496 resultados para Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) herreri sp. nov.


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Raphidascaris (Sprentascaris) lanfrediae sp. nov. is described from the intestine of the freshwater fish Satanoperca jurupari (Heckel) (Cichlidae) from the Guamá River, state of Pará, Brazil. The prevalence in fish (n = 59) was 27% with intensity of one-124 (mean 16) nematodes per fish. The new species is characterized mainly by the markedly larger size of ventricular appendix in relation to the oesophagus, presence of short male caudal alae, 14-16 subventral pairs of preanal papillae and six pairs of postanal papillae.


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Myxidium volitans sp. nov. (Myxozoa: Myxidiidae) parasitizing the hypertrophied green-brownish gallbladder of the teleost Dactylopterus volitans, collected in the Atlantic coast near Niterói, Brazil was described based on ultrastructural studies. The spores were fusiform, sometimes slightly crescent-shaped on average 21.7 ± 0.3 µm (mean ± standard deviation) (n = 50) long and 5.6 ± 0.4 µm (n = 30) wide. The spore wall was thin and smooth, comprising two equally-sized valves joined by a hardly visible sutural ridge. Spores containing two pyriform polar capsules (PC) (5.0 ± 0.4 × 2.3 ± 0.3 µm) (n = 30) are situated in each extremity of the spore. The PC wall was composed of hyaline layer (0.20-0.29 µm thick) and by a thin external granular layer. Each PC contains a polar filament (PF) with irregular arrangements that was projected from its apical region to the bases of PC and coiled laterally from bases to the tip of PC. Some regular striations and S-like structures in the periphery of the PFs with four-five irregular sections were observed. Based on the spore morphology, ultrastructural differences and the specificity of the host we describe this parasite as a new myxosporidian, named M. volitans sp. nov.


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The family Nematotaeniidae, tapeworms commonly found in the small intestines of amphibians and reptiles, includes 27 recognised species distributed among four genera: Bitegmen Jones, Cylindrotaenia Jewell, Distoichometra Dickey and Nematotaenia Lühe. The taxonomy of these cestodes is poorly defined, due in part to the difficulties of observing many anatomical traits. This study presents and describes a new genus and species of nematotaeniid parasite found in cane toads (Rhinella marina) from eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The cestodes were collected during the necropsy of 20 hosts captured in the urban area of Belém, Pará. The specimens were fixed and processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. Samples were also collected for molecular analyses. The specimens presented a cylindrical body, two testes and paruterine organs. However, they could not be allocated to any of the four existing nematotaeniid genera due to the presence of two each of dorsal compact medullary testes, cirri, cirrus pouches, genital pores, ovaries and vitelline glands per mature segment. Lanfrediella amphicirrus gen. nov. sp. nov. is the first nematotaeniid studied using Historesin analysis, SEM and 3D reconstruction, and it is the second taxon for which molecular data have been deposited in GenBank.


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Heliconema hainanensis sp. nov. collected from Uroconger lepturus (Richardson) (Anguilliformes: Congridae), Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) and Congresox talabonoides (Bleeker) (Anguilliformes: Muraenesocidae) in the South China Sea was described using light and scanning electron microscopy. The new species differs from its congeners by the following morphology: pseudolabia, the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (4 pairs of pedunculate precloacal papillae arranged in 2 groups of 2 and 2 pairs and 6 pairs of pedunculate postcloacal papillae arranged in 4 groups of 1, 2, 1 and 2 pairs), the length of spicules [left spicule 0.51-0.69 mm, right spicule 0.20-0.27 mm, spicule (right:left) ratio 1:2.20-2.69] and the morphology of the female tail tip. In addition, specimens of the new species collected from the three different hosts and specimens of an unidentified species of Heliconema collected from U. lepturus were characterised using molecular methods by sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. Analyses and comparison of the ITS sequence of H. hainanensis sp. nov. with Heliconema sp. support the validity of the new species based on morphological observations. An identification key to the species of Heliconema is also provided.


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A new ceratomyxid parasite was examined for taxonomic identification, upon being found infecting the gall bladder of Hemiodus microlepis (Teleostei: Hemiodontidae), a freshwater teleost collected from the Amazon River, Brazil. Light and transmission electron microscopy revealed elongated crescent-shaped spores constituted by two asymmetrical shell valves united along a straight sutural line, each possessing a lateral projection. The spores body measured 5.2 ± 0.4 µm (n = 25) in length and 35.5 ± 0.9 µm (n = 25) in total thickness. The lateral projections were asymmetric, one measuring 18.1 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness and the other measuring 17.5 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness. Two equal-sized subspherical polar capsules measuring 2.2 ± 0.3 µm in diameter were located at the same level, each possessing a polar filament with 5-6 coils. The sporoplasm was binucleate. Considering the morphometric data analyzed from the microscopic observations, as well as the host species and its geographical location, this paper describes a new myxosporean species, herein named Ceratomyxa microlepis sp. nov.; therefore representing the first description of a freshwater ceratomyxid from the South American region.


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An entomological survey was conducted from July-December 2009 and September-December 2010, as part of the epidemiological monitoring of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in the municipality of Lábrea, state of Amazonas (AM), Brazil. Sandflies were collected using CDC light traps installed in intra and peridomiciliary locations, as well as the border of forested areas around houses where autochthonous cases of ACL were recorded. A total of 510 sandflies belonging to 26 species were collected. The most abundant species was Nyssomyia antunesi (44.5%) followed by Evandromyia walkeri (10.6%) and Micropygomyia rorotaensis (9.8%). Here we also describe Evandromyia (Aldamyia) apurinan sp. nov. and report new records for Trichophoromyia flochi and Evandromyia sipani in AM and Brazil, respectively. Our results describe the composition of the sandfly fauna in the south of AM and suggest Ny. antunesi as the putative vector in the transmission of Leishmania in this area of the Amazon Region.


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A new genus of Tabanidae mimetic of flies is described: Muscotabanus new genus, Muscotabanus rafaeli new species, based on 12 females collected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. It is presented a discussion for separating the new genus from Diachlorini species which resemblance with sarcophagids flies. It is characterised by striped thorax, banded abdomen, long slender palpus subequal antenna length, labella predominantly membranous, except for a narrow sclerotised plate, basicosta bare, wing hyaline and stigma brown.


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Triatoma jatai sp. nov. is the first new species of triatomine to be described in the state of Tocantins, in the northern region of Brazil. It was caught on rock outcrops in the wild environment and, more recently, invading homes. While T. jatai sp. nov. is morphologically similar to Triatoma costalimai, it is distinguished by its general colouring, differences in the blotches on the connexivum, wing size in females and external structures of the male genitalia. The type series has been deposited in the Entomological Collection and Herman Lent Collection, Oswaldo Cruz Institute-Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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A new species of Pseudascarophis (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) found in the stomach of Kyphosus sectatrix (Linnaeus) (Kyphosidae), off Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is described. The new species can be differentiated from the other congeners by the presence of lateral alae, distinct but inconspicuous cephalic papillae at the anterior end, three pairs of precloacal and one pair of adcloacal papillae in males, egg morphology and morphometry of glandular oesophagus and spicules. Pseudascarophis tropica is transferred to Ascarophis as Ascarophis tropica (Solov'eva) comb. n. due to its ambiguous diagnosis.


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During a research project aimed at the study of the Culicinae fauna of Gabon and carried out in the National Park of La Lopé, we captured an unknown sandfly male specimen (genus Phlebotomus) by CDC miniature light trap belonging to a new species for Science. Furthermore, the originality of his genitalia does not allow us to include this species in one of the existing subgenus, thus in this paper we propose the creation of a new subgenus, as Phlebotomus (Legeromyia) multihamatus sp. nov., subg. nov. described from the National Park of La Lopé, through one male captured with CDC miniature light trap. A new species and a new subgenus of sandfly is characterised by a short style with three spines, a paramere wearing a basal hook as well as a basal pouch and the absence of basal lobe on the coxite. The originality of the genitalia of the male gives way to discussion about potential primary homologies between P. multihamatus sp. nov. and Phlebotomus (Abonnencius) fortunatarum, Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) stantoni and Phlebotomus (Euphlebotomus) argentipes, which should be verified for future studies. The discovery of this new species in Gabon must encourage the study of sandflies in this country.


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Hephialtes mourei sp. nov. é descrita do Brasil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Paraná). A chave para espécies de Braderochus e a ilustração do holótipo de B. mundus (White, 1853) fornecidas por Bleuzen (1994) são discutidas.


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Lauromacromia bedei is described and illustrated from a single male specimen collected in a river at the "cerrado" region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.


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Fannia carvalhoi sp. nov. (Diptera, Fanniidae) from Peru is described and illustrated.


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Both sexes of a new phlebotomine sandfly species Micropygomyia (Sauromyia) vonatzingeni sp. nov. (Diptera, Psychodidae), captured in the Serra das Andorinhas, São Geraldo do Araguaia municipality, Pará state, and Cavalcante municipality, Tocantins state, Brazil, are described and illustrated. This new species belongs to the oswaldoi series and its distinction from the other extant species of the series was made by male and female identification keys. The specific geographical distribution of the oswaldoi series by country and department (or state) is presented.


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Ghilianella beckeri n. sp. of Emesinae from Rondônia State, Brazil is described. The most similar species to G. beckeri sp. nov. is G. approximata (McAtee & Malloch 1925). Males of G . beckeri n. sp. can be separated from G. approximata because the latter has: (1) seventh tergite much shorter, slightly surpassing pygophore, and not wrinkled; (2), bifurcated medial posterior process of the pygophore; and (3) parameres without spines. Females of G. approximata can be distinguished from those of G . beckeri n. sp. since they have: (1) the expansions of the fifth abdominal tergum distinctly within lateral margins of disk; (2) the seventh tergite longer than wide; and (3) the eighth tergite semicircular and lightly carinate medially.