88 resultados para Esther


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Introduction Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and liver steatosis (LS) are the most common causes of chronic liver disease, and their coexistence is frequently observed in clinical practice. Although metabolic syndrome is the main cause of LS, it has not been associated with HBV infection. The aims of this study were to describe the lipid profile and prevalence of LS among HBV carriers and to identify the characteristics associated with LS in this group. Methods This retrospective cross-sectional study included hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive patients evaluated during 2011 and 2012. Results Of the 83 patients included, the mean age was 46.4±12.5 years, 53% were men, and 9.1% were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) -positive. These patients exhibited the following lipid profile: total cholesterol = 175.4±38.8mg/dL, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) = 113.0±32.7mg/dL, and triglycerides = 91.1±45.2mg/dL. Their fasting glucose was 95.3±14.5g/dL, and fasting insulin was 6.1±5.9µIU/mL. Liver steatosis was observed on abdominal ultrasound in 11.3% of individuals. Factors associated with the presence of LS included higher levels of total cholesterol, prothrombin activity, fasting insulin, and body mass index (BMI) as well as lower levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Conclusions These findings suggest that LS in patients with chronic HBV appears to be a consequence of metabolic alterations and insulin action rather than of viral factors.


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A prospective study was conducted to determine if standardized vancomycin doses could produce adequate serum concentrations in 25 term newborn infants with sepsis. Purpose: The therapeutic response of neonatal sepsis by Staphylococcus sp. treated with vancomycin was evaluated through serum concentrations of vancomycin, serum bactericidal titers (SBT), and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). METHOD: Vancomycin serum concentrations were determined by the fluorescence polarization immunoassay technique , SBT by the macro-broth dilution method, and MIC by diffusion test in agar . RESULTS: Thirteen newborn infants (59.1%) had adequate peak vancomycin serum concentrations (20--40 mg/mL) and one had peak concentration with potential ototoxicity risk (>40 µg/mL). Only 48% had adequate trough concentrations (5--10 mg/mL), and seven (28%) had a potential nephrotoxicity risk (>10 µg/mL). There was no significant agreement regarding normality for peak and trough vancomycin method (McNemar test : p = 0.7905). Peak serum vancomycin concentrations were compared with the clinical evaluation (good or bad clinical evolution) of the infants, with no significant difference found (U=51.5; p=0.1947). There was also no significant difference between the patients' trough concentrations and good or bad clinical evolution (U = 77.0; p=0.1710). All Staphylococcus isolates were sensitive to vancomycin according to the MIC. Half of the patients with adequate trough SBT (1/8), also had adequate trough vancomycin concentrations and satisfactory clinical evolution. CONCLUSIONS: Recommended vancomycin schedules for term newborn infants with neonatal sepsis should be based on the weight and postconceptual age only to start antimicrobial therapy. There is no ideal pattern of vancomycin dosing; vancomycin dosages must be individualized. SBT interpretation should be made in conjunction with the patient's clinical presentation and vancomycin serum concentrations. Those laboratory and clinical data favor elucidation of the probable cause of patient's bad evolution, which would facilitate drug adjustment and reduce the risk of toxicity or failing to achieve therapeutic doses.


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We report the case of a one-day-old newborn infant, female, birth weight 1900 g, gestational age 36 weeks presenting with necrotizing fasciitis caused by E. coli and Morganella morganii. The newborn was allowed to fall into the toilet bowl during a domestic delivery. The initial lesion was observed at 24 hours of life on the left leg at the site of the venipuncture for the administration of hypertonic glucose solution. Despite early treatment, a rapid progression occurred resulting in a fatal outcome. We call attention to the risk presented by this serious complication in newborns with a contaminated delivery, and highlight the site of the lesion and causal agents.


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INTRODUCTION: Peak and trough serum concentrations of vancomycin were determined in term newborn infants with confirmed or suspected Staphylococcus sp sepsis by high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay. OBJECTIVE: To statistically compare the results of the high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay techniques for measuring serum vancomycin concentrations. METHODS: Eighteen peak and 20 trough serum samples were assayed for vancomycin concentrations using high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay from October 1995 to October 1997. RESULTS: The linear correlation coefficients for high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay were 0.27 (peak, P = 0.110) and 0.26 (trough, P = 0.1045) respectively, which were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: There was wide variation in serum vancomycin concentrations determined by high performance liquid chromatography as compared with those determined by flourescence polarization immunoassay. There was no recognizable pattern in the variability; in an apparently random fashion, the high performance liquid chromatography measurement was sometimes substantially higher than the flourescence polarization immunoassay measurement, and at other times it was substantially lower.


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Do cerne de Guarea carinata foi isolado como principal constituinte um triterpeno di-acetilado (I). do grupo dos protolimonóides, derivado do apo-tirucalol e que mostrou atividade no controle biológico das larvas de Urbanus acawoioa(WILLIAMS, R. C, 1926) (Lepidoptera Hesperiidac).


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Da casca da madeira de Guarea trichilioides foram isoladas e identificadas através de métodos espectrométricos as antraquinonas crisofanol e fisciona e das sementes o limonóide 7-desacetoxi-7-hidroxiazadirona. Da fração lipofílica das sementes foram ainda identificados por co-injeçao de padrões, através de cromatografia gasosa os ácidos esteárico, palmítico e linolênico.


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Dos extratos etéreo e etanólico da casca da madeira de Protium paniculatum Engl. foram isolados á e β-AMIRINA (0,012%), β-sitosiero! e estigmasterol (0,003%) e o ácido 3,3'-di-0-metilelágico (0,093%0). A presença do ácido 3,3',4-tri-0-metileIágico foi postulada com base na análise do espectro de massas.


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Dos extratos etéreo e etanólico da casca da madeira de Protium paniculatumEngl. foram isolados α- e β-amirina (0,012%), β-sitosterol e estigmasterol (0,003%) e o ácido 3,3'-di-O-metilelágico (0,093%0). A presença do ácido 3,3',4-tri-O-metilelágico foi postulada com base na análise do espectro de massas.


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar a percepção da depressão, incluindo a percepção dos sintomas e dos tratamentos considerados apropriados, pelos membros de três grupos étnicos (descendentes de açorianos, italianos e alemães residentes em Santa Catarina, Estado da Região Sul do Brasil), assim como a expressão de depressão por meio do Inventário Beck de Depressão nestes grupos. METÓDO: Em um estudo transversal, com uma parte quantitativa e uma qualitativa, foram avaliados 60 indivíduos, sendo 20 de cada uma das comunidades étnicas escolhidas: açoriana, italiana e alemã. Realizou-se uma entrevista semi-aberta, tendo como questões orientadoras: Para você, o que é depressão?; O que pessoas deprimidas devem fazer?; e Qual atividade de lazer você mais gosta de fazer? Depois, foi aplicado o Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI). Os escores do BDI (subescalas: cognitiva-afetiva e somática) foram comparados entre os diferentes grupos por meio do método ANOVA. No estudo qualitativo, verificaram-se as percepções compartilhadas no discurso dos indivíduos de cada grupo, quanto à depressão e seu tratamento. RESULTADOS: Os principais sintomas relatados por descendência foram: irritabilidade (açorianos), autopunição (italianos) e falta de energia (alemães). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto à freqüência de sintomas cognitivos e somáticos nas diferentes comunidades. O padrão de percepção da depressão caracterizou-se nos descendentes de açorianos por isolamento ("... a gente não quer ver ninguém"). Nos italianos, a depressão esteve relacionada a afastamento da família ("Depressão é vontade até de deixar o filho, o marido"), sendo esta vista como a responsável por ajudar na melhora. Já entre os alemães, a depressão esteve relacionada à dificuldade no trabalho ("Depressão é... não ter mais vontade de trabalhar") e este foi relatado como a solução. CONCLUSÃO: De acordo com o grupo étnico, a expressão, a percepção e a busca de tratamento para a depressão relacionou-se: à comunidade (açoriana), à família (italiana) e ao trabalho (alemã).


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FUNDAMENTO: A artéria torácica interna enxertada (ATIE) patente usualmente tem fração diastólica (FD)> 50% do fluxo. O estado funcional pode ser avaliado pelo índice de reserva coronariano (IRC). OBJETIVO: Avaliar, pela ecocardiografia e pelo Doppler em nível supraclavicular, a patência e o estado funcional da ATIE. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados prospectivamente e analisados os dados de 66 pacientes submetidos a ecocardiograma sob estresse com dobutamina (EED). O grupo I (GI) ocorreu com 49 ATIE sem estenose. No grupo II (GII) (10 ATIE) havia estenose significativa (> 50% e <100%). E no grupo III (GIII) (7 ATIE) a oclusão era de 100%. Foram avaliados diâmetros e espectros do Doppler das ATIE no repouso e EED. RESULTADOS: Considerando patência uma FD>50%, ocorreu em 49 ATIE (GI=40, GII=8 e GIII=1) no repouso e em 61 ATIE (GI=49, GII=10 e GIII=2) durante EED. Sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo (VPP), valor preditivo negativo (VPN) e acurácia foram, respectivamente, em repouso, 81%, 86% ,98%, 35 % e 82%; e no EED, 100%, 71%, 97%, 100% e 97%. As ATIE com FD>50% em repouso estavam patentes e as com FD<50% no EED tinham oclusão total. Considerando para bom estado funcional um IRC>1,8, isso ocorreu em 42 ATIE (39 do GI, 2 do GII e 1 GIII), verificando-se sensibilidade = 79%; especificidade = 85,7%; VPP = 94%; VPN = 59%; e acurácia = 80,9%. O IRC no GI foi maior (p=0,02) que em GII e GIII. CONCLUSÃO: Em nosso estudo, a avaliação não-invasiva da ATIE foi efetiva para verificar patência e estado funcional.


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Fundamento: A reserva de velocidade de fluxo coronariano (RVFC) ≥ 2 é adequada para inferir bom prognóstico ou ausência de coronariopatia importante. Objetivo: Identificar parâmetros relevantes na obtenção da RVFC (adequada ou inadequada) na descendente anterior (ADA), durante o ecocardiograma sob estresse com dobutamina (EED). Métodos: Avaliação de 100 pacientes encaminhados para pesquisa de isquemia miocárdica através do EED, orientados para suspender o betabloqueador 72 horas antes do exame. Calculou-se a RVFC pela divisão do pico de velocidade (cm/s) diastólica (PVD) verificado no EED (PVD-EED) pelo de repouso (PVD-REP). No grupo I, a RVFC < 2 e no grupo II a RVFC ≥ 2. Foram utilizados o teste t de Student e o exato de Fisher. Significância estatística quando p < 0,05. Resultados: Em repouso, o tempo (segundos) para obter o Doppler na ADA nos grupos I e II não diferiu (53 ± 31 vs. 45 ± 32; p = 0,23). No EED, registrou-se a ADA em 92 pacientes. O grupo I evidenciou pacientes mais velhos (65,9 ± 9,3 vs. 61,2 ± 10,8 anos; p = 0,04), menor fração de ejeção (61 ± 10 vs. 66 ± 6%; p = 0,005), maior PVD-REP (36,81 ± 08 vs. 25,63 ± 06 cm/s; p < 0,0001) e menor RVFC (1,67 ± 0,24 vs. 2,53 ± 0,57; p < 0,0001), entretanto o PVD-EED não diferiu (61,40 ± 16 vs. 64,23 ± 16 cm/s; p = 0,42). A suspensão do betabloqueador associou-se à chance 4 vezes maior de ocorrer RVFC < 2 (OR = 4; 95% IC [1,171 - 13,63], p = 0,027). Conclusão: O PVD-REP foi o principal parâmetro para determinar uma RVFC adequada. A suspensão do betabloqueador associou-se significativamente com RVFC inadequada. A elevada exequibilidade e o tempo para registro da ADA favorecem a utilização dessa metodologia.


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1 - Colour, by itself, does not constitute a solid ground for judging of the age of a brandy because the more or less pronounced colour it acquires through aging can also be obtained by the addition of oack essence to newly distilled brandy. 2 - Urder the same conditions, colour intensity of a brandy wiU depend upon the nature of the wood and the condition of the storage. 3 - In accordance with the experimental results obtained by the present writers it rests no doubt that fermentation facility ferment resistence, produce and quality of the brendy all are factors depending upon the variety of the sugar cane. In addition, the authors presume that the variety of sugar cane has also influence upon the alteration of composition of the brandy submitted to aging. 4 - All aging phenomena of the brandy are accompanied by volume decreasing, what happens in a slow and continuous manner depending upon storage and environment conditions 5 - During brandy aging the alcoholic degree is greatly af- fected by evaporation, increasing or decreasing in accordance to the hygrometric state of the air and the teriperature in the place where the tuns are stored. 6 - The specific weight of the brandy is inversely proportio- nal to its alcoholic degree, but directly proportional to the extracts since the latter indicates the amount of dissolved residues. 7 - Brandy which shows high specific weight together with high alcoholic degree cannot be considered as aged. It may, however, be takens for brandy artificially coloved in order to conceal its actual age. 8 - The amount of extracts increases with aging, since it is the result of the solvent action of the brandy upon the soluble extractive substances of the wood. Notwithstanding that the extract, considered alone, has no value in determining the age of a brandy, since nothing easier is ohan to nake it change artificially. 9 -During aging the brandy get acidity in physiological as well as in physical way, but never by the action of microorganisms. 10 - The estturs produced during aging by the action of acids upon alcohols are the mean factors of the savour (bouquet) of a brandy and therefore every thing shall be done tor fhr estherification of a preserved brandy being not limited. 11 - Aeration increases esther formation, reduces the aging- time and turn better the taste qualities of the brandy. 12 - Due to the great proportion of high alcohols ordinarily found in the brandy, their analytical discrimination will be greatly important. 13 - The high alcohols are not responsable for the disastrous consequences of the alcoholism, but the high percentage of uthyl alcohol present in the brandy. 14 - The aldehydes appear always in high rate in the brazilian brandys in consequence of some intermediary products of the oxydation of the alcohols being left in the brandys during aging. 15 - The age has little or no influence on the quantity of phurphurol present in a brandy whose amount varies greatly the manner in which the wines to be distilled are treated. Wines centrifugalized or filtered before distillation always give rise to brandys poorer in phurphurol as compared with those distilled without these treatments. 16 - Though greatly variable, brandys of good qualities generally show a high residues coefficient, never under 200 mmg 17 - Lusson - Rocques oxydation coefficient cannot be indis- criminately applied to any brandy class, being, on the contrary, specifically destined to cognacs.


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Blood sampling on filter paper is a current practice seroepidemiological studies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). There is, however, scant comparative information about the use of bloodspot eluates for detection of malarial IgG antibodies simultaneously by IFAT and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Here we report data obtained by both serological methods done on 219 bloodspot eluate samples collected in a rural community in Brazilian Amazon Basin (Alto Paraíso, Ariquemes municipality) where malaria is endemic. Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax thick smear antigens were used in the IFAT; a detergent-soluble P. falciparum antigen was prepared for ELISA. Substantial agreement of results (Kappa coefficient k = 0.686) was observed when P. falciparum antigen was used in both tests, and IFAT titers were found to be strongly correlated ELISA antibody units (Spearman correlation coeficient rs = 0.818, p < 0.0001). Only moderate agreement (k = 0.467) between IFAT with P. vivax antigen and ELISA with P. falciparum antigen was observed. Spearman correlation coefficient value between quantitative results (IFAT titers and ELISA antibody units) in this case was numerically lowe (rs = 0.540, p < 0.0001). Our results suggest that, with P. falciparum antigen, both IFAT and ELISA performed on bloodspot eluates are equivalent for seropidemiological purposes.


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Antibodies of IgG and IgM isotopes reacting with Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax thick-smear antigens were searched for by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) in a random sample of 230 blood donors at the transfusion centre of Porto Velho (HEMERON), Rondônia State, western Brazilian Amazon. A high prevalence of IgG seropositivity (32% against P. falciparum, 24% against P. vivax and 37% against either P. falciparum or P. vivax antigens) was detected among them, despite the fact that candidates reporting recent (<12 months) malaria attacks were not elegible. Only a small proportion of them had also detectable IgM antibodies to these antigens. These data suggest an intense, relatively recent exposure to malaria in such an urban population sample. However, parasitaemia (as detected by microscopical examination of Giemsa-stained thick smears) was patent in only one prospective donor. The antibody profile of blood donors was compared with that of healthy subjects of all age groups, living in a close endemic area (Candeias village, 21 km east of Porto Velho). The villagers were classified into two groups according to their history of a recent (<12 months) or a remote (>12 months) past malaria attack due to either P. falciparum or P. vivax. Extensive overlapping was observed when the distribution of antibody titres of healthy subjects from Candeias village with a recent and remote malaria history was compared. In conclusion, subjects with a recent or a remote malaria history could not be distinguished by sorological criteria alone.