272 resultados para Baccharis subgenus Molina


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Five male 6-8 month-old Murrah buffalo calves were orally dosed with the fresh aerial parts of Baccharis megapotamica var. weirii at doses of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10g/kg body weight (bw) (~1-10mg macrocyclic trichothecenes/kg/bw). The B. megapotamica used for the experiment was harvested on a farm where a recent spontaneous outbreak of poisoning caused by such plant had occurred. Clinical signs appeared 4-20 hours and 4 buffaloes died 18-49 hours after the ingestion of the plant. Clinical signs were apathy, anorexia, and watery diarrhea, fever, colic, drooling, muscle tremors, restlessness, laborious breathing and ruminal atony, and dehydration. The most consistent gross findings were restricted to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract consisted of varying degrees of edema and reddening of the mucosa of the forestomach. Histopathological findings consisted of varying degrees of necrosis of the epithelial lining of the forestomach and of lymphocytes within lymphoid organs and aggregates. Fibrin thrombi were consistently found in sub-mucosal vessels of the forestomach and in the lumen of hepatic sinusoids. It is suggested that dehydration, septicemia and disseminated intravascular coagulation participate in the pathogenesis of the intoxication and play a role as a cause of death. A subsample of B. megapotamica var. weirii was frozen-dried and ground and analyzed using UHPLC (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography) with high resolution Time of Flight mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry, it was shown that the plant material contained at least 51 different macrocyclic trichothecenes at a total level of 1.1-1.2mg/g. About 15-20% of the total trichothecenes contents was found to be monosaccharide conjugates, with two thirds of these being glucose conjugates and one third constituted by six aldopentose conjugates (probably xylose), which has never been reported in the literature.


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Baccharis coridifolia is a plant that induces strong conditioned food aversion in ruminants. This research aimed to induce a conditioned food aversion to Ipomoea carnea var. fistulosa in goats, using B. coridifolia as an aversive agent, and to compare the aversion induced by this plant with the aversion induced by lithium chloride (LiCl). Thirteen goats were allotted into two groups: Group 1 with six goats was averted with 175mg/kg of body weight of LiCl and Group 2 with seven goats was averted with 0,25g/kg of bw of dried B. coridifolia. All goats were averted on day 1 after the ingestion of I. carnea. The aversion procedure with LiCl or B. coridifolia in goats from Groups 1 and 2, respectively, was repeated in those goats that again consumed the plant during tests on days 2, 3, and 7. The goats of both groups were challenged in pens on 23 and 38 days after the last day of aversion and challenged in the pasture on days 11, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27 and 29 after the last day of aversion. After this period goats were challenged every 15 days on pasture until the 330º day after the last day of aversion (7th day). Two goats from Group 1 ingested I. carnea on the first day of the pasture challenge, 4 days after the last day of aversive conditioning in the pen. In addition, another goat in Group 1 started to consume the plant on day 18, and other two goats ate it on day 20. One goat in Group 1 that had never eaten I. carnea died on day 155. One goat from Group 2 started to ingest I. carnea on the first day of the pasture challenge, and a second goat started to consume this plant on day 182. At the end of the experiment, on day 330, the other five goats averted with B. coridifolia remained averted. These results suggest that B. coridifolia or an active compound from the plant could be used to induce aversion to toxic plants. Using B. coridifolia would be cheaper and, particularly in flocks with large number of animals, possibly easier than using LiCl, which requires the use of oral gavage and qualified personnel for its implementation.


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Intoxicações por plantas do gênero Baccharis representam uma importante causa de morte em animais de produção. Baccharis coridifoliae Baccharis megapotamica são as espécies mais comuns e importantes. Nesse trabalho, são descritos os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação natural por Baccharis megapotamicavar. weirii em caprinos. Onze caprinos jovens, de um total de 152, foram afetados por uma doença aguda fatal. Os casos ocorreram em uma pequena propriedade rural no município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Grande quantidade de exemplares de Baccharis megapotamicavar. weirii em estágio de floração, foram encontrados onde os caprinos estavam. As plantas cresceram em áreas úmidas e alagadas. Os caprinos afetados tinham entre seis meses a um ano de idade e todos apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por apatia, anorexia, prostração, diarreia, desidratação, desconforto abdominal, timpanismo, decúbito e morte. O curso clínico variou aproximadamente de 12 a 24 horas. Dos onze caprinos acometidos, três foram necropsiados. As alterações presentes em todas as necropsias incluíam desidratação, conteúdo líquido no rúmen, avermelhamento, erosões e úlceras da mucosa dos pré-estômagos, e avermelhamento na mucosa do abomaso e intestino. Um dos caprinos apresentou marcada hemorragia dos linfonodos mesentéricos. As lesões histológicas de todos os caprinos necropsiados incluíam hiperemia, hemorragia, alterações degenerativas, necróticas e ulcerativas variadas no revestimento epitelial do rúmen, retículo e omaso, e na mucosa do abomaso e de alguns segmentos do intestino delgado. Necrose do tecido linfoide foi observada em linfonodos mesentéricos e em agregados linfoides no intestino e folículos do baço.


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Galhas de ambrosia são induzidas por dípteros (Cecidomyiidae) e desprovidas de tecido nutritivo, pois a larva do indutor alimenta-se de hifas de fungos. As galhas de ambrosia de Baccharis concinna e B. dracunculifolia são constituídas por uma única câmara larval, contendo um indutor. São observadas hifas de fungos. Nas galhas de B. dracunculifolia, as hifas ficam confinadas à câmara larval e as células do parênquima paliçádico mostram-se alongadas. Nas galhas de B. concinna, as hifas estão presentes também entre as células do clorênquima situadas ao redor da câmara larval. As células do clorênquima próximas à câmara larval alongam-se ligeiramente. As fibras pericíclicas do sistema vascular, em ambas as galhas, perdem as paredes secundárias. Quando o indutor está em fase pupal, as hifas de fungos aumentam em quantidade e preenchem várias partes da câmara larval. Nas hifas da galha de B. concinna verifica-se a presença de glóbulos lipofílicos, que estão ausentes nas hifas das galhas de B. dracunculifolia. Picnídios são observados somente nas galhas senescentes de B. dracunculifolia. Este trabalho é a primeira contribuição ao conhecimento de galhas de ambrosia na flora brasileira.


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Karyotypes of 14 populations including eight species of the genus Lobelia were studied using root tip mitotic metaphases. All populations were tetraploid with 2n = 28 chromosomes. The chromosome base number x = 7 was confirmed for the genus. Karyotype analysis showed that chromosome size varied from 1.05 µm to 2.02 µm with predominance of M and SM chromosome types. The karyotypes were similar among themselves with small intra- and interspecific variations on the size of haploid sets, symmetry indexes and centromere position of some chromosome pairs. These results showed that karyotypes of Brazilian lobelias of the subgenus Tupa were probably due to polyploidy associated with chromosomal rearrangements probably in small chromatin segments.


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Fractionation of the EtOH extract from aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella C. DC. (Asteraceae) led to isolation of caffeic and ferulic acids, which were identified from spectroscopic and spectrometric evidence. These compounds exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to be effective in the prevention/treatment of metabolic syndrome. This study investigated whether the combined treatment of caffeic and ferulic acids exhibits a more significant beneficial effect in a mouse model with metabolic syndrome. The combination treatment with caffeic and ferulic acids was tested for 60 days in C57 mice kept on a high-fat (40%) diet. The data obtained indicated that treatment with caffeic and ferulic acids prevented gain in body weight induced by the high-fat diet and improved hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The expression of a number of metabolically relevant genes was affected in the liver of these animals, showing that caffeic and ferulic acid treatment results in increased cholesterol uptake and reduced hepatic triglyceride synthesis in the liver, which is a likely explanation for the prevention of hepatic steatosis. In conclusion, the combined treatment of caffeic and ferulic acids displayed major positive effects towards prevention of multiple aspects of the metabolic syndrome and liver steatosis in an obese mouse model.


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Ethanolic extracts and essential oils from Green Propolis from southeastern Brazil and leaf buds from its botanical origin Baccharis dracunculifolia were analyzed by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC), Reversed Phase High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (RP-HPTLC) and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. Both ethanolic extracts and essential oils showed similar chromatographic profiles. Thirteen flavonoids were identified by RP-HPLC and RP-HPTLC analyses in both samples. Twenty-three volatile compounds were identified by GC-MS analyses. Seventeen were present in both essential oils. The major flavonoid compound in both extracts was artepillin C. The major volatile compound in both essential oils was nerolidol. The major compounds identified in this work could be used as chemical markers in order to classify and identify botanical origins of propolis.


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Massas cervicais na infância que aparecem apenas ao esforço físico são raras, tendo como principais diagnósticos diferenciais laringocele, cisto ou tumor do mediastino superior e flebectasia jugular. A flebectasia jugular é uma dilatação sacular ou fusiforme anormal da veia jugular. Relatamos um caso de flebectasia de veia jugular externa em uma criança saudável. Várias hipóteses têm sido propostas para explicar a etiologia da flebectasia jugular, dentre elas, a anormalidade anatômica de sua parede, compressão mecânica da veia braquiocefálica, lesões adquiridas da veia e idiopática. Geralmente, é uma condição assintomática, cujo diagnóstico pode ser estabelecido a partir de uma forte suspeita clínica, sendo comprovado por exames complementares. O tratamento pode ser conservador ou cirúrgico dependendo da sintomatologia.


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, a caracterização fitossociológica em áreas de microbacias representativas da rede hidrográfica do Médio Vale do Rio Doce, Estado de Minas Gerais. Para isso, foram selecionadas cinco áreas de microbacias protegidas pelo Estado, localizadas, respectivamente nos municípios de Governador Valadares, Mutum, Resplendor, São Geraldo do Baixio e Taparuba. Foram identificadas 62 espécies distribuídas em 20 famílias, destacando-se Poaceae, Asteraceae e Malvaceae. Entre as áreas, constatou-se grande variação na distribuição das espécies, sendo a maior riqueza observada no município de Resplendor. Entre as espécies, as que mais se destacaram foram Pyrostegia venusta e Baccharis trinervis. Maior similaridade foi observada entre as áreas dos municípios de São Geraldo do Baixio e Governador Valadares (36,36%). Observou-se discrepância acentuada entre as áreas, em função da ocupação agrícola, sugerindo manejo diferenciado de recuperação para cada microbacia.


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The soil penetration resistance has been used to represent the compaction situation and several authors have attempted to relate the cone index (CI) with the bulk density. The importance of using the CI as source of information for decisions in agricultural activities, livestock and forestry manner, has become increasingly larger, which requires more knowledge about the penetrometers and penetrographs behavior. This study aimed to verify, in controlled laboratory conditions, the influence of soil water content and cone penetration rate to obtain the cone index, when density variation occurs. The soil was compacted by compression through a universal press cylinder which was specially designed to produce the test specimens. Bulk densities were determined from samples taken from the test specimens and their moisture content. The CI values obtained were between 0.258 and 4.776 MPa, measured in 4 moistures and 7 soil densities with 3 penetration speeds. It was concluded that the determination of IC is strongly influenced by the soil moisture but the penetration speed variation, used in this study, was not sufficient to influence the IC determination. However, the decrease in soil water content may increase the sensitiveness to detect a variation in bulk density by the use of cone index.


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Resumen:En el artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación comparativa de la evolución del proceso de reagrupación familiar de extranjeros no comunitarios en España, la Región de Murcia y el municipio de Molina de Segura en el período 2007-2014. Se analiza la evolución de la reagrupación familiar, mediante el acceso a fuentes secundarias. Para caracterizar el perfil del reagrupante se realizan entrevistas estructuradas al universo de solicitantes de informe de adecuación de vivienda para reagrupación familiar en Molina de Segura. Se aplica un cuestionario a extranjeros no comunitarios para describir las tendencias en reagrupación familiar en Molina de Segura y para conocer los conflictos surgidos en las familias reagrupadas se llevan a cabo entrevistas en profundidad a actores expertos y estratégicos. Los resultados evidencian que los cambios normativos y la actual crisis económica inciden, entre otros factores, a los procesos de reagrupación familiar. En este contexto es necesario incrementar los recursos destinados a los Servicios de Bienestar local para favorecer la integración real de las personas inmigrantes y mantener los niveles de cohesión social.


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Resumen Este artículo analiza los principales factores que condicionan la selección de un directivo público de primer nivel jerárquico en Chile con base en una perspectiva de corte sociológico y el uso del concepto especies de capital. El trabajo realiza un recorrido teórico y descriptivo sobre la modernización del Estado y la profesionalización de la gestión pública en Chile. Posteriormente con una muestra de 45 casos correspondientes a altos directivos nombrados durante el período 2003-13, se trabaja con modelos de regresión logística para determinar los factores que condicionan la selección de estos funcionarios. Se llega a la conclusión que el capital político no es un factor que favorece la selección del actor.


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During the second half of 1986 the health and nutritional status of 254 children aged up to six years was studied, as well as the socio-economic situation of their parents in two favelas (shantytowns) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The nutritional status of the children was characterized by stunting (Z-score: 20.1% < -2) but not by wasting (Z-score: 3.7% < -2). Consideration was also given to how far stunting was caused by high morbidity such as acute respiratory infections (point prevalence: 38.5%), diarrheal diseases (point prevalence: 11.5%) and parasitosis (point prevalence: 70.3%). Furthermore, anemia (point prevalence: 29.7%) appeared as another health problem. The most important determinant of anthropometric indices turned out to be the mother's schooling. From the present data it can be hypothesized that the nutritional status of the children was limited less by the lack of food than by their poor health status.


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During the second half of 1986 the impact of the improvement of water supply and excreta disposal facilities on diarrheal diseases and intestinal parasitosis was studied in 254 children up to six years of age from two favelas (shanty towns) of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The estimated incidence of diarrhea was 6.2 episodes/child year and the estimated period prevalence reached 31.0 episode days/ child/ year. The point prevalence of parasitosis was 70.7% (Ascaris lumbricoides: 55.4%, Trichuris trichiura: 19.6%, Giardia lamblia: 17.9%). The estimated prevalence of diarrhea decreased with improvement of water supply and sanitation facilities to 45% and 44% respectively, but no statistically significant impact was observed in the case of parasitosis. School education and weaning practice were found to be other important determinants of diarrhea.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o consumo de sal e a relação sódio/potássio urinário em amostra randomizada de população urbana etnicamente miscigenada. MÉTODOS: Foi selecionada uma amostra randômica de 2.268 residentes de Vitória, ES, entre 25 e 64 anos de idade. Os indivíduos foram escolhidos por amostragem domiciliar realizada em 1999/2000, dos quais 1.663 (73,3%) compareceram ao hospital para a realização de exames padronizados. O consumo estimado de sal, Na+ e K+ foi determinado por meio da coleta de urina de 12h no período noturno (19h às 7h) e do gasto mensal de sal domiciliar referido durante a entrevista. A pressão arterial clínica foi medida duas vezes por diferentes pesquisadores treinados em condições padronizadas, usando esfignomamômetro de mercúrio. Para análise estatística foram utilizados o teste de Student e o teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: A excreção urinária de Na+ foi mais alta em homens e em indivíduos de menores condições socioeconômicas (P<0,000). Não foi observada diferença entre os grupos étnicos. A excreção de K+ não se relacionou com nível socioeconômico e raça, mas foi significativamente mais alta entre os homens (25±18 x 22±18 mEq/12h; P=0,002). Foi observada uma correlação linear positiva entre a excreção urinária de Na+ e pressão arterial sistólica (r=0,15) e diastólica (r=0,19). Indivíduos hipertensos apresentaram maior excreção urinária de Na+ e relação Na/K, quando comparados com indivíduos normotensos. O consumo de sal relatado foi aproximadamente 50% do consumo estimado pela excreção urinária de 12h (em torno de 45% da excreção urinária de 24h). CONCLUSÕES: A ingestão de sal é fortemente influenciada pelo nível socioeconômico e pode, parcialmente, explicar a alta prevalência de hipertensão arterial nas classes socioeconômicas mais baixas.