116 resultados para Cesalpino, Andrea, 1524 or 5-1603.


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FUNDAMENTO: Os fatores de risco para as síndromes hipertensivas gestacionais (SHG) são vários e podem relacionar-se à região e etnia da população. No Estado de Goiás, são escassos os estudos sobre esse tema. OBJETIVO: Investigar os fatores de risco maternos para SHG. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se um estudo caso-controle por meio da análise dos prontuários das parturientes da Maternidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás (HC-UFG), em 2005. Os fatores de risco foram analisados pela análise de regressão logística e pelo teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Em 2005, houve 890 partos na Maternidade do HC-UFG, e 129 gestantes apresentaram diagnóstico de SHG (14,5%). A análise multivariada identificou a obesidade como fator de risco tanto para hipertensão gestacional (HG) (OR: 17,636; IC 95%: de 2,859 a 108,774) como para hipertensão arterial crônica superajuntada à pré-eclâmpsia (HCSPE) (OR: 27,307; IC 95%: de 4,453 a 167,440). Primiparidade constituiu fator de risco para HG (OR: 5,435; IC 95%: de 1,923 a 15,385). Idade acima de 30 anos foi fator de risco para HCSPE (OR: 5,218; IC 95%: de 1,873 a 14,536) e fator de proteção para pré-eclâmpsia (PE) (OR: 0,035; IC 95%: de 0,003 a 0,364). Raça não-branca representou risco independente para PE (OR: 13,158; IC 95%: de 1,672 a 100,000) e PE prévia para HCSPE (OR: 4,757; IC 95%: de 1,261 a 17,938). Das gestantes com hipertensão arterial crônica (HAC), 73,5% desenvolveram HCSPE (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores obesidade, raça não-branca, PE prévia, idade acima de 30 anos e HAC identificados foram semelhantes à maioria dos achados da literatura.


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FUNDAMENTO: Há poucos estudos sobre riscos cardiovasculares em adolescentes com diferentes graus de obesidade. OBJETIVO: Avaliar repercussões metabólicas associadas a diferentes graus de obesidade em adolescentes e seu impacto nos riscos cardiovasculares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 80 adolescentes obesos, divididos em dois grupos: 2or e maior grau de obesidade, respectivamente. Foram realizados exame físico e avaliação bioquímica e de composição corporal. Para a análise estatística, foram aplicados os testes t-Student e qui-quadrado, com a finalidade de comparar os dois grupos. Modelo logístico múltiplo foi utilizado para verificar as associações entre variáveis bioquímicas e grau de obesidade. Foram desenvolvidos escores de risco para doença cardiovascular, de acordo com o número de alterações encontradas nas seguintes variáveis: glicemia de jejum, triglicérides, HDL e PA. Foram verificadas associações entre esses escores e o grau de obesidade. RESULTADOS: Os dois grupos diferiram em valores de peso, circunferência da cintura, glicemia e insulina de jejum, HOMA-IR, triglicérides, HDL, PA e medidas de composição corporal (p<0,05). Os adolescentes com maior grau de obesidade apresentaram maiores frequências de alterações para glicemia, HOMA-IR, triglicérides, HDL e pressão arterial (p<0,05). O modelo logístico mostrou associações entre o grau de obesidade e as variáveis: HDL (OR=5,43), PA (OR=4,29), TG (OR=3,12). O escore de risco demonstrou que 57,7% dos adolescentes com maiores graus de obesidade tinham duas ou mais alterações metabólicas para 16,7% do outro grupo (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: O grau da obesidade influenciou no aparecimento de alterações que compõem a síndrome metabólica, aumentando o risco cardiovascular.


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FUNDAMENTO: Sabe-se que hábitos de vida inadequados favorecem a hipertensão, e os adventistas preconizam hábitos saudáveis. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência da hipertensão nos adventistas do sétimo dia na capital e no interior paulistas. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 264 adventistas (41,17 ± 15,27 anos, 59,8% mulheres, com alto nível de religiosidade avaliada pela escala Duke-DUREL). A medida da pressão arterial foi realizada com aparelho automático validado. Nível de significância adotado foi p < 0,05. Resultados: A prevalência total de hipertensão foi 22,7%, (27,4% no interior e 15% na capital). Os adventistas da capital diferiram dos do interior (p < 0,05), respectivamente, quanto: escolaridade superior (62% vs 36,6%); ter vínculo empregatício (44%) vs autônomos (40,9%); renda familiar (8,39 ± 6,20 vs 4,59 ± 4,75 salários mínimos) e renda individual (4,54 ± 5,34 vs 6,35 ± 48 salários mínimos); casal responsável pela renda familiar (35% vs 39,6%); vegetarianismo (11% vs 3%); pressão arterial (115,38 ± 16,52/68,74 ± 8,94 vs 123,66 ± 19,62/74,88 ± 11,85 mmHg); etnia branca (65% vs 81,1%); casados (53% vs 68,9%); menor apoio social no domínio material (15,7 ± 5,41 vs 16,9 ± 4,32) e lembrar da última vez que mediu a pressão arterial (65% vs 48,8%). A análise multivariada associou hipertensão com: 1) vegetarianismo (OR 0,051, IC95% 0,004-0,681), 2) escolaridade (OR 5,317, IC95% 1,674-16,893), 3) lembrar quando mediu a pressão (OR 2,725, IC95% 1,275-5,821), 4) aposentado (OR 8,846, IC95% 1,406-55,668), 5) responsável pela renda familiar (OR 0,422, IC95% 0,189-0,942). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de hipertensão dos adventistas foi menor se comparada com estudos nacionais, sendo menor na capital em relação ao interior possivelmente por melhores condições socioeconômicas e hábitos de vida.


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FUNDAMENTO: Cerca de 30% dos AVE perioperatórios da cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM) são decorrentes de lesões carotídeas, sem redução de risco confirmada por intervenção perioperatória. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o impacto da doença carotídea e a intervenção perioperatória nos pacientes submetidos à CRM. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo observacional, avaliando 1.169 pacientes com idade > 65 anos submetidos à CRM entre janeiro de 2006 e dezembro de 2010, acompanhados, em média, por 49 meses. Todos foram submetidos à ultrassonografia de carótidas prévia à CRM. Definiu-se doença carotídea quando lesão > 50%. O desfecho primário foi composto pela incidência de AVE, acidente isquêmico transitório (AIT) e óbito por AVE. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da doença carotídea foi de 19,9% dos pacientes. A incidência do desfecho primário entre portadores e não portadores foi de 6,5% e 3,7%, respectivamente (p = 0,0018). Nos primeiros 30 dias, ocorreram 18,2% dos eventos. Relacionaram-se a doença carotídea: disfunção renal (OR 2,03, IC95% 1,34-3,07; p < 0,01), doença arterial periférica (OR 1,80, IC95% 1,22-2,65; p < 0,01) e infarto do miocárdio prévio (OR 0,47, IC95% 0,35-0,65; p < 0,01). Quanto ao desfecho primário, foram associados AIT prévio (OR 5,66, IC95% 1,67-6,35; p < 0,01) e disfunção renal (OR 3,28, IC95% 1,67-6,45; p < 0,01). Nos pacientes com lesão > 70%, a intervenção carotídea perioperatória apresentou incidência de 17% no desfecho primário contra 4,3% na conduta conservadora (p = 0,056) sem diferença entre abordagens percutânea e cirúrgica (p = 0,516). CONCLUSÃO: A doença carotídea aumenta o risco para AVE, AIT ou morte por AVE na CRM. Entretanto, a intervenção carotídea não foi relacionada à redução do desfecho primário.


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FUNDAMENTO: A ocorrência de sangramento aumenta a mortalidade intra-hospitalar em pacientes com síndromes coronarianas agudas (SCAs), e há uma boa correlação entre os escores de risco de sangramento e a incidência de eventos hemorrágicos. No entanto, o papel dos escores de risco de sangramento como fatores preditivos de mortalidade é pouco estudado. OBJETIVO: Analisar o papel do escore de risco de sangramento como fator preditivo de mortalidade intra-hospitalar numa coorte de pacientes com SCA tratados num centro terciário de cardiologia. MÉTODOS: Dos 1.655 pacientes com SCA (547 com SCA com supra de ST e 1.118 com SCA sem supra de ST), calculou-se o escore de risco de sangramento ACUITY/HORIZONS prospectivamente em 249 pacientes e retrospectivamente nos demais 1.416. Informações sobre mortalidade e complicações hemorrágicas também foram obtidas. RESULTADOS: A idade média da população estudada foi 64,3 ± 12,6 anos e o escore de risco de sangramento médio foi 18 ± 7,7. A correlação entre sangramento e mortalidade foi altamente significativa (p < 0,001; OR = 5,29), assim como a correlação entre escore de sangramento e hemorragia intra-hospitalar (p < 0,001; OR = 1,058), e entre escore de sangramento e mortalidade intra-hospitalar (OR ajustado = 1,121, p < 0,001, área sob a curva ROC 0,753; p < 0,001). O OR ajustado e a área sob a curva ROC para a população com SCA com supra de ST foram 1,046 (p = 0,046) e 0,686 ± 0,040 (p < 0,001), respectivamente, e para SCA sem supra de ST foram 1,150 (p < 0,001) e 0,769 ± 0,036 (p < 0,001), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O escore de risco de sangramento é um fator preditivo muito útil e altamente confiável para mortalidade intra-hospitalar em uma grande variedade de pacientes com SCAs, especialmente aqueles com angina instável ou infarto agudo do miocárdio sem supra de ST.


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Background: The incidence of obesity in children is increasing worldwide, primarily in urbanized, high-income countries, and hypertension development is a detrimental effect of this phenomenon. Objective: In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated the prevalence of excess weight and its association with high blood pressure (BP) in schoolchildren. Methods: Here 4,609 male and female children, aged 6 to 11 years, from 24 public and private schools in Maringa, Brazil, were evaluated. Nutritional status was assessed by body mass index (BMI) according to cutoff points adjusted for sex and age. Blood pressure (BP) levels above 90th percentile for gender, age and height percentile were considered elevated. Results: The prevalence of excess weight among the schoolchildren was 24.5%; 16.9% were overweight, and 7.6% were obese. Sex and socioeconomic characteristics were not associated with elevated BP. In all age groups, systolic and diastolic BP correlated with BMI and waist and hip measurements, but not with waist-hip ratio. The prevalence of elevated BP was 11.2% in eutrophic children, 20.6% in overweight children [odds ratio (OR), 1.99; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.61-2.45], and 39.7% in obese children (OR, 5.4; 95% CI, 4.23-6.89). Conclusion: Obese and overweight children had a higher prevalence of elevated BP than normal-weight children. Our data confirm that the growing worldwide epidemic of excess weight and elevated BP in schoolchildren may also be ongoing in Brazil.


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Background: The importance of measuring blood pressure before morning micturition and in the afternoon, while working, is yet to be established in relation to the accuracy of home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM). Objective: To compare two HBPM protocols, considering 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (wakefulness ABPM) as gold-standard and measurements taken before morning micturition (BM) and in the afternoon (AM), for the best diagnosis of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), and their association with prognostic markers. Methods: After undergoing 24-hour wakefulness ABPM, 158 participants (84 women) were randomized for 3- or 5-day HBPM. Two variations of the 3-day protocol were considered: with measurements taken before morning micturition and in the afternoon (BM+AM); and with post-morning-micturition and evening measurements (PM+EM). All patients underwent echocardiography (for left ventricular hypertrophy - LVH) and urinary albumin measurement (for microalbuminuria - MAU). Result: Kappa statistic for the diagnosis of SAH between wakefulness-ABPM and standard 3-day HBPM, 3-day HBPM (BM+AM) and (PM+EM), and 5-day HBPM were 0.660, 0.638, 0.348 and 0.387, respectively. The values of sensitivity of (BM+AM) versus (PM+EM) were 82.6% × 71%, respectively, and of specificity, 84.8% × 74%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 69.1% × 40% and 92.2% × 91.2%, respectively. The comparisons of intraclass correlations for the diagnosis of LVH and MAU between (BM+AM) and (PM+EM) were 0.782 × 0.474 and 0.511 × 0.276, respectively. Conclusions: The 3 day-HBPM protocol including measurements taken before morning micturition and during work in the afternoon showed the best agreement with SAH diagnosis and the best association with prognostic markers.


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Background:The ACUITY and CRUSADE scores are validated models for prediction of major bleeding events in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). However, the comparative performances of these scores are not known.Objective:To compare the accuracy of ACUITY and CRUSADE in predicting major bleeding events during ACS.Methods:This study included 519 patients consecutively admitted for unstable angina, non-ST-elevation or ST-elevation myocardial infarction. The scores were calculated based on admission data. We considered major bleeding events during hospitalization and not related to cardiac surgery, according to the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC) criteria (type 3 or 5: hemodynamic instability, need for transfusion, drop in hemoglobin ≥ 3 g, and intracranial, intraocular or fatal bleeding).Results:Major bleeding was observed in 31 patients (23 caused by femoral puncture, 5 digestive, 3 in other sites), an incidence of 6%. While both scores were associated with bleeding, ACUITY demonstrated better C-statistics (0.73, 95% CI = 0.63 - 0.82) as compared with CRUSADE (0.62, 95% CI = 0.53 - 0.71; p = 0.04). The best performance of ACUITY was also reflected by a net reclassification improvement of + 0.19 (p = 0.02) over CRUSADE’s definition of low or high risk. Exploratory analysis suggested that the presence of the variables ‘age’ and ‘type of ACS’ in ACUITY was the main reason for its superiority.Conclusion:The ACUITY Score is a better predictor of major bleeding when compared with the CRUSADE Score in patients hospitalized for ACS.


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AbstractBackground:The prevalence and clinical outcomes of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction after acute myocardial infarction have not been well elucidated.Objective:To analyze the prevalence of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction in acute myocardial infarction and its association with mortality.Methods:Patients with acute myocardial infarction (n = 1,474) were prospectively included. Patients without heart failure (Killip score = 1), with heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (Killip score > 1 and left ventricle ejection fraction ≥ 50%), and with systolic dysfunction (Killip score > 1 and left ventricle ejection fraction < 50%) on admission were compared. The association between systolic dysfunction with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and in-hospital mortality was tested in adjusted models.Results:Among the patients included, 1,256 (85.2%) were admitted without heart failure (72% men, 67 ± 15 years), 78 (5.3%) with heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (59% men, 76 ± 14 years), and 140 (9.5%) with systolic dysfunction (69% men, 76 ± 14 years), with mortality rates of 4.3%, 17.9%, and 27.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). Logistic regression (adjusted for sex, age, troponin, diabetes, and body mass index) demonstrated that heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (OR 2.91; 95% CI 1.35–6.27; p = 0.006) and systolic dysfunction (OR 5.38; 95% CI 3.10 to 9.32; p < 0.001) were associated with in-hospital mortality.Conclusion:One-third of patients with acute myocardial infarction admitted with heart failure had preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. Although this subgroup exhibited more favorable outcomes than those with systolic dysfunction, this condition presented a three-fold higher risk of death than the group without heart failure. Patients with acute myocardial infarction and heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction encounter elevated short-term risk and require special attention and monitoring during hospitalization.


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The general properties of POISSON distributions and their relations to the binomial distribuitions are discussed. Two methods of statistical analysis are dealt with in detail: X2-test. In order to carry out the X2-test, the mean frequency and the theoretical frequencies for all classes are calculated. Than the observed and the calculated frequencies are compared, using the well nown formula: f(obs) - f(esp) 2; i(esp). When the expected frequencies are small, one must not forget that the value of X2 may only be calculated, if the expected frequencies are biger than 5. If smaller values should occur, the frequencies of neighboroughing classes must ge pooled. As a second test reintroduced by BRIEGER, consists in comparing the observed and expected error standard of the series. The observed error is calculated by the general formula: δ + Σ f . VK n-1 where n represents the number of cases. The theoretical error of a POISSON series with mean frequency m is always ± Vm. These two values may be compared either by dividing the observed by the theoretical error and using BRIEGER's tables for # or by dividing the respective variances and using SNEDECOR's tables for F. The degree of freedom for the observed error is one less the number of cases studied, and that of the theoretical error is always infinite. In carrying out these tests, one important point must never be overlloked. The values for the first class, even if no concrete cases of the type were observed, must always be zero, an dthe value of the subsequent classes must be 1, 2, 3, etc.. This is easily seen in some of the classical experiments. For instance in BORKEWITZ example of accidents in Prussian armee corps, the classes are: no, one, two, etc., accidents. When counting the frequency of bacteria, these values are: no, one, two, etc., bacteria or cultures of bacteria. Ins studies of plant diseases equally the frequencies are : no, one, two, etc., plants deseased. Howewer more complicated cases may occur. For instance, when analising the degree of polyembriony, frequently the case of "no polyembryony" corresponds to the occurrence of one embryo per each seed. Thus the classes are not: no, one, etc., embryo per seed, but they are: no additional embryo, one additional embryo, etc., per seed with at least one embryo. Another interestin case was found by BRIEGER in genetic studies on the number os rows in maize. Here the minimum number is of course not: no rows, but: no additional beyond eight rows. The next class is not: nine rows, but: 10 rows, since the row number varies always in pairs of rows. Thus the value of successive classes are: no additional pair of rows beyond 8, one additional pair (or 10 rows), two additional pairs (or 12 rows) etc.. The application of the methods is finally shown on the hand of three examples : the number of seeds per fruit in the oranges M Natal" and "Coco" and in "Calamondin". As shown in the text and the tables, the agreement with a POISSON series is very satisfactory in the first two cases. In the third case BRIEGER's error test indicated a significant reduction of variability, and the X2 test showed that there were two many fruits with 4 or 5 seeds and too few with more or with less seeds. Howewer the fact that no fruit was found without seed, may be taken to indicate that in Calamondin fruits are not fully parthenocarpic and may develop only with one seed at the least. Thus a new analysis was carried out, on another class basis. As value for the first class the following value was accepted: no additional seed beyond the indispensable minimum number of one seed, and for the later classes the values were: one, two, etc., additional seeds. Using this new basis for all calculations, a complete agreement of the observed and expected frequencies, of the correspondig POISSON series was obtained, thus proving that our hypothesis of the impossibility of obtaining fruits without any seed was correct for Calamondin while the other two oranges were completely parthenocarpic and fruits without seeds did occur.


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1 – A close inquiry into 6700 post mortem examinations reveals amongst them 589 cases of endocarditis which, as causa mortis, thus concur with an 8.82% score. 2 – As to their etiology, the endocarditis cases are classified in: Rheumatic E………………417cases or 6.22% of the necropsies; Syphilitic E……………….106 cases or 1.58% of the necropsies; Malignant E………………….66 cases or 0.98% of the necropsies . 3 – With the exception of the cases of syphilitic endocarditis, or aortic endocarditis connected with syphilitic changes, as well as of malignant (bacterial) endocarditis, 417 cases of rheumatic endocarditis are left which constitute 6.22% of the total amount of the post mortem examinations and 70.79% of the endocarditis cases. 4 – As to their anatomical location, the cases of rheumatic endocarditis are distributed as follows: Valvular E………..396 cases or 94.96% of the endocarditis cases; Mural E………..21 cases or 5.04% of the endocarditis cases; 5 – As to valvular changes, the following location was observed: Mitral E…………….156 cases or 39.39%; Aortic E……………120 cases or 30.30%; Tricuspid E…………10 cases or 2.51%; Pulmonary E…………2 cases or 0.50%; Mitral-aortic E……….88 cases or 22.22%; Mitral-tricuspid E………….10 cases or 2.51%; Mitral-tricuspid-aortic E…………9 cases or 2.27%; Mitral-tricuspid-pulmonary E………….1 cases or 0.25%. 6 – As to sex, 59.21% are males and 40.70% females. As regards mitral endocarditis, the incidence for both sexes is practically one and the same (49.55% of males and 50.47% of females), whilst as regards aortic endocarditis 74.16% of males and 26.84% of females are affected by. 7 – As to colour: White……..50.24% of the cases; Black……………28.50% of the cases; Brown……………21.25% of the cases. 8 – As to nationality: Brazilians…………81.86% of the cases; Aliens…………..18.13% of the cases. 9 – As to age: 0 to 10 years…………7 cases, 51 to 60 years……57 cases; 11 to 20 years……..33 cases, 61 to 70 years……51 cases; 21 to 30 years……..64 cases, 71 to 80 years……..21 cases; 31 to 40 years……..79 cases, 81 to 90 years……1 cases; 41 to 50 years…………58 cases, 91 to 100 years……..2 cases.


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The action of the ether artemisinin (artemether) on Shistosoma mansoni in mice and the hansters experimentally infected with the LE strain was studied. In mice, the drugs showed high schistosomicidal activity using a single intramuscular dose of 100 mg/Kg/day. By the oral route, this dose showed a low activity. Mice treated with a single intramuscular dose of 200 mg/Kg/day, and examined 15 days after treatment, presented 100% alteration of the oogram; when examined 45 days after treatment, the oogram was normal. With doses of 100 mg/Kg/day, i.m., during 3 or 5 consecutive days, the death rate of mice was very high. Morphologic analysis of the worms collected by perfusion of mice treated with a single dose of 100 mg/Kg/day, i.m., detected a marked decrease in the length of male and female forms, degenerative alterations in the parenchyma and in the reproductive system of the females, with reduction of vitellinic material and in ovary volume; the intestinal contents presented a marked despigmentation. In the male worms signifcant alteration was not apparent by optical microscopy.


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Between January and March 1998, a cross-sectional survey was carried out in four rural communities in Honduras, Central America. We examined the prevalence and intensity of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infections among 240 fecal specimens, and the association between selected socio-demographic variables and infection for 62 households. The overall prevalence of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura was 45% (95% CI 39.0-51.9) and 38% (95% CI 31.8-44.4) respectively. The most intense infections for Ascaris and Trichuris were found in children aged 2-12 years old. By univariate analysis variables associated with infections of A. lumbricoides were: number of children 2-5 years old (p=0.001), level of formal education of respondents (p=0.01), reported site of defecation of children in households (p=0.02), households with children who had a recent history of diarrhea (p=0.002), and the location of households (p=0.03). Variables associated with both A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection included: number of children 6-14 years old (p=0.01, p=0.04, respectively), ownership of a latrine (p=0.04, p=0.03, respectively) and coinfection with either helminth (p=0.001, p=0.001, respectively). By multivariate analysis the number of children 2-5 years living in the household, (p=0.01, odds ratio (OR)=22.2), children with a recent history of diarrhea (p=0.0, OR=39.8), and infection of household members with T. trichiura (p=0.02, OR=16.0) were associated with A. lumbricoides infection. The number of children 6-14 years old in the household was associated with both A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection (p=0.04, p=0.01, OR=19.2, OR=5.2, respectively).


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Physiological parameters of laboratory animals used for biomedical research is crucial for following several experimental procedures. With the intent to establish baseline biologic parameters for non-human primates held in closed colonies, hematological and morphometric data of captive monkeys were determined. Data of clinically healthy rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were collected over a period of five years. Animals were separated according to sex and divided into five age groups. Hematological data were compared with those in the literature by Student's t test. Discrepancies with significance levels of 0.1, 1 or 5% were found in the hematological studies. Growth curves showed that the sexual dimorphism of rhesus monkeys appeared at an age of four years. In earlier ages, the differences between sexes could not be distinguished (p < 0.05). Sexual dimorphism in both squirrel monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys occurred at an age of about 32 months. Data presented in this paper could be useful for comparative studies using primates under similar conditions.


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During a five-year period, 932 clinical isolates from cancer patients treated in a Brazilian reference centre were identified as corynebacteria; 86% of the cultures came from patients who had been clinically and microbiologically classified as infected and 77.1% of these patients had been hospitalised (71.1% from surgical wards). The adult solid tumour was the most common underlying malignant disease (66.7%). The univariate and multivariate analyses showed that hospitalised patients had a six-fold greater risk (OR = 5.5, 95% CI = 1.15-26.30 p = 0.033) related to 30-day mortality. The predominant species were Corynebacterium amycolatum (44.7%), Corynebacterium minutissimum (18.3%) and Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum (8.5%). The upper urinary tracts, surgical wounds, lower respiratory tracts, ulcerated tumours and indwelling venous catheters were the most frequent sources of C. amycolatum strains. Corynebacterium jeikeium infection occurred primarily in neutropenic patients who have used venous catheters, while infection caused by C. amycolatum and other species emerged mainly in patients with solid tumours.