159 resultados para Nota na escuela


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Studying the spermatogenesis of Leptysma sp. and Leptysma dorsalis, the writer was able to observe primary spermatocytes in anaphase with the heterochromosome in precession, synchronism or succession, confirming in this way what was observed by Prof. Piza in several other species of Orthoptera.


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A short, report on the chromosomes of three species of Brasilian Orthoptera is given in the present paper. Meroncidius intermedins Brunner, belonging to the Pseu-dophyllidae, differs from the species already studied in the Family in having 30 instead of 34 autosomes and a metacentric sex chromosome. "Of the autosomes, 4 showed to be metacentric. The author believes that the present species may be originated from one having 34 acrocentric autosomes by means of centric fusions. The origin of ths metacentricity of the X is not discussed. Oxyprora flavicornis Redtb.,belonging to the Copiphori-dae, has spermatogonia with 29 chromosomes. Of the autosomes, 4 seemed to be metacentric. The X has the form of a V of subae-qual arms. Neoconocephálus injuscatus (Scudd.), also belonging to the Copiphoridae, is provided with secondary spermatocytes of 13 -j- X and 13 chromosomes. The heterochromosome is metacentric. In the spermatogonia, whose chromosome number has not been counted, there are a lot of metacentric elements. In the opinion of the present writer species provided with 31, 33 and 35 chromosomes should exist in the Copiphoridae.


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In this note the A. A. relate the occurrence of a possible sub-lethal factor, on the Holstein-Friesian herd of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba. The sire Horto was mated with his own mother, Brisa, and so, were obtained two calves, a male and a female, consecutively. Both the calves presented flexion and deviation of the fore legs. The sire's death has not alloved further observations. The study of these history cases excludes the mother's nutritional deficiency, as the cause of related phenomenon. In the consulted literature, VEIGA and MEAD et al. relate similar cases, although these are observed in other breeds of cattle The A. A. admit that cause of occurrence is a possible sublethal recessive factor, put in evidence by inbreeding.


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Preliminary studies on brazilian orchid species show that the existing material offers the possibility for studying the following general questions: a) In spite of the rule about the relative proportion between numbers of individuals per species and number of species per unit area in tropical and in temperate zones, the orchid genera seem to follow more closely the rule of temperate zone species, and this in spite of the fact that the family is undoubtedly of tropical origin. b) The large amont of paralell variation existing between different genera recquires a detailed explanation, and extensive introgressive hybridization is mentioned as one possibility. c) The existence of natural sympatric hybrids, both inter-generic and interspecific, and the simultaneous existence of the species in the pure form, show that mechanismes of reproductive isolation must exist, though of an incomplete nature.


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This paper deals with the preliminary results of a sand culture experiment carried out to obtain physiological bases to study the fertilization of cassava in the State of São Paulo. On the other hand, the authors are interested in the possible influence of mineral nutrients in the quantity and quality of starch. Cassava (Manihot utilissima Pohl.), "Branca de Sta. Catarina" variety, was grown under the following treatments: NO PO KO, NO P1 K1, N1 P0 Kl, NI P1K0, N2 p1 Kl N1 P2 K1 and N1 P1 K2. A striking response to phosphorus was observed among the treatments. However, once secured the necessary phosphoric level to the plant, the production becomes limited by nitrogen; in other words, increase in yield can be accomplished only by raising the nitrogenous level. The present results suggest that the remarkable effects of phosphates applied to cassava cultures in the State of São Paulo are due not only to the poor quality of our soils, as far phosphorus is concerned: we are facing a positive physiological response showed by the plant.


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This paper includes a few notes on some Homoptera insects of the genus Fulgora, according to a study carried out on a little collection belonging to the Laboratory of Zoology of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (Piracicaba, Brazil). The following species are mentioned: F. servillei Spinola, F. lucifera Germar, F. orthocephala (Pinto da Fonseca) and F. cearensis (Pinto da Fonseca). The types of the latter having been collected in Fortaleza (Ceará), its area of distribution is considerably enlarged by the information of its occurrence in the State of São Paulo.


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Two water-culture experiments were carried out to study the absorption and the translocation of radiozinc in young coffee plants as influenced by two factors, namely, concentration of heavy metals (iron, manganese, copper and molybdenum) and method of application. Inert zinc was furnished at a uniform rate of 0.05 p.p.m.; the levels of iron supply were 0, 1.0 and 10 p.p.m.; manganese was supplied in three doses 0, 0.5, and 5 p.p.m.; copper - 0, 0.02, and 0.2 p.p.m.; molybdenum - 0, 0.01 and 0.1 p.p.m. When applied to the nutrient solution the activity of the radiozinc was 0.15 microcuries per plant. In the study of the leaf absorption, the radiozinc was supplied at the level of 0.10 microcuries per plant; in this case the material was brushed either on the lower or in the upper surface or both of two pairs of mature leaves. In both experiments the absorption period was 8 weeks. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Among the heavy metals herein investigated the iron concentration did not affecc the uptake of the radiozinc; by raising the level of Mn, Cu and Mo ten times, the absorption dropped to 50 per cent and even more whe compared with the control plant; however, when these micronutrients were omitted from the nutrient solution an increase in the uptake of zinc was registered only in the minus - Cu treatment. The effects of high leveds of Mn, Cu and Mo probably indicate an interionic competition for a same site on a common binding substance in the cell surface. 2. The absorption of the radiozinc directly applied to the leaf surface reached levels as high as 8 times that registered when the root uptake took place. Among the three methods of application which have been tried, brushing the lower surface of the leaves proved to be the most effective; this result is easily understood since the stomatal openings of the coffee leaves are preferentially located in the lower surface. In this treatment, about 40 per cent of the activity was absorbed and around 12 per cent were translocated either to the old or to the newer organs. 3. Data herein presented suggest that leaf sprays should be preferred - rather than soil applications - to control zinc deficiency in coffee plants when growing in field conditions.


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Seven species of the nematode genus Mononchus Bastian, 1865, were found in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Such are: M. subsimilis Cobb, 1917; M. ibitiensis Carvalho, 1951; M. piracicabae Lordello, 1953; M. risoceiae Carvalho, 1955; M. soutoi Carvalho, 1956; M. coronatus Carvalho, 1956; and M. jairi n. sp. Outside the State, the following species have been found: M. papillatus (Bastian, 1865) Cobb, 1916; M. monhystera Cobb, 1917; M. muscorum (Dujardin, 1845) Cobb, 1916; M. gymnolaimus (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1916; M. consimilis Cobb, 1917; M. trichurus Cobb, 1917; M. reversus Cobb, 1917; and M. dentatus Cobb, 1917 (LORDELLO, 1953). This field of investigation has scarcely been touched and additional collections will doubtless add new forms to the number of species known as yet. M. jairi n. sp. most closely resembling species is M. monhystera Cobb, 1917, from which it differs in having: a) labial region more expanded, set off from neck by a broad shallow depression; b) anterior portion of the pharynx-wall rather thinner and directed outward; and, c) smaller dimensions (788.0-924.0: 1,100.0 micros).


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1. Intact cells of Nitrobacter agilis fix CO2 during the oxidation of nitrite according to the same pathway found to occur in photosynthesis by higher plants. Activity of carboxidismutase - the crucial enzyme for fixation - was demonstrated in cell free extracts. 2. High energy phosphates (as ATP) are generated during the oxidation of nitrite with an apparent P/O ratio of 0.5.


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In the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, squash plants (Cucurbita spp.) are attacked by the Javanese nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) and by M. incognita acrita. Squash belongs to that group of plants in which the root-knot nematodes break through the root surface, so that the egg-producing females protrude from the root, showing yellowish or brow nish egg masses attached to them. Washed roots show numerous small dark spots, each corresponding to an ootheca, which is adhering to a mature female. A curious abnormal female of M. i. acrita was obtained from a sample of squash roots. This female's body showed two globular parts, separated by a deep constriction. The convoluted ovaries were found to fill both portions of the body.