49 resultados para B - L symmetry
Differential effects of aging on spatial contrast sensitivity to linear and polar sine-wave gratings
Changes in visual function beyond high-contrast acuity are known to take place during normal aging. We determined whether sensitivity to linear sine-wave gratings and to an elementary stimulus preferentially processed in extrastriate areas could be distinctively affected by aging. We measured spatial contrast sensitivity twice for concentric polar (Bessel) and vertical linear gratings of 0.6, 2.5, 5, and 20 cycles per degree (cpd) in two age groups (20-30 and 60-70 years). All participants were free of identifiable ocular disease and had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity. Participants were more sensitive to Cartesian than to polar gratings in all frequencies tested, and the younger adult group was more sensitive to all stimuli tested. Significant differences between sensitivities of the two groups were found for linear (only 20 cpd; P<0.01) and polar gratings (all frequencies tested; P<0.01). The young adult group was significantly more sensitive to linear than to circular gratings in the 20 cpd frequency. The older adult group was significantly more sensitive to linear than to circular gratings in all spatial frequencies, except in the 20 cpd frequency. The results suggest that sensitivity to the two kinds of stimuli is affected differently by aging. We suggest that neural changes in the aging brain are important determinants of this difference and discuss the results according to current models of human aging.
Treatments for patients with hematologic malignancies not in remission are limited, but a few clinical studies have investigated the effects of salvaged unrelated cord blood transplantation (CBT). We retrospectively studied 19 patients with acute leukemia, 5 with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS with refractory anemia with excess blasts [RAEB]), and 2 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who received 1 CBT unit ≤2 loci human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-mismatched after undergoing myeloablative conditioning regimens between July 2005 and July 2014. All of them were in non-remission before transplantation. The infused total nucleated cell (TNC) dose was 4.07 (range 2.76-6.02)×107/kg and that of CD34+ stem cells was 2.08 (range 0.99-8.65)×105/kg. All patients were engrafted with neutrophils that exceeded 0.5×109/L on median day +17 (range 14-37 days) and had platelet counts of >20×109/L on median day +35 (range 17-70 days). Sixteen patients (61.5%) experienced pre-engraftment syndrome (PES), and six (23.1%) patients progressed to acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The cumulative incidence rates of II-IV acute GVHD and chronic GVHD were 50% and 26.9%, respectively. After a median follow-up of 27 months (range 5-74), 14 patients survived and 3 relapsed. The estimated 2-year overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and non-relapse mortality (NRM) rates were 50.5%, 40.3%, and 35.2%, respectively. Salvaged CBT might be a promising modality for treating hematologic malignancies, even in patients with a high leukemia burden.
Sex hormones from environmental and physiological sources might play a major role in the pathogenesis of hepatoblastoma in children. This study investigated the effects of estradiol and bisphenol A on the proliferation and telomerase activity of human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells. The cells were divided into 6 treatment groups: control, bisphenol A, estradiol, anti-estrogen ICI 182,780 (hereinafter ICI), bisphenol A+ICI, and estradiol+ICI. Cell proliferation was measured based on average absorbance using the Cell Counting-8 assay. The cell cycle distribution and apoptotic index were determined by flow cytometry. Telomerase activity was detected by polymerase chain reaction and a telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay. A higher cell density was observed in bisphenol A (P<0.01) and estradiol (P<0.05) groups compared with the control group. Cell numbers in S and G2/M phases after treatment for 48 h were higher (P<0.05), while the apoptotic index was lower (P<0.05) and telomerase activities at 48 and 72 h (P<0.05) were higher in these groups than in the control group. The cell density was also higher in bisphenol A+ICI (P<0.01) and estradiol+ICI (P<0.05) groups compared with the ICI group. Furthermore, cell numbers were increased in S and G2/M phases (P<0.05), while the apoptotic index was lower (P<0.05) and telomerase activities at 48 and 72 h were higher (P<0.05) in these groups than in the ICI group. Therefore, bisphenol A and estradiol promote HepG2 cell proliferation in vitro by inhibition of apoptosis and stimulation of telomerase activity via an estrogen receptor-dependent pathway.
O processo de irradiação é um método eficiente de conservação de alimentos, pois reduz o número de microrganismos patogênicos e deteriorantes. Com doses baixas, as características organolépticas e nutricionais do alimento não são alteradas significativamente, principalmente quando são controlados outros fatores como, por exemplo, a embalagem. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a cor, capacidade de retenção de água (CRA) e formação de bases voláteis na carne de cordeiros Santa Inês tratados com diferentes dietas e doses de radiação. Amostras de carne de cordeiro tratados com diferentes dietas - controle, TAC1, TAC2 (taninos altamente condensados) e sorgo - foram embaladas a vácuo e, excetuando-se a controle (sem irradiação), irradiadas nas doses 2 e 4 kGy e armazenadas por 15 dias à temperatura de 4 °C. As medidas de a* (redness) e b* (yelowness) não sofreram influência das diferentes dietas e doses empregadas no experimento. Os valores de L* (lightness) se mostraram diferentes para dietas no controle (sem irradiação) e na dose 2 kGy, mas, quando comparados os efeitos das doses em cada dieta, estas não apresentaram diferenças. Os valores de H e C calculados não mostraram diferenças estatísticas. O tempo de armazenamento influenciou as medidas de a*, b* , L, H e C. A irradiação diminuiu os teores de bases voláteis e CRA, porém o tempo de estocagem aumentou-os.