79 resultados para GIS-järjestelmät


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OBJETIVO: Descrever as principais características de imagem do linfoma não-Hodgkin apresentando-se como massa hepática única. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizamos estudo retrospectivo mediante análise de casos de pacientes com massa hepática única aos exames de ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, com diagnóstico histológico de linfoma não-Hodgkin. Esses exames foram analisados por dois examinadores em consenso. RESULTADOS: Identificamos três pacientes, todos do sexo masculino, na quinta década de vida, com quadro clínico inespecífico e que apresentavam massa hepática única e com diagnóstico de linfoma não-Hodgkin. Na ultrassonografia a lesão hepática apresentava-se como massa com aspecto "em alvo" nos três casos estudados. Na tomografia computadorizada observou-se massa hipodensa e heterogênea, com realce anelar em todos os casos. Na ressonância magnética as lesões apresentavam-se heterogêneas, hipointensas em T1 e hiperintensas em T2, e também com realce anelar após a injeção do contraste. Nenhum paciente apresentava linfonodomegalia ou comprometimento de outras vísceras sólidas no momento do diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: Na presença de massa hepática solitária e com aspecto "em alvo" deve-se considerar, entre as hipóteses, o diagnóstico de linfoma.


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A doença de Caroli é uma má-formação congênita rara caracterizada por dilatações multifocais dos ductos biliares intra-hepáticos que predispõem a colestase e episódios recorrentes de colangite. Descrevemos o caso de um paciente jovem diagnosticado com doença de Caroli, por meio da colangiorressonância, que complicou com abscesso hepático e foi submetido a drenagem cirúrgica.


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This study used chemometric tools and a Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine the influence of organic matter and anthropogenic activity on the distribution of metal species between two major communities of the Middle Negro River Basin-AM. Higher concentrations of metal species were determined in flooded regions. The chemometric analysis showed the affinity of organic matter for potentially toxic metals, indicating its selectivity. GIS spatial analysis has shown that proximity to urban areas is a variable that is likely to influence the pattern of concentration of organic matter, and consequently the distribution of metal species between flooded and non-flooded areas.


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Híbridos siloxano-PMMA apresentando ligações covalentes entre as fases orgânica e inorgânica foram preparados a partir do processo sol-gel. O efeito da fração em massa de fase siloxano no mecanismo de secagem dos géis a 50ºC foi estudado através de medidas de perda de massa e retração linear. Pode-se distinguir os três períodos clássicos de secagem já observados em géis inorgânicos. A duração do primeiro período (estágio de velocidade constante) aumenta com o teor de polímero, o que pode ser explicado pelo menor tamanho dos poros presentes nos géis contendo concentrações elevadas de PMMA. Com o aumento da concentração da fase siloxano observou-se o aumento da perda de massa total e da retração linear final do material após o terceiro período de secagem. Este comportamento deve-se ao aumento do teor de água livre resultante da policondensação das espécies siliciosas nestes sistemas, o que leva a uma maior plasticidade do material. O volume poroso do material aumenta com o teor de fase siloxano, o que é consistente com a perda de massa observada durante a secagem.


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Trinta e quatro isolados de Lasiodiplodia theobromae coletados de diferentes órgãos de mangueira, em duas épocas sazonais diferentes, em distintas regiões geográficas, foram avaliados quanto à patogenicidade, agressividade e produção de enzimas em substratos sólidos específicos e em sistemas de géis de poliacrilamida. Independente do órgão do qual foram isolados, todos foram patogênicos quando inoculados em manga, diferindo no grau de agressividade, sendo separados em três grupos: altamente, medianamente e fracamente agressivos. As atividades amilolítica, celulolítica, lipolítica e proteolítica foram estimadas por meio da difusão enzimática em meio sólido específico e mensuração do halo de degradação do substrato. As atividades das enzimas á-esterase, â-esterase, leucina-aminopeptidase, fosfatase ácida e proteínas totais foram analisadas em géis de poliacrilamida com meios de revelação específicos para cada análise. Os padrões eletroforéticos bem como as análises das enzimas extracelulares apresentaram polimorfismo, demonstrando a diversidade na base genética dos isolados, independente da época de coleta, região geográfica e órgão de isolamento.


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As sementes de Euterpe espiritosantensis são recalcitrantes, pois apresentam redução da germinação com a desidratação e curta longevidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar sistemas enzimáticos eficientes no monitoramento da deterioração e perda da capacidade germinativa de sementes de palmiteiro-vermelho. As sementes foram colocadas para secar por 0, 20 e 40 h (teor de água de 46, 40 e 36%, respectivamente) e armazenadas a 15 ºC em sacos plásticos fechados durante 54 semanas. Em intervalos de tempo de seis semanas, a qualidade das sementes foi avaliada quanto à germinação e atividade das enzimas glucose-6-fosfato desidrogenase, glutamato desidrogenase, fosfoglucomutase, fosfoglucose isomerase e peroxidase utilizando eletroforese em géis de poliacrilamida. A enzima peroxidase foi a única eficiente no monitoramento da deterioração e perda da capacidade germinativa de sementes de palmiteiro-vermelho.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a biometria de frutos e sementes, a embebição e germinação de duas populações de Erythrina velutina coletadas na região semiárida do Estado de Pernambuco, nas áreas de caatinga (Alagoinha) e no brejo de altitude (Poção). Os frutos e as sementes foram avaliados quanto ao comprimento, largura, espessura (cm) e peso (g). Com relação às sementes, foram analisados o número por fruto, o volume (cm³) e a embebição, bem como a germinação com e sem escarificação mecânica, na presença constante de luz a 25 ºC. Os frutos e sementes do brejo apresentaram os valores assim discriminados: 9,65 x 1,57 x 1,22 cm, 1,43 g e 1,34 x 0,92 x 0,78 cm, 0,46 g; e na caatinga: 6,85 x 1,19 x 1,03 cm, 0,21 g e 1,06 x 0,63 x 0,63 cm e 0,26 g. O número de sementes e o volume no brejo e caatinga foram de 2,33 e 1,38 cm³ e 1,40 e 0,23 cm³, respectivamente. Todas as sementes escarificadas apresentaram maiores valores de embebição e porcentagem de germinação. Quanto à velocidade de germinação, foi maior na caatinga. Esses resultados indicam que as condições ambientais do brejo de altitude favorecem o desenvolvimento dos frutos e das sementes.


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This paper aims to assess the effectiveness of ASTER imagery to support the mapping of Pittosporum undulatum, an invasive woody species, in Pico da Vara Natural Reserve (S. Miguel Island, Archipelago of the Azores, Portugal). This assessment was done by applying K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Maximum Likelihood (MLC) pixel-based supervised classifications to 4 different geographic and remote sensing datasets constituted by the Visible, Near-Infrared (VNIR) and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) of the ASTER sensor and by digital cartography associated to orography (altitude and "distance to water streams") of which the spatial distribution of Pittosporum undulatum directly depends. Overall, most performed classifications showed a strong agreement and high accuracy. At targeted species level, the two higher classification accuracies were obtained when applying MLC and KNN to the VNIR bands coupled with auxiliary geographic information use. Results improved significantly by including ecology and occurrence information of species (altitude and distance to water streams) in the classification scheme. These results show that the use of ASTER sensor VNIR spectral bands, when coupled to relevant ancillary GIS data, can constitute an effective and low cost approach for the evaluation and continuous assessment of Pittosporum undulatum woodland propagation and distribution within Protected Areas of the Azores Islands.


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ABSTRACT Geographic Information System (GIS) is an indispensable software tool in forest planning. In forestry transportation, GIS can manage the data on the road network and solve some problems in transportation, such as route planning. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the pattern of the road network and define transport routes using GIS technology. The present research was conducted in a forestry company in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The criteria used to classify the pattern of forest roads were horizontal and vertical geometry, and pavement type. In order to determine transport routes, a data Analysis Model Network was created in ArcGIS using an Extension Network Analyst, allowing finding a route shorter in distance and faster. The results showed a predominance of horizontal geometry classes average (3) and bad (4), indicating presence of winding roads. In the case of vertical geometry criterion, the class of highly mountainous relief (4) possessed the greatest extent of roads. Regarding the type of pavement, the occurrence of secondary coating was higher (75%), followed by primary coating (20%) and asphalt pavement (5%). The best route was the one that allowed the transport vehicle travel in a higher specific speed as a function of road pattern found in the study.


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Parameters such as tolerance, scale and agility utilized in data sampling for using in Precision Agriculture required an expressive number of researches and development of techniques and instruments for automation. It is highlighted the employment of methodologies in remote sensing used in coupled to a Geographic Information System (GIS), adapted or developed for agricultural use. Aiming this, the application of Agricultural Mobile Robots is a strong tendency, mainly in the European Union, the USA and Japan. In Brazil, researches are necessary for the development of robotics platforms, serving as a basis for semi-autonomous and autonomous navigation systems. The aim of this work is to describe the project of an experimental platform for data acquisition in field for the study of the spatial variability and development of agricultural robotics technologies to operate in agricultural environments. The proposal is based on a systematization of scientific work to choose the design parameters utilized for the construction of the model. The kinematic study of the mechanical structure was made by the virtual prototyping process, based on modeling and simulating of the tension applied in frame, using the.


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Medium-resolution satellite images have been widely used for the identification and quantification of irrigated areas by center pivot. These areas, which present predominantly circular forms, can be easily identified by visual analyses of these images. In addition to identifying and quantifying areas irrigated by center pivot, other information that is associated to these areas is fundamental for producing cadastral maps. The goal of this work was to generate cadastral mapping of areas irrigated by center pivots in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with the purpose of supplying information on irrigated agriculture. Using the satellite CBERS2B/CCD, images were used to identify and quantify irrigated areas and then associate these areas with a database containing information about: irrigated area, perimeter, municipality, path row, basin in which the pivot is located, and the date of image acquisition.3,781 center pivots systems were identified. The smallest area irrigated was 4.6 hectares and the largest one was 192.6 hectares. The total estimated value of irrigated area was 254,875 hectares. The largest number of center pivots appeared in the municipalities of Unaí and Paracatu, with 495 and 459 systems, respectively. Cadastral mapping is a very useful tool to assist and enhance information on irrigated agriculture in the State of Minas Gerais.


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With the intense debate, in Brazil, between landowners and public agencies about the amount of area with forest cover needed in different regions, there is an increase of the need for provision of technical data used as a basis for decision making. One of the criteria to evaluate the effect of forest cover in protecting water resources is the soil loss, which leads to several consequences on the environment, including the silting of the rivers. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the reduction in the soil loss in micro watersheds with different reliefs, size and location of forest cover, in the Corumbataí River watershed, in the state of São Paulo, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in a GIS environment. For this study, 18 watersheds in three degrees of slope were selected, and 20 scenarios for land-use were established, by analyzing the influence of the PPA size, and the size and the location of the Legal Reserve. The results showed that: a) the effect of forest cover in reducing annual soil loss varies depending on the average slope of the watershed; b) the PPA width must be determined taking into account the slope of the watershed; c) the Legal Reserve must be located along the PPA. These provide better results in reducing annual soil loss.


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The aim of this study was to compare the hydrographically conditioned digital elevation models (HCDEMs) generated from data of VNIR (Visible Near Infrared) sensor of ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer), of SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) and topographical maps from IBGE in a scale of 1:50,000, processed in the Geographical Information System (GIS), aiming the morphometric characterization of watersheds. It was taken as basis the Sub-basin of São Bartolomeu River, obtaining morphometric characteristics from HCDEMs. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and cross validation were the statistics indexes used to evaluate the quality of HCDEMs. The percentage differences in the morphometric parameters obtained from these three different data sets were less than 10%, except for the mean slope (21%). In general, it was observed a good agreement between HCDEMs generated from remote sensing data and IBGE maps. The result of HCDEM ASTER was slightly higher than that from HCDEM SRTM. The HCDEM ASTER was more accurate than the HCDEM SRTM in basins with high altitudes and rugged terrain, by presenting frequency altimetry nearest to HCDEM IBGE, considered standard in this study.


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The edafoclimatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid region favor the water loss by surface runoff. The state of Ceará, almost completely covered by semiarid, has developed public policies for the construction of dams in order to attend the varied water demand. Several hydrological models were developed to support decisive processes in the complex management of reservoirs. This study aimed to establish a methodology for obtaining a georeferenced database suitable for use as input data in hydrological modeling in the semiarid of Ceará. It was used images of Landsat satellite and SRTM Mission, and soil maps of the state of Ceará. The Landsat images allowed the determination of the land cover and the SRTM Mission images, the automatic delineation of hydrographic basins. The soil type was obtained through the soil map. The database was obtained for Jaguaribe River hydrographic basin, in the state of Ceará, and is applicable to hydrological modeling based on the Curve Number method for estimating the surface runoff.


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The objective of this study consisted on mapping the use and soil occupation and evaluation of the quality of irrigation water used in Salto do Lontra, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Images of the satellite SPOT-5 were used to perform the supervised classification of the Maximum Likelihood algorithm - MAXVER, and the water quality parameters analyzed were pH, EC, HCO3-, Cl-, PO4(3-), NO3-, turbidity, temperature and thermotolerant coliforms in two distinct rainfall periods. The water quality data were subjected to statistical analysis by the techniques of PCA and FA, to identify the most relevant variables in assessing the quality of irrigation water. The characterization of soil use and occupation by the classifier MAXVER allowed the identification of the following classes: crops, bare soil/stubble, forests and urban area. The PCA technique applied to irrigation water quality data explained 53.27% of the variation in water quality among the sampled points. Nitrate, thermotolerant coliforms, temperature, electrical conductivity and bicarbonate were the parameters that best explained the spatial variation of water quality.