130 resultados para Correlation Spectroscopy


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The amounts of macro (P, K, Ca and Mg) and micronutrients (Cu and Zn) extracted with the Mehlich-1 (M1) solution, by the 1.0 mol L-1 KCl (KCl) and with the 0.1 mol L-1 HCl (HCl) for representative soil types of the Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil) were compared with those extracted with the Mehlich-1 solution determined with the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP). The amounts of nutrients extracted by the different methods showed high correlation coefficients. On average, the Mehlich-1 solution extracted similar amounts of P, determined with colorimetric and ICP methods, and, K determined with emission and ICP. The amounts of Ca and Mg extracted with the Mehlich-1 solution, determined by ICP, were similar to those extracted with the KCl solution determined by the atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The amounts of Cu and Zn extracted with the Mehlich-1 solution, determined by the ICP, were higher than those extracted with the 0.1 mol L-1 HCl determined by the atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results indicate that the Mehlich-1 solution and ICP can be used for simultaneous multielement extraction and determination for Southern Brazilian soils. However, a conversion factor for values interpretation is needed. The use of the conversion factor to determine the K availability index in soils is adequate and does not affect the K recommendations for crops in southern Brazilian soils.


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Although the influence of clay mineralogy on soil physical properties has been widely studied, spatial relationships between these features in Alfisols have rarely been examined. The purpose of this work was to relate the clay minerals and physical properties of an Alfisol of sandstone origin in two slope curvatures. The crystallographic properties such as mean crystallite size (MCS) and width at half height (WHH) of hematite, goethite, kaolinite and gibbsite; contents of hematite and goethite; aluminium substitution (AS) and specific surface area (SSA) of hematite and goethite; the goethite/(goethite+hematite) and kaolinite/(kaolinite+gibbsite) ratios; and the citrate/bicarbonate/dithionite extractable Fe (Fe d) were correlated with the soil physical properties through Pearson correlation coefficients and cross-semivariograms. The correlations found between aluminium substitution in goethite and the soil physical properties suggest that the degree of crystallinity of this mineral influences soil properties used as soil quality indicators. Thus, goethite with a high aluminium substitution resulted in large aggregate sizes and a high porosity, and also in a low bulk density and soil penetration resistance. The presence of highly crystalline gibbsite resulted in a high density and micropore content, as well as in smaller aggregates. Interpretation of the cross-semivariogram and classification of landscape compartments in terms of the spatial dependence pattern for the relief-dependent physical and mineralogical properties of the soil proved an effective supplementary method for assessing Pearson correlations between the soil physical and mineralogical properties.


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Visible and near infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy is widely used to detect soil properties. The objective of this study is to evaluate the combined effect of moisture content (MC) and the modeling algorithm on prediction of soil organic carbon (SOC) and pH. Partial least squares (PLS) and the Artificial neural network (ANN) for modeling of SOC and pH at different MC levels were compared in terms of efficiency in prediction of regression. A total of 270 soil samples were used. Before spectral measurement, dry soil samples were weighed to determine the amount of water to be added by weight to achieve the specified gravimetric MC levels of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 %. A fiber-optic vis-NIR spectrophotometer (350-2500 nm) was used to measure spectra of soil samples in the diffuse reflectance mode. Spectra preprocessing and PLS regression were carried using Unscrambler® software. Statistica® software was used for ANN modeling. The best prediction result for SOC was obtained using the ANN (RMSEP = 0.82 % and RPD = 4.23) for soil samples with 25 % MC. The best prediction results for pH were obtained with PLS for dry soil samples (RMSEP = 0.65 % and RPD = 1.68) and soil samples with 10 % MC (RMSEP = 0.61 % and RPD = 1.71). Whereas the ANN showed better performance for SOC prediction at all MC levels, PLS showed better predictive accuracy of pH at all MC levels except for 25 % MC. Therefore, based on the data set used in the current study, the ANN is recommended for the analyses of SOC at all MC levels, whereas PLS is recommended for the analysis of pH at MC levels below 20 %.


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The spatial correlation between soil properties and weeds is relevant in agronomic and environmental terms. The analysis of this correlation is crucial for the interpretation of its meaning, for influencing factors such as dispersal mechanisms, seed production and survival, and the range of influence of soil management techniques. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial correlation between the physical properties of soil and weeds in no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems. The following physical properties of soil and weeds were analyzed: soil bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, aeration capacity of soil matrix, soil water content at field capacity, weed shoot biomass, weed density, Commelina benghalensis density, and Bidens pilosa density. Generally, the ranges of the spatial correlations were higher in NT than in CT. The cross-variograms showed that many variables have a structure of combined spatial variation and can therefore be mapped from one another by co-kriging. This combined variation also allows inferences about the physical and biological meanings of the study variables. Results also showed that soil management systems influence the spatial dependence structure significantly.


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The availability and the reserves of organic phosphorus are controlled by its mineralization rate and are also influenced by changes in soil management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of soil covering with different leguminous plant on soil organic P by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Alkaline soil extracts were obtained from two depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm) of an Ultisol cultivated with herbaceous perennial leguminous plants (Arachis pintoi, Pueraria phaseoloides, Macroptilium atropurpureum). In an adjacent area, samples of the same soil cover with a secondary tropical forest and grass (Panicum maximum) were also collected. The leguminous management was divided into with removal and without removal of shoot parts after cut on soil surface. Phosphate monoesters are the dominant P species in all soil samples and P diesters accumulated on the superficial layer of secondary forest soil. The P amount of this fraction is higher for the legume covered soil when compared with the grass covered soil. The permanence of leguminous plants on the topsoil after the cut promoted an increase in P diester/P monoester ratios. These findings can be accounted for an enhancement of P availability to plants in soils cultivated with leguminous plants.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the correlation between sugarcane yield and some physical and chemical attributes of soil. For this, a 42‑ha test area in Araras, SP, Brazil, was used. Soil properties were determined from samples collected at the beginning of the 2003/2004 harvest season, using a regular 100x100 m grid. Yield assessment was done with a yield monitor (Simprocana). Correlation analyses were performed between sugarcane yield and the following soil properties: pH, pH CaCl2, N, C, cone index, clay content, soil organic matter, P, K, Ca, Mg, H+AL, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Correlation coefficients were respectively ‑0.05, ‑0.29, 0.33, 0.41, ‑0.27, 0.22, 0.44, ‑0.24, trace, ‑0.06, 0.01, 0.32, 0.14, and 0.04. Correlations of chemical and physical attributes of soil with sugarcane yield are weak, and, per se, they are not able to explain sugarcane yield variation, which suggests that other variables, besides soil attributes, should be analysed.


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The objective of this work was to propose a way of using the Tocher's method of clustering to obtain a matrix similar to the cophenetic one obtained for hierarchical methods, which would allow the calculation of a cophenetic correlation. To illustrate the obtention of the proposed cophenetic matrix, we used two dissimilarity matrices - one obtained with the generalized squared Mahalanobis distance and the other with the Euclidean distance - between 17 garlic cultivars, based on six morphological characters. Basically, the proposal for obtaining the cophenetic matrix was to use the average distances within and between clusters, after performing the clustering. A function in R language was proposed to compute the cophenetic matrix for Tocher's method. The empirical distribution of this correlation coefficient was briefly studied. For both dissimilarity measures, the values of cophenetic correlation obtained for the Tocher's method were higher than those obtained with the hierarchical methods (Ward's algorithm and average linkage - UPGMA). Comparisons between the clustering made with the agglomerative hierarchical methods and with the Tocher's method can be performed using a criterion in common: the correlation between matrices of original and cophenetic distances.


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The objective of this work was to establish a calibration equation and to estimate the efficiency of near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy for evaluating rapeseed oil content in Southern Brazil. Spectral data from 124 half-sib families were correlated with oil contents determined by the chemical method. The accuracy of the equation was verified by coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.92, error of calibration (SEC) of 0.78, and error of performance (SEP) of 1.22. The oil content of ten genotypes, which were not included in the calibration with NIR, was similar to the one obtained by the standard chemical method. NIR spectroscopy is adequate to differentiate oil content of rapeseed genotypes.


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This study aimed to determine the number of measurements necessary to evaluate physical and chemical characteristics of peach fruits, study the relationships between them and their direct and indirect effects on the content of ascorbic acid and total carotenoids. The characteristics skin and pulp color, fruit weight, suture, equatorial and polar diameters, firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), SS/TA ratio, ascorbic acid and total carotenoids were evaluated in 39 cultivars of peach and 3 cultivars of nectarine from the orchard of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa. The repeatability coefficient was estimated by ANOVA and CPCOR. Phenotypic correlation coefficients (rf) were estimated and, after the multicollinearity diagnostics, they were unfolded to direct and indirect effects of the explanatory variables on the response variable using path analysis. There was agreement on the magnitude of repeatability coefficients obtained by the two methods; however, they varied among the 14 characteristics. The highest correlations were found between FW, SD, ED and PD. Seven fruits are sufficient to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of peach with a correlation coefficient of 90%. The characteristics considered in the path diagrams (b* skin, hº skin, b* pulp, hº pulp, ED, PD, FIR, SS, SS/AT and TC) are not the main determinants of the ascorbic acid. The yellow hue of the pulp (hº pulp) has the potential to be used in indirect selection for total carotenoids.


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As malformações cardíacas são as mais freqüentes anomalias congênitas ao nascimento, entretanto, a sua detecção pré-natal pela ultra-sonografia convencional permanece baixa. As ultra-sonografias de terceira e quarta dimensões surgiram no início da década de 90, apresentando grandes aplicações em obstetrícia, principalmente nos casos de diagnósticos duvidosos à ultra-sonografia bidimensional. O spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC) representa grande avanço na área de ultra-som de quarta dimensão; constitui-se em um software acoplado ao aparelho Voluson 730 Expert, que permite a aquisição volumétrica do coração fetal e suas conexões vasculares. As análises volumétricas são realizadas nos modos multiplanar e de renderização, podendo-se também utilizar o Doppler. Apresenta, como grandes vantagens, a aquisição rápida e a possibilidade de análise posterior por especialistas em ecocardiografia fetal. Pode ser aplicada para a pesquisa de quaisquer cardiopatias congênitas, pois permite a aquisição de qualquer plano, diferentemente do ultra-som bidimensional. Sua principal desvantagem está relacionada aos movimentos fetais. A maior difusão do método pode permitir um aumento na detecção de malformações cardíacas, pois possibilita ao ultra-sonografista geral encaminhar, via Internet, os volumes para a análise por especialistas em ecocardiografia fetal.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate mammographic breast density in asymptomatic menopausal women in correlation with clinical and sonographic findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mammograms and clinical and sonographic findings of 238 asymptomatic patients were retrospectively reviewed in the period from February/2022 to June/2006. The following variables were analyzed: mammographic density patterns, sonographic findings, patients' age, parity, body mass index and use of hormone replacement therapy. RESULTS: Age, parity and body mass index showed a negative correlation with breast density pattern, while use of hormone replacement therapy showed a positive correlation. Supplementary breast ultrasonography was performed in 103 (43.2%) patients. Alterations which could not be visualized at mammography were found in 34 (33%) of them, most frequently in women with breast density patterns 3 and 4. CONCLUSION: The authors concluded that breast density patterns were influenced by age, parity, body mass index and time of hormone replacement therapy. Despite not having found any malignant abnormality in the studied cases, the authors have observed a predominance of benign sonographic abnormalities in women with high breast density patterns and without mammographic abnormalities, proving the relevance of supplementary ultrasonography to identify breast lesions in such patients.


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The present essay is aimed at describing the most characteristic imaging findings of mucinous carcinoma of the breast, with emphasis on the patterns related to better prognosis. The authors selected cases of mucinous carcinoma of the breast whose images were available, highlighting the imaging findings suggestive of this subtype of breast cancer, either at mammography, ultrasonography or magnetic resonance imaging.


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Objective To evaluate the sonographic measurement of subcutaneous and visceral fat in correlation with the grade of hepatic steatosis. Materials and Methods In the period from October 2012 to January 2013, 365 patients were evaluated. The subcutaneous and visceral fat thicknesses were measured with a convex, 3–4 MHz transducer transversely placed 1 cm above the umbilical scar. The distance between the internal aspect of the abdominal rectus muscle and the posterior aortic wall in the abdominal midline was considered for measurement of the visceral fat. Increased liver echogenicity, blurring of vascular margins and increased acoustic attenuation were the parameters considered in the quantification of hepatic steatosis. Results Steatosis was found in 38% of the study sample. In the detection of moderate to severe steatosis, the area under the ROC curve was 0.96 for women and 0.99 for men, indicating cut-off values for visceral fat thickness of 9 cm and 10 cm, respectively. Conclusion The present study evidenced the correlation between steatosis and visceral fat thickness and suggested values for visceral fat thickness to allow the differentiation of normality from risk for steatohepatitis.


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Spontaneous perforation of gallbladder is a severe and infrequent complication of acute cholecystitis that requires early and accurate diagnosis. Concomitant development of intrahepatic collections is rarely observed in such cases. The present report emphasizes the relevance of imaging studies in this setting, describing the typical sonographic and tomographic findings for the diagnosis of such condition.