89 resultados para Osseous metastasis
A case of lower gastrointestinal bleeding due to metastatic malignant melanoma in a man, in which the final diagnosis was made only on surgery, is reported. The patient underwent a segmentary enterectomy with primary anastomosis and he was discharged on tenth postoperative day.
Two types primary epithelial tumours of the kidney have been distinguished, such as renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma or Grawitz) deriving from proximal tubules and carcinoma arising in the urothelium of the kidney's collecting system. Mancilla-Jimenez e cols were the first to describe in 1976 an atypical papillary carcinoma of the kidney deriving from collecting duct system-Bellini duct carcinoma (BDC). In the World Healthy Organization classification it is listed as a rare carcinoma ( 1 % of the renal malignancies) originating in the renal medulla. Histologic examination shows both tubular and papillary architeture, which can lead to misinterpretation as renal cell or transitional cell carcinoma. Renal cell carcinoma originates from the metanephrogenic blastema and collecting duct carcinoma derived embryologicaly from the mesonephron Wolff duct. Renal cell carcinoma has been shown to express both cytokeratins and vimetin, whereas the distal convoluted tubule expresses only cytokeratins. BDC can be considered as a renal malignancy with a very bad prognosis compared to the other renal cell carcinoma. The best treatment is radical nephrectomy. A case of BDC is reported in a young black man, 27 year old with only history of light left back pain. Ultrasound and other image examinations showed a tumour about 6 cm in the middle and low left kidney. Patient was submitted to extraperitoneal radical nephectomy. Microscopic evaluation revealed kidney's collecting duct carcinoma with metastasis on two retroperitoneal lymphy nodes.
An isolated hepatic caudate lobectomy was performed in a fifty-seven-year-old white woman presenting a colo-rectal metastasis to hepatic segment I. The resection was performed under total liver vascular exclusion due to the proximity to hepatic veins. The patient presented an uneventful hospitalization being discharged on day seven.
This overview examines some selected genetic mechanisms of cancer development. Strong evidence has been accumulated suggesting that alteration in either the struture or activity of proto-oncogene contributes to the development and for the maintenance of the malignant phenotype. Many factors are known to interfere with both normal and pathological controls of growth and differentiation of thyroid cells. Among them, some are oncogenes, like those encoding g-proteins (ras, gsp, TSH-R), encoding thyrosino kinases receptors (RET, trk, c-met, c-erb, BRAF) and encoding nuclear proteins (c-myc, e-fós). Others are anti-oncogenes (p53, p15, RB), by loss of the growth suppression ativity of the suppressive gene. Cancer cell invasion and metastasis are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. Many genes are involved in the mechanism of invasion and metastasis of thyroid tumors, like Nis, b-catenina, E-caderina, galectina-3, GLUT, telomerase, VEGT, nm-23. All these oncogenes, antioncogenes and tumor invasion and metastasis-related genes are analysed. Several clinical and prognostic factors have been proposed to identify patients at risk for the development of metastasis and death. The role of molecular genetics in this issue is discussed. However, other studies are needed to validate molecular alterations as an independent prognostic factor in thyroid cancer.
Patients with metastatic breast cancer, whereas liver is the only site of dissemination, may benefit from hepatectomy. Literature suggests that surgical treatment of these metastases may offer a longer survival rate than systemic chemotherapy and/or isolated homonal therapy. We report two cases of hepatic resection for liver metastases from breast cancer, with survival of 11 and 16 months without recurrence. One patient had a single metastases and the other two. No post-operative complications were observed.
In the treatment of thyroid cancer, the greatest problem existis in tumors that continue to grow or express recurrences, despite surgical, radioidine or t4 supressive therapies. Improved knowledge of the molecular biology of tumors showed that elevated expression of oncogeneses, uncontrolled ativation of tyrosine cinase receptors and their signaling pathways, and inibition of programmed apoptosis are all important factors in the origin and evolution of tumors and their metastasis. The development of therapies targeted against especific molecular deregulation envolved in tumor progression is now been evaluated, with sucess, in various types of cancer. In thyroid cancer, target therapies using drugs, antibodies, genes, and small molecules are in development in preclinical studies and show a potential role in the managment of thyroid cancer, in the future. In this review, some of these studies are discussed.
Late renal cell carcinoma recurrence in the renal fossa is a rare event. This condition occurs in 1 to 2% of radical nephrectomies. We reported a late recurrence at the renal fossa about four and half years after radical nephrectomy due to a renal cell carcinoma (RCC) without metastasis elsewhere. Diagnosis in an outpatient follow-up was made during an abdominal computed tomography and we observed a retroperitoneal mass in the renal fossa. The excision at the recurrence area was made through a subcostal transversal incision without any difficulty. After 6 months from this second procedure, there was no evidence of recurrence. The surgical aggressive treatment for late retroperitoneal RCC recurrence is a good method in this rare situation. Abdominal computed tomography must be done during long periods of follow-up for patients with radical nephrectomy for RCC to search for late retroperitoneal recurrences.
Testicular and paratesticular prepuberal tumors are rare. They represent around 1% of the total of tumors of infancy. They subdivide in 2 groups: germ cells tumors and non germ cells tumors, being able to occur in all the ages, and about 75% are malignant, and about 19% of these they present metastasis. The tumors of germ cells tumors represent 60 75% of the tumors testiculars in infancy, having as main example the yolk sac tumor (65% of the neoplasms), followed for teratomas (14%); although some works to exist where teratoma, if presents as most common .The non germ cells tumors include the Leydig cell tumor and Sertoli cell tumor. The Leydig cell tumor, are most frequent between the non germ cells tumors testicular. This review article on epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of to testicular and to paratesticular tumors in child.
The malignant melanoma is a relatively common neoplasia, with origin generally in the melanocytics cells in the skin, but with presentation of other possible primary lesions, being presented in this, a case witnessed of liver and mesentery metastases with unknown primary sites.
Objetivo: determinar a eficácia da linfadenectomia axilar conservadora (esvaziamento dos níveis I e II) no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer da mama estádio I. Métodos: foram avaliados os resultados de 142 cirurgias realizadas em pacientes portadoras de câncer mamário estádio I (T1NO) entre janeiro/93 e dezembro/98. Removidos os linfonodos axilares presentes nos níveis I e II com preservação dos músculos peitorais, os mesmos foram dissecados pelo próprio autor (LAGB), sendo posteriormente examinados histopatologicamente com a realização de apenas 1 corte por linfonodo. A quadrantectomia foi realizada em 138 casos e a mastectomia modificada segundo Patey em 4 casos. Houve predomínio dos casos T1c (130 casos). Resultados: foram removidos 3.282 linfonodos (2.456 presentes no nível I e 826 no nível II) com um número médio de 23,1 linfonodos por axila. Desse total, apenas 68 estavam comprometidos (2,1%). Skip metastasis estava presente em apenas um caso (0,7%). Foram observados 35 casos de falso-negativos clínicos (24,6%), estando o nível I comprometido em 34 casos (97,1%) e o nível II em apenas 2 casos (5,7%). A axila estava negativa nos 107 casos restantes (75,4%). Conclusão: a dissecção axilar dos níveis I e II é suficiente para tratar a axila no estádio I do câncer de mama. Se linfonodos suspeitos são identificados durante a cirurgia, os gânglios do nível III e o grupo interpeitoral de Rotter deverão ser retirados.
PURPOSE: To estimate the likelihood of axillary lymph node involvement for patients with early-stage breast cancer, based on a variety of clinical and pathological factors. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was done in hospital databases from 1999 to 2007. Two hundred thirty-nine patients were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Predictive factors, such as patient age, tumor size, lymphovascular invasion, histological grade and immunohistochemical subtype were analyzed to identify variables that may be associated with axillary lymph node metastasis. RESULTS: Patients with tumors that are negative for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 had approximately a 90% lower chance of developing lymph node metastasis than those with luminal A tumors (e.g., ER+ and/or PR+ and HER2-) - Odds Ratio: 0.11; 95% confidence interval: 0.01-0.88; p=0.01. Furthermore, the risk for lymph node metastasis of luminal A tumors seemed to decrease as patient age increased, and it was directly correlated with tumor size. CONCLUSION: The molecular classification of early-stage breast cancer using immunohistochemistry may help predicting the probability of developing axillary lymph node metastasis. Further studies are needed to optimize predictions for nodal involvement, with the aim of aiding the decision-making process for breast cancer treatment.
The serpin maspin, a tumor suppressor in breast cancer was described as an inhibitor of cell migration and inducer of cell adhesion between the basement membrane and extracellular matrix resulting in inhibition of tumor metastasis. In contrast, overexpression of maspin is correlated with poor prognosis in other types of cancer. Little is known about expression, regulation and function of maspin in canine mammary tumors. It was demonstrated in this study, a loss of maspin expression in malignant canine mammary cells compared with a pool of normal canine mammary tissue, analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR; weak maspin expression in malignant canine mammary tumors were observed by immunohistochemistry. It was also demonstrated that a correlation with nuclear maspin expression and a good prognosis. It is suggested that maspin could be used as a prognostic marker in canine mammary neoplasia.
Different methods for lymphatic mapping in dogs, such as infusing tissues with vital dyes or radioactive substances, have been studied, aiming at the early detection of lymph node metastasis. Thus, one could anticipate therapeutic measures and, consequently, prolong the survival and improve the quality of life of the patients. The objectives of this experiment were to locate the nodes responsible for draining the uterine body and horns and to try to establish the relationship between the uterus and the medial iliac lymph nodes to contribute to the early diagnosis and prognosis of uterine disorders. We studied 15 female dogs divided into two groups (5 dead and 10 intraoperative ovariohysterectomy bitches). The dye used was patent blue V (Patent Bleu V®). It was observed that the iliac lymph node chain receives much of the uterine (horns) drainage. This method should be considered for safer studies of uterine sanity. This information suggests that evaluating these lymph nodes will allow correlating changes in their physiological status with uterine pathologies.
Abstract: In this retrospective study was determined the frequency of canine skin peripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNST) in cases diagnosed by the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), Brazil, between the years 2000 and 2012. The canine profiles, as well as histological, immunohistochemical and prognostic aspects of the tumors were based on 70 samples, comprising 40 females, 29 males and one unspecified sample. Between 2000 and 2012, 2,984 skin tumors of dogs were diagnosed in the SPV-UFRGS, totaling 2.34% of skin neoplasms in dogs. Animals that comprised the largest amount of samples (43%) were those with no breed (SRD), followed by German Shepherds (10%). Females were more affected than males (40/70 - 57% and 29/70 - 41% respectively). Skin PNST of this research showed predominant localization on the limbs (40% in the forelimbs and 29% in the hindlimbs); affecting adult dogs, mostly aged between 8 and 11 years (54%). The samples were routinely processed for hematoxylin and eosin, and were also evaluated by toluidine blue and Masson's trichrome staining, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) anti-vimentin, -S-100, -GFAP, -actin, von Willebrand factor and neurofilament. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis, mitotic index, intratumoral necrosis, invasion of adjacent tissues, tumor location, local recurrence and metastasis were related to the diagnosis of benign (49/70) or malignant tumor (21/70). The Antoni A histological pattern was observed more frequently in benign tumors. The immunohistochemistry helped to diagnose PNST, and anti-vimentin and anti-protein S-100 showed the highest rates of immunostaining. Throughout statistical analysis of animals with tumor recurrence, it was found that the chance of an animal with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor to develop recurrence is 4.61 times higher than in an animal that had a benign tumor.
Hyperthermia, either alone or combined with radio-, immuno- or chemotherapy, can control tumor growth, but its effect on metastasis is still controversial. In the present study, we investigated the influence of hyperthermia on the metastatic potential of B16-F10 murine melanoma cells. Incubation of melanoma cells at 43ºC for 30 min led to a significant decrease in cell viability. About half of the cells survived the acute exposure to heat. These thermoresistant cells displayed a longer lag phase as compared to control unheated B16-F10 melanoma cells. Other parameters of cell growth such as doubling time and saturation density were equivalent in both control and thermoresistant cells. Both control and treated cells were adherent, but thermoresistant cells failed to spread during the first 48 h after heat exposure. B16-F10 cells colonize the lungs of C57BL/6J mice when injected intravenously; the number of lung colonies is a measure of the metastatic potential of injected cells. Median values of 22, 10.5 and 31 colonies per injected mouse were observed for control cells, cells heated to 43ºC for 30 min and thermoresistant cells, respectively, with statistically significant differences between groups (Mann-Whitney test, P<0.02). Thus, despite its cytotoxic action, heat exposure induced the acquisition of a more metastatic phenotype in a subpopulation of B16-F10 cells