455 resultados para Maciel, Marcial


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Burkholderia pseudomallei has rarely been isolated from environmental and clinical specimens in South America, particularly, in Brazil. This report describes a case of melioidosis with fulminant sepsis in a 10 year old boy, from rural area, in Tejuçuoca, State of Ceará, Brazil. Blood samples were positive and, through the analysis of results from biochemical tests and of drugs susceptibility profile, identified this gram-negative bacillus as B. pseudomallei. The contamination source remains obscure in this case, as soil and water tanks samples submitted to microbiological analyses did not indicate the presence of B. pseudomallei.


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We evaluated the antiviral activity of the marine alga, Ulva fasciata, collected from Rasa beach and Forno beach, Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on the replication of human metapneumovirus (HMPV). The algae extracts were prepared using three different methodologies to compare the activity of different groups of chemical composites obtained through these different methodologies. Four out of the six extracts inhibited nearly 100% of viral replication. The results demonstrated that the majority of the extracts (five out of six) possess virucidal activity and therefore have the ability to interact with the extracellular viral particles and prevent the infection. On the other hand, only two extracts (from Forno beach, obtained by maceration and maceration of the decoction) were able to interact with cell receptors, hindering the viral entry. Finally, only the extract of algae collected at Forno beach, obtained by maceration presented intracellular activity. To our knowledge, this is a pioneer study on antiviral activity of marine algae against HMPV. It is also the first on antiviral activity against HMPV ever done in Brazil. The study also shows the effect of different environment factors and different chemical procedures used to obtain the extract on its biological properties.


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Malaria is an unusual complication after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in non-endemic countries. However, transplant candidates, recipients and donors living in endemic regions frequently report previous episodes of malaria. This fact could represent an important risk for immunosuppressed recipients that could develop severe malaria cases. We report a case of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) in which the donor had a history of previous malaria, and close monitoring was performed before and after procedure by parasitological and molecular tests. The donor presented Plasmodium vivax in thick blood smears one month after transplant and was treated according to Brazilian Health Ministry guidelines. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was able to detect malaria infection in the donor one week earlier than thick blood film. Even without positive results, the recipient was pre-emptively treated with chloroquine in order to prevent the disease. We highlight the importance of monitoring recipients and donors in transplant procedures with the aim of reducing the risk of malaria transmission.


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An efficient method for breeding Biomphalaria tenagophila (Taim lineage/RS) was developed over a 5-year-period (2005-2010). Special facilities were provided which consisted of four cement tanks (9.4 x 0.6 x 0.22 m), with their bottom covered with a layer of sterilized red earth and calcium carbonate. Standard measures were adopted, as follows: each tank should contain an average of 3000 specimens, and would be provided with a daily ration of 35,000 mg complemented with lettuce. A green-house effect heating system was developed which constituted of movable dark canvas covers, which allowed the temperature to be controlled between 20 - 24 ºC. This system was essential, especially during the coldest months of the year. Approximately 27,000 specimens with a diameter of 12 mm or more were produced during a 14-month-period. The mortality rates of the newly-hatched and adult snails were 77% and 37%, respectively. The follow-up of the development system related to 310 specimens of B. tenagophila demonstrated that 70-day-old snails reached an average of 17.0 ± 0.9 mm diameter. The mortality rates and the development performance of B. tenagophila snails can be considered as highly satisfactory, when compared with other results in literature related to works carried out with different species of the genus Biomphalaria, under controlled laboratory conditions.


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SUMMARYThis study reports the fauna and frequency of sandflies in domestic animal shelters, residences and other ecotopes in rural areas of the municipality of Bandeirantes, Paraná State. Sandflies were collected twice in eight rural villages by using Falcon traps from 8pm to 6am in 2008. In these localities 4,790 sandflies were collected, which were represented by ten sandfly species, prevailing of Nyssomyia neivai and Nyssomyia whitmani species. It was observed that animal shelters are the domestic ecotopes where there is the greatest frequency of these insects. The localities where the collections were made had the environmental characteristics that allow the persistence of transmission of parasites from the American tegumentary leishmaniasis. Although the fauna and the behavior of sandflies species are similar in different localities, the method of controlling these insects should be adjusted to the environmental characteristics of each one of the most diverse endemic areas of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in the municipalities of Paraná State.


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Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii has been implicated as the primary vector of human and simian malarias out of the Brazilian Amazon and specifically in the Atlantic Forest regions. The presence of asymptomatic human cases, parasite-positive wild monkeys and the similarity between the parasites infecting them support the discussion whether these infections can be considered as a zoonosis. Although many aspects of the biology of An. cruzii have already been addressed, studies conducted during outbreaks of malaria transmission, aiming at the analysis of blood feeding and infectivity, are missing in the Atlantic Forest. This study was conducted in the location of Palestina, Juquitiba, where annually the majority of autochthonous human cases are notified in the Atlantic Forest of the state of São Paulo. Peridomiciliary sites were selected for collection of mosquitoes in a perimeter of up to 100 m around the residences of human malaria cases. The mosquitoes were analyzed with the purpose of molecular identification of blood-meal sources and to examine the prevalence of Plasmodium. A total of 13,441 females of An. (Ker.) cruzii were collected. The minimum infection rate was calculated at 0.03% and 0.01%, respectively, for P. vivax and P. malariae and only human blood was detected in the blood-fed mosquitoes analyzed. This data reinforce the hypothesis that asymptomatic human carriers are the main source of anopheline infection in the peridomiciliary area, making the probability of zoonotic transmission less likely to happen.


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Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are metal structures at the nanoscale. AgNPs have exhibited antimicrobial activities against fungi and bacteria; however synthesis of AgNPs can generate toxic waste during the reaction process. Accordingly, new routes using non-toxic compounds have been researched. The proposal of the present study was to synthesize AgNPs using ribose as a reducing agent and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a stabilizer. The antifungal activity of these particles against C. albicans and C. tropicalis was also evaluated. Stable nanoparticles 12.5 ± 4.9 nm (mean ± SD) in size were obtained, which showed high activity against Candida spp. and could represent an alternative for fungal infection treatment.


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Os AA. trataram 30 crianças portadoras de giardíase com o derivado Nitrimidazínico - NAXOGIN11, utilizado em suspensão contendo 200 mg da subs-tância ativa por cada 5 ml. Administramos a dose de 200 mg duas vezes a três vezes nas 24 horas e pelo prazo de cinco dias. Registramos a taxa global de cura parasitolágica de 90% (27 doentes) e excelente tolerância ao produto.


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Os AA. trataram 40 crianças portadoras de amebíase intestinal crônica, cujas idades variaram entre dois (três casos) a seis anos (cinco doentes), com Etofamida na apresentação de suspensão (cada 5 ml contém 100 mg da substância ativa), na dose de 100 mg cinco vezes ao dia e durante três dias consecutivos (dose total de 1,5 g). O controle de cura parasitológica foi realizado pelas técnicas de Faust e cols. e de Hoffman, Pons e Janer no 10., 15.° e 25.° dias após o tratamento, sendo também usada a hematoxilina férrica neste último controle. Obtiveram os AA. 90% de cura parasitológica (36 enfermos) e excelente tolerância ao medicamento.


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São relatadas observações acumuladas nos períodos pré-epidêmico e epidêmico (1973-1975) do atual surto de meningoencefalite meningocócica na área do Grande Rio, e realizados estudos bacteriológicos baseados em 1.000 casos suspeitos de meningoencefalite e submetidos à punção lombar, no Hospital Estadual São Sebastião. É proposto e discutido esquema simples e eficaz para processamento bacteriológico dos LCR suspeitos, a partir da colheita e pronta semeadura do material. É também discutida a real contribuição da bacterioscopia no diagnóstico presuntivo das meningoencefalites, definindo-se as limitações da técnica. Foi obtido elevado grau de isolamento de microorganismos, variando de 3%, para líquores entre zero e 10 células/mm' e 72%, para líquores acima de 1000 células/mm³. No decorrer do estudo, foram isoladas e caracterizadas 356 amostras bacterianas, assim discriminadas: N. meningitidis, 281; Haemophilus sp., 22; Enterobacteriaceae, 15; D. pneumoniae, 26; bastonetes gram negativos oxidattvos, 3; estreptococo beta hemolitico, 1 e enterococo, 1. As amostras de meningococos eram, em 15% dos casos, do grupo sorológico A, em 2% do grupo B e em 14%, do grupo sorológico C. Os testes de sensibilidade, em disco, aos agentes antimicrobianos principalmente utilizados na quimioprofilaxia e tratamento da doença meningocócica revelaram alto grau de sensibilidade das amostras ensaiadas a todos os agentes testados. A resistência à sulfadiazina sódica, em testes realizados segundo as normas preconizadas pela Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.), revelaram elevado grau de resistência, particularmente dos meningococos do grupo C.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a junção tiroidiana após uso crônico da amiodarona, em área de deficiência de iodo e endemia chagásica, 24 pacientes foram analisados antes e após três e nove meses de uso da droga. A avaliação constou de exame clínico, dosagem sérica de T4, T3, rT3, TSH, anticorpo antitiroglobulina e TSH 30 minutos após infusão venosa de uma ampola de 200µg de TRH. A captação do iodo radioativo 131 e a cintilografia datiróide foram realizadas antes e aos 9 meses após tratamento. Disfunção tiroidiana ocorreu em 20,8% dos pacientes sendo 12,5% de hipertiroidismo e 8,3% de hipotiroidismo, com anticorpos antitiroglobulina negativos. Captação do iodo radioativo 131 foi positiva em um paciente hipertiroideo com bócio. O diagnóstico de hipertiroidismo foi melhor evidenciado pela resposta reduzida ou bloqueada do TSH ao TRH e não pela concentração do T3 no soro e o de hipotiroidismo pela concentração elevada do TSH. O TSH elevado desde o início do tratamento pode predispor ao aparecimento de bócio. Concluímos que o uso da amiodarona em nossa região deve serjudiciosamente analisado, sendo a função tiroidiana cuidadosamente monitorizada antes e durante o tratamento.


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We studied the serum levels of IL-2, IFN-g and TNF in different clinical forms of Chagas' disease and in patients clinically compensated and decompensated. Cytokines measured in 91 patients with the chronic form of the disease did not differ from those of 13 normal individuals, suggesting the absence of activation of the TH1 pattern of lymphocyte response. There were no statistical differences among the 17 patients in the indeterminate form of the disease, the patients presenting either early (n = 4) or well-developed signs of cardiomyopathy (n = 62), the digestive (n = 4) or the mixed (n = 4) forms of the disease. Serum TNF was undetectable and IFN-g levels did not differ between clinical forms and severities of Chagas' disease. However, we found IL-2 higher levels in the 25 non-controlled patients than in the 66 controlled individuals (p < 0,001). We suggest that IL-2 dosage may be useful as an indicator of the need for more aggressive procedures.


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Os conceitos de dengue clássico, com ou sem hemorragia, e de febre hemorrágica do dengue (FHD) que, pode cursar sem fenômenos hemorrágicos, com ou sem síndrome do choque do dengue (SCD), são revistos neste artigo. As definições clássicas propostas, úteis em outros tempos, geram confusão e dificultam a tomada de decisões no momento do tratamento dos pacientes com as formas graves da doença porque deixaram de incorporar novos conceitos e avanços terapêuticos. A classificação do dengue proposta neste trabalho, e apresentada em fluxograma, incorpora os conceitos atuais de sepse, síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SIRS) e síndrome da angústia respiratória do adulto (SARA). A nova classificação serve de guia para orientar a conduta terapêutica inicial e aproxima o tratamento do dengue aos protocolos e rotinas já implantados nos diversos centros hospitalares de urgência, facilitando a atuação dos serviços de saúde em situações de surtos epidêmicos.


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In August/1999, a group of 14 adults from the staff of a private hospital in Contagem -- Minas Gerais State, Brazil, received unintentionally a 25 times concentrated dose of the 17-DD yellow fever vaccine (Bio-Manguinhos), due to a mistake at the reconstitution step. All patients were clinically and laboratorially evaluated at days 5, 13 and 35 post vaccination. Frequency of side effects and clinical observations of this group of individuals were not different from the observed in recipients immunized with normal doses of the vaccine. At the second and third evaluation none of the subjects reported symptoms. None of the patients presented abnormalities at the physical examination at none of the time points and in all cases the blood examination was normal, except for a reduced number of platelets that was detected in one subject at the first and second evaluation and reverted to normal at third evaluation. At the first evaluation point, 8 subjects were serum negative and 6 serum positive for yellow fever at the plaque reduction neutralization test. In 5 subjects the observed titre was 10 times higher as the baseline of 2.36 Log10 mUI/ml. The samples collected at second and third evaluation (13th and 35th days) demonstrated that all subjects responded to the vaccination with the exception of one that did not present a positive result in any of the samples collected. This evaluation confirms the safety of the 17-DD yellow fever vaccine.


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A mielorradiculopatia esquistossomótica é a forma ectópica mais grave e incapacitante da infecção pelo Schistosoma mansoni. A sua prevalência em área endêmica tem sido subestimada. O diagnóstico baseia-se na presença de sintomas neurológicos decorrentes de lesões da medula espinhal em nível torácico baixo e/ou lombar alto, na demonstração da infecção esquistossomótica por técnicas microscópicas ou sorológicas e na exclusão de outras causas de mielite transversa. O tratamento precoce, com esquistossomicidas e corticoesteróides, mostra-se eficaz na maioria dos casos e os pacientes não tratados não se recuperam ou morrem. Não há consenso sobre doses e duração do tratamento, mas estudo recente sugere que os corticoesteróides devam ser usados por pelo menos seis meses. Como o diagnóstico é presuntivo e o tratamento essencialmente clínico, há que se manter alerta para a presença da doença, aperfeiçoar a propedêutica e, dessa forma, evitar-se a laminectomia rotineira. Com o advento da ressonância magnética da medula espinhal houve grande avanço no diagnóstico da esquistossomose medular. Como conseqüência, o número de casos de mielopatia esquistossomótica relatados tem aumentado rapidamente.