58 resultados para Physical Asset Management
The element silicon (Si) is not considered an essential nutrient for plant function. Nevertheless, Si is absorbed from soil in large amounts that are several fold higher than those of other essential macronutrients in certain plant species. Its beneficial effects have been reported in various situations, especially under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. The most significant effect of Si on plants, besides improving their fitness in nature and increasing agricultural productivity, is the restriction of parasitism. There has been a considerable amount of research showing the positive effect of Si in controlling diseases in important crops. Rice (Oryza sativa), in particular, is affected by the presence of Si, with diseases such as blast, brown spot and sheath blight becoming more severe on rice plants grown in Si-depleted soils. The hypothesis underlying the control of some diseases in both mono- and di-cots by Si has been confined to that of a mechanical barrier resulting from its polymerization in planta. However, some studies show that Si-mediated resistance against pathogens is associated with the accumulation of phenolics and phytoalexins as well as with the activation of some PR-genes. These findings strongly suggest that Si plays an active role in the resistance of some plants to diseases rather than forming a physical barrier that impedes penetration by fungal pathogens.
Management of plant-parasitic nematodes with the use of nematicides has not been recommended for small farmers that grow yam in the Northeastern region of Brazil, due to its high cost and residue toxicity. The use of plants with antagonistic effect to nematodes and green manure which improves soil chemical, physical and biological characteristics can be a viable and low cost alternative to control parasitic nematodes. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) plants on the control of yam nematodes. Three experiments were carried out. The first was conducted under in vitro conditions to evaluate the nematostatic and nematicide effect of extracts from fresh and dry matter of the above ground parts of crotalaria, pigeon pea, and the combination of both. The second experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the effect of soil amendment with crotalaria, pigeon pea, and the combination of both in the infectivity of Scutellonema bradys, using tomato plants as the host plant. The third experiment was conducted under field conditions to evaluate the effect of crotalaria, pigeon pea, and the combination of both, cultivated between yam planting rows and incorporated to soil surface, on yam nematodes. The aqueous extract obtained form fresh matter of crotalaria had a nematicide effect of 100% for S. bradys. Extracts from dry matter of both crotalaria and pigeon pea did not have any nematicide effect, but had a nematostatic effect. Incorporation of crotalaria to soil inhibited infectivity of S. bradys in tomato seedlings. These results showed that planting crotalaria alone or in combination with pigeon pea, between the yam planting rows, is an efficient method for controlling S. bradys and Rotylenchulus reniformis associated with yams. Crotalaria can be used for controlling these plant-parasitic nematodes in soil.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical and physical attributes of different soil cover in a Oxisol with a strong wavy relief in the Atlantic Forest Biome, in which were selected three watersheds, employed with grazing (watershed P), forest (watershed M) and coffee (watershed C). Deformed and not deformed samples were collected in three depths for physical and chemical characterization. The chemical characteristics of soil in different watershed studies presented low levels of fertility. It was observed an elevation of pH in the soil and contents of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the watersheds P and C in relation to the watershed M. Due to deforestation and the establishment of agriculture and livestock, there was a decrease in the contents of soil organic matter in the watershed P and C, not altering the physical characteristics of the soil in the watershed P. The implementation of coffee plantation is causing a reduction in the soil quality of watershed C in comparison to the watershed P and M, therefore indicating a need to adequate soil management in this area.
The study of spatial variability of soil and plants attributes, or precision agriculture, a technique that aims the rational use of natural resources, is expanding commercially in Brazil. Nevertheless, there is a lack of mathematical analysis that supports the correlation of these independent variables and their interactions with the productivity, identifying scientific standards technologically applicable. The aim of this study was to identify patterns of soil variability according to the eleven physical and seven chemical indicators in an agricultural area. It was used two multivariate techniques: the hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and the principal component analysis (PCA). According to the HCA, the area was divided into five management zones: zone 1 with 2.87ha, zone 2 with 0.8ha, zone 3 with 1.84ha, zone 4 with 1.33ha and zone 5 with 2.76ha. By the PCA, it was identified the most important variables within each zone: V% for the zone 1, CTC in the zone 2, levels of H+Al in the zone 4 and sand content and altitude in the zone 5. The zone 3 was classified as an intermediate zone with characteristics of all others. According to the results it is concluded that it is possible to separate into groups (management zones) samples with the same patterns of variability by the multivariate statistical techniques.
Areas under vinasse application have been associated to favorable physical conditions for root development, aeration, infiltration and water movement in soil profile. This study aimed to evaluate changes on physical attributes of soil under sugarcane straw after vinasse application in two sugarcane growing areas (Area 1 and Area 2) under mechanized management in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In each area, the samples were collected in the 0-0.20, 0.20-0.40 and 0.40-0.60m layers of the soil, in 36 points, distributed in a 10×10m mesh, one day before and 40 days after vinasse application. The data were submitted to multivariate analysis with repeated measures and geostatistics. The vinasse application decreased soil density and increased total porosity in both Areas and increased organic matter in Area 2. In Area 1 occurred pure nugget effect for the fractions of sand, silt and clay, independent of soil layer. In Area 2, this effect was verified mostly at superficial layers, except for the fraction of clay that presented a moderate degree of spatial dependence.
This study aimed to investigate the potential use of magnetic susceptibility (MS) as pedotransfer function to predict soil attributes under two sugarcane harvesting management systems. For each area of 1 ha (one with green sugarcane mechanized harvesting and other one with burnt sugarcane manual harvesting), 126 soil samples were collected and subjected to laboratory analysis to determine soil physical, chemical and mineralogical attributes and for measuring of MS. Data were submitted to descriptive statistics by calculating the mean and coefficient of variation. In order to compare the means in the different harvesting management systems it was carried out the Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. In order to investigate the correlation of the MS with other soil properties it was made the correlation test and aiming to assess how the MS contributes to the prediction of soil complex attributes it was made the multiple linear regressions. The results demonstrate that MS showed, in both sugarcane harvesting management systems, statistical correlation with chemical, physical and mineralogical soil attributes and it also showed potential to be used as pedotransfer function to predict attributes of the studied oxisol.
This work aimed to study the effect of drip irrigation management on growth and yield of the 'Roxo de Valinhos' fig tree (Ficus carica L.), at three years old, and to determine crop coefficients (Kc) and its water requirement (ETc) under Baixada Fluminense climate and soil conditions, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study was carried out in the experimental area of SIPA (Sistema Integrado de Produção Agroecológica) in Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro State, from July 2011 to May 2012. The experimental area was divided in two blocks, named B1 (sandy clay loam texture) and B2 (loamy sand texture). In each block, irrigation frequencies (IF) of two (T1) and four days (T2) were evaluated, as well as the irrigation absence (T3). Irrigation management and water consumption determination were performed through the soil water balance, using the TDR technique. Plant growth was not affected by IF, differing only in the number of produced internodes. For both soil textures, the mean Kc was 0.60, with a significant difference (p<0.05) only for IF. The estimated mean yield showed no significant differences between both textural classes, ranging from 6,612 kg ha-1 (T3) to 8,554 kg ha-1 (T1). This study indicates the importance of irrigation frequency in the irrigation management of fig trees cultivated in soils with different physical characteristics.
The evaluation of technologies employed at the agricultural production system such as crop rotation and soil preparation, both associated with crop-livestock integration, is crucial. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the incorporation of lime for three no-tillage systems and cultural managements in system of crop-livestock integration, with emphasis on corn grain yield. The experiment was conducted from January 2003 to April 2005 at Selvíria city, MS, in Dystroferric Red Latosol, clay texture. The experimental design was randomized blocks with split plots consisted of three main treatments, aimed the soil physics conditioning and the incorporation of lime: PD - No-no-tillage; CM - minimum no-tillage, and PC - conventional no-tillage; and of two secondary treatments related to the management: rotation and crop succession, with four replications. Data on agronomic traits of maize were analyzed: plant height, stem diameter, height of the first spike insertion, 100 grains weight and grain yield. The results showed that the maize produced under the system of crop-livestock integration is quite feasible, showing that grain yields are comparable to averages in the region and the different soil physical conditioning and incorporation of lime did not influence the corn yield as well as the cultural managements, rotation and succession, did not affect the maize crop behavior after two years of cultivation.
Cover crops are important for improving soil quality. However, soil properties usually have some spatial dependence. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of winter cover crops on physical properties of soil and soybean yields using thematic maps. Five winter treatments were used: black oats; intercropping 1 (forage turnips and black oats); intercropping 2 (forage turnips, black oats and common vetch); wheat; and control. Macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, bulk density and water content of the soil from 0 - 0.1 m depths were evaluated after the winter cover crop management. Soybeans were sown over the entire area in the summer after the winter cover crop management, and the soybean yield was determined for each treatment. Maps for each treatment were created and compared to the control treatment using the relative deviation coefficient (RDC). The cover crops improved the total macroporosity of the soil in some regions of the study area. The black oats were more efficient at maintaining higher water content of the soil, and it can be used to decrease the bulk density.
Management zones using fuzzy clustering based on spatial-temporal variability of soil and corn yield
Clustering soil and crop data can be used as a basis for the definition of management zones because the data are grouped into clusters based on the similar interaction of these variables. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify management zones using fuzzy c-means clustering analysis based on the spatial and temporal variability of soil attributes and corn yield. The study site (18 by 250-m in size) was located in Jaboticabal, São Paulo/Brazil. Corn yield was measured in one hundred 4.5 by 10-m cells along four parallel transects (25 observations per transect) over five growing seasons between 2001 and 2010. Soil chemical and physical attributes were measured. SAS procedure MIXED was used to identify which variable(s) most influenced the spatial variability of corn yield over the five study years. Basis saturation (BS) was the variable that better related to corn yield, thus, semivariograms models were fitted for BS and corn yield and then, data values were krigged. Management Zone Analyst software was used to carry out the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm. The optimum number of management zones can change over time, as well as the degree of agreement between the BS and corn yield management zone maps. Thus, it is very important take into account the temporal variability of crop yield and soil attributes to delineate management zones accurately.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the spatial dependence of physical attributes in a soil cultivated with Brachiaria grass. A 12-m regular sampling grid was established within an area of 3.500 m2. Thirty-five soil samples were collected at 0-30 cm depth for particle density, bulk density, texture and total porosity analysis. These data were evaluated using statistical methods of indicator kriging and the GS+ software. The GS+ software was used to develop three-dimensional maps and evaluate semivariograms. The spatial dependence was evaluated using experimental semivariograms. The analyzed attributes indicated the occurrence of spatial dependence when fit to the exponential model. Areas with higher porosity occurred in the regions with lower bulk densities and higher particle densities.
The meeting of the Publication "Evidence Based Telemedicine - Trauma and Emergency Surgery" (TBE-CiTE), through literature review, selected three recent articles on the treatment of victims stab wounds to the abdominal wall. The first study looked at the role of computed tomography (CT) in the treatment of patients with stab wounds to the abdominal wall. The second examined the use of laparoscopy over serial physical examinations to evaluate patients in need of laparotomy. The third did a review of surgical exploration of the abdominal wound, use of diagnostic peritoneal lavage and CT for the early identification of significant lesions and the best time for intervention. There was consensus to laparotomy in the presence of hemodynamic instability or signs of peritonitis, or evisceration. The wound should be explored under local anesthesia and if there is no injury to the aponeurosis the patient can be discharged. In the presence of penetration into the abdominal cavity, serial abdominal examinations are safe without CT. Laparoscopy is well indicated when there is doubt about any intracavitary lesion, in centers experienced in this method.
ABSTRACTObjective:to investigate the effect of standardized interventions in the management of tube thoracostomy patients and to assess the independent effect of each intervention.Methods:A chest tube management protocol was assessed in a retrospective cohort study. The tube thoracostomy protocol (TTP) was implemented in August 2012, and consisted of: antimicrobial prophylaxis, chest tube insertion in the operating room (OR), admission post chest tube thoracostomy (CTT) in a hospital floor separate from the emergency department (ED), and daily respiratory therapy (RT) sessions post-CTT. The inclusion criteria were, hemodynamic stability, patients between the ages of 15 and 59 years, and injury severity score (ISS) < 17. All patients had isolated injuries to the chest wall, lung, and pleura. During the study period 92 patients were managed according to the standardized protocol. The outcomes of those patients were compared to 99 patients treated before the TTP. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the independent effect of each variable of the protocol on selected outcomes.Results:Demographics, injury severity, and trauma mechanisms were similar among the groups. As expected, protocol compliance increased after the implementation of the TTP. There was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the incidence of retained hemothoraces, empyemas, pneumonias, surgical site infections, post-procedural complications, hospital length of stay, and number of chest tube days. Respiratory therapy was independently linked to significant reduction (p<0.05) in the incidence of seven out of eight undesired outcomes after CTT. Antimicrobial prophylaxis was linked to a significant decrease (p<0.05) in retained hemothoraces, despite no significant (p<0.10) reductions in empyema and surgical site infections. Conversely, OR chest tube insertion was associated with significant (p<0.05) reduction of both complications, and also significantly decreased the incidence of pneumonias.Conclusion:Implementation of a TTP effectively reduced complications after CTT in trauma patients.