114 resultados para Flavor symmetries
O sabor e aroma desagradáveis dos derivados da soja, particularmente do extrato hidrossolúvel (leite de soja), são obstáculos a sua aceitação pelos ocidentais que o consideram desagradável. A origem desse "flavor" está na oxidação de ácidos graxos catalisada pelas isoenzimas lipoxigenases quando os tecidos dos grãos sofrem danos na presença de umidade. Já na maceração (embebição) dos grãos, no processo tradicional de produção de leite de soja, células do cotilédone sofrem rupturas, devido ao entumescimento provocado pela rápida absorção de água, permitindo o contato enzima-substrato. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o nível de oxidação sofrido por grãos de soja macerados em diferentes temperaturas, e depois liofilizados, para a extração e análise espectrofotométrica (232 nm) da fração lipídica. Os métodos de extração e análise empregados permitiram a verificação da ocorrência de oxidação no processo de maceração sendo que o coeficiente de extinção (dienos conjugados) passou de 3,40 [(g/100ml)cm]-1 (grãos não macerados) para 5,88 [(g/100ml)cm]-1 (grãos macerados a 22°C) e o coeficiente de extinção diminuiu com o aumento da temperatura.
A concentração de suco de laranja por osmose inversa combinada com ultrafiltração foi estudada em escala semi-piloto, visando avaliar a utilização dessa tecnologia para substituição parcial da evaporação. Foram utilizados no processamento 100 litros de suco de laranja, com teor de polpa de 1,5%, cedidos pela CTM Citrus. Na primeira etapa, todo o suco passou pela etapa de ultrafiltração, para separação da polpa, enzimas pectinolíticas e microrganismos, que foram retidos. Foi utilizada uma membrana da Romicom (HF-43) de polissulfona em um sistema de configuração tubular, com peso molecular de corte de 50.000 daltons, à pressão de 1,2 bar. Obteve-se um fator de concentração de 27,6. O retentado da ultrafiltração foi pasteurizado à temperatura de 90°C, em trocador de calor de superfície raspada desenvolvido para este projeto. O processo de osmose inversa foi conduzido no equipamento Lab-unit M-20 da DDS, utilizando membranas da DDS (HR 95 PP) de filme composto em um sistema de configuração quadro e placas. Foram realizados três tratamentos com pressões de 20, 40 e 60 bar e para cada experimento, foram feitas três repetições. O retentado pasteurizado da ultrafiltração foi adicionado ao retentado da osmose inversa e caracterizado química, física e sensorialmente. Na osmose inversa foram obtidos fatores de concentração de 2,7, 3,5 e 3,6 e teores de sólidos solúveis de 18, 23 e 30 °Brix, para os tratamentos de 20, 40 e 60 bar, respectivamente. Os respectivos permeados apresentaram teores de sólidos solúveis de 3,3, 1,3 e 0,3°Brix e acidez de 262,50, 91,50 e 34,25 mg de ácido cítrico/100 ml. Os sucos obtidos pelos três tratamentos apresentaram valores de "defect score" e "color score" superiores aos do suco original, enquanto que para o "flavor score", os sucos obtidos às pressões de 40 e 60 bar, apresentaram valores próximos ao ideal. Os valores de "ratio", pH e formol foram semelhantes entre os tratamentos. O teor de óleo foi maior no tratamento realizado à menor pressão enquanto que o teor de vitamina C foi maior no de maior pressão. Tanto o suco concentrado quanto o diluído, nos três tratamentos, foram caracterizados como fluidos Newtonianos, apresentando valores de viscosidade maiores quando obtidos a maiores pressões.
Organic acids are present in sour cassava starch ("polvilho azedo") and contribute with organoleptic and physical characteristics like aroma, flavor and the exclusive baking property, that differentiate this product from the native cassava starch. Samples of commercial sour cassava starch collected in South and Southeast Brazil were prepared for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The HPLC equipment had a Biorad Aminex HPX-87H column for organic acid analysis and a refractometric detector. Analysis was carried out with 0.005M sulfuric acid as mobile phase, 0.6ml/min flow rate and column temperature of 60° C. The acids quantified were lactic (0.036 to 0.813 g/100g), acetic (0 to 0.068 g/100g), propionic (0 to 0.013 g/100g) and butyric (0 to 0.057 g/100g), that are produced during the natural fermentation of cassava starch. Results showed large variation among samples, even within the same region. Some samples exhibited high acid levels, mainly lactic acid, but in these neither propionic nor butyric acids were detected. Absence of butyric acid was not expected because this is an important component of the sour cassava starch aroma, and the lack of this acid may suggest that such samples were produced without the natural fermentation step.
Embora pareça existir um "flavor" característico de mel, a grande variedade de flores disponíveis para a abelha, possibilita uma grande diversidade de flavor e aroma, indicando a presença de vários componentes voláteis. Alguns destes dependem da fisiologia da abelha, dos procedimentos após a colheita e no mel de melato há também a interferência de insetos sugadores e das formigas. Várias substâncias voláteis já foram identificadas, sendo algumas características de determinados méis uniflorais. Com o objetivo de encontrar uma substância volátil característica do mel de melato, seis amostras deste tipo de mel e seis amostras de mel floral foram analisadas usando extração por arraste de gás hidrogênio e cromatografia a gás acoplada a espectrometria de massas. Ácido acético foi encontrado em quatro amostras de mel de melato e em uma amostra de mel floral porém, com menor abundância.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE system, was adjusted to detect the presence of additional whey in dairy beverages distributed in a Brazilian Government School Meals Program. Aqueous solutions of samples in 8 M urea were submitted to a polyacrylamide gel gradient (10% to 18%). Gel scans from electrophoresis patterns of previously adulterated milk samples showed that caseins peak areas decreased while peak areas of beta -lactoglobulin plus alpha -lactalbumin increased as the percentage of raw milk powder replaced by whey powder increased. The relative densitometer areas of caseins or beta -lactoglobulin plus alpha -lactalbumin plotted against the percentage of whey added to the raw milk showed a linear correlation coefficient square higher than 0.97. The caseins plot was used to determine the percentage of additional whey in 116 dairy beverages, chocolate or coffee flavor. Considering that the lowest relative caseins concentration found in commercial milk powder samples by the present method was 72%, the dairy beverages containing caseins percentages equal to or higher than this value were considered free of additional whey. Based on this criterion, about 49% of the coffee-flavor dairy beverages and 29% of the chocolate-flavor beverages, among all the samples analyzed were adulterated with whey protein to reach the total protein contents specified on their labels. The present method showed a sensitivity of 5% to additional whey.
No Brasil, tanto a criação quanto a comercialização da carne de pato (Cairina moschata) ainda é incipiente, mas devido a sua rusticidade, fácil manejo, e carne apreciada no mercado, entende-se que a obtenção de produtos à base de carne de pato apresenta-se como uma alternativa rentável na indústria de alimentos. O uso de culturas iniciadoras na elaboração de produtos fermentados é uma prática comum na indústria de produtos cárneos estando diretamente relacionada às características de flavor, textura, cor e vida-de-prateleira do produto final. Avaliou-se o uso de culturas iniciadoras na elaboração de embutido fermentado à base de carne de pato obtida da desossa manual da coxa e sobrecoxa. Uma mistura de culturas iniciadoras de Lactobacillus plantarum BN e Kokuria varians CCT 4492 foi usada para inocular a massa cárnea. Os embutidos foram defumados em câmara para defumação a 23±1°C por aproximadamente 19 horas e curados por 25 dias. A contagem inicial de células viáveis na massa do embutido foi de 6,08Log10UFC/g e de 6,04Log10UFC/g para bactérias ácido-lácticas e Micrococcacea, respectivamente. Após o segundo dia do processo, bactérias ácido-lácticas apresentaram um crescimento de 0,79 ciclos logarítmicos e no décimo primeiro dia um aumento de 2,58 ciclos logarítmicos. O valor médio de acidez, em ácido láctico, no produto final foi de 0,39% e o valor de pH de 5,11. As análises físico-químicas apresentaram-se dentro dos padrões da legislação brasileira. O produto elaborado apresentou perfil sensorial dentro dos padrões aceitáveis de qualidade.
A preliminary analysis by GC-MS comparing the mass spectrum of the compounds with the Wiley 275 L mass spectral data base was used to identify the fatty acids and mainly, some volatile compounds responsible for the flavor of the roasted coffee oil. The oil was obtained by mechanical expelling of Brazilian beans (Coffea arabica) roasted at 238ºC for 10 minutes. Different sample preparation methodologies such as headspace, adsorbent suction trapping and esterification were used. It was possible to identify pyrazines, pyridines, furan derivatives and other compounds not reported in the literature.
O presente experimento foi realizado para determinar a efetividade do tratamento térmico em água e vapor a 80 °C tendo como objetivo a inativação do Clostridium botulinum tipo E, utilizando-se amostras de Semintendinosus. Foram realizadas ainda a avaliação da maciez objetiva, utilizando-se a análise de força de cisalhamento, e a avaliação sensorial dos atributos de suculência, maciez subjetiva, "flavor" e presença de colágeno. O tratamento a 80 °C foi efetivo na eliminação do microrganismo, contudo não houve diferença significativa no atributo maciez objetiva (força de cisalhamento) avaliado nos dois tratamentos utilizados. A avaliação sensorial apresentou correlação positiva entre os atributos maciez e suculência, enquanto o colágeno apresentou correlação negativa com a maciez. O "flavor" não apresentou correlação com os atributos maciez, suculência e presença de colágeno.
A light snack was developed using a fat replacer as a flavor fixative agent. The product presented a calorie reduction of up to 47.5% in comparison with products available on the market. The impact of this fat replacer on the sensory properties was determined by comparing this light snack to the traditional ones. No significant difference in texture was observed; however, there was a difference in color (deltaE = 8.67), due mainly to luminosity (deltaL = 7.79). The light snack presented high sensory acceptability (7.27 ± 1.3; 82.5% of grades were > 7 on 9-point hedonic scale); no significant difference in snack acceptability was observed. However, the traditional snack was significantly preferred in sensory terms (p < 0.05). In an opinion survey when the consumers were informed about snack composition, 75% of them said that they would buy the light snack instead of the traditional one. The caloric and fat reductions allow the use of the claims "light snack" and "fat free", in accordance with the legislation of various countries. We conclude that it is technologically possible to use a fat replacer in snack production, resulting in a sensory acceptable light snack with great potential to replace traditional ones.
Samples of ketchup available on the Brazilian market, one traditional (sweetened with sucrose) and three light versions (sweetened with aspartame, acesulfame-K and a blend of cyclamate, saccharin and stevia) were evaluated for their physicochemical characteristics and sensory profile (Quantitative Descriptive Analysis). Four main groups of attributes were generated: appearance, oral texture, aroma and flavor. The samples presented significant differences in all attributes, except for syneresis and overripe tomato flavor. The highest means for sweetener and bitter tastes and aftertastes were observed for the samples sweetened with acesulfame-K and the blend of sweeteners. Although different characteristics were observed among the products evaluated and, despite the differences in the formulations, the light ketchup sweetened with aspartame was the one that presented properties most similar to those of the traditional ketchup.
A mistura de trigo e soja representa uma importante fonte calórico-protéica com proteínas de boa qualidade. Apesar disso, a utilização da soja como ingrediente tem sido limitada pelo seu sabor de feijão cru (beany flavor), o qual é melhorado pelo processo de extrusão. Foram estudados os efeitos de umidade da mistura, Temperatura de Barril (TB) e Velocidade de Rotação de Parafuso (VRP, Nº 5) do extrusor no Índice de Expansão (IE), no Índice de Solubilidade em Água (ISA) e nas características sensoriais de pellets produzidos com mistura de trigo e soja (90:10), objetivando a otimização deste processo para a obtenção de pellets fritos com melhores qualidades sensoriais. A farinha mista crua foi extrusada em 2 umidades (32 e 35%), 4 TB (60 a 90 °C) e 4 VRP (60 a 150 rpm), totalizando 32 tratamentos. O pellet frito, preparado com a farinha mista com 32% de umidade e extrusada em 60 rpm a 80 °C, apresentou o maior IE e as melhores qualidades sensoriais (aparência, sabor e textura), sendo preferido pela equipe de provadores não treinados, tanto com sabor de bacon como com sabor de queijo.
The oil obtained from Brazilian roasted coffee by supercritical CO2 extraction shows considerable aromatic properties, mainly composed by five aromatic compounds, 2-methylpyrazine; 2-furfurylalcohol, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine; γ-butyrolactone and 2-furfurylacetate. Sensory analyses were used to verify the influence of a mixture of these important classes of aromatic coffee compounds (pyrazines, furans and lactones) and of the roasted coffee aromatic oil on the coffee aroma and flavour of black instant freeze and spray-dried coffee beverages. In the acceptance evaluation of the aroma, the samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee without the mixture of volatile compounds (sample 4) were not significantly different from the freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (sample 5) and from the sample prepared with freeze-dried coffee in which the mixture of the five volatile was added (sample 3), coincidentally from the same drying process. Therefore, sample (3) did not differ from samples prepared with spray dried instant coffee without (sample 1) and to which (sample 2) the mixture of volatile was added. Therefore, with respect to this attribute, the addition of this mixture did not interfere in this drink acceptance. Taking into consideration the flavor, samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (5) and the samples with (3) and without (4) the mixture of the five volatile was added did not differ significantly, however sample (4) did not differ from samples (1) and (2). Regarding this attribute, the addition of the aromatic oil of roasted coffee or a mixture of volatile in samples of freeze-dried instant coffee had a better acceptance than those dried by spray dryer (1) and (2). Thus, the enrichment of drinks with the aromatic oil of roasted coffee, or even with the mixture of the five components did not influence the consumer acceptance with respect to the aroma, but exerts influence with respect to flavour.
Despite its high nutritional value, soymilk consumption in Western countries is limited mainly due to undesirable flavors developed during the traditional elaboration process. Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) has pleasant flavor and recognized nutritional value. Thus, the aim of this work was to elaborate a soy and Brazil nut beverage exploring the use of two national products of high nutritional quality. The process for manufacturing a soy and Brazil nut beverage consisted of elaboration, formulation, and homogenization of soymilk and Brazil nut milk. The addition of five levels (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%) of Brazil nut milk to soy beverages was investigated. Although no significant differences in consumer average preference (p > 0.05) were observed among the beverages, analyzing both the consumer preference frequency distribution of the products and the Internal Preference Mapping (IPM), it was possible to conclude that the beverage with 30% of Brazil nut milk reached the most adequate performance demonstrating the sensory benefits Brazil nuts brought to the product. Regarding proximate composition, it did not present a better performance in terms of nutritional value, except for the oil content. The soy and Brazil nut beverage presented visual stability and no phase separation despite the non-stability shown by Brazil nut beverage itself. When Brazil nut milk was added to soy beverage, the final product became whiter than soy beverage, which is appealing to consumers who normally search for a clearer soymilk. The soy and Brazil nut beverage processing can be considered an alternative to increase the use of Brazil nuts in the Brazilian diet.
Noni is a fruit that has interested the scientific community due to its medicinal and functional activities. Different products that contain noni are already in the market, but their consumption could be impaired by their distinctive unpleasant aroma and flavor. The aim of this work was to evaluate the noni pulp volatile profile by dynamic headspace and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Thirty seven volatile compounds were detected, mainly alcohols (63.3%), esters (26.9%), cetones (7.4%), and acids (1.2%).
This work is aimed at evaluating the physicochemical, physical, chromatic, microbiological, and sensorial stability of a non-dairy dessert elaborated with soy, guava juice, and oligofructose for 60 days at refrigerated storage as well as to estimate its shelf life time. The titrable acidity, pH, instrumental color, water activity, ascorbic acid, and physical stability were measured. Panelists (n = 50) from the campus community used a hedonic scale to assess the acceptance, purchase intent, creaminess, flavor, taste, acidity, color, and overall appearance of the dessert during 60 days. The data showed that the parameters differed significantly (p < 0.05) from the initial time, and they could be fitted in mathematical equations with coefficient of determination above 71%, aiming to consider them suitable for prediction purposes. Creaminess and acceptance did not differ statistically in the 60-day period; taste, flavor, and acidity kept a suitable hedonic score during storage. Notwithstanding, the sample showed good physical stability against gravity and presented more than 15% of the Brazilian Daily Recommended Value of copper, iron, and ascorbic acid. The product shelf life estimation found was 79 days considering the overall acceptance, acceptance index and purchase intent.