462 resultados para Larva de peixe
De 149 autópsias realizadas em peixes, os autores coletaram diversos helmintos, no litoral de Macaé, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A maior parte das espécies aqui estudadas, são redescritas, algumas apenas referidas e uma nova espécie do gênero Rhipidocotyle Diesing, 1858, é descrita nesta oportunidade.
The adult, pupal and larval morphology of S. argentiscutum sp. nov., a member of the S. amazonicum-group, is compared with S. amazonicum Goeldi and its distribution, biology and medical importance are discussed. S. argentiscutum is one the most important anthropophilic species in the S. amazonicum-group as it is responsible, together with S. amazonicum, for the transmission of Mansonella ozzardi in Brazil.
São descritas e comentadas quatro espécies de cestóides proteocefalídeos de peixes siluriformes da Amazônia. Entre eles, Myzophorus woodlandi sp. n. que é comparada com as outras espécies do gênero; tais espécimens foram encontrados entre os tipos de Myrophorus pirarara Woodland, 1935. É também comentado o encontro de ovos operculados de uma 5ª espécie de proteocefalideo, não identificado.
Dos primerios 80 espécimens da sarda examinados (de janeiro a maio de 1982), apenas seis (7,5%) estavam livres de helmintos, apresentando os demais as espécies de parasitos seguintes, por ordem de freqüência dentro de cada grupo taxonômico: Kuhnia scombri (Kuhn, 1829) e Grubea cochlear (Diesing, 1858) (classe Monogenea); Lecithocladium excisum (Rudolph, 1819) e Opechona basillaris (Molin, 1859)(classe Digenea); pelrocercoides de Lacistrorhynchus tenuis (Beneden, 1858) de Scolex pleuronectis (Muller, 1788) e de Echeneibothrium sp. (classe Cestoda); Rhadinorhynchus tenuicornis (Linton, 1891) (filo Acanthocephala); formas dos tipos larvares Anisakis e Contracaecum e ainda, larvas de Goezia sp. (classe Nematoda). São referidas, pela primeira vez, neste hospedeiro, formas larvares do cestóide Echeneibothrium sp. e do nematóide Goezia sp.
Com a "Segunda contribuição para o conhecimento das espécies brasileiras do genero Silulium", Lutz (1910) descreve 18 espécies novas, porém dedica somente um breve parágrafo a S. hirtipupa, mencionando exclusivamente caracteres específicos para a pupa, aliás insuficiente. Descrevemos aqui, pela primeira vez, os adultos e a larva, redescrevemos a pupa e elegemos um neótipo para a espécie.
The egg and the first instar larva of Dermatobia hominis were described based on observation with a scanning electron microscope.
Descriptions are given of the egg and first intar larvar of Metacutereba apicalis (Diptera: Cuterebridae) when viewed by light and scanning electronic microscopes.
The female, male genital apparatus and larva of Ocyptamus sativus are described. A short report of the predatory habits of this species is made.
The fourth instar larva of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis (Phlebotomidae: Phlebotominae) was studied by scanning electron microscope. Based on three-dimensional observations, the fine structure and setal position (using of setal numeration) of the larva are presented.
Hexathrombium abirami n. sp. (Acari: Eutrombidiidae) an ectoparasite larvae of Erotylidae (Coleoptera) from Brazil is described. A key to larval Hexathrombium is given
The morphology and chaetotaxy of the first instar larva of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis are described based on observations made under scanning electron microscope. Because three-dimensional images were studied, some terminological changes are proposed to give a more realistic description of the positions of the setae. On the larval body, the pairs of setae have the following number: 9 on the head, 12 on the prothorax, 8 on the meso- and metathorax, 6 on the first to eighth abdominal segments, and 8 on the ninth abdominal segment
Unknown male, larva and pupa of Stibasoma theotaenia from northern Argentina are described and illustrated. Larvae were collected from terrestrial Bromeliaceae of Aechnea sp. and maintained in the laboratory through development.
A case of acute intestinal anisakiasis has been reported; a nematode larva being found in the submucosa of the ileum of a woman in Jaén (Spain). The source of infection was the ingestion of raw Engraulis encrasicholus. On the basis of its morphology, the worm has been identified as a fourth-stage larva of Anisakis simplex. In Spain, this is the ninth report of human anisakiasis and also probably the first case of anisakiasis caused by a fourth-stage larva of A. simplex.
Two blackfly species Simulium (Cerqueirellum) oyapockense Floch & Abonnenc and S. (Hemicnetha) seriatum Knab are recorded from Argentina, representing the most southern register for both species. S. oyapockense is a species epidemiologically very important, as a vector of onchocerciasis in the Amazonian focus. Both species are described and illustrated and their distribution are reported, in similarity to others like S. roraimense Nunes de Mello and S. ganalesense Vargas et al. in reference to S. oyapockense and S. mexicanum Bellardi similar to S. seriatum are discussed.
We report for the first time the expression of multiple protease activities in the first instar larva (L1) of the flesh fly Oxysarcodexia thornax (Walker). Zymographic analysis of homogenates from freshly obtained L1 revealed a complex proteolytic profile ranging from 21.5 to 136 kDa. Although some activities were detected at pH 3.5 and 5.5, the optimum pH for most of the proteolytic activities was between pH 7.5 and 9.5. Seven of 10 proteases were completely inactivated by phenyl-methyl sulfonyl-fluoride, suggesting that main proteases expressed by L1 belong to serine proteases class. Complete inactivation of all enzymatic activities was obtained using N-p-Tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (100 µM), a specific inhibitor of chymotrypsin-like serine proteases.