56 resultados para Moberg, Ralph
Redescriptions are given of the mature oocysts of Eimeria aguti Carini 1935, E. cotiae Carini, 1935 and E. paraensis Carini, 1935, in the faeces of five specimens of the rodent Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) from the state of Pará, North Brazil. New information is provided on the sporulation time of these parasites and the prepatent period in experimentally infected D. leporina. Some endogenous stages of E. cotiae are described in the epithelial cells of the ileum, and the absence of any oocysts in the gall-bladder contents of the infected animals indicates that the intestine is also the site of development of E. aguti and E. paraensis. Difficulties in separating E. cotiae and E. paraensis on morphology of the oocysts are discussed. The oocysts of both parasites share many structural features and have a wide size range. It is concluded that although it is at present best to maintain these names, the possibility exists that they were separately given to oocysts of smaller dimensions (E. cotiae) and larger dimensions (E. paraensis) of a single parasite. Location of an endogenous site of development for E. paraensis that is distinctly separate from that of E. cotiae might establish more definitely the separate specific status of the two parasites.
The aim of the present review is to give relevant information on aspects of the biology and ecology, including the vectorial competence of Lutzomyia sand fly species suggested as vectors of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. The disease, due to Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, has been registered in most municipalities in all the Brazilian states and its transmission is associated with more than one sand fly species in each geographical region. A variety of Leishmania species can be found in the Amazon basin, where different epidemiological chains have been detected with the participation of different phlebotomine vectors. Finally, a discussion is presented on some sand fly species found naturally infected by Leishmania, but for which there is as yet no evidence regarding their epidemiological importance.
Human malignant malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum and accounts for almost 900,000 deaths per year, the majority of which are children and pregnant women in developing countries. There has been significant effort to understand the biology of P. falciparum and its interactions with the host. However, these studies are hindered because several aspects of parasite biology remain controversial, such as N- and O-glycosylation. This review describes work that has been done to elucidate protein glycosylation in P. falciparum and it focuses on describing biochemical evidence for N- and O-glycosylation. Although there has been significant work in this field, these aspects of parasite biochemistry need to be explored further.
Six individuals of the palm A. phalerata, in Poconé floodplains of Mato Grosso, were sprayed with a synthetic pyrethroid (0.25% concentration) in order to study the biomass, diversity, and richness of the canopy arthropods. A total of 17,188 (238.7±80.6 ind./m²) arthropods belonging to 22 Orders, was collected in a 72 m² funnel area. Two hours after spraying, 58.9% of the total number fell into the funnels, 37.6% was obtained by shaking the trees, and finally, 3.5% after cutting and washing all the palm leaves. The Coleoptera (27.4%), Hymenoptera-Formicidae (19.0%), Collembola (13.6%), Psocoptera (10.7%), Diptera (9.0%) and Araneae (6.4%) were the predominant. The total biomass was 15.1 g dry weight (0.4mg/m²; 0.13+0.04/tree). A total of 4,715 beetles representing 48 families and 326 morphospecies were obtained. Tenebrionidae (22.9%), Curculionidae (22.0%), Carabidae (10.9%) and Staphylinidae (7.9%) were the most abundant, while Curculionidae (44 spp.), Staphylinidae (40 spp.) and Chrysomelidae (34 spp.) presented the largest number of morphospecies. Herbivores (37.5%) were the dominant in the trophic guilds of adult Coleoptera, followed by predators (35.4%), fungivores (14.6%), and saprophages (12.5%). Although most arthropod Orders were represented in all the palms sampled, analysis of variance showed no significant differences in their composition, however there was a significant difference in their frequency of occurrence.
A list of species of tribe Aedini from Middle and South American, south of the United States, with their current generic combinations is provided. Its purpose is to enable entomologists, public health personnel and mosquito control workers to more quickly become familiar with recent formal taxonomic changes within the tribe.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological changes that occur in different leaves during the early and late grain-filling stages of two rice genotypes (Oryza sativa subsp. indica , BRS Pelota cultivar, and O. sativa subsp. japonica , BRS Firmeza cultivar), which present differences in grain yield potential. The plants were cultivated in greenhouse. Pigment content, chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport and oxygen evolution rate were determined in the grain-filling stage, from the first to the forth leaf (top to bottom). Pigment content, photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and electron transport decreased significantly according to the position of leaves in 'BRS Pelota'. The BRS Firmeza cultivar shows higher pigment content and higher activity of the photosynthetic apparatus in comparison to 'BRS Pelota' during the grain-filling stage.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade da pectinametilesterase (PME) em mamão (Carica papaya L.), cv. Sunrise Solo e Tainung, e relacionar suas alterações com a perda de firmeza da polpa durante o amadurecimento. Os frutos foram coletados diariamente em uma lavoura comercial em Aracruz - ES, e armazenados sob temperatura ambiente (aproximadamente, 25ºC) até o período das análises. A perda da firmeza da polpa dos frutos das cultivares iniciou-se no 4º dia após a colheita (DAC); entretanto, a cv. Sunrise Solo apresentou uma redução mais acentuada em relação à cv. Tainung. A atividade da PME na cv. Sunrise Solo foi alta no 1º DAC e reduziu gradativamente até o 4º DAC, quando atingiu seu menor valor. No 5º DAC, a atividade aumentou, permanecendo praticamente inalterada até o 8º DAC. Na cv. Tainung, a atividade aumentou até o 3º DAC e decresceu no 4º DAC. No 5º DAC, sua atividade aumentou novamente, atingindo seu maior valor no 6º DAC. A partir daí, a atividade da enzima reduziu-se significativamente, mantendo o mesmo valor até o último dia de análise (8º DAC). O coeficiente de correlação obtido entre a atividade da PME e a firmeza da polpa dos frutos da cv. Sunrise Solo, após o 4º DAC, foi de R = - 0,84, indicando que, durante esse período, a firmeza da polpa dos frutos diminuiu à medida que a atividade da PME aumentou. Por outro lado, não houve correlação significativa entre essas duas características na cv. Tainung.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi correlacionar a atividade da redutase do nitrato e a eficiência fotoquímica máxima do fotossistema II (FSII), expressa pela razão F V/F M (F V = fluorescência variável e F M = fluorescência máxima), em mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) cv. Tainung 01 e Sunrise Solo 72/12 em condições de campo. O potencial fotoquímico do FSII foi medido in situ em folhas adaptadas ao escuro. Depois, nas mesmas folhas, foi medida a atividade da enzima. Não houve diferença significativa entre a eficiência fotoquímica máxima do FSII entre as cultivares Tainung 01 e Sunrise Solo 72/12, porém a atividade da redutase do nitrato foi notoriamente maior na primeira. A atividade da redutase do nitrato foi altamente correlacionada à eficiência fotoquímica máxima do FS II tanto na cv. Tainung 01 (coeficiente de correlação r= 0,740 e coeficiente de determinação r²= 0,706) quanto na Sunrise Solo 72/12 (coeficiente de correlação r= 0,960 e coeficiente de determinação r²= 0,945). Esses resultados sugerem que há uma correlação entre a fluorescência da clorofila a e a atividade da redutase do nitrato nessas plantas.
In mature mangrove plants Rhizophora mangle L. and Laguncularia racemosa Gaerth. growing under field conditions, photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemical efficiency, determined by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fν/Fm), increased during the day in response to salinity in the rainy seasons. During the dry season, fluorescence values (Fo) were higher than those observed in rainy season. In addition, Fo decreased during the day in both season and species, except for R. mangle during the dry season. A positive correlation among Fν/Fm and salinity values was obtained for R. mangle and L. Racemosa during the dry and rainy seasons, showing that photosynthetic performance is maintained in both species under high salinities. Carotenoid content was higher in L. Racemosa in both seasons, which represents an additional mechanism against damage to the photosynthetic machinery. The chlorophyll content was not affected by salinity in either species.
The present article is the adapted version of an electronic symposium organized by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) which took place on June 14, 2000. The text is divided into three sections: I. The main issues, II. Chronodrugs, and III. Methods. The first section is dedicated to the perspectives of chronobiology for the next decade, with opinions about the trends of future research being emitted and discussed. The second section deals mostly with drugs acting or potentially acting on the organism's timing systems. In the third section there are considerations about relevant methodological issues concerning data analysis.