118 resultados para Mosca blanca
Introduction The use of entomopathogenic fungi to control disease vectors has become relevant because traditional chemical control methods have caused damage to the environment and led to the development of resistance among vectors. Thus, this study assessed the pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi in Triatoma dimidiata. Methods Preparations of 108 conidia/ml of Gliocladium virens, Talaromyces flavus, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were applied topically on T. dimidiata nymphs and adults. Controls were treated with the 0.0001% Tween-80 vehicle. Mortality was evaluated and recorded daily for 30 days. The concentration required to kill 50% of T. dimidiata (LC50) was then calculated for the most pathogenic isolate. Results Pathogenicity in adults was similar among B. bassiana, G. virens and T. flavus (p>0.05) and differed from that in triatomine nymphs (p=0.009). The most entomopathogenic strains in adult triatomines were B. bassiana and G. virens, which both caused 100% mortality. In nymphs, the most entomopathogenic strain was B. bassiana, followed by G. virens. The native strain with the highest pathogenicity was G. virens, for which the LC50 for T. dimidiata nymphs was 1.98 x108 conidia/ml at 13 days after inoculation. Conclusions Beauveria bassiana and G. virens showed entomopathogenic potential in T. dimidiata nymphs and adults. However, the native G. virens strain presents a higher probability of success in the field, and G. virens should thus be considered a potential candidate for the biological control of triatomine Chagas disease vectors.
O abiu (Pouteria caimito (Ruiz et Pavon) Radlk., Sapotaceae) é uma das fruteiras nativas da Amazônia mais populares entre os consumidores locais e vem atraindo a atenção do mercado em outras regiões tropicais. Informações sobre fenologia e produtividade são úteis tanto para o produtor com para o comerciante para planejar o manejo da plantação c a comercialização dos frutos. Na Amazônia central, o abiu apresentou três períodos de floração intensa por ano entre 1980 e 1982 (duas durante a estação chuvosa, uma durante a estação seca), seguida no próximo mês pela frutificação, com variação considerável de planta para planta, de forma que alguns frutos estavam disponíveis durante pelo menos sete meses (abril a outubro). O abieiro floresceu abundantamente em cada período, mas somente 1,4 a 3,0% das flores vingaram, e esta porcentagem aparentamente foi afetada pelo estado nutricional das plantas e por problemas fitossanitários. Nos Latossolos pobres em nutrientes da Amazônia central, o peso dos frutos de abiu variou de 57 a 238 g (media ± d.p. = 120 ± 46 g), com 42% de polpa comestível. A produtividade anual foi estimada em 77 ± 28 kg/planta, equivalente a 21 t/ha no espaçamento de 6 x 6 m. Os insetos visitantes incluíram possíveis polinizadores e pragas, como a mosca da fruta (Anastrepha serpentina). Problemas fitossanitários aumentaram ao longo do período de observações.
Water mites from Andean part of the Bolivian Amazonian rivers were examined. A new species is described, Limnesia aymara. New records and redescription are made for Hygrobatella multiacetabulata Cook,1980, Atractides brasiliensis (Lundblad, 1937) and Krendowskia convexa (Ribaga, 1902). A new subgenus Schwoerbelobatella for hygrobatelids poliacetabulated is proposed and characterized. Ecological characteristics of the river area sampled and ecological preferences of the analyzed species are discussed.
A mosca-das-frutas-sul-americana, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830), é uma das principais pragas da fruticultura no Brasil. Durante a alimentação, as larvas fazem galerias nos frutos, alterando o sabor e prejudicando a produção e comercialização dos mesmos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar fatores envolvidos na escolha do hospedeiro por A. fraterculus. Foram avaliadas as respostas eletroantenográficas de machos e fêmeas a extratos etanólicos de frutos verdes e maduros de pessegueiro - Prunus persica, cultivar Chimarrita (Rosaceae), pitangueira - Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae), guabirobeira - Campomanesia xanthocarpa (Myrtaceae) e araçazeiro - Psidium cattleianum (Myrtaceae). Foram também observadas as influências da cor (amarela, verde e vermelha) e da composição do substrato de oviposição (polpas de araçá, guabiroba, pitanga e pêssego) na fecundidade da espécie. As respostas eletroantenográficas de fêmeas foram significativamente distintas para os extratos de guabiroba verde e madura, araçá maduro e pitanga verde. Em antenas de machos, as maiores despolarizações médias foram registradas em resposta aos extratos de guabiroba verde e madura, araçá verde e maduro e pitanga verde. As respostas eletrofisiológicas geradas não diferiram estatisticamente entre os sexos, para todos os tratamentos. A cor do substrato não afetou a oviposição. As fêmeas ovipositaram mais nos substratos contendo polpa de pêssego e de guabiroba, quando comparados aos respectivos controles.
Reproductive aspects of Dendropsophus sanborni (Anura, Hylidae) in northeastern Argentina. The aim of this investigation was to characterize reproductive aspects of Dendropsophus sanborni (Schmidt, 1944) (Anura, Hylidae) in the northwest of Corrientes province, in northeastern Argentina. The reproductive cycles of males and females, the existence of sexual dimorphism and the male’s vocalization period were analyzed. Samplings were made from September 2011 to August 2012. Dendropsophus sanborni showed a prolonged reproductive pattern because reproductive activity was observed during most part of the year. Calling males were recorded all months except in July. The spermatogenic cycle can be characterized as potentially continuous. In males, snout-vent length was significantly correlated with mean testicular volume. The species showed sexual dimorphism in body mass, with females larger than males. Post-ovulatory females were found from March to June and most females had oocytes at different stages of maturity, with abundant post-vitellogenic oocytes from August to December.
The partial suppression of the cell-mediated immune response by Trypanosoma cruzi antigens in patients with Chagas' disease is demonstrated in a costimulation assay with T. cruzi antigens and Mycobacterium tuberculosis purified protein derivative (PPD) or Tetanus toxoid (TT). ononuclear cells from 13 patients with chagasic infection without evidence of heart disease, 10 patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy and 7 healthy blood donors were stimulated with antigen A (autoclaved epimastigotes), PPD, TT, PPD + A, PPD + TT and TT + A. The average percentage of suppression induced by costimulation of mononuclear cells with PPD and antigen A was 47.1% in patients with chagasic infection without heart disease (INF), 38.8% in patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy (CDM) and 23.3% in healthy controls. Similar values were observed when living trypomastigotes were used. A costimulatory study with PPD and TT, PPD and A and TT and A was carried out in 8 patients with chagasic infection, in order to evaluate the possibility that this difference could be due to a nonspecific inhibitory effect. The mean suppression induced by TT + PPD was -8.9, with TT + A was 52.7 and with PPD + A was 50.1. The data reported show that T. cruzi antigens induce a specific suppression of the proliferative responseof mononuclear cells, that might be relevant to the persistence of the parasite in the host.
Sera from 29 individuals residing in a malaria-endemic region of Colombia were evaluated by an inhibition assay for their capacity to retard the growth of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro. The inhibitory activity was found to be independent of antibody activity. Furthermore, the degree of inhibition of parasite development was variable, depending on the parasite isolate used for the assay and the season of malaria transmission. We selected sera with high inhibitory activity and carried out partial analytical characterization by anion exchange fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) to identify the chemical nature of the inhibitory factor(s). The results suggested that the in vitro inhibitory activity might result from the additive effect of different molecules. It appears that these molecules could be non-specifically induced by stimulation of the immune system, they seem to play a role in the immunity to malaria.
The production of interleukin 2 (IL-2) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells, from patients with different clinical forms of Chagas disease and healthy controls, was evaluated after stimulation with Trypanosoma cruzi antigen, PPD and PHA. PHA induced higher production of IL-2 in infected patients than healthy controls. No diferences were found between infected groups. With PPD the trend was similar, the only difference was that asymptomatic infected patients (INF) showed higher levels of IL-2 production than patients with cardiomyopathy (CDM). With T. cruzi antigen, most patients showed little or no IL-2 production at 24 hr, a peak at 48 hr and an abrupt fall at 72 hr. A similar pattern of IL- 2 production was observed in INF and CDM. To evaluate the physiologic relevance of the deficit in IL-2 production, we studied the effect of non-mitogenic concentratios of IL-2 in the proliferative response to specific antigens. The addition of IL-2 only enhanced the proliferative response of CDM patients. These observations suggest that patients suffering Chagas' disease, particularly CDM, have a significant reduction in the capacity to produce IL-2. These findings could be of importance in the pathogenesis of Chagas' disease.
Twenty-six human respiratory syncytial virus strains (subgroup A) isolated from three outbreaks in Havana City during the period 1994/95, 1995/96 and 1996/97 were analyzed to determine their antigenic and genetic relationships. Analyses were performed by monoclonal antibodies and restriction mapping (N gene) following amplification of the select region of the virus genome by polymerase chain reaction. All isolated strains were classified as subgroup A by monoclonal antibodies and they showed a restriction pattern NP4 that belonged to subgroup A. Thus the results obtained in this work, showed a close relation (100%) between antigenic and genetic characterization of the isolated strains in our laboratory. These methods permit the examination of large numbers of isolates by molecular techniques, simplifying the researchs into the molecular epidemiology of the virus.
From September 1993 to August 2001, 7,190 phlebotomine were collected with CDC light trap in an endemic area for human leishmaniasis, in the departments of Misiones and Itapúa, Paraguay. Eleven species were identified: Lutzomyia neivai (93.7%), L. whitmani (4.1%), and L. fischeri, L. shannoni, L. migonei, L. misionensis, L. cortelezzii, L. pessoai, L. alphabetica, Brumptomyia avellari and B. guimaraesi (less than 1%). The last three species are new records for the country. The biodiversity and phlebotomine abundance were associated with the proximity to primary forest or gallery forest, but L. neivai was also found in peridomestic periurban environment. L. neivai was found throughout the year, and showed a period of higher activity from September to April (spring to fall) with a unimodal or bimodal pattern in relation to the annual rainy peaks during the summer. Background literature about phlebotomine from Paraguay has been reviewed.
The evaluation of new antimalarial agents using older methods of monitoring sensitivity to antimalarial drugs are laborious and poorly suited to discriminate stage-specific activity. We used flow cytometry to study the effect of established antimalarial compounds, cysteine protease inhibitors, and a quinolone against asexual stages of Plasmodium falciparum. Cultured P. falciparum parasites were treated for 48 h with different drug concentrations and the parasitemia was determined by flow cytometry methods after DNA staining with propidium iodide. P. falciparum erythrocytic life cycle stages were readily distinguished by flow cytometry. Activities of established and new antimalarial compounds measured by flow cytometry were equivalent to results obtained with microscopy and metabolite uptake assays. The antimalarial activity of all compounds was higher against P. falciparum trophozoite stages. Advantages of flow cytometry analysis over traditional assays included higher throughput for data collection, insight into the stage-specificity of antimalarial activity avoiding use of radioactive isotopes.
Adenoviruses (AdV) are commonly involved in acute respiratory infections (ARI), which cause high morbidity and mortality in children. AdV are grouped in six species (A-F), which are associated with a wide range of diseases. The aim of this study was to identify the AdV species infecting non-hospitalized Mexican children with ARI symptoms, attending to the same school. For that, a PCR/RFLP assay was designed for a region of the hexon gene, which was chosen, based on the bioinformatical analysis of AdV genomes obtained from GenBank. A total of 100 children's nasopharyngeal samples were collected from January to June, 2005, and used for viral isolation in A549 cells and PCR/RFLP analysis. Only 15 samples produced cytopathic effect, and in all of them AdV C was identified. AdV C was also identified in eight additional nasopharyngeal samples which were negative for viral isolation. In summary, this outpatient population showed a rate of AdV infection of 23%, and only AdV C was detected.
In spite of evident progress in the serology of Chagas disease, the requirement for new diagnostic antigens persists. We have evaluated different antigens obtained from Trypanosoma cruzi grown in medium rich in nutrients or under nutrient stress, autoclaved or sonicated and fractionated by differential centrifugation. The resulting antigens were evaluated for diagnosis of Chagas disease using ELISA. Immunofluorescence of the parasites demonstrated that nutrient stress induced changes in the distribution and density of antigens recognised by a pool of sera from experimentally infected mice. When evaluated using ELISA, it was evident that most fractions had good sensitivity but poor specificity. Surprisingly, the best specificity and sensitivity was observed with parasites cultured under nutrient stress and autoclaved. Furthermore this antigen had low cross reactivity with sera from other parasitic diseases, Leishmaniasis in particular. Western blot analysis demonstrated that autoclaving seems to non-specifically eliminate cross-reactive antigens. In conclusion, autoclaving epimastigotes of T. cruzi, after nutrient stress, allowed us to obtain an antigen that could be used in the serological diagnosis of Chagas disease.
Rabies is a neurotropic disease that is often lethal. The early diagnosis of rabies infection is important and requires methods that allow for the isolation of the virus from animals and humans. The present study compared a modified shell vial (MSV) procedure using 24-well tissue culture plates with the mouse inoculation test (MIT), which is considered the gold standard for rabies virus isolation. Thirty brain samples (25 positive and 5 negative by the fluorescent antibody test) obtained from different animal species at the National Institute of Hygiene Rafael Rangel in Caracas, Venezuela, were studied by the MIT and MSV assays. Nine samples (36%) were positive at 24 h, 10 (40%) were positive at 48 h and six (24%) were positive at 72 h by the MSV assay. With the MIT assay, 76% were positive at six days post inoculation and 12% were positive at 12 and 18 days post inoculation. One sample that was negative according to the MSV assay was positive with MIT on the 12th day. The MSV procedure exhibited a sensitivity of 96.2%, a specificity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value 80%. This procedure allowed for rapid rabies virus detection. MIT can be employed as an alternative method in laboratories without tissue culture facilities.
Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, represents an endemic among Latin America countries. The participation of free radicals, especially nitric oxide (NO), has been demonstrated in the pathophysiology of seropositive individuals with T. cruzi. In Chagas disease, increased NO contributes to the development of cardiomyopathy and megacolon. Metallothioneins (MTs) are efficient free radicals scavengers of NO in vitro and in vivo. Here, we developed a murine model of the chronic phase of Chagas disease using endemic T. cruzi RyCH1 in BALB/c mice, which were divided into four groups: infected non-treated (Inf), infected N-monomethyl-L-arginine treated (Inf L-NAME), non-infected L-NAME treated and non-infected vehicle-treated. We determined blood parasitaemia and NO levels, the extent of parasite nests in tissues and liver MT-I expression levels. It was observed that NO levels were increasing in Inf mice in a time-dependent manner. Inf L-NAME mice had fewer T. cruzi nests in cardiac and skeletal muscle with decreased blood NO levels at day 135 post infection. This affect was negatively correlated with an increase of MT-I expression (r = -0.8462, p < 0.0001). In conclusion, we determined that in Chagas disease, an unknown inhibitory mechanism reduces MT-I expression, allowing augmented NO levels.