178 resultados para Comparative Criminology
OBJECTIVE: To study the in-hospital evolution of patients aged 65 years and older, with acute myocardial infarction, who were treated by direct coronary angioplasty with no fibrinolytic therapy. METHODS: We studied 885 patients divided into 2 groups as follows: group I (GI) - 293 (33.4%) patients aged ³ 65 years (72±5 years), and group II (GII) - 592 patients aged < 65 years (57±9 years). Multivessel disease was more frequent in GI (63.5% x 49.7%; p=0.001). A greater number of GII patients were class I or II of the clinical Killip-Kimball classification (K) (80.2% x 67.2%; p=0.00002), while a significant number of GI patients were KIII and KIV (24.3% x 12.8%; p=0.00003). RESULTS: Group I had a lower index of success (84.6% x 94%; p=0.0002) and a greater in-hospital mortality (12.2% x 4.7%; p=0.00007). The predictors of mortality in GI were as follows: previous infarction (20.5% x 6.3%; p=0.02), anterior location (13.4% x 6.4%; p=0.03), and male sex (10.4% x 4.4%; p=0.007). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients had more severe acute myocardial infarction and more extensive disease, a lower index of success, and greater in-hospital mortality. Previous infarction, anterior location and male sex were identified as predictors of mortality in the elderly group (GI).
OBJECTIVE: To assess pregnancy outcome in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy and to compare it with idiopathic cardiomyopathy. METHODS: Twenty-six pregnant women, aged 28.4±6.1 years, with dilated cardiomyopathy were followed. Eighteen patients had peripartum cardiomyopathy [11 with persistent left ventricular systolic dysfunction (EF=45.2±2) and 7 with recovered ventricular function (EF=62.3±3.6)]. The 8 remaining patients had idiopathic cardiomyopathy (EF= 43.5±4.1). During the prenatal period, limited physical activity and a low-sodium diet were recommended, and hospitalization was recommended when complications occurred. RESULTS: Of the 26 patients, 11 (42.3%) had a normal delivery; 9(35.5%) had cardiac complications, 6 (22.2%) had obstetric complications. Two patients (7.7%) died. Two preterm pregnancies occurred, with 26 health newborns (2 sets of twins). Two miscarriages took place. The cardiac complication rate during pregnancy was lower (p<0.009) in the peripartum cardiomyopathy group without ventricular dysfunction and greater (p=0.01) in the idiopathic group when compared with the peripartum group with ventricular dysfunction. Changes in left ventricular ejection fraction were not observed (p<0.05) in the postpartum period, when compared with that during pregnancy in the 3 groups. CONCLUSION: Pregnancy in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy is associated with maternal morbidity. Left ventricular function is a prognostic factor and must be the most parameter when counseling patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy about a new pregnancy.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the use, prior to the procedure, of injectable diltiazem to prevent complications. METHODS: Between September 2000 and July 2001, 50 patients underwent transradial coronary angiography and were randomized to receive placebo (GI) or diltiazem (GII) through a catheter inserted into the radial artery. All patients received isosorbide mononitrate. Ultrasound analyses of the radial artery were performed before examination, 30 minutes afterwards, and 7 days afterwards to evaluate the flow, the diameter, and the artery output. RESULTS: The radial artery diameter of GI was 2.4± 0.5 mm before the procedure and 2.3±0.5 mm after 30 minutes (NS), whereas in GII the diameter was 2.2±0.3 mm before the examination and 2.5±0.4 mm 30 minutes after it (P<0.001). Radial artery output in group 1 was 7.3±5.l2 mL/min before the examination and 6.1±3.5 mL/min 30 minutes after the examination (NS), and GII had an increase of 5.9±2.5 mL/min before examination to 9.05± 7.78 mL/min after the examination (P=0.04). Complications (spasm, occlusion, and partial obstruction) occurred in 4 patients (17.4%) in GI and did not occur in GII (P=0.04). CONCLUSION: The study suggests a decrease in vascular complications through the transradial access for coronary angiography with the use of diltiazem as an antispasmodic drug, resulting in the significant increase in the diameter of the radial artery and radial artery output.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of smoking on in-hospital morbidity and mortality in patients who have experienced acute myocardial infarction and to assess the association between smoking and other cardiovascular risk factors and clinical data. METHODS: A prospective cohort study analyzed 121 patients, including 54 smokers, 35 ex-smokers, and 32 nonsmokers. RESULTS: Using the chi-square test (P<0.05), an association between smoking and the risk factors sex, age, and diabetes was documented. Among the morbidity and mortality variables, only acute pulmonary edema showed a statistically significant difference (OR=9.5; 95% CI), which was greater in the ex-smoker group than in the nonsmoker group. CONCLUSION: An association between smoking and some cardiovascular risk factors was observed, but no statistical difference in morbidity and mortality was observed in the groups studied, except for the variable acute pulmonary edema.
Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly: Comparative Analysis of Two Five-year Periods
Background:Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Brazil. The better understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the Brazilian elderly population is essential to support more appropriate health actions for each region of the country.Objective:To describe and to compare geospatially the rates of mortality from cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals living in Brazil by gender in two 5-year periods: 1996 to 2000 and 2006 to 2010.Methods:This is an ecological study, for which rates of mortality were obtained from DATASUS and the population rates from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). An average mortality rate for cardiovascular disease in elderly by gender was calculated for each period. The spatial autocorrelation was evaluated by TerraView 4.2.0 through global Moran index and the formation of clusters by the index of local Moran-LISA.Results:There was an increase, in the second 5-year period, in the mortality rates in the Northeast and North regions, parallel to a decrease in the South, South-East and Midwest regions. Moreover, there was the formation of clusters with high mortality rates in the second period in Roraima among females, and in Ceará, Pernambuco and Roraima among males.Conclusion:The increase in mortality rates in the North and Northeast regions is probably related to the changing profile of mortality and improvement in the quality of information, a result of the increase in surveillance and health care measures in these regions.
Abstract Background: Due to the importance of coronary artery disease (CAD), continuous investigation of the risk factors (RFs) is needed. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of RFs for CAD in cities in Rio Grande do Sul State, and compare it with that reported in a similar study conducted in the same cities in 2002. Methods: Cross-sectional study on 1,056 healthy adults, investigating the prevalence and absolute and relative frequencies of the following RFs for CAD: obesity, systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), dyslipidemias, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes mellitus, and family history, as well as age and sex. Data was collected in 19 cities, host of the Offices of the Regional Coordinators of Health, as in the 2002 study. Results: Twenty-six percent of the sample consisted of older adults and 57% were women. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle was 44%, history family 50%, smoking 23%, overweight/obesity 68%, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol levels) 43%, SAH 40%, and diabetes 11%. When compared to the 2002 study, the prevalence of active smoking and sedentary behavior decreased, whereas the prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity increased. Obesity is the most prevalent RF in women, and SAH the most prevalent in men. Conclusions: The prevalence of RFs for CAD in Rio Grande do Sul State remains high. Hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia are still prevalent and require major prevention programs. Smoking and physical inactivity have decreased in the state, suggesting the efficacy of related campaigns.
Under greenhouse conditions cultivars Davis, IAC 73-228, PI 227.687, PI 171.451, and PI 229.358 of soybean were compared. PI 171.451 showed lower dry weight of stem in relation to Davis. Higher pod numbers produced by PI 227-687, IAC 73-228, and PI 229. 358 as compared to Davis were observed. Cultivars PI 227.687 and IAC 73-228 produced larger seed numbers. A larger weight of 100 seeds in Davis, PI 229.358, and PI 171. 45I cultivars was observed. The last two cultivars are sources of resistance against pests of soybean.
This paper dis cusses the fitting of a Cobb-Doug las response curve Yi = αXβi, with additive error, Yi = αXβi + e i, instead of the usual multiplicative error Yi = αXβi (1 + e i). The estimation of the parameters A and B is discussed. An example is given with use of both types of error.
The comparative response of three sorghum (E-57, TEY 101 and C- 102) and of three corn cultivars (HMD-7974, Centralmex and Piranão) to N, P and K applications was studied in a soil from Anhembi, SP, classifield as Distrophic quartz sand (AQd) was studied. Leaf analyses were made to assess the nutritional status of the two crops. Main conclusions were the following. 1. Sorghum yieldel more than corn; 2. Both sorghum and corn varieties showed different capacities to absorb N, P and K from the soil and to fertilizer application; 3. There was no response to K2O fertilization; 4. Only Piranão increased yield when suplemented with a mixture of micronutrientes; 5. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 6. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 7. The following leaf levels were considered to be adequate, respectively for sorghum and corn: N - 2,00 - 2,25%, 3,25 - 3,50%; P - 0,30 - 0,40, 0,45 - 0,50; K -2,00 - 2,50, 2,20 - 2,40%; Ca - 0,20 - 0,40, 0,44- 0,72% Mg - 0,25 - 0,40, 0,34 - 0,60%; S - 0,50 - 0,70, 0,72 -0,80; Cu - 7 - 10, 11 - 15%; Fe - 84 - 170, 98 - 125%; Mn - 58 - 72, 66 - 85%; Zn - 10 - 14, 18 - 22; critical levels, however, do very depending upon cultivar.
The developmental degree of the wax glands was compared in four Meliponini bees, that produce different quantities of wax. The histological data and height average of the wax epithelium during the time in which the maximum production of wax is expected, are in accordance with the rates of wax produced by the species. In Lestrimelitta limao (Smith, 1863) a species which has cleptobiotic habits, and frequently rob wax from the attacked colonies, the height of wax epithelium was the lowest among the studied species. The cells seem to show an abnormal vacuolated cytoplasm, in the phase in which they would be producing wax.
Descriptive and comparative studies on tongue of nineteen Molossidae, one Mystacinidae, and four Vespertilionidae bats species were carried out. Analysis was restricted to the external morphology, covering general shape of the tongue and its papillae. Types of papillae and their distribution presented considerable intergeneric variation, considering the strictly insectivorous feeding habits of these bats. Distribution of the data of tongue morphology is analyzed and compared with the phylogenetic schemes proposed previously and comments about evolutionary relationships among taxa were done.
This study compared tidepool fish assemblages within and among habitats at Iparana and Pecém beaches, State of Ceará, Northeast Brazil, using visual census techniques. A total of 8,914 fishes, representing 25 families and 43 species were recorded. The most abundant taxon was Sparisoma spp, followed by Haemulon parra (Desmarest, 1823), Acanthurus chirurgus (Bloch, 1787) and Abudefduf saxatilis (Linnaeus, 1758). Haemulidae was the most abundant family in number of individuals, followed by Scaridae, Acanthuridae and Pomacentridae. Within- and between- site differences in species assemblages probably reflected environmental discontinuities and more localized features, such as pool isolation episodes, or environmental complexity, both acting isolated or interactively. The locality of Iparana was probably subjected to a greater fishing pressure and tourism than Pecém, a potential cause for the observed lowest fish abundance and biodiversity. We conclude that tidepool ichthyofauna may be quite variable between and within reef sites. Thus, observations taken from or damages caused on one area may not be generalized to or mitigated by the protection of adjacent sites.
This work was carried out in Marco river, São José dos Ausentes municipality, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. This region is located within the Campos Sulinos biome, an area of great biological importance due to its high diversity and endemism of fish. The feeding habits and food overlap between Eurycheilichthys pantherinus (Reis & Schaefer, 1992) (n=108) and Pareiorhaphis hystrix Pereira & Reis, 2002 (n=60) are described. Monthly samples were obtained between September 2000 and July 2001 with dipnets using the kick sampling technique. Stomach contents were analyzed based on frequency of occurrence, volumetric frequency and index of alimentary importance. The level of dietary specialization and food overlap were determined by the Levins measure and the Morisita index, respectively. Eurycheilichthys pantherinus fed mainly on immature aquatic insects, such as Dipterans and Ephemeropterans, and was classified as insectivore. Pareiorhaphis hystrix fed mainly on detritus associated with small amounts of aquatic insects, and was classified as detritivore. Species are clearly segregated by the use of food resources in Marco River. Their diets did not overlap and the differences observed in their feeding habits probably contribute for their coexistence.
Different populations of Pseudonannolene strinatii Mauriès, 1974 collected from three caves in Iporanga, state of São Paulo, were cytogenetically compared using techniques of conventional coloration, C-banding and silver nitrate impregnation. Specimens were morphologically similar and small cytogenetic differences were observed between the populations with relation to the distribution of constitutive heterochromatin.
ABSTRACT Mugil liza Valenciennes, 1836 is an economically important food fish and has been recommended for aquaculture in South America. A total of 278 fishes were collected in the spring and summer of 2009 and 2010. These fish were sorted into sample groups according to their size class. We used Bayesian statistics and 95% credible intervals for each parameter tested were calculated. Fish studied harbored a total of 15 different species of parasites. Diversity of parasite species found on Mugil liza was greatest at the S.R.C. collection site, but evidenced a lower species richness than at A.R. site. The 1st size fishes of both sites evidenced greater parasite diversity than either 2nd or 3rd size fish. Differences observed could be explained by the different use of habitat types at the two sites or differential susceptibility to infection by parasites. The dominance of D. fastigatainfluenced observed results of lower community diversity indexes. New works elucidating different parasite life cycles within juvenile and adults ofM. liza in Argentina, promise to be important for determining the risk of the parasitism by zoonotic metacercariae A. (P.) longa and use of this fish as food and an economic resource, and the possible use of mullet parasites in other promising fields as indicators of biodiversity, and/ or water contamination.