oil (200.6 ± 1.2 to 232.3 ± 4.7 g kg-1 dry matter) contents showed low correlation to each other (r = -0.06). The total carbohydrate (141.7 ± 6.1 to 211.1 ± 15.0 g kg-1 dry matter) and ash contents (48.2 ± 4.2 to 52.2 ± 0.5 g kg-1 dry matter) were similar to data available for other soybean cultivars. All soybean cultivars presented low levels of tryptophan and sulphur amino acids. The lectin (1,152 to 147,456 HU kg-1 flour), trypsin inhibitor (34.45 ± 2.28 to 77.62 ± 2.63 g trypsin inhibited kg-1 flour), toxin (6,210 ± 134 to 34,650 ± 110 LD50 kg-1 flour) and urease (0.74 ± 0.02 to 1.22 ± 0.10 g kg¹ flour) presented variations in their contents amongst the cultivars. Compared to other soybean cultivars, urease was higher, the acute toxicity lower and the lectin and trypsin inhibitor contents similar to data available. In general, soybean cultivars showed similar biochemical composition to those developed in different geographic regions. The relevance of these findings to the agronomic features and to choice of soybean cultivars to be used as food or feed is discussed.


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In Velloziaceae, the number of subsidiary cells has been used to characterize species and support groups. Nevertheless, the homology of the stomatal types have not been scrutinized. Stomatal ontogenesis of Vellozia epidendroides and V. plicata, assigned to have tetracytic stomata, and of V. glauca and Barbacenia riparia, assigned to have paracytic stomata, were investigated. In the four species studied, stomata followed perigenic development. Subsidiary cells arise from oblique divisions of neighbouring cells of the guard mother cell (GMC). These cells are elongated and parallel to the longer axis of the stoma. Polar cells show wide variation, following the shape and size of the epidermal cells in the vicinity. Hence, these cells cannot be called subsidiary cells. This wide variation is due to a much higher density of stomata in some regions of the leaf blade. This distribution of stomata forces the development of short polar cells, leading to an apparently tetracytic stomata. In regions of low concentration of stomata, higher spatial availability between the GMCs allows the elongation of polar cells, leading to evident paracytic stomata. Therefore, the four studied species are considered braquiparacytic, questioning the classification of stomata into tetracytic and paracytic in Velloziaceae.


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Cholinergic as well as monoaminergic neurotransmission seems to be involved in the etiology of affective disorders. Chronic treatment with imipramine, a classical antidepressant drug, induces adaptive changes in monoaminergic neurotransmission. In order to identify possible changes in cholinergic neurotransmission we measured total, membrane-bound and soluble acetylcholinesterase (Achase) activity in several rat brain regions after chronic imipramine treatment. Changes in Achase activity would indicate alterations in acetylcholine (Ach) availability to bind to its receptors in the synaptic cleft. Male rats were treated with imipramine (20 mg/kg, ip) for 21 days, once a day. Twenty-four hours after the last dose the rats were sacrificed and homogenates from several brain regions were prepared. Membrane-bound Achase activity (nmol thiocholine formed min-1 mg protein-1) after chronic imipramine treatment was significantly decreased in the hippocampus (control = 188.8 ± 19.4, imipramine = 154.4 ± 7.5, P<0.005) and striatum (control = 850.9 ± 59.6, imipramine = 742.5 ± 34.7, P<0.005). A small increase in total Achase activity was observed in the medulla oblongata and pons. No changes in enzyme activity were detected in the thalamus or total cerebral cortex. Since the levels of Achase seem to be enhanced through the interaction between Ach and its receptors, a decrease in Achase activity may indicate decreased Ach release by the nerve endings. Therefore, our data indicate that cholinergic neurotransmission is decreased after chronic imipramine treatment which is consistent with the idea of an interaction between monoaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmission in the antidepressant effect of imipramine