212 resultados para Evans, Caroline
O programa de controle do calazar, adotado pela Fundação Nacional de Saúde (FNS), não tem conseguido reduzir a níveis aceitáveis a incidência de calazar humano. Utiliza como método diagnóstico a imunofluorescência de eluato de sangue e sacrifíca os cães infectados com uma média de 80 dias após a coleta. A longa permanência do cão infectado na área e a baixa sensibilidade do teste utilizado podem ser importantes para esta falha. Neste trabalho, compara-se o programa de rotina da FNS, com outra estratégia baseada na identificação de cães infectados pelo enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) e eliminação dos cães infectados dentro de um prazo máximo de 7 dias. A prevalência do calazar canino foi medida nas duas áreas, antes e 10 meses após a medição inicial. Na área submetida ao controle de rotina da FNS observou-se um decréscimo de 9% na prevalência, enquanto na submetida ao método proposto a redução observada foi de 27%, sendo esta diferença sinificativamente maior (p = 0,0015).
Atypical P. vivax cases reported in Manaus municipality led us to detect a genetic isolate of P. vivax. Variable regions of SSUrRNA were examined from the initial time of infection and in the two recrudescences/relapses from a patient exhibiting chloroquine and primaquine resistance. A unique isolate, found at all stages of infection, suggests the presence of a clonal expansion.
Paciente portadora de anemia hemolítica autoimune e púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática (Síndrome de Evans) em uso de terapia imunossupressora (predinisona e azatioprina), desenvolveu quadro de abscesso cerebral não responsivo a 23 dias de terapia antimicrobiana. O diagnóstico de nocardiose foi possível após coleta de material de abscesso peribulbar e observação deste material por período superior há uma semana.
O comportamento e hábitos alimentares de algumas espécies da flebotomíneos têm sido útil na compreensão da epidemiologia das leishmanioses. No município de Porteirinha (MG), foram realizadas capturas mensais sistematizadas utilizando-se 28 armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC, durante o período de janeiro a dezembro de 2002. Foram capturadas 14 espécies de flebotomíneos, totalizando 1.408 exemplares. De acordo com o ambiente, os resultados obtidos mostraram que o peridomicílio apresentou a maior (53,3%) porcentagem dos espécimens encontrados na região, embora parte (46,7%) da fauna também tenha sido encontrada no intradomicílio. O repasto sanguíneo de 38 fêmeas de Lutzomyia longipalpis, provenientes do campo, foi identificado através da reação de precipitina. Os resultados indicam que Lutzomyia longipalpis foi a espécie predominante (65,1%), mostrando-se oportunista, podendo sugar uma ampla variedade de vertebrados.
Flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) de um foco de leishmaniose tegumentar no Estado de Minas Gerais
Na localidade do Brejo do Mutambal, situado no município de Varzelândia (MG), área endêmica para leishmaniose tegumentar, foram realizadas capturas mensais sistemáticas utilizando-se armadilhas luminosas do tipo CDC durante o período de janeiro a dezembro de 2000. Foram capturadas 19 espécies de flebotomíneos, totalizando 6.756 exemplares. Lutzomyia intermedia (5,1%), L. migonei (0,4%) e L. whitmani (0,1%), relacionadas com a transmissão de leishmaniose tegumentar, foram capturadas em número reduzido. Lutzomyia longipalpis foi a espécie predominante (34,8%), sugerindo também um risco de transmissão da leishmaniose visceral. A proporção de insetos capturados no peridomícilio foi de 91,7% enquanto no intradomicílio foi de 8,3%. A interferência de fatores climáticos (temperatura, umidade relativa do ar e pluviosidade) sobre a dinâmica populacional de flebotomíneos foi avaliada.
Relata-se um caso de espondilodiscite por Brucella em um paciente do sexo masculino, 56 anos, fazendeiro, com manifestações sistêmicas da doença. O diagnóstico foi realizado por sorologia com título de 1/160, hemocultura positiva, o VHS foi elevado, bem como alterações radiológicas mostraram espondilodiscite ao nível de T8/T9 compatíveis com a patologia. O paciente foi tratado com estreptomicina 1gIM/dia por 15 dias, doxaciclina e rifampicina por seis semanas, com melhora clínica do quadro. O envolvimento vertebral na brucelose é uma complicação de ocorrência variável na literatura, mas considerado pouco freqüente, de difícil diagnóstico principalmente em regiões com alta prevalência de tuberculose, visto que esta pode mimetizar o quadro de brucelose. Chama-se atenção a um caso raro de espondilodiscite por brucelose, dada a necessidade de diagnóstico precoce e tratamento a fim de se evitar possíveis seqüelas.
INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of cholelithiasis in the general population ranges from 9 to 18%. This prevalence is known to be higher in the presence of parasympathetic nerve damage of the biliary tract either due to surgery (vagotomy) or neuronal destruction (Chagas disease). The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of cholelithiasis and chagasic or idiopathic megaesophagus. METHODS: The ultrasound scans of 152 patients with megaesophagus submitted to cardiomyotomy and subtotal esophagectomy surgery were evaluated. The presence of cholelithiasis was compared between chagasic and idiopathic esophagopathy and ultrasound and clinical findings were correlated with age, sex and race. RESULTS: A total of 152 cases of megaesophagus, including 137 with chagasic megaesophagus and 15 with idiopathic megaesophagus, were analyzed. The mean age was 56.7 years (45-67) in the 137 patients with chagasic megaesophagus and 35.6 years (27-44) in the 15 cases of idiopathic megaesophagus, with a significant difference between the two groups (p < 0.0001). The group with chagasic megaesophagus consisted of 59 (43%) women and 78 (56.9%) men, while the group with idiopathic megaesophagus consisted of 8 (53.3%) women and 7 (46.6%) men, showing no significant difference between the groups. Of the 137 patients with confirmed chagasic megaesophagus, 39 (28.4%) presented cholelithiasis versus one case (6.6%) in the 15 patients with idiopathic megaesophagus. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of cholelithiasis is high in patients with chagasic megaesophagus and preoperative ultrasound should be performed routinely in these patients in order to treat both conditions during the same surgical procedure.
INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar a diversidade de espécies de culicídeos, descrever sua abundância e variação sazonal em áreas urbanas e matas de São José do Rio Preto, SP, e discutir o risco de ocorrência de arboviroses. MÉTODOS: Coletas de larvas e de mosquitos adultos foram realizadas mensalmente, em 2006 e 2007, em área urbana e em quatro fragmentos de mata. No perímetro urbano, coletaram-se larvas nos sítios mais prováveis de oviposição para mosquitos do gênero Culex e nas matas foi realizada a coleta de mosquitos adultos, sendo que em duas utilizaram-se armadilhas CDC à noite e, em duas, aspirador de Nasci de dia. RESULTADOS: Na área urbana identificaram-se 34 espécies de culicídeos em um total de 8.683 exemplares; destes, 80,7% corresponderam ao Culex quinquefasciatus, 9,6% ao Culex grupo Coronator, 3,2% ao Aedes albopictus (3,2%) e 1,1% ao Ochlerotatus fluviatilis. A abundância de larvas de Cx. quinquefasciatus correlacionou-se negativamente com a chuva. Nas quatro matas, foram coletados 2.268 mosquitos distribuídos entre 10 gêneros, 46 espécies ou grupos. As mais abundantes foram Aedeomyia squamipennis, Culex. coronator, Culex (Mel.) seção Melanoconion, Culex declarator, Ochlerotatus scapularis, Anopheles triannulatus, Culex bidens/interfor e Culex habilitator/pseudojhantinosoma. CONCLUSÕES: A abundância de Cx. quinquefasciatus na área urbana e a presença de outros culicídeos nas áreas urbanas e de matas apontam para a possibilidade de transmissão do vírus do Nilo Ocidental e de outras arboviroses em São José do Rio Preto e outras cidades do Brasil, sendo fundamental o estabelecimento de medidas visando à vigilância destas arboviroses.
INTRODUCTION: The precise identification of the genetic variants of the dengue virus is important to understand its dispersion and virulence patterns and to identify the strains responsible for epidemic outbreaks. This study investigated the genetic variants of the capsid-premembrane junction region fragment in the dengue virus serotypes 1 and 2 (DENV1-2). METHODS: Samples from 11 municipalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil, were provided by the Central Laboratory of Paraná. They were isolated from the cell culture line C6/36 (Aedes albopictus) and were positive for indirect immunofluorescence. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) extracted from these samples was submitted to the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and nested PCR. RESULTS: RT-PCR revealed that 4 of the samples were co-infected with both serotypes. The isolated DENV-1 sequences were 95-100% similar to the sequences of other serotype 1 strains deposited in GenBank. Similarly, the isolated DENV-2 sequences were 98-100% similar to other serotype 2 sequences in GenBank. According to our neighbor-joining tree, all strains obtained in this study belonged to genotype V of DENV-1. The DENV-2 strains, by contrast, belonged to the American/Asian genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The monitoring of circulating strains is an important tool to detect the migration of virus subtypes involved in dengue epidemics.
While most of those infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are asymptomatic or only develop liver manifestations, a significant percentage evolves with autoimmune and lymphoproliferative disorders, resulting in a clinical condition called HCV syndrome. This work involving case studies of six patients with hepatitis C and varied skin manifestation aimed to report skin lesions occurring with HCV infection and its treatment. Skin manifestations in hepatitis C have been based on epidemiological studies. This justifies the need for studies that correlate HCV infection and its treatment with skin manifestations.
Introduction Leprosy is a chronic disease that affects skin and peripheral nerves. Disease complications include reactional episodes and physical impairment. One World Health Organization (WHO) goal of leprosy programs is to decrease the number of grade 2 impairment diagnoses by 2015. This study aims to evaluate clinical factors associated with the occurrence of leprosy reactions and physical impairment in leprosy patients. Methods We conducted a retrospective study of data from medical records of patients followed in two important centers for the treatment of leprosy in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil, from 2005 to 2011. We used the chi-square test to analyze associations between the following categorical variables: gender, age, operational classification, clinical forms, leprosy reactions, corticosteroid treatment, and physical impairment at the diagnosis and after cure. Clinical variables associated with multibacillary leprosy and/or reactional episodes and the presence of any grade of physical impairment after cure were evaluated using the logistic regression model. Results We found that men were more affected by multibacillary forms, reactional episodes, and grade 2 physical impairment at diagnosis. Leprosy reactions were detected in a total of 40% of patients and all were treated with corticosteroids. However, physical impairment was observed in 29.8% of the patients analyzed at the end of the treatment and our multivariate analysis associated a low dose and short period of corticosteroid treatment with persistence of physical impairments. Conclusions Physical impairment should receive an increased attention before and after treatment, and adequate treatment should be emphasized.
Introduction This study assessed the viability of the rabies virus in the argasid tick Carios fonsecai following experimental infection. Methods The mouse inoculation test (MIT), fluorescent antibody test (FAT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used. The rabies virus was administered to ticks via the intra-coelomic route, and the ticks were sacrificed at different time points. Results The inoculated ticks were negative for rabies according to the MIT. Ticks macerated with rabies virus were positive according to the MIT and FAT. All of the tick lots tested by PCR were positive. Conclusions The rabies virus became unviable shortly after its inoculation into tick bodies. Ticks are not likely to play an important role in the epidemiology of rabies.
Introduction This study reports the pediatric epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza (IF), parainfluenza (PIV), and adenovirus (ADV) at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Methods Cases of infection, hospitalizations in intensive care units (ICUs), nosocomial infections, and lethality rates were collected from 2007 to 2010. Results RSV accounted for most nosocomial infections. Intensive care units admission rates for ADV and RSV infections were highest in 2007 and 2010. During 2008-2009, H1N1 and ADV had the highest ICU admission rates. ADV had the highest fatality rate during 2007-2009. Conclusions Each virus exhibited distinct behavior, causing hospitalization, outbreaks, or lethality.
Introduction: Illicit drug users (DUs) are vulnerable to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The shared use of illicit drugs is the main method of HCV transmission. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Breves, in northern Brazil. We surveyed 187 DUs to determine the prevalence of and factors associated with HCV infection. Results: The prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies was 36.9%, and the prevalence of hepatitis C virus-ribonucleic acid (HCV-RNA) was 31%. Hepatitis C virus infection was associated with tattoos, intravenous drug use, shared use of equipment for drug use, drug use for longer than 3 years, and daily drug use. Conclusions: Strategies for preventing and controlling HCV transmission should be implemented among DUs.
Introduction Hematophagous Desmodus rotundus bats play an important role in the rabies lifecycle. This study describes the hematological profile of these bats before and after experimental infection with rabies virus. Methods Cells counts were performed in a Neubauer chamber. Results The average values of erythrocytes and leucocytes counts in blood before experimental infections were 9.97 × 106mm3 and 4.80 × 103mm3, respectively. Neutrophils represented 69.9% of white blood cells and the lymphocytes represented 26.9%. Following the experimental infections, the average numbers of erythrocytes and leucocytes was 9.43 × 106mm3 and 3.98 × 103mm3, respectively. Neutrophils represented 40% of white blood cells and the lymphocytes represented 59%. Conclusions The hematological profile given in this study can serve as reference values for D. rotundus bats.