48 resultados para Möbius Transformations
Weber and Schumpeter: the Economic action of the entrepreneur. Is there any specificity to be raised in the relations established between entrepreneurs and institutions? Recently, the term entrepreneurship is being widely employed. Enterprising is not anymore a restricted activity to the private sector, but also the Third Sector and the Public Administration. It does not only circumscribe the space of innovation, but also of the adapting changes. In this sense, such elastic concept runs the risk to lose consistency. It seems to be appropriate, therefore, to rescue the meaning that many authors, considered classic in Social Sciences, had attributed to the subject, to show that, although deep socioeconomic transformations occurred since Schumpeter wrote the Theory of the Economic Development, is still necessary to emphasize a basic dimension of the enterprising action: resistance and institutional conflict.
Measuring racial inequalities in the labor market. How much racial inequality is there in Brazilian labor market? What has been the impact of the latest transformations in work relations on it? Can we compare the Brazilian situation to other countries? These questions don't have today an objective answer. This is due, mostly, to the absence of measures which could allow us to make long term and regional comparisons of different racial inequalities situations. Our proposal is to provide new indicators to evaluate racial inequalities in both the occupational and income structure in Brazil. Our results show that whites/non-whites gaps widened since the 1980s. They allow us to affirm, in addition, that racial inequalities are today worst in Brazil than in countries that adopted affirmative action laws to fight discrimination.
This paper analyzes the causes of the slow recovery of the US economy since the financial crisis and Great Recession of 2008-9. Fallen house values and excessive household debts continue to depress consumer spending, while corporations are failing to invest in spite of record profits. The increasingly unequal distribution of income limits demand, while long-term structural transformations continue to erode employment creation. An expansionary monetary policy has been incapable of sparking a more robust recovery and fiscal policy has been shifted to an austerity stance. In this context, Brazil and other emerging market nations cannot count on the United States to continue to be the leading source of global demand as it was in previous decades.