81 resultados para Hyperelliptic curves


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Metamysidopsis elongata atlantica (Bacescu, 1968) was reared in the laboratory for 45 days at 20±1°C and salinity of 30ppt. Growth curves (von Bertalanffy model) were calculated for both sexes and for each sex. The daily rate of carapace growth was significantly different between females and males (F test, p <0.05). Before the sexual maturity (14 days), the growth rate of females was higher than that of males (females, 0.0457 mm day-1; males, 0.0448 mm day-1). After the maturity (15 to 45 days), these rates decreased similarly for both sexes (females, 0.0203 mm day-1; males, 0.0174mm day-1). The average growth rate was 0.0207mm day-1 over the 45 days. Twelve molts were observed in a period of 60 days. The first five molts occurred up to 14 days old (age of the sexual differentiation), with a mean intermolt period of 2.9 days. From the 6th molt it increased to 5.6 days. The results suggest that the use of the carapace length is a good measure to calculate the growth and longevity of the organisms.


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Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann, 1830) is a cosmopolite blowfly species of medical and veterinary importance because it produces myiasis, mainly in ovine. In order to evaluate the demographic characteristics of this species, survivorship curves for 327 adult males and 323 adult females, from generation F1 maintained under experimental conditions, were obtained. Entropy was utilized as the estimator of the survival pattern to quantify the mortality distribution of individuals as a function of age. The entropy values 0.216 (males) and 0.303 (females) were obtained. These results denote that, considering the survivorship interval until the death of the last individual for each sex, the males present a tendency of mortality in more advanced age intervals, in comparison with the females.


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The composition and the seasonality of the natural populations of Drosophila species in relation to the climatic variables temperature and rainfall were analyzed from September 1998 through October 1999 by monthly collections, in two woodlands in the Northwest of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The diversity dominance component curves were inclined, reflecting low diversity and high dominance of few species. Among the 25 species recorded, Drosophila sturtevanti Duda, 1927 was the most frequent and abundant. On the opposite to data in literature, D. paranaensis Barros, 1950 abundance and frequency were greater than those from D. mercatorum Patterson & Wheeler, 1942. A positive correlation between abundance and rainfall was observed for D. nebulosa Sturtevant, 1916. These data are indicative of changes in the populations structure due to new adaptive strategies arised in response to environmental modifications.


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The taxonomic composition, observed and estimated species richness, and patterns of community structure of arboreal spider assemblages in eleven sites surrounding the "Banhado Grande" wet plain in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are presented. These sites represent three different vegetational types: hillside (four sites), riparian (five sites) and flooded forests (two sites). The spiders were captured by beating on foliage and "aerial litter". A sample was defined as the result of beating on twenty bushes, tree branches or "aerial litter" clusters, which roughly corresponds to one-hour search effort per sample. Fifty five samples (five per site) were obtained, resulting in an observed richness of 212 species present as adult or identifiable juveniles. The total richness for all samples was estimated to be between 250 (Bootstrap) to 354 species (Jackknife 2). Confidence intervals of both sample and individual-based rarefaction curves for each vegetation type clearly indicated that flooded forest is the poorest vegetation type with respect to spider species richness, with hillside and riparian forests having a similar number of species. The percentage complementarity between the eleven sites indicated that all sites contain a distinct set of species, irrespective of their vegetation types. Nevertheless, the spider assemblages in riparian and hillside forests are more similar with respect to each other than when compared to flooded forest. Both cluster and nonmetric multidimensional scaling analyses showed no strong correspondence between the spider arboreal fauna and the three vegetation types. Moreover, a Mantel test revealed no significant association between species composition and geographic distance among sites.


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The taxonomic composition and diversity of assemblages of Ephemeroptera nymphs of four lotic environments in the central region of State of Rio Grande do Sul, a subtropical area in southern Brazil, were evaluated. Samplings were done monthly, with a Surber sampler, from June 2001 to May 2002, in the Jacuí River and three of its tributaries. The total number of nymphs collected in the four sampling sites was 11,007 in five families and 19 genera, of these, 11 are new records for the State. The highest diversity occurred in Point 4 (H'=2.41) and the lowest in Point 2 (H'=1.69). Point 4 had the highest environmental stability, conservation of the riparian vegetation and the lowest anthropic impact, while Point 2 presented a large environmental simplification due to a direct anthropic influence (e.g. domestic sewerage, trampling by cattle). The diversity of nymphs observed in the total area is high, compared to the estimated maximum theoretical diversity; a result of the high evenness and richness recorded. Rarefaction curves, calculated for a sample of 1,018 specimens, showed a similar expectation of richness for the four sampling sites. This result seems to be associated with the overall environmental homogeneity of the region caused by long-term alterations (land use and deforestation). In summary, higher diversity of Ephemeroptera nymph assemblages seems to be associated with habitat complexity, a good vegetation cover and a lower anthropic influence.


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It was made the characterization of marginal sphincter to the species Phymactis clematis (Drayton in Dana, 1849) and Aulactinia marplatensis (Zamponi, 1977), from intertidal ecosystem through their morphogical and functional study. The species P. clematis has a circumscript sphincter of palmate type. This muscle is constituted by a mesogloeal axis and several mesogloeal subaxes. Axis as well as subaxes give a support to the endoderm which border is smooth. Aulactinia marplatensis has a circunscript sphincter pinnate type. The axis has a truncated cone shape while in P. clematis the shape is cylindrical on its origin and it is bifurcated at the end. Both species experiments were carried out using the isolated muscles. They were stimulated at increasing KCl concentrations ranging from 20 to 200 mM. The results were analysed in the form of dose-response curves expressed in tension in grams force vs concentration. Contractil force increases in a sigmoid form to increasing KCl concentrations. The correlation between morphology and function and the differences shown in both species would be related to their intertidal distribution.


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The infusion used as a beverage and known as tea of Paraguay or male (Ilex paraguarensis, St. Hil.) contains vitamin B (aneurin). 2) Aneurin determinations were made on the infusion commonly used (water extract) and on the complete water and alcohol extracts. The presence of aneurin was detected in both extracts. For quantitative study aneurin was adsorbed from the extracts (pH 3.8-4.0) by means of fuller's earth and kaolin. 3) Animal tests with pigeons and mice (curative, preventive and maintenance of body weight) give positive but inconstant results. No exact quantitative values could be obtained with the animal test. 4) Schopfer-Jung test based on the development of the mould « Phycomyces blakesleeanus, Bgf » showed constant results. Regular growth curves were obtained with the adsorbate of kaolin and fuller's earth. 5) The thiochrome fluorescence test introduced by Jansen was applied to the detection of aneurin in the adsorbate and good results were found which check closely with those encountered by the Schopfer-Jung test. 6) The determinations of aneurin by means of the Phycomyces and thiochrome tests gave values varying from 60 to 280 y per 100 gr. 7) Green leaves are more rich in aneurin than dry ones.


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Urinary determinations of riboflavine were done with the methods of Emmerie, Ferrebee and Najjar. Recovery experiments gave better results with the method of Ferrebee and the modification of Najjar. Some details are presented and calibration curves are constructed for the use of the Pulfrich fotometer and the pfalz and Bauer fluorphotometer. In two normal cases it was observed that the excretion of riboflavine is great after 2 to 5hs of the injection of 1mg. of synthetic riboflavine. Normal cases excreted in an adequate diet 12 to 145 microg. of riboflavine per 100cc. of urine and 76 to 1300 microg. per day.


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In the present paper the author reported the results obtained for the chemical caracterization of the pigments of some species of Bryozoa (Polyzoa), living in the bay and the coast near Rio de Janeiro. The pigments (biochromes) of "Bugula neritina", "Schizoporella unicornis", "Steganoporella magnilabris", "Bugula flabellata" and "Trigonospora sp", were extracted and the results showed that carotene was found in all the species, except, "Bugula neritina" and "Bugula flabellata". A new water-soluble pigment was described for "Bugula neritina". Spectrophotometric curves obtained with the Beckman spectrophotometer are reported for the "Bugula" pigment and for the carotenoids. Chromatographic analysis and the treatment with immiscible solvents were performed for all the extracts of the animals considered. A study of the biochromes of other "phyla" will be published in a near future.


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Attempts have been made to characterize two strains of Leishmania that became infective to golden hamsters only after they had been maintained for several years in a chemically defined culture medium. Observations were made on the growth rates of promastigotes in vitro, course of infection in hamsters, morphology of amastigotes, and electrophoretic mobility patterns of eight isoenzymes. Information was obtained about the buoyant densities of n-DNA and k-DNA, and one strain was tested against monoclonal antibodies. The identity of both strains remains obscure.


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The development in C3H mice of thirteen strains of Trypanosoma cruzi belonging to different zymodemes ans schizodemes was studied. Host mortality, virulence, histiotropism, parasitemia and polymorphism of the parasites were recorded. The strains were grouped into: a) high virulence - causing 100% mortality and characterized by predominance of bery broad trypomastigotes in the bloodstream at the end of infection; b) medium virulence - causing no mortality and with a predominance of broad trypomastigotes; c) low virulence - causing no mortality with blood forms not described due to the very low parasitemia. During 18 months maintenance the parasitemia curves were kept constant for all strains except one. A direct correlation between either zymodeme or schizodeme and experimental biological properties of T. cruzi strains was not found. However, the parasitemia was subpatent and patent for strains from zymodeme C and the others respectively. Furthermore the high virulence seems to be related to one of two shizodemes found within zymodeme B strains. All strains presenting patent parasitemia independent of shizodeme and ymodeme showed a myotropism towards heart and skeletal muscle with varible inflammatory intensity. The present study confirmed the heterogeneity found by isoenzyme and K-DNA patterns among the strains of T. cruzi isolated from chagasic patients in Bambuí, Minas Gerais State, Brasil.


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Fecal egg count scores were used to investigate the distribution and abundance of intestinal helminths in the population of a rural village. Prevalences of the major helminths were 41% with Ascaris lumbricoides 60% with Trichuris trichiura and 50% with Necator americanus. All three parasites showed a highly aggregated distribution among hosts. Age/prevalence and age/intensity profiles were typical for both A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura with the highest worm burdens in the 50-10 year old children. For hookworm both prevalence and intensity curves were convex in shape with maximum infection levels in the 30-40 year old age class. Infected females had higher burdens of T. trichiura than infected males in all age classes of the population; there were no other effects of host gender. Analysis of associations between parasites within hosts revealed strong correlations between A. lumbricoides and T. lumbricoides and T. trichiura. Individuals with heavy infections of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura showed highly significant aggregation within households. Associations between a variety of household features and heavy infections with A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura are described.


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Weaning Swiss mice were percutaneously infected with 30 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and submitted to a shifting either from a deficient to a balanced diet or vice-versa, for 24 weeks. The nutritional status was weekly evaluated by measurements of growth curves and food intake. Hepatic fibrosis and periovular granulomas were studied by histological, morphometric and biochemical methods. All mice fed on a deficient diet failed to develop periportal "pipestem" fibrosis after chronic infection. An unexpected finding was the absence of pipestem fibrosis in mice on normal diet, probably related to the sample size. The lower values for nutritional parameters were mainly due to the deficient diet, rather than to infection. Liver/body weight ratio was higher in "early undernutrition" group, after shifting to the balanced diet. Volume density and numerical density of egg granulomas reached lowest values in undernourished animals. The amount of collagen was reduced in undernourished mice, attaining higher concentrations in well-fed controls and in "late undernutrition" (balanced diet shifted to a deficient one), where collagen deposition appeared increased in granulomas. That finding suggested interference with collagen degradation and resorption in "late" undernourished animals. Thus, host nutritional status plays a role in connective tissue changes of hepatic schistosomiasis in mice.


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Physiological parameters of laboratory animals used for biomedical research is crucial for following several experimental procedures. With the intent to establish baseline biologic parameters for non-human primates held in closed colonies, hematological and morphometric data of captive monkeys were determined. Data of clinically healthy rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were collected over a period of five years. Animals were separated according to sex and divided into five age groups. Hematological data were compared with those in the literature by Student's t test. Discrepancies with significance levels of 0.1, 1 or 5% were found in the hematological studies. Growth curves showed that the sexual dimorphism of rhesus monkeys appeared at an age of four years. In earlier ages, the differences between sexes could not be distinguished (p < 0.05). Sexual dimorphism in both squirrel monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys occurred at an age of about 32 months. Data presented in this paper could be useful for comparative studies using primates under similar conditions.


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Abdominal angiostrongyliasis (AA) is a zoonotic nematode infection caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis, with widespread occurrence in the Americas. Although the human infection may be highly prevalent, morbidity is low in Southern Brazil. Confirmed diagnosis is based on finding parasitic structures in pathological examination of biopsies or surgical resections. Serology stands as an important diagnostic tool in the less severe courses of the infection. Our objective is to describe the follow up of humoral reactivity every 2-4 weeks up to one year, in six individuals with confirmed (C) and ten suspected (S) AA. Antibody (IgG) detection was performed by ELISA and resulted in gradually declining curves of reactivity in nine subjects (56%) (4C + 5S), that were consistently negative in only three of them (2C + 1S) after 221, 121 and 298 days. Three individuals (2C + 1S) presented with low persistent reacitivity, other two (1C + 1S) were serologically negative from the beginning, but also presenting a declining tendency. The study shows indications that abdominal angiostrongyliasis is usually not a persistent infection: although serological negativation may take many months, IgG reactivity is usually declining along time and serum samples pairing may add valuable information to the diagnostic workout.