131 resultados para IND-CPA
The specific composition and abundance variation of the ciliate community from a wastewater discharge zone in the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina, were studied all throughout a year, from June 1995 to May 1996. The polluted area exhibited high values of particulate organic matter and nutrients, particularly phosphates. Aloricate ciliates were represented by 15 species belonging to the genera Strombidium Claparède & Lachmann, 1859; Strombidinopsis Kent, 1881; Cyrtostrombidium Lynn & Gilron, 1993; Strobilidium Schewiakoff, 1983; Lohmmanniella Leegaard, 1915 and Tontonia Fauré-Fremiet, 1914. Tintinnids were represented by nine species belonging to the genera Tintinnidium Kent, 1881, Tintinnopsis Stein, 1867 and Codonellopsis Jörgensen, 1924. The total abundance of aloricate ciliates reached a peak of 1,800 ind. 1-1 and the total abundance of tintinnids reached a peak of 9,400 ind. 1-1. Tintinnidium balechi Barría de Cao, 1981 was the most abundant ciliate in the community. Considerations on the presence and abundance of ciliates are made in relation to physicochemical and biochemical parameters.
The abundance of soil microarthropods from seven fragments of Araucaria Forest, Muitos Capões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was compared. The size of the fragments ranged from 0.25 ha to 35 ha, the two largest fragments are situated within the Aracuri Ecological Station and the remaining five are situated in a cattle ranching farm. In June 2000, three plots (10 m x 10 m) were established in the central area of each patch, and three soil cores (7 cm diameter x 6 cm deep) were taken per plot. The abundance of microarthropods in the upper six centimeters (soil + litter) varied between 63209 and 102704 ind.m-2, with oribatid mites (Acari, Cryptostigmata) being dominant in all fragments (between 46.9 % and 61.3 % of total individuals). Most microarthropod groups presented a decrease in abundance with decreasing fragment area, with a statistically significant difference between smaller and larger fragments. The proportion of oribatids also decreased with decreasing fragment area. The results suggest that the growing fragmentation process of Araucaria forests in southern Brazil, associated to a tendency for reducing the size of remnant fragments, can affect the abundance of soil microarthropods, and therefore, the quality and health of this ecosystem.
Nós conduzimos um levantamento populacional aéreo do cervo-do-pantanal, Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger, 1815), no Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande e seu entorno, entre os estados do Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, na estação seca. Utilizamos a técnica da contagem dupla, e a população foi estimada em 1.079 ± 207 cervos em uma área amostral de 1.081 km², corresponde a uma densidade de 0,998 ± 0,192 ind/km². A população mostrou-se mais concentrada no interior do parque, ocupando também várzeas alteradas fora dos limites do parque. Estes resultados devem subsidiar medidas de manejo e conservação da população no parque nacional e seu entorno, devido à enorme pressão antrópica sobre a população de cervos na região.
The Pinnotheridae family is one of the most diverse and complex groups of brachyuran crabs, many of them symbionts of a wide variety of invertebrates. The present study describes the population dynamics of the pea crab Austinixa aidae (Righi, 1967), a symbiont associated with the burrows of the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818). Individuals (n = 588) were collected bimonthly from May, 2005 to September, 2006 along a sandy beach in the southwestern Atlantic, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Our data indicated that the population demography of A. aidae was characterized by a bimodal size-frequency distribution (between 2.0 and 4.0 mm and between 8.0 and 9.0 mm CW) that remained similar throughout the study period. Sex ratio does not differ significantly from 1:1 (p > 0.05), which confirms the pattern observed in other symbiontic pinnotherids. Density values (1.72 ± 1.34 ind. ap.-1) are in agreement with those found for other species of the genus. The mean symbiosis incidence (75.6%) was one of the highest among species of the Pinnotheridae family, but it was the lowest among the three studied species of the genus. Recruitment pattern was annual, beginning in May and peaking in July, in both years, after the peak of ovigerous females in the population (from March to May). Our findings describe ecological and biological aspects of A. aidae similar to those of other species of this genus, even from different geographic localities.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a densidade e o tamanho populacional de quatro espécies de primatas [Alouatta clamitans Cabrera, 1940; Callicebus nigrifrons (Spix, 1823); Callithrix aurita (É. Geoffroy, 1812); Cebus nigritus (Goldfuss, 1809)] que ocorrem em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica de aproximadamente 350 ha, localizado no município de Pouso Alegre, estado de Minas Gerais e reunir subsídios para a conservação dessas espécies na região. O levantamento populacional foi realizado através do método de amostragem de distâncias em transecções lineares (Distance Sampling). Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de abril e agosto de 2008 a partir de quatro transecções implantadas na área de estudo. Os cálculos de densidade e tamanho populacional foram realizados empregando-se o programa Distance 5.0. As densidades foram estimadas em 23,83 ± 9,78 ind./km² para Callicebus nigrifrons, 14,76 ± 5,92 ind./km² para Callithrix aurita e 7,71 ± 2,13 ind./km² para Cebus nigritus. O tamanho populacional foi estimado em 83,0 ± 34,0 indivíduos para C. nigrifrons, 52,0 ± 20,8 indivíduos para Callithrix aurita e 27,0 ± 7,4 indivíduos para Cebus nigritus. Com relação ao bugio (A. guariba clamitans), constatou-se que apenas um grupo com seis indivíduos sobrevive na área. Conclui-se que, no caso de continuarem isoladas, essas populações têm poucas chances de sobrevivência no futuro frente aos riscos de eventos estocásticos. A criação de corredores ecológicos conectando a área de estudo aos outros fragmentos em seu entorno e a translocação de indivíduos de outras áreas da Mata Atlântica para esta região poderão constituir alternativas para garantir a viabilidade dessas populações em longo prazo. Para tanto, é necessário que se consolide uma política pública no município de Pouso Alegre voltada à criação, ampliação e gestão de Unidades de Conservação, e ao incentivo para a adoção de práticas produtivas sob critérios de sustentabilidade no entorno dessas áreas de interesse ecológico.
This work describes the spatial-temporal variation of the relative abundance and size of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) collected in São Gonçalo Channel through bottom trawl with a 0.5 cm mesh, at depths between 3 and 6 m. The estimative of mean relative abundance (CPUE) ranged from 2,425.3 individuals per drag (ind./drag) in the spring to 21,715.0 ind./drag in the fall, with an average of 9,515.3 ind./drag throughout the year. The estimated mean density of L. fortunei for the deep region of São Gonçalo Channel ranged from 1.2 to 10.3 ind./m², and it was recorded a maximum density of 84.9 ind./m² in the fall of 2008. The method of sampling using bottom trawl enabled the capture of L. fortunei under the soft muddy bottom of the channel, in different sizes ranging from 0.4 to 3.2 cm. This shows that the structure of the L. fortunei adult population under the bottom of the São Gonçalo Channel is composed mostly of small individuals (<1.4 cm), which represent up to 74% of the population collected.
Este estudo explora a maturação de gametas e biometria de Phragmatopoma caudata Krøyer in Mörch, 1863 para endossar uma metodologia e oferecer uma técnica adequada para estudos que objetivam avaliar a ecologia populacional. A análise de correlação de Pearson confirmou a relação positiva (r = 0,90, P <0,0001) entre o comprimento do corpo e o comprimento da coroa opercular. Indivíduos com opercular crown < 0,9 mm podem ser considerados como juvenil devido à ausência de gametas. Portanto, utilizando-se o método aprovado para separar as classes de tamanho, a população dos recifes de P. caudata no Parque Estadual Xixová-Japuí (PEJX) na Baía de Santos, Estado de São Paulo, foi examinada durante dois anos, com o objetivo de analisar a densidade populacional e o padrão sazonal da classe juvenil. Em período de elevadas taxas de juvenis, a densidade populacional atingiu 128.115 ind./m², porém, a média foi 65.090±22.033 ind./m². As análises estatísticas (Kruskal-Wallis H = 18,475, p < 0,01) revelaram existir variação significativa na composição juvenil entre as estações chuvosa e seca. Apesar da presença de juvenis em meses de seca, as estações chuvosas contemplaram 92,1% dos juvenis amostrados. O padrão de juvenis observado pode estar relacionado com fatores biológicos (e.g. gametogênese e ciclo de vida) e abióticos (e.g. suprimento alimentar e correntes marinhas). Estes resultados destacam a necessidade de programas de monitoramento de longo prazo que integrem elementos ecológicos e abióticos, a fim de obter uma compreensão mais completa da ecologia desse poliqueta e ajudar a gerenciar a biodiversidade marinha do PEJX.
Temporal (May 2005 to February 2006) and habitat distribution (pools and riffles) of Hirudinea species was analyzed at a post urban reach from Esquel stream (Chubut province, Patagonia, Argentina). Site was located 5.7 km downstream a Waste Treatment Plant. Mean values of nutrients: ammonia, nitrates and soluble reactive phosphate, as well water conductivity, turbidity and total suspended solids indicated physical and organic pollution. Leeches assemblage was composed by the glossiphonids: Helobdella scutifera Blanchard, 1900, H. michaelseni (Blanchard, 1900), H. simplex (Moore, 1911), Helobdella sp., H. hyalina Ringuelet, 1942, H. obscura Ringuelet, 1942 and the semiscolecid Patagoniobdella variabilis (Blanchard, 1900). From these H. hyalina and H. obscura are new records for Chubut province. Helobdella hyalina (810 ind.m-2) and H. simplex (465 ind. m-2) clearly dominated the assemblage at the reach. Only H. simplex displayed a spatial preference being significantly more abundant in pools than in riffle habitats (p<0.001). Species recruitment occurred mostly at September, December and March when juveniles were very abundant. Although several species of Helobdella were able to live in the disturbed section of the stream, only H. simplex and H. hyalina sustained large populations at the site and can be considered as tolerant to organic enrichment. This information is valuable to future studies on stream condition assessment in mountainous areas in Patagonia, and in other areas in which these species are present.
Estudamos 25 casos escolhidos de Ancylostomose, procurando determinar quaes os factores que provocam a regeneração hematica, procurando o mechanismo desta regeneração e o desenvolver do processo anemiante. Preferimos seleccionar um numero pequeno de casos e acompanhal-o durante um largo tempo, observando alguns delles durante 1 a 1 anno e meio. A parte hematologica constou, além de 568 exames rotineiros (numeração das hematias, dosagem de Hb., determinação do hematocrito, e na maioria das vezes, determinação da taxa de reticulocytose verificação do aspecto morphologico do sangue em esfregaços), de pesquisas sobre a resistencia globular, sobre a taxa de proteinas no sôro, e em alguns casos, contagem de plaquetas, determinação da viscosidade, etc. Empregamos para estas pesquizas os methodos usuaes, a não ser na determinação da resistencia globular, para a qual descrevemos detalhadamente um processo pouco usado. Durante todo o transcorrer das observações, a actividade biologica dos helminthos parasitos foi controlada por numerosos exames de fezes, que constavam da pesquiza de ovos eliminados, de reacções chimicas que demonstrassem a presença de sangue. Exames de urina foram feitos periodicamente e outros exames foram praticados quando sobrevinha uma complicação ou qualquer facto inesperado. Observamos nos casos graves da doença, uma anemia de caracteristicas fixas. E' uma anemia hypochromica, microcytica, fracamente regenerativa. Verificamos que a degeneração dos indices hematicos, isto é, que o grau de hypochromia e micocytose, não se apresentam nestes casos extremos de modo variavel, mas sim, de maneira particularmente constante; e verificamos mais que estes indices assim degenerados (Ind. Vol. 53 uc., Ind. Hb. 13 yy, Ind. Sat. 23%) tambem são encontrados segundo observações de outros autores, em varias anemias hypochromicas humanas ou de outros mammiferos. No exame de esfregaços, são extremamente raros ou mesmo ausentes, os normoblastos, as hematias com restos nucleares e as hematias polychromaticas. A reticulose oscilla em torno de 3%. Este aspecto é constante nos casos graves, sendo entretanto variavel na unidade de volume o numero destas hematias acima caracterisadas. A média dessa ultima cifra em numerosos casos é de 2,50 M., o que determina uma taxa de Hb. egual a 23%. Ao analysarmos certas observações, que descrevem aspectos hematologicos differentes daquelles aqui descriptos, concluimos pela existencia nesses casos anomalos, de superposições de outras doenças, cuja etio-pathogenia nada tem a ver com os factores que determinam o apparecimento da anemia ancylostomotica. A regeneração hematica processa-se na Ancylostomose unicamente após a administração de ferro em dóses variaveis, conforme o sal empregado. Mostraram-se inactivas nos casos aqui observados, as administrações de figado crú, triptophano, hystidina, lecithina, Vit. B, saes de arsenico, manganez, cobalto, cobre e a alimentação com dietas ricas em ferro. Em virtude dos resultados que obtivemos com a administração isolada de ferro, concluimos pela inefficiencia da administração de substancias pyrrholicas, da fracção hepatica sensivel nas anemias hypochromicas, e da associação ao ferro de acido chlorhydrico. Todas essas substancias, e tambem a elimanação simples dos helminthos parasitos, não só mostraram-se isoladamente sem acção sobre o sangue, como não auxiliaram a regeneração provocada pelo ferro...
The emergence of strains of Schistosoma resistant to praziquantel has drawn attention to the search for new schistosomacide drugs. Imidazolidinic derivatives have performed outstandingly against adult S. mansoni worms when evaluated in vitro. The molecular modification of imidazolidine by way of bioisosteric replacement gives rise to variations in its biological response. This study verifies the potential of substituent groups in the derivatives (Z)3-benzyl-5-(2-fluoro-benzylidene)-imidazolidine-2,4-dione NE4, 3-benzyl-5-(4-chloro-arylazo)-4-thioxo-imidazolidin -2-ona PT5, 3-benzyl-5-(3-fluoro-benzylidene)-1-methyl-2-thioxo-imidazolidin-4-one JT53; 3-benzyl-1-methyl-5-(4-methyl-benzylidene)-2-thioxo-imidazolidin-4-one JT63; 3-benzyl-1-methyl-5-(4-methoxi-benzylidene)-2-thioxo -imidazolidin-4-one JT68; 3-(4-chloro-benzyl)-1-methyl-5-(4-methoxi-benzylidene)-2-thioxo-imidazolidin-4-one JT69; 3-(4-phenyl-benzyl)-1-methyl-5-(4-methoxi-benzylidene)-2-thioxo-imidazolidin-4-one JT72 by determining the viability in vitro of adult S. mansoni worms in the presence of these derivatives. The susceptibility of the worms obtained from mice and kept in culture in the presence of different concentrations was determined by way of schistosomacide kinetic, observed every 24 h over a period of eight days. The results show that the worms were more sensitive to the PT5 derivative at a concentration of 58 µM which killed 100% of the worms after 24 h of contact, also giving rise to alterations in the tegument surface of the worms with the formation of bubbles and peeling. These observations suggest a strong electronic contribution of the arylazo grouping in the biological response.
The immune response is crucial for protection against disease; however, immunological imbalances can lead to heart and digestive tract lesions in chagasic patients. Several studies have evaluated the cellular and humoral immune responses in chagasic patients in an attempt to correlate immunological findings with clinical forms of Chagas disease. Moreover, immunoglobulins and cytokines are important for parasitic control and are involved in lesion genesis. Here, cytokine and IgG isotype production were studied, using total epimastigote antigen on sera of chagasic patients with indeterminate (IND, n = 27) and cardiac (CARD, n = 16) forms of the disease. Samples from normal, uninfected individuals (NI, n = 30) were use as controls. The results showed that sera from both IND and CARD patients contained higher levels of Trypanosoma cruzi-specific IgG1 (IgG1) antibodies than sera from NI. No difference in IgG2 production levels was observed between NI, IND and CARD patients, nor was a difference in IL-10 and IFN-³ production detected in the sera of IND, CARD and NI patients. However, IND patients displayed a positive correlation between IL-10 and IFN-³ levels in serum, while CARD patients showed no such correlation, indicating an uncontrolled inflammatory response in CARD patients. These findings support the hypothesis that a lack of efficient regulation between IFN-³ and IL-10 productions in CARD patients may lead to cardiac immunopathology.
Twenty-eight Chagas disease patients (CD), 22 with the indeterminate clinical form (IND) and six with the cardiac or digestive form (CARD/DIG), were treated with benznidazole and underwent clinical and laboratorial analysis before (IND and CARD/DIG) and nine years after [patients after treatment (CDt), patients with the indeterminate clinical form at treatment onset (INDt) and with the cardiac or digestive form at treatment onset (CARD/DIGt)] treatment. The data demonstrate that 82.1% of CDt patients (23/28) remained clinically stable and 95.4% of the INDt (21/22) and 33.3% of the CARD/DIGt (2/6) patients showed unaltered physical and laboratorial examinations. The clinical evolution rate was 2%/year and was especially low in INDt patients (0.5%/year) relative to CARD/DIGt patients (7.4%/year). Positive haemoculture in treated patients was observed in 7.1% of the cases. None of the INDt (0/21) and 33.3% of the CARD/DIGt (2/6) patients displayed positive cultures. The PCR presented a positive rate significantly higher (85.2%, 23/27) than haemoculture and two samples from the same patient revealed the same result 57.7% of the patients. Conventional serology-ELISA on 16 paired samples remained positive in all individuals. Semi-quantitative ELISA highlighted significant decreases in reactivity, particularly in INDt relative to IND. Non-conventional serology-FC-ALTA-IgG, after treatment, showed positive results in all sera and 22 paired samples examined at seven and nine years after treatment, demonstrated significantly lower reactivity, particularly in INDt patients. This study was retrospective in nature, had a low number of samples and lacked an intrinsic control group, but the data corroborate other results found in the literature. The data also demonstrate that, even though a cure has not been detected in the none-treated patients, the benefits for clinical evolution were selectively observed in the group of INDt patients and did not occur for CARD/DIGt patients.
Six individuals of the palm A. phalerata, in Poconé floodplains of Mato Grosso, were sprayed with a synthetic pyrethroid (0.25% concentration) in order to study the biomass, diversity, and richness of the canopy arthropods. A total of 17,188 (238.7±80.6 ind./m²) arthropods belonging to 22 Orders, was collected in a 72 m² funnel area. Two hours after spraying, 58.9% of the total number fell into the funnels, 37.6% was obtained by shaking the trees, and finally, 3.5% after cutting and washing all the palm leaves. The Coleoptera (27.4%), Hymenoptera-Formicidae (19.0%), Collembola (13.6%), Psocoptera (10.7%), Diptera (9.0%) and Araneae (6.4%) were the predominant. The total biomass was 15.1 g dry weight (0.4mg/m²; 0.13+0.04/tree). A total of 4,715 beetles representing 48 families and 326 morphospecies were obtained. Tenebrionidae (22.9%), Curculionidae (22.0%), Carabidae (10.9%) and Staphylinidae (7.9%) were the most abundant, while Curculionidae (44 spp.), Staphylinidae (40 spp.) and Chrysomelidae (34 spp.) presented the largest number of morphospecies. Herbivores (37.5%) were the dominant in the trophic guilds of adult Coleoptera, followed by predators (35.4%), fungivores (14.6%), and saprophages (12.5%). Although most arthropod Orders were represented in all the palms sampled, analysis of variance showed no significant differences in their composition, however there was a significant difference in their frequency of occurrence.
Dichroplus maculipennis is one of the most characteristic and damaging grasshopper species of Argentina, mainly in areas of the Pampas and Patagonia regions. We estimated and compared the longevity and fecundity of adult female D. maculipennis under controlled conditions (30ºC, 14L:10D, 40% RH) from individuals collected as last instar nymphs (VI) in the field and with a known recent history of low and high density conditions. Densities of D. maculipennis at the collecting sites were 0.95 individuals per m² in 2006 and 46 ind/m² in 2009, representing non-outbreaking and outbreaking situations, respectively. Adult female longevity in 2006 (67.96 ± 3.2 days) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in 2009 (37.44 ± 1.98 days). The number of egg-pods per female was 3.32 ± 0.44 for 2006 and 1.62 ± 0.26 for 2009. The average fecundity in 2006 (89.29 ± 11.9 eggs/female) was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than that in 2009 (36.27 ± 5.82 eggs/female). While it was observed that the oviposition rate was higher in 2006, this difference was not significant (p > 0.05). The fecundity curves showed that the highest values were at weeks 11 and 13 for the 2006 females, and at week 6 for those of 2009. Since the daily oviposition rate at low and high densities was not significantly different, the diminished fecundity rate at high density is attributable to their reduced longevity.
Neste estudo, determinou-se a solubilidade do Cu em diferentes fertilizantes e avaliou-se sua correlação com a absorção deste micronutriente por plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.). Utilizaram-se as seguintes fontes: mistura de óxido cúprico p.a. e Cu metálico moído p.a.; óxido de Cu 40 Ind.; sulfato de Cu p.a.; minério calcopirita; Cu metal moído p.a. e óxido cúprico p.a. Foram determinados o teor total de Cu e os teores de Cu solúvel em água e em soluções de ácido cítrico a 20 g L-1, de citrato neutro de amônio (1 + 9) e de DTPA 0,005 mol L-1. As solubilidades nesses três últimos extratores foram determinadas por agitação da amostra por uma hora e por fervura durante cinco minutos. Paralelamente, foram realizados experimentos em casa de vegetação, com cultivos sucessivos da cultura do arroz, para verificar os efeitos imediato e residual da aplicação das fontes de Cu em diferentes doses (0; 0,75; 1,5 e 3 mg dm-3 de Cu) em um Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico. Os fertilizantes apresentaram solubilidade diferenciada, sendo diferente também com relação ao teor total de Cu. Todas as fontes testadas foram eficientes no fornecimento desse elemento às plantas, embora doses mais elevadas sejam necessárias quando se usam as fontes minério calcopirita e óxido de Cu 40 Ind. As fontes apresentaram efeito residual de Cu no solo após o segundo cultivo das plantas de arroz. Diante das várias fontes com Cu e das diferenças entre elas com relação à solubilidade e eficiência agronômica, sugere-se a adoção de mais um tipo de garantia para o micronutriente além do teor total. O citrato neutro de amônio (1 + 9), na relação 1:100, com fervura por cinco minutos, mostrou-se adequado para determinação do teor de Cu disponível em fertilizantes.