89 resultados para Gomez Ortega, José.
A new species of a very small land snail (Endodontidae) occurring in São José de Itaboraí limestone basin, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is described in honour of zoologist Hugo de Souza Lopes. Austrodiscus Parodiz, 1957 is registered in the paleontological records, for the first time.
The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) was used to examine sera of 104 children and adults in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria for anti-toxocaral antibodies, out of which 31 (29.8%) were reactive. The seropositive rates were 30.4% for adults, 29.6% for children, 34% for females and 25.9% for males. However, the differences were not significant by age and sex. A highly significant association (p < 0.001) was observed between seropositivity and geophagia but none between seropositivity and dog ownership (p > 0.05).
From August 1997 to August 1998, 334 specimens of Triatoma longipennis and 62 of T. picturata were collected in four groups of localities placed in the zone from Guadalajara, Jalisco to Tepic, Nayarit, in the West Coast of Mexico. Most T. longipennis were collected outdoors (69.2%) while most T. picturata (58.1%) were collected indoors. All collected specimens were examined for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, which was detected on 98 (29.3%) T. longipennis and 17 (27.4%) T. picturata. This study confirms the role of T. longipennis and T. picturata as some of the main T. cruzi vectors to humans in Mexico. Habitation Infestation Rate with T. longipennis was of 0.09 and with T. picturata was of 0.03 and the predominating ecotopes were pile of blocks, chicken coops, pigsties, wall crawls and beds.
Information is very scarce on the prevalence of hepatitis-B virus (HBV) infection among blood donors and patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Nigeria. Hepatitis-B surface antigen (HBsAg) ELISA was used to determined the prevalence of HBsAg among 175 blood donors (aged 20-40 years) and 490 HIV-infected patients (aged 17-60 years) in Jos, Nigeria. Twenty-five (14.3%) of the blood donors and 127 (25.9%) of the HIV-infected individuals were HBsAg seropositive, indicating a higher HBV infection among HIV-infected persons than among healthy blood donors. A slightly higher HBsAg seroprevalence was recorded in the males (14.6%) than females (12.9%) of the blood donors. Among the HIV-infected patients, the males had considerably higher HBsAg seroprevalence than the females (31.8 vs 22.1%) with the highest prevalence of HBsAg occurring in the 51-60 years age group (44%), followed by those of 31-40 years (28.2%). Results confirmed the high endemicity of HBV infection in Jos, Nigeria and the significantly greater prevalence of HBV infection among HIV -infected patients than among blood donors.
A Neospora caninum 17 kDa protein fraction (p17) has been described as an immunodominant antigen (IDA) under reducing and non-reducing conditions. The aim of the present study was to investigate the diagnostic utility of p17 in cattle. In order to achieve this, p17 was purified by electroelution from whole N. caninum tachyzoite soluble extract and a p17-based Western blot (WB-p17) was developed. The p17 recognition was measured by densitometry and expressed as OD values to check the validity of the WB-p17. A total of 131 sera including sequential samples from naturally- and experimentally-infected calves and breeding cattle were analysed by WB-p17 and compared with IFAT using whole formalin-fixed tachyzoites as a reference test. The results obtained highlight the feasibility of using the N. caninum p17 in a diagnostic test in cattle. Firstly, the assay based on the p-17 antigen discriminated between known positive and negative sera from different cattle populations, breeding cattle and calves. Secondly, the p17 antigen detected fluctuations in the antibody levels and seroconversion in naturally- and experimentally-infected cattle. Significant differences in p-17 antigen recognition were observed between naturally infected aborting and non-aborting cattle, as well as significant antibody fluctuations over time in experimentally infected cattle, which varied between groups. Furthermore, the results obtained with WB-p17 are in accordance with the results obtained with the IFAT, as high agreement values were obtained when all bovine subpopulations were included (kappa = 0.86).
Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, represents an endemic among Latin America countries. The participation of free radicals, especially nitric oxide (NO), has been demonstrated in the pathophysiology of seropositive individuals with T. cruzi. In Chagas disease, increased NO contributes to the development of cardiomyopathy and megacolon. Metallothioneins (MTs) are efficient free radicals scavengers of NO in vitro and in vivo. Here, we developed a murine model of the chronic phase of Chagas disease using endemic T. cruzi RyCH1 in BALB/c mice, which were divided into four groups: infected non-treated (Inf), infected N-monomethyl-L-arginine treated (Inf L-NAME), non-infected L-NAME treated and non-infected vehicle-treated. We determined blood parasitaemia and NO levels, the extent of parasite nests in tissues and liver MT-I expression levels. It was observed that NO levels were increasing in Inf mice in a time-dependent manner. Inf L-NAME mice had fewer T. cruzi nests in cardiac and skeletal muscle with decreased blood NO levels at day 135 post infection. This affect was negatively correlated with an increase of MT-I expression (r = -0.8462, p < 0.0001). In conclusion, we determined that in Chagas disease, an unknown inhibitory mechanism reduces MT-I expression, allowing augmented NO levels.
The characteristics of tuberculosis (TB) patients related to a chain of recent TB transmissions were investigated. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) isolates (120) were genotyped using the restriction fragment length polymorphism-IS6110 (R), spacer oligotyping (S) and mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable number of tandem repeats (M) methods. The MTB isolates were clustered and the clusters were grouped according to the similarities of their genotypes. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between the groups of MTB isolates with similar genotypes and those patient characteristics indicating a risk for a pulmonary TB (PTB) chain transmission were ana- lysed. The isolates showing similar genotypes were distributed as follows: SMR (5%), SM (12.5%), SR (1.67%), MR (0%), S (46.67%), M (5%) and R (0%). The remaining 35 cases were orphans. SMR exhibited a significant correlation (p < 0.05) with visits to clinics, municipalities and comorbidities (primarily diabetes mellitus). S correlated with drug consumption and M with comorbidities. SMR is needed to identify a social network in metropolitan areas for PTB transmission and S and M are able to detect risk factors as secondary components of a transmission chain of TB.
Comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) em ecossistema de dunas na Praia de Panaquatira, São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brasil. Foi analisada a estrutura da comunidade de Apoidea de uma área restrita de dunas primárias em São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brasil. Amostragens foram realizadas quinzenalmente durante um ano com metodologia padronizada totalizando 24 coletas. As coletas ocorreram no período das 12:00 às 18:00 h no primeiro dia e das 6:00 às 12:00 h no segundo, realizadas por dois coletores. Um total de 3305 indivíduos de 31 espécies pertencentes a quatro famílias (Apidae>Halictidae>Megachilidae>Andrenidae em número de indivíduos) foram coletadas nas flores. Centris com 14 espécies e 890 indivíduos foi o gênero mais rico e abundante. O padrão de abundância e riqueza foi bastante semelhante ao de outros habitats de dunas no nordeste brasileiro. Das espécies amostradas, 61% foram representadas por menos de 36 indivíduos e apenas 5 espécies foram muito abundantes com mais de 177 indivíduos: Apis mellifera Linnaeus, Centris (Centris) leprieuri Spinola, Eulaema (Apeulema) nigrita Lepeletier, Eufriesea surinamensis Linnaeus e Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) cearensis Ducke. As abelhas estiveram presentes durante todo o ano, apresentando picos de abundância no período de maior precipitação. A atividade diária foi maior entre 06:00 e 11:00 h, quando a temperatura aumentava e a umidade relativa decrescia.
Observations on the biology and distribution of Uresiphita reversalis (Lepidoptera, Crambidae), a defoliator of the native tree Calia secundiflora in México. Uresiphita reversalis (Guenée, 1854) feeding on Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev is recorded for the first time in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. New aspects regarding the life cycle, feeding behaviour, geographical distribution and host plant damage by U. reversalis on C. secundiflora are here presented and discussed.
Solos do topo da Serra São José (Minas Gerais) e suas relações com o paleoclima no Sudeste do Brasil
A diversidade de ecossistemas do sudeste do Brasil nem sempre pode ser relacionada com fatores edáficos, geomorfológicos ou hidrológicos. Topos de elevações, onde os solos são caracterizados pela unicidade de material de origem, podem constituir ambiente especial para estudos de gênese de solos e datações de eventos cíclicos relacionados com a dinâmica do clima regional. Depois de um levantamento detalhado de solos no topo da Serra São José (Prados - Minas Gerais), dois perfis de solo (P1 e P2), originados de metarenitos da Formação Tiradentes e caracterizados por deposições sucessivas de camadas arenosas alternadas com camadas arenosas enriquecidas com matéria orgânica, foram estudados, com intuito de encontrar testemunhos de paleoambientes. O pequeno platô localiza-se a 1.350 m acima do nível de mar e 350 m acima do nível topográfico regional dominante. No P1, foram identificadas trinta e três camadas enriquecidas com matéria orgânica, alternadas com camadas de areia. Três camadas no P1 (20-30, 70-80 e 100-110 cm), com conteúdo de C orgânico respectivamente de 0.5, 7 e 1 dag kg-1, apresentam idades radiocarbônicas < 40, 180 ± 60 e 350 ± 80 anos AP, respectivamente, e taxas de deposição de 0,177 cm ano-1 entre 110 e 70 cm e de 0,357 cm ano-1 entre 70 e 20 cm de profundidade. No P2, as camadas enriquecidas com matéria orgânica são mais espessas (entre 10 e 130 mm) e apresentam descontinuidades abruptas. Situam-se entre 20-30, 80-90, 110-120 e 170-180 cm de profundidade, têm um conteúdo de C orgânico de 3, 2.5, 21 e 1.5 dag kg-1 e idade radiocarbônica de 3580 ± 80, 3750 ± 80, 21210 ± 180 e 24060 ± 130 anos AP, respectivamente. Suas taxas de deposição são de 0,352 cm ano-1, entre 20 e 80 cm; de 0,002 cm ano-1, entre 80 e 110 cm, e de 0,021 cm ano-1, entre 110 e 170 cm de profundidade. Nos dois perfis, a relação C/N aumenta com a profundidade e com a idade das camadas. Os teores de Ti e Zr, elementos de baixa mobilidade, são mais elevados nas camadas mais antigas dos perfis, enquanto o Cu e o Pb concentram-se nas camadas mais ricas em matéria orgânica. Um fragmento de planta de 5 cm de diâmetro e 62 cm de comprimento, situado na base de P2, foi datado de 32220 ± 290 anos AP e relacionado com o início da gênese deste perfil. Os solos do topo da Serra São José são formados a partir de metarenitos da Formação Tiradentes, sem aporte de materiais de outra litologia. A água pluvial é o principal fator que adiciona energia a este ambiente, relacionando os atributos dos solos com o clima. P1 é um solo holocênico (Neossolo Flúvico Psamítico típico), formado a partir de deposições episódicas de areia, alternadas com material enriquecido com matéria orgânica. A formação de P2 (Paleossolo) iniciou-se no Pleistoceno, prolongou-se até o Holoceno e a morfologia de suas camadas enterradas de turfa relaciona-se com a oscilação do espelho d'água de uma lagoa, decorrente de fases mais secas e mais úmidas do clima. As idades radiocarbônicas encontradas estão relacionadas com alternâncias climáticas pleistocênicas e holocênicas em P2 e holocênicas em P1. O perfil P2 está situado em um local propício para realização de estudos palinológicos, com intuito de identificar ecótipos que ocuparam a área a partir do Pleistoceno tardio, relacionando-os com os paleoclimas.