132 resultados para Mexico Historia Revolução 1910-1920


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Leptospira interrogans has been identified to cause leptospirosis, a widespread zoonotic disease that has been identified in domestic and wild animals. This work analyzed kidneys from two species of wild rodents from the state of Campeche, Mexico. Analyses were made by PCR using specific primers for detection of Leptospira interrogans DNA. The rodent species that tested positive were Heteromys gaumeri and Ototylomys phyllotis, both of which are new hosts for the bacteria in Southeastern Mexico. These records provide new insights into the disease’s transmission that should be studied carefully in order to identify other potential host species, including humans, which are at risk of becoming infected if they are in contact with infected wildlife.


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This study longitudinally investigated the association between Triatoma dimidiata infestation, triatomine infection with Trypanosoma cruzi and household/backyard environmental characteristics in 101 homesteads in Molas and Yucatan, Mexico, between November 2009 (rainy season) and May 2010 (dry season). Logistic regression models tested the associations between insect infestation/infection and potential household-level risk factors. A total of 200 T. dimidiata were collected from 35.6% of the homesteads, mostly (73%) from the peridomicile. Of all the insects collected, 48% were infected with T. cruzi. Infected insects were collected in 31.6% of the homesteads (54.1% and 45.9% intra- and peridomiciliary, respectively). Approximately 30% of all triatomines collected were found in chicken coops. The presence of a chicken coop in the backyard of a homestead was significantly associated with both the odds of finding T. dimidiata (OR = 4.10, CI 95% = 1.61-10.43, p = 0.003) and the presence of triatomines infected with T. cruzi (OR = 3.37, CI 95% = 1.36-8.33, p = 0.006). The results of this study emphasize the relevance of chicken coops as a putative source of T. dimidiata populations and a potential risk for T. cruzi transmission.


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Rickettsia felis is an emergent pathogen and the causative agent of a typhus-like rickettsiosis in the Americas. Its transmission cycle involves fleas as biological vectors (mainly Ctenocephalides felis) and multiple domestic and synanthropic mammal hosts. Nonetheless, the role of mammals in the cycle of R. felis is not well understood and many efforts are ongoing in different countries of America to clarify it. The present study describes for the first time in Mexico the infection of two species of opossum (Didelphis virginiana and D. marsupialis) by R. felis. A diagnosis was carried out from blood samples by molecular methods through the gltAand 17 kDa genes and sequence determination. Eighty-seven opossum samples were analyzed and 28 were found to be infected (32.1%) from five out of the six studied localities of Yucatan. These findings enable recognition of the potential epidemiological implications for public health of the presence of infected synanthropic Didelphis in households.


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To study the influence of host age, inoculum size, and route of infection on Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) rangeli, 12 lots of 6.0 g albino mice (NMRI strain) were infected up. with from 25x10¹ to 25x10(6) trypomastigotes/gram body weight harvested from LIT medium. The lower inocula produced low but persistent parasitemias, while the higher inocula produced high levels of parasitemia that fell quickly, suggesting the mobilization of resistance mechanisms. In other experiments, i.p. inoculation produced higher parasitemias than s.c. inoculation, and 6.0 g mice had higher parasitemias than 16.0 or 26.0 g mice. Thus, a standard methodology would seem to be necessary in the study of the various strains and/or species that may make up the T. rangeli complex.


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Durante el periodo de Octubre de 1991 a Marzo de 1992, se tomaron 3419 muestras de donadores de sangre de 12 localidades rurales y de 8 hospitales urbanos a los que se les realizo un estúdio serológico mediante la reacción de hemaglutinación indirecta encontrándose anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi en 44 indivíduos 39 masculinosy 5 femininos. El 90,9% de donantes fueron masculinos. De acuerdo a su procedencia, el 73,5% fué del área urbana y el 26,5% del área rural. De acuerdo a los resultados el riesgo de transmisión de T. cruzi por transfusión sanguinea está latente por la creciente urbanización de la enfermedad de Chagas.


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We report a 24 year old female polar bear (Ursus maritimus) who contracted Chagas' infection at the Guadalajara Zoo, in Jalisco, México, and died of acute Chagas' carditis 15 days later. The histopathological findings are described, as well as the presence of triatomines (Triatoma longipennis Usinger) infected with Trypanosoma cruzi collected within 5 meters from the place where the animal lived in the city of Guadalajara.


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A serologic survey was carried out in four different geographic zones of Chiapas, Mexico. A total of 1,333 samples were collected from residents of thirteen communities located on the Coast, Central Mountain, Lacandon Forest and a zone called Mesochiapas. One hundred and fifty one seropositive individuals (11.3%) were identified. Human Trypanosoma cruzi infection was influenced by geography. In the Lacandon Forest and Central Mountains there was a higher seroprevalence 32.1 and 13.8% respectively, than on the coast (1.2%). In Mesochiapas there were no seropositive individuals among the 137 persons tested. An active transmission is probably continuing because seropositive cases (13.8%) were detected in children under 10 years of age. The vector recognized on the Coast was Triatoma dimidiata while in the Lacandon Forest it was Rhodnius prolixus.


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Three leptospirosis cases with lung involvement are reported from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. All three patients were admitted to the intensive care unit due to acute respiratory failure. Treatment with antibiotics resulted in favorable evolution despite the negative prognosis. Leptospirosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with fever and lung involvement.


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Introduction The use of entomopathogenic fungi to control disease vectors has become relevant because traditional chemical control methods have caused damage to the environment and led to the development of resistance among vectors. Thus, this study assessed the pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi in Triatoma dimidiata. Methods Preparations of 108 conidia/ml of Gliocladium virens, Talaromyces flavus, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were applied topically on T. dimidiata nymphs and adults. Controls were treated with the 0.0001% Tween-80 vehicle. Mortality was evaluated and recorded daily for 30 days. The concentration required to kill 50% of T. dimidiata (LC50) was then calculated for the most pathogenic isolate. Results Pathogenicity in adults was similar among B. bassiana, G. virens and T. flavus (p>0.05) and differed from that in triatomine nymphs (p=0.009). The most entomopathogenic strains in adult triatomines were B. bassiana and G. virens, which both caused 100% mortality. In nymphs, the most entomopathogenic strain was B. bassiana, followed by G. virens. The native strain with the highest pathogenicity was G. virens, for which the LC50 for T. dimidiata nymphs was 1.98 x108 conidia/ml at 13 days after inoculation. Conclusions Beauveria bassiana and G. virens showed entomopathogenic potential in T. dimidiata nymphs and adults. However, the native G. virens strain presents a higher probability of success in the field, and G. virens should thus be considered a potential candidate for the biological control of triatomine Chagas disease vectors.


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Apanhado histórico do PROGRAMA FLORA do Brasil, contendo as razões que levaram o CHPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico) a criá-lo, e a situação atual desse projeto. São as seguintes as funções básicas do PROGRAMA FLORA: a) pesquisa fundamental sobre a vegetação e a flora silvestres do Brasil; b) organização de centros de excelência em Botânica em cada Estado e Território do país, especificamente para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas sobre os recursos vegetais silvestres da respectiva região, aqui incluindo a formação de novos botânicos e técnicos auxiliares, em todos os níveis; e c) desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação relacionados ao conhecimento dos recursos vegetais silvestres do Brasil, especialmente a criação e manutenção de bancos de dados com informações as mais completas possíveis sobre esses recursos. Depois de oito anos de funcionamento, e devido à falta de interesse das autoridades competentes, o PROGRAMA FLORA foi implantado em apenas 10 dos 26 Estados e Territórios do Brasil e está, no momento, quase desativado, esperando que o novo governo o reanime, criando núcleos nas demais áreas do pais e continuando a cumprir o projeto inicial, Enquanto o FLORA estava funcionando, ainda que com apenas Ínfimo auxílio governamental, ele proporcionou a contratação de 52 botânicos iniciantes que, sob a orientação de botânicos experimentados, deram grande impulso no estudo das flores de cada região. Os herbários que sediaram núcleos do FLORA foram modernizados, sendo que alguma, como os da Amazônia e do Nordeste, tiveram [zm apenas 5 anos) seus acervos duplicados ou mesmo triplicados. Vários dos botânicos iniciantes ingressaram em cursos de pos-graduação, sendo que alguns já receberam o grau de Mestre e já estão caminhando para a obtenção do grau de Doutor. Na área da Informática, dois técnicos brasileiros foram enviados aos EE.UU., para estágio visando à formação e tratamento de bancas de dados especificamente para o PROGRAMA FLORA. Posteriormente, dois professores norteamericanos vieram ao Brasil, trazendo sistemas de processamento de dados especificamente montados para uso em Botânica Sistemática. Tais sistemas foram implantados no CPD do Centro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CEPF), do CNPq, no Rio de Janeiro. Foram preenchidos mais de 400.000 formulários de coleta de dados nos herbários dos núcleos do FLORA. O SERPRO (Serviço federal de Processamento de Dados) providenciou a digitação dos dados dos formulários, produziu os arquivos, em fitas magnéticas, e o CPD do CBPF organizou e está mantendo o Banco de Dados referente às informações contidas nos herbários levantados.Estes dados dão uma idéia do que poderíamos esperar do PROGRAMA FLORA, se a este tivessem tido dados os indispensáveis recursos e tivesse sido cumprido o programa de ação inicialmente proposto. É, realmente, uma grande pena que as autoridades competentes tenham decidido desativar o PROGRAMA FLORA, justamente quando ele estava precisando ser fortalecido nos núcleos já implantados, e ter novos núcleos criados, cobrindo todo o território do Brasil.


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En este trabajo se presentan nuevos aportes sobre la historia natural de la mulita pampeana Dasypus hybridus (Desmarest, 1804) (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Dasypodidae). Los estudios de campo fueron llevados a cabo en 100 ha de cuatro establecimientos agropecuarios de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Durante tres años se realizó un muestreo estacional de armadillos por captura y liberación. Se obtuvieron datos de hábitos alimentarios, uso del espacio y del tiempo, comportamiento, termorregulación, datos poblacionales y morfológicos. Se realizaron 71 capturas. En la dieta el ítem principal registrado fue material vegetal, seguido por hormigas e insectos coleópteros; no se observó una diferencia estacional en los hábitos alimentarios. La actividad de las mulitas se concentra durante el día, existió una baja en la frecuencia de observación durante las estaciones frías (otoño e invierno). La mulita pampeana prefiere suelos húmicos, terrenos altos y pastizales densos y altos; asimismo seleccionan los montes para refugiarse. Son individuos asociales. La temperatura rectal mostró correlaciones positivas con la temperatura ambiente. La proporción de sexos fue cercana a uno y no se observó dimorfismo sexual. Los resultados obtenidos concuerdan parcialmente con lo observado para otras especies del género, destacando las tendencias observadas en los hábitos alimentarios y en la estrategia termorregulatoria. Este trabajo representa un aporte en varios aspectos de una especie poco estudiada en una zona bajo importantes presiones de uso y modificación de hábitat.