86 resultados para Gislotica Mechanical Solutions
The 'Niagara Rosada' grape is the main Brazilian table grape belonging to the Labrusca family. It develops medium, cylindrical and compact bunches with berries presenting a pinkish skin and a foxy flavor that is valued in the Brazilian market. These berries are tender and have a pedicel-berry connection provided by the vascular bundles and surrounding skin. This cultivar is very susceptible to berry drop mainly caused by vibration and senescence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal mechanical behavior of the pedicel-berry detachment, using resistance indexes extracted from traction force-deformation curves. Test results showed two different detachment types. In the first one, which exhibited higher average resistance, a considerable portion of the vascular bundle came out attached to the pedicel and in the second type; the vascular bundle was retained inside the berry. The proposed indexes based on maximum detachment force, force at 0.2; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.2 mm, and maximum force to corresponding deformation ratio did not discriminate the senescence of the berry.
The mechanical harvesting is an important stage in the production process of soybeans and, in this process; the loss of a significant number of grains is common. Despite the existence of mechanisms to monitor these losses, it is still essential to use sampling methods to quantify them. Assuming that the size of the sample area affects the reliability and variability between samples in quantifying losses, this paper aimed to analyze the variability and feasibility of using different sizes of sample area (1, 2 and 3 m²) in quantifying losses in the mechanical harvesting of soybeans. Were sampled 36 sites and the cutting losses, losses by other mechanisms of the combine and total losses were evaluated, as well as the water content in seeds, straw distribution and crop productivity. Data were subjected to statistical analysis (descriptive statistics and analysis of variance) and Statistical Control Process (SCP). The coefficients of variation were similar for the three frames available. Combine losses showed stable behavior, whereas cutting losses and total losses showed unstable behavior. The frame size did not affect the quantification and variability of losses in the mechanical harvesting of soybeans, thus a frame of 1 m² can be used for determining losses.
In castor oil extraction process, the bean coat is abrasive to the equipment and releases substances that modify the oil color, reducing its quality. A potential solution would be to run the extraction by compressing only the endosperm. Due to lack of information, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of forced air drying at 40, 60, 80 and 100 ºC and farmyard drying, in the mechanical properties of the beans, aiming to break the bean coat. Castor beans were subjected to compression tests, in two perpendicular directions, at a strain rate of 0.6 mm.s-1. Average values of force, deformation energy, strain, all at rupture, and stiffness were used to evaluate the effects of dehydration. It was observed that the heat treatments did not alter the mechanical properties of castor beans, the strain and stiffness values discriminate the differences between the directions and had the lowest coefficients of variation. It was concluded that forced air drying, more costly than farmyard drying, does not bring benefits to the decortication. However, regardless the heat treatment used, the mechanical stress lengthwise is the most suitable to promote decortication.
Since the advent of mechanized farming and intensive use of agricultural machinery and implements on the properties, the soil began to receive greater load of machinery traffic, which can cause increased soil compaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil mechanical resistance to penetration (RP) in the layers of 0.00-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.40m, using geostatistics in an area cultivated with mango in Haplic Vertisol of the northeastern semi-arid, with mobile unit equipped with electronic penetrometer. The RP data was collected in 56 points from an area of 3 ha, and random soil samples were collected to determine the soil moisture and texture. For RP data analysis we used descriptive statistics and geostatistics. The soil mechanical resistance to penetration presented increased variability, with adjustment of the spherical and exponential semivariograms in the layers. We found that 42% of the area in the layer of 0.10-0.20m showed RP values above 2.70 MPa. Maximum values of RP were found in the layer of 0.19-0.27m, predominantly in 56% of the area.
Brazil is the world’s largest orange producer; however, part of this production is lost during postharvest. This loss can be minimized by controlling incidence of physical damage throughout the harvest and loading operations. Impacts can negatively modify quantitative and qualitative fruits aspects. The main goal of this study was to measure the impact magnitude in two types of harvest (manual and detachment) and during all steps from picking into bags until loading for transport to the processing industry and additionally evaluating, in laboratory, the physico-chemical quality of the fruit subjected to various impacts, similar to those found in the field. In order to evaluate the impact magnitude, an instrumented sphere was used (760 mm, Techmark, Inc, USA). The following physico-chemical parameters were evaluated during 6-days of storage: weight loss, soluble solids contents, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid content, pH, firmness and peel color. The greatest impacts were observed during harvest, during the detachment practice, and when loading and unloading from bulk storage, with average acceleration values between 249.5 and 531.52G. The impact incidence in oranges were responsible for reducing the soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid and weight by to 5.5%; 8.7%; 4.6% and 0.5%, respectively, compared to the control. Impacts during harvest and the various pre-industry manipulation steps must be controlled as they interfere in postharvest quality and physiology of ‘Valência’ oranges.
ABSTRACTPeanut crop (Arachis hypogaeaL.) mechanization has been improved over the years; however there are drawbacks that affect the quality of operations. Thus, this article’s objectives were to evaluate the operational performance of the mechanized sowing of peanut crop according to seeding densities (10, 14, and 18 seeds m-1) and seed sizes (21 and 23 mm). It was observed that the seeds of 23 mm had shorter average number of days to emergence and a higher percentage of emergences, occurring the opposite to the seeding density of 18 seeds m-1. The higher the seeding density, the largest was the plant stand, whereas the 23 mm seed obtained the best results and the same with the seeding density of 14 seeds m-1 that had a higher percentage of normal spacing. The densities of 14 and 18 seeds m-1 reflected in higher yields, being always superior to the 23 mm seeds.
ABSTRACT Statistical process control in mechanized farming is a new way to assess operation quality. In this sense, we aimed to compare three statistical process control tools applied to losses in sugarcane mechanical harvesting to determine the best control chart template for this quality indicator. Losses were daily monitored in farms located within Triângulo Mineiro region, in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. They were carried over a period of 70 days in the 2014 harvest. At the end of the evaluation period, 194 samples were collected in total for each type of loss. The control charts used were individual values chart, moving average and exponentially weighted moving average. The quality indicators assessed during sugarcane harvest were the following loss types: full grinding wheel, stumps, fixed piece, whole cane, chips, loose piece and total losses. The control chart of individual values is the best option for monitoring losses in sugarcane mechanical harvesting, as it is of easier result interpretation, in comparison to the others.
This work presents a geometric nonlinear dynamic analysis of plates and shells using eight-node hexahedral isoparametric elements. The main features of the present formulation are: (a) the element matrices are obtained using reduced integrations with hourglass control; (b) an explicit Taylor-Galerkin scheme is used to carry out the dynamic analysis, solving the corresponding equations of motion in terms of velocity components; (c) the Truesdell stress rate tensor is used; (d) the vector processor facilities existing in modern supercomputers were used. The results obtained are comparable with previous solutions in terms of accuracy and computational performance.
The present paper describes an integrated micro/macro mechanical study of the elastic-viscoplastic behavior of unidirectional metal matrix composites (MMC). The micromechanical analysis of the elastic moduli is based on the Composites Cylinder Assemblage model (CCA) with comparisons also draw with a Representative Unit Cell (RUC) technique. These "homogenization" techniques are later incorporated into the Vanishing Fiber Diameter (VFD) model and a new formulation is proposed. The concept of a smeared element procedure is employed in conjunction with two different versions of the Bodner and Partom elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model for the associated macroscopic analysis. The formulations developed are also compared against experimental and analytical results available in the literature.
Multiple scales analysis of nonlinear oscillations of a portal frame foundation for several machines
An analytical study of the nonlinear vibrations of a multiple machines portal frame foundation is presented. Two unbalanced rotating machines are considered, none of them resonant with the lower natural frequencies of the supporting structure. Their combined frequencies is set in such a way as to excite, due to nonlinear behavior of the frame, either the first anti-symmetrical mode (sway) or the first symmetrical mode. The physical and geometrical characteristics of the frame are chosen to tune the natural frequencies of these two modes into a 1:2 internal resonance. The problem is reduced to a two degrees of freedom model and its nonlinear equations of motions are derived via a Lagrangian approach. Asymptotic perturbation solutions of these equations are obtained via the Multiple Scales Method.
By coupling the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) an algorithm that combines the advantages of both numerical processes is developed. The main aim of the work concerns the time domain analysis of general three-dimensional wave propagation problems in elastic media. In addition, mathematical and numerical aspects of the related BE-, FE- and BE/FE-formulations are discussed. The coupling algorithm allows investigations of elastodynamic problems with a BE- and a FE-subdomain. In order to observe the performance of the coupling algorithm two problems are solved and their results compared to other numerical solutions.
A non isotropic turbulence model is extended and applied to three dimensional stably stratified flows and dispersion calculations. The model is derived from the algebraic stress model (including wall proximity effects), but it retains the simplicity of the "eddy viscosity" concept of first order models. The "modified k-epsilon" is implemented in a three dimensional numerical code. Once the flow is resolved, the predicted velocity and turbulence fields are interpolated into a second grid and used to solve the concentration equation. To evaluate the model, various steady state numerical solutions are compared with small scale dispersion experiments which were conducted at the wind tunnel of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, in Japan. Stably stratified flows and plume dispersion over three distinct idealized complex topographies (flat and hilly terrain) are studied. Vertical profiles of velocity and pollutant concentration are shown and discussed. Also, comparisons are made against the results obtained with the standard k-epsilon model.
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Carbon (CFRC) Composites are increasing their applications due to their high strength and Youngs Modulus at high temperatures in inert atmosphere. Although much work has been done on processing and structure and properties relationship, few studies have addressed the modelling of mechanical properties. This work is divided in two parts. In the first part, a modelling of mechanical properties was carried out for two bi-directional composites using a model based on the Bernoulli-Euler theory for symmetric laminated beams. In the second part, acoustic emission (AE) was used as an auxiliary technique for monitoring the failure process of the composites. Differences in fracture behaviour are reflected in patterns of AE.
It is well known that the numerical solutions of incompressible viscous flows are of great importance in Fluid Dynamics. The graphics output capabilities of their computational codes have revolutionized the communication of ideas to the non-specialist public. In general those codes include, in their hydrodynamic features, the visualization of flow streamlines - essentially a form of contour plot showing the line patterns of the flow - and the magnitudes and orientations of their velocity vectors. However, the standard finite element formulation to compute streamlines suffers from the disadvantage of requiring the determination of boundary integrals, leading to cumbersome implementations at the construction of the finite element code. In this article, we introduce an efficient way - via an alternative variational formulation - to determine the streamlines for fluid flows, which does not need the computation of contour integrals. In order to illustrate the good performance of the alternative formulation proposed, we capture the streamlines of three viscous models: Stokes, Navier-Stokes and Viscoelastic flows.
This paper examines two passive techniques for vibration reduction in mechanical systems: the first one is based on dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) and the second uses resonant circuit shunted (RCS) piezoceramics. Genetic algorithms are used to determine the optimal design parameters with respect to performance indexes, which are associated with the dynamical behavior of the system over selected frequency bands. The calculation of the frequency response functions (FRFs) of the composite structure (primary system + DVAs) is performed through a substructure coupling technique. A modal technique is used to determine the frequency response function of the structure containing shunted piezoceramics which are bonded to the primary structure. The use of both techniques simultaneously on the same structure is investigated. The methodology developed is illustrated by numerical applications in which the primary structure is represented by simple Euler-Bernoulli beams. However, the design aspects of vibration control devices presented in this paper can be extended to more complex structures.