86 resultados para Enterococcus gallinarum
Lithiasic cholecystitis is classically associated with the presence of enterobacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter, in the gallbladder. Cholecystitis associated with fungal infections is a rare event related to underlying conditions such as diabetes mellitus, steroid use, and broad-spectrum antibiotic use for prolonged periods, as well as pancreatitis and surgery of the digestive tract. Here, we present the first reported case of a gallbladder infection caused by Candida famata.
Introduction. The genera Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are recognized as important Gram-positive human pathogens. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Vitek 2 in identifying Gram-positive cocci and their antimicrobial susceptibilities. Methods. One hundred four isolates were analyzed to determine the accuracy of the automated system for identifying the bacteria and their susceptibility to oxacillin and vancomycin. Results. The system correctly identified 77.9% and 97.1% of the isolates at the species and genus levels, respectively. Additionally, 81.8% of the Vitek 2 results agreed with the known antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. Conclusion. Vitek 2 correctly identified the commonly isolated strains; however, the limitations of the method may lead to ambiguous findings.
Endopleura uchi (Huber) Cuatrec. is an Amazon species traditionally used as treatment for inflammations and female disorders. Bergenin was isolated from ethyl acetate fraction of bark of E. uchi by using column chromatography over sephadex LH-20 and then silica gel 60 flash. Its structure was identified on the basis of its NMR spectra. The antimicrobial activity of bergenin and fractions of methanol extract of E. uchi were evaluated against ATCC microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, C. guilliermondii, Aspergillus flavus, A. nidulans). Clinically isolated strains of all of these microorganisms, along with C. tropicalis, A. niger, Shigella sonnei, Serratia marcenses and Klebsiella pneumoniae were also evaluated. The growth inhibition caused by bergenin, extracts and fractions of E. uchi against ATCC microorganisms were similar to the inhibition to microorganisms clinically isolated. The ethyl acetate fraction and the isolate bergenin inhibit the growth of the yeasts C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. guilliermondii, but present lower activity against filamentous fungi Aspergillus flavus, A. nidulans, A. niger, and did not inhibit the Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The activity of the ethyl acetate fraction and bergenin are in agreement wit its high concentration found in bark extract of E. uchi. Moreover, the selective activity against three Candida species helps to understand its traditional use against infections that affect women.
Honeys are described possessing different properties including antimicrobial. Many studies have presented this activity of honeys produced by Apis mellifera bees, however studies including activities of stingless bees honeys are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the antimicrobial activity of honeys collected in the Amazonas State from Melipona compressipes, Melipona seminigra and Apis mellifera against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Chromobacterium violaceum, and Candida albicans. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined using the agar dilution method with Müller-Hinton agar (for bacteria) or Saboraud agar (for yeast). Staphylococcus aureus and E. faecalis were inhibited by all honeys at concentrations below 12%, while E. coli and C. violaceum were inhibited by stingless bee honeys at concentrations between 10 and 20%. A. mellifera honey inhibited E. coli at a concentration of 7% and Candida violaceum at 0.7%. C. albicans were inhibited only with honey concentrations between 30 and 40%. All examined honey had antimicrobial activity against the tested pathogens, thus serving as potential antimicrobial agents for several therapeutic approaches.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a new feed soy product fermented by Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus jugurti on the serum lipid levels of rabbits with induced hypercholesterolemia. METHODS: Thirty-two rabbits were divided into 4 groups as follows: 1) control (C); 2) hypercholesterolemic (H); 3) hypercholesterolemic + fermented product (HPF); and 4) control + fermented product (CPF). The H and HPF groups were fed with a diet with 0.15% (p/p) cholesterol in the first 15 days. C and CPF groups received regular food preparation. The HPF and CPF groups received 10 mL daily of the fermented 30 days. Blood samples were drawn at the beginning of the study and at the 15th and 30th days. Concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides were analyzed. RESULTS: After 15 days, the HPF group showed a total cholesterol concentration lower (18.4%) than that of the H group (p=0.05), but this difference disappeared after 30 days. No change was observed in total cholesterol levels of C and CPF groups. After 15 days, the HDL-cholesterol was higher (17.8%) in the HPF group, but the triglyceride levels remained unchanged in all groups during the same period of time. CONCLUSION: The soy fermented product caused an 18.4% reduction in total cholesterol and a 17.8% increase in the HDL-fraction. It may, therefore, be a possible coadjutor in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.
OBJECTIVE: Assessment of incidence and behavior of mediastinitis after cardiac transplantation. METHODS: From 1985 to 1999, 214 cardiac transplantations were performed, 12 (5.6%) of the transplanted patients developed confirmed mediastinitis. Patient's ages ranged from 42 to 66 years (mean of 52.3±10.0 years) and 10 (83.3%) patients were males. Seven (58.3%) patients showed sternal stability on palpation, 4 (33.3%) patients had pleural empyema, and 2 (16.7%) patients did not show purulent secretion draining through the wound. RESULTS: Staphylococcus aureus was the infectious agent identified in the wound secretion or in the mediastinum, or both, in 8 (66.7%) patients. Staphylococcus epidermidis was identified in 2 (16.7%) patients, Enterococcus faecalis in 1 (8.3%) patient, and the cause of mediastinitis could not be determined in 1 (8.3%) patient. Surgical treatment was performed on an emergency basis, and the extension of the débridement varied with local conditions. In 2 (16.7%) patients, we chose to leave the surgical wound open and performed daily dressings with granulated sugar. Total sternal resection was performed in only 1 (8.3%) patient. Out of this series, 5 (41.7%) patients died, and the causes of death were related to the infection. Autopsy revealed persistence of mediastinitis in 1 (8.3%) patient. CONCLUSION: Promptness in diagnosing mediastinitis and precocious surgical drainage have changed the natural evolution of this disease. Nevertheless, observance of the basic precepts of prophylaxis of infection is still the best way to treat mediastinitis.
Paciente de 35 anos de idade foi atendido em Serviço de Emergência com seis horas de dor em fossa ilíaca direita e febre. Feita hipótese diagnóstica de apendicite aguda e realizada laparotomia exploradora. com apendicectomia. O paciente retornou ao hospital três dias após alta hospitalar. prostrado. febril. com alteração de fala. diminuição de nível de consciência e com hemiparesia completa à esquerda. CT scan de crânio e punção de líquor normal. RMN de encéfalo revelou aspectos compatíveis com AVC isquêmico vertebro-basilar. Ecocardiograma transesofágico demonstrou vegetação em valva aórtica e insuficiência aórtica moderada e hemoculturas foram positivas para Enterococcus bovis.
Healthcare-Associated Infective Endocarditis: a Case Series in a Referral Hospital from 2006 to 2011
Background: Healthcare-associated infective endocarditis (HCA-IE), a severe complication of medical care, shows a growing incidence in literature. Objective: To evaluate epidemiology, etiology, risk factors for acquisition, complications, surgical treatment, and outcome of HCA-IE. Methods: Observational prospective case series study (2006-2011) in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Results: Fifty-three patients with HCA-IE from a total of 151 cases of infective endocarditis (IE) were included. There were 26 (49%) males (mean age of 47 ± 18.7 years), 27 (51%) females (mean age of 42 ± 20.1 years). IE was acute in 37 (70%) cases and subacute in 16 (30%) cases. The mitral valve was affected in 19 (36%) patients and the aortic valve in 12 (36%); prosthetic valves were affected in 23 (43%) patients and native valves in 30 (57%). Deep intravenous access was used in 43 (81%) cases. Negative blood cultures were observed in 11 (21%) patients, Enterococcus faecalis in 10 (19%), Staphylococcus aureus in 9 (17%), and Candida sp. in 7 (13%). Fever was present in 49 (92%) patients, splenomegaly in 12 (23%), new regurgitation murmur in 31 (58%), and elevated C-reactive protein in 44/53 (83%). Echocardiograms showed major criteria in 46 (87%) patients, and 34 (64%) patients were submitted to cardiac surgery. Overall mortality was 17/53 (32%). Conclusion: In Brazil HCA-IE affected young subjects. Patients with prosthetic and native valves were affected in a similar proportion, and non-cardiac surgery was an infrequent predisposing factor, whereas intravenous access was a common one. S. aureus was significantly frequent in native valve HCA-IE, and overall mortality was high.
The knowledge of the Ixodidae becomes every day, more and more important owing to the fact of the increasing number of diseases of man and animals they can transmit. In Brasil besides transmitting treponemosis, piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis to several domestic animals, the ticks are also responsible fo the transmission of the brazilian rocky mountain spotted fever (A. cajennense and Amblyomma striatum) and they can also harbour the virus of the yellow fever and even to transmit it in laboratory experiments (A. cajennense, O. rostratus). The Brazilian fauna of ticks is a small one and has no more than 45 well-established species belonging to the genus Argas, Ornithodoros, Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus, Boophilus, Amblyomma and Spaelaeorhynchus. The genus Amblyomma is the best represented one, with 67% of all species of ticks known in Brazil. One of the most important species in the Amblyomma cajennense owing to its abundance and its wide parasitism in many vertebrates: reptiles, birds and mammals, incluing man, who is much attacked by the larva, the nymph and the adult of this species. The other ticks who attack the man are the Amblyomma brasiliense (the pecari tick), in the forests, and the Ornithodoros, especially the species. O. rostratus and brasiliensis. Other species can bite the man, but only occasionally, like Amblyomma fossum, striatum, oblongogutatum etc. Argas persicus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Boophilus are very important species not only as parasites but specially because they transmit several diseases to animals. Some of the ticks of the brazilian wild animals are now also parasites of the domestic ones and vice-versa. Arga persicus var. dissimilis is very common among the poultry and transmits the Treponema anserinum (gallinarum). Boophilus microplus is very abundant on our domestic and wild ruminants (Bos, Cervus, Mazama etc.) and can also ben found on horse, dogs, Felis onca, Felis concolor etc., and it transmits to cattle piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (an introduced species) is now very common on the dog, over all the country. The author recommend to give popular names to some brazilian ticks in order to make them more acquainted with the non scientific people. The author gives a classification of the superfamilia Ixoidoidea and keys to the determination of the different species of brazilian ticks. He creates a new family of Nuttallielidae to the so interesting tick, described by Bedford with the name of Nuttaliella namaqua in South Africa, a new variety of Argas persicus, the Argas persicus var. dissimilis nov. var. owing to the differences on the segment and on the size and morphology of the peritrema. He describes also the female of Amblyomma fuscum Nn. A great part of the author's work deals with the biology, life conditions and parasitism of many of the brazilian ticks in accordance with his personal and from other author's researches, especially in reference to Argas persicus, Ornithodoros rostratus, O. brasiliensis, Boophilus microplus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma cajennense, A. pseudoconcolor, A. auriculare, A. rotundatum (= A. agamum) etc. The author gives a detailed report upon the parthenogenesis of A. rotundatum (A. agamum) that he first described in 1912 and gives also many references to other species of brazilian ticks, to teratological forms etc. He also gives a detailed report of the geographical distribution of brazilian ticks and of the peculiar conditions of its parasitism. The last part of this article deals with references to the species of ticks of some of the South American Republics namely Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. Amblyomma testudinis Conil, A. neumanni Ribaga 1902 (= A. furcula Dõnitz 1909) and A. parvitarsum Nn. 1899 (= A. altiplanum Dios 1917), are found only in Argentina. It is given a special bibliography dealing with the brazilian ticks and four text figures and one plate.
Nematodes representing five species of the genus Heterakis, namely: H. inglisi n. sp., H. alata, H. gallinarum, H. spiculatus and one species of the genus Odontoterakis, O. multidentata, were studied. Heterakis inglisi n. sp. closely resembles H. spiculatus, differing from it by smaller size of spicules, precloacal sucker and terminal spike of the tail in the males. Heterakis arquata and H. brasiliana are only listed, for they were not found during the present study. Odontoterakis multidentata is reported in Brazil for the first time. New host records are estabilished for most of the species. These species are fully illustrated.
We investigated the bacterial flora present in skin lesions of patients with chiclero's ulcer from the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico using conventional culture methods (11 patients), and an immunocolorimetric detection of pathogenic Streptococcus pyogenes (15 patients). Prevalence of bacteria isolated by culture methods was 90.9% (10/11). We cultured, from chiclero's ulcers (60%), pathogenic bacterial such as Staphylococcus aureus (20%), S. pyogenes (1.6%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1.6%), Morganella morganii (1.6%), and opportunist pathogenic bacteria such as Klebsiella spp. (20.0%), Enterobacter spp. (20%), and Enterococcus spp. (20%). We also cultured coagulase-negative staphylococci in 40% (4/10) of the remaining patients. Micrococcus spp. and coagulase-negative staphylococci constituted the bacterial genuses more frequently isolated in the normal skin of patients with chiclero's ulcer and healthy individuals used as controls. We also undertook another study to find out the presence of S. pyogenes by an immunocolorimetric assay. This study indicated that 60% (9/15) of the ulcerated lesions, but not normal controls, were contaminated with S. pyogenes. Importantly, individuals with purulent secretion and holding concomitant infections with S. pyogenes, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, M. morganii, and E. durans took longer to heal Leishmania (L.) mexicana infections treated with antimonial drugs. Our results suggest the need to eliminate bacterial purulent infections, by antibiotic treatment, before starting antimonial administration to patients with chiclero's ulcer.
The antimicrobial activity of three different extracts (hexanic, ethyl acetate, methanol) obtained from Brazilian Drosera species (D. communis, D. montana var. montana, D. brevifolia, D. villosa var. graomogolensis, D. villosa var. villosa, Drosera sp. 1, and Drosera sp. 2 ) were tested against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Enterococcus faecium (ATCC23212), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC27853), Escherichia coli (ATCC11229), Salmonella choleraesuis (ATCC10708), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC13883), and Candida albicans (a human isolate). Better antimicrobial activity was observed with D. communis and D. montana var. montana ethyl acetate extracts. Phytochemical analyses from D. communis, D. montana var. montana and D. brevifolia yielded 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (plumbagin); long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons were isolated from D. communis and from D. villosa var. villosa, a mixture of long chain aliphatic alcohols and carboxylic acids, was isolated from D. communis and 3b-O-acetylaleuritolic acid from D. villosa var. villosa.
Twelve extracts obtained from nine plants belonging to six different genera of Clusiaceae were analyzed against Gram-negative (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis) bacteria using the microdilution broth assay. Tovomita aff. longifolia, T. brasiliensis, Clusia columnaris, Garcinia madruno, Haploclathra paniculata, and Caraipa grandifolia extracts showed significant results against the bacteria. The organic extract obtained from the leaves of T. aff. longifolia showed minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 70 µg/ml and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) = 90 µg/ml against E. faecalis and the organic extract made with the stem of C. columnaris showed MIC = 180 µg/ml and MBC = 270 µg/ml against P. aeruginosa. None of the antibacterial extracts showed lethal activity against brine shrimp nauplii. On the other hand, both aqueous and organic extracts obtained from the aerial organs of Vismia guianensis that were cytotoxic to brine shrimp nauplii did not show a significant antibacterial activity in the assay.
Emerging resistance phenotypes and antimicrobial resistance rates among pathogens recovered from community-acquired urinary tract infections (CA-UTI) is an increasing problem in specific regions, limiting therapeutic options. As part of the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, a total of 611 isolates were collected in 2003 from patients with CA-UTI presenting at Latin American medical centers. Each strain was tested in a central laboratory using Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) broth microdilution methods with appropriate controls. Escherichia coli was the leading pathogen (66%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (7%), Proteus mirabilis (6.4%), Enterococcus spp. (5.6%), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4.6%). Surprisingly high resistance rates were recorded for E. coli against first-line orally administered agents for CA-UTI, such as ampicillin (53.6%), TMP/SMX (40.4%), ciprofloxacin (21.6%), and gatifloxacin (17.1%). Decreased susceptibility rates to TMP/SMX and ciprofloxacin were also documented for Klebsiella spp. (79.1 and 81.4%, respectively), and P. mirabilis (71.8 and 84.6%, respectively). For Enterococcus spp., susceptibility rates to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, and vancomycin were 88.2, 85.3, 55.9, and 97.1%, respectively. High-level resistance to gentamicin was detected in 24% of Enterococcus spp. Bacteria isolated from patients with CA-UTI in Latin America showed limited susceptibility to orally administered antimicrobials, especially for TMP/SMX and fluoroquinolones. Our results highlight the need for developing specific CA-UTI guidelines in geographic regions where elevated resistance to new and old compounds may influence prescribing decisions.
The antimicrobial activity of copaiba oils was tested against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast, and dermatophytes. Oils obtained from Copaifera martii, Copaifera officinalis, and Copaifera reticulata (collected in the state of Acre) were active against Gram-positive species (Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis, and Enterococcus faecalis) with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 31.3-62.5 µg/ml. The oils showed bactericidal activity, decreasing the viability of these Gram-positive bacteria within 3 h. Moderate activity was observed against dermatophyte fungi (Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis). The oils showed no activity against Gram-negative bacteria and yeast. Scannning electron microscopy of S. aureus treated with resin oil from C. martii revealed lysis of the bacteria, causing cellular agglomerates. Transmission electron microscopy revealed disruption and damage to the cell wall, resulting in the release of cytoplasmic compounds, alterations in morphology, and a decrease in cell volume, indicating that copaiba oil may affect the cell wall.