67 resultados para Attribution retraining group therapy


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The aim of the present study was to determine whether estrogen therapy (ET) reduces alterations of the autonomic control of heart rate (HR) due to hypoestrogenism and aging. Thirteen young (24 ± 2.6 years), 10 postmenopausal (53 ± 4.6 years) undergoing ET (PM-ET), and 14 postmenopausal (56 ± 2.6 years) women not undergoing ET (PM) were studied. ET consisted of 0.625 mg/day conjugated equine estrogen. HR was recorded continuously for 8 min at rest in the supine and sitting positions. HR variability (HRV) was analyzed by time (SDNN and rMSSD indices) and frequency domain methods. Power spectral components are reported as normalized units (nu) at low (LF) and high (HF) frequencies, and as LF/HF ratio. Intergroup comparisons: SDNN index was higher in young (median: supine, 47 ms; sitting, 42 ms) than in PM-ET (33; 29 ms) and PM (31; 29 ms) women (P < 0.05). PM showed lower HFnu, higher LFnu and higher LF/HF ratio (supine: 44, 56, 1.29; sitting: 38, 62, 1.60) than the young group in the supine position (61, 39, 0.63) and the PM-ET group in the sitting position (57, 43, 0.75; P < 0.05). Intragroup comparisons: HR was lower in the supine than in the sitting position for all groups (P < 0.05). The HRV decrease from the supine to the sitting position was significant only in the young group. These results suggest that HRV decreases during aging. ET seems to attenuate this process, promoting a reduction in sympathetic activity on the heart and contributing to the cardioprotective effect of estrogen hormones.


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We determined the effects of helium-neon (He-Ne) laser irradiation on wound healing dynamics in mice treated with steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Male albino mice, 28-32 g, were randomized into 6 groups of 6 animals each: control (C), He-Ne laser (L), dexamethasone (D), D + L, celecoxib (X), and X + L. D and X were injected im at doses of 5 and 22 mg/kg, respectively, 24 h before the experiment. A 1-cm long surgical wound was made with a scalpel on the abdomens of the mice. Animals from groups L, D + L and X + L were exposed to 4 J (cm²)-1 day-1 of He-Ne laser for 12 s and were sacrificed on days 1, 2, or 3 after the procedure, when skin samples were taken for histological examination. A significant increase of collagen synthesis was observed in group L compared with C (168 ± 20 vs 63 ± 8 mm²). The basal cellularity values on day 1 were: C = 763 ± 47, L = 1116 ± 85, D = 376 ± 24, D + L = 698 ± 31, X = 453 ± 29, X + L = 639 ± 32 U/mm². These data show that application of L increases while D and X decrease the inflammatory cellularity compared with C. They also show that L restores the diminished cellularity induced by the anti-inflammatory drugs. We suggest that He-Ne laser promotes collagen formation and restores the baseline cellularity after pharmacological inhibition, indicating new perspectives for laser therapy aiming to increase the healing process when anti-inflammatory drugs are used.


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Since there are some concerns about the effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy in developing countries, we compared the initial combination antiretroviral therapy with zidovudine and lamivudine plus either nelfinavir or efavirenz at a university-based outpatient service in Brazil. This was a retrospective comparative cohort study carried out in a tertiary level hospital. A total of 194 patients receiving either nelfinavir or efavirenz were identified through our electronic database search, but only 126 patients met the inclusion criteria. Patients were included if they were older than 18 years old, naive for antiretroviral therapy, and had at least 1 follow-up visit after starting the antiretroviral regimen. Fifty-one of the included patients were receiving a nelfinavir-based regimen and 75 an efavirenz-based regimen as outpatients. Antiretroviral therapy was prescribed to all patients according to current guidelines. By intention-to-treat (missing/switch = failure), after a 12-month period, 65% of the patients in the efavirenz group reached a viral load <400 copies/mL compared to 41% of the patients in the nelfinavir group (P = 0.01). The mean CD4 cell count increase after a 12-month period was also greater in the efavirenz group (195 x 10(6) cells/L) than in the nelfinavir group (119 x 10(6) cells/L; P = 0.002). The efavirenz-based regimen was superior compared to the nelfinavir-based regimen. The low response rate in the nelfinavir group might be partially explained by the difficulty of using a regimen requiring a higher patient compliance (12 vs 3 pills a day) in a developing country.


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Apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF-1) has a critical role in the regulation of apoptosis. In the present study, the mRNA expression analysis of different APAF-1 transcripts (APAF-1S, APAF-1LC, APAF-1LN, and APAF-1XL) was analyzed in bone marrow samples from 37 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (newly diagnosed, with no previous treatment). APAF-1XL and APAF-1LN transcripts (with and without an extra WD-40 repeat region, respectively) were detected in all samples, although the major form expressed was APAF-1XL in 65% of the samples (group 1), while 35% of the samples expressed primarily APAF-1LN (group 2). Only 46% of the patients presented complete remission in response to remission induction therapy (represented by less than 5% marrow blasts and hematological recovery), all but 2 cases being from group 1, 21.6% did not attain complete remission (only 1 case from group 1), and 32.4% of the patients died early. Lower expression of APAF-1XL (APAF-1XL/APAF-1LN ratio <1.2) was associated with a poor response to therapy (P = 0.0005, Fisher exact test). Both groups showed similar characteristics regarding white blood cell counts, cytogenetic data or presence of gene rearrangements associated with good prognosis as AML1-ETO, CBFB-MYH11 and PML/RARA. Since it has been shown that only the isoforms with the extra WD-40 repeat region activate procaspase-9, we suggest that low procaspase-9 activation may also be involved in the deregulation of apoptosis and chemotherapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia.


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The suitability of IgM antibodies to PGL-1 for monitoring the response to multidrug therapy (MDT) was sequentially tested by ELISA in 105 leprosy patients, and bacterial indexes (BI) were also determined. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1, 34 multibacillary (MB) patients treated for 12 months with MDT-MB; group 2, 33 MB patients treated for 24 months with MDT-MB, and group 3, 38 paucibacillary (PB) patients treated for 6 months with MDT-PB. Untreated MB patients exhibited higher antibody levels (mean ± SEM): group 1 (6.95 ± 1.35) and group 2 (12.53 ± 2.02) than untreated PB patients (1.28 ± 0.35). There was a significant difference (P < 0.01) in anti-PGL-1 levels in group 1 patients: untreated (6.95 ± 1.35) and treated for 12 months (2.78 ± 0.69) and in group 2 patients: untreated (12.53 ± 2.02) and treated for 24 months (2.62 ± 0.79). There was no significant difference between untreated (1.28 ± 0.35) and treated (0.62 ± 0.12) PB patients. Antibody levels correlated with BI. The correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) was 0.72 before and 0.23 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 1 and 0.67 before and 0.96 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 2. BI was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) after 12 and 24 months on MDT (group 1: 1.26-0.26; group 2: 1.66-0.36). Our data indicate that monitoring anti-PGL-1 levels during MDT may be a sensitive tool for evaluating treatment efficacy. These data also indicate that the control of leprosy infection can be obtained with 12 months of MDT in MB patients.


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Occupational therapy (OT) is a profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation, by enabling handicapped people to participate in the activities of everyday life. OT is part of the clinical rehabilitation of progressive genetic neurodegenerative diseases such as spinocerebellar ataxias; however, its effects have never been determined in these diseases. Our aim was to investigate the effect of OT on both physical disabilities and depressive symptoms of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) patients. Genomically diagnosed SCA3 patients older than 18 years were invited to participate in the study. Disability, as evaluated by functional independence measurement and Barthel incapacitation score, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, and World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF), was determined at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of treatment. Twenty-six patients agreed to participate in the study. All were treated because OT prevents blinding of a control group. Fifteen sessions of rehabilitative OT were applied over a period of 6 months. Difficult access to food, clothing, personal hygiene, and leisure were some of the main disabilities focused by these patients. After this treatment, disability scores and quality of life were stable, and the Hamilton scores for depression improved. Since no medication was started up to 6 months before or during OT, this improvement was related to our intervention. No association was found between these endpoints and a CAG tract of the MJD1 gene (CAGn), age, age of onset, or neurological scores at baseline (Spearman test). Although the possibly temporary stabilization of the downhill disabilities as an effect of OT remains to be established, its clear effect on depressive symptoms confirms the recommendation of OT to any patient with SCA3 or spinocerebellar ataxia.


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The effectiveness of the caspase-9-based artificial "death switch" as a safety measure for gene therapy based on the erythropoietin (Epo) hormone was tested in vitro and in vivo using the chemical inducer of dimerization, AP20187. Plasmids encoding the dimeric murine Epo, the tetracycline-controlled transactivator and inducible caspase 9 (ptet-mEpoD, ptet-tTAk and pSH1/Sn-E-Fv’-Fvls-casp9-E, respectively) were used in this study. AP20187 induced apoptosis of iCasp9-modified C2C12 myoblasts. In vivo, two groups of male C57BI/6 mice, 8-12 weeks old, were injected intramuscularly with 5 µg/50 g ptet-mEpoD and 0.5 µg/50 g ptet-tTAk. There were 20 animals in group 1 and 36 animals in group 2. Animals from group 2 were also injected with the 6 µg/50 g iCasp9 plasmid. Seventy percent of the animals showed an increase in hematocrit of more than 65% for more than 15 weeks. AP20187 administration significantly reduced hematocrit and plasma Epo levels in 30% of the animals belonging to group 2. TUNEL-positive cells were detected in the muscle of at least 50% of the animals treated with AP20187. Doxycycline administration was efficient in controlling Epo secretion in both groups. We conclude that inducible caspase 9 did not interfere with gene transfer, gene expression or tetracycline control and may be used as a safety mechanism for gene therapy. However, more studies are necessary to improve the efficacy of this technique, for example, the use of lentivirus vector.


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We studied the effect of oral sirolimus, administered to prevent and treat in-stent restenosis (ISR), on the variation of serum levels of inflammatory markers following coronary stenting with bare metal stents. The mean age of the patients was 56 ± 13 years, 65% were males and all had clinically manifested ischemia. Serum levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) concentration were determined by chemiluminescence and serum levels of all other biomarkers by ELISA. One group of patients at high risk for ISR received a loading oral dose of 15 mg sirolimus and 5 mg daily thereafter for 28 days after stenting (SIR-G). A control group (CONT-G) was submitted to stenting without sirolimus therapy. The increase in hs-CRP concentration was highest at 24 h after stenting in both groups. A significant difference between SIR-G and CONT-G was observed at 4 weeks (-1.50 ± 5.0 vs -0.19 ± 0.4, P = 0.008) and lost significance 1 month after sirolimus discontinuation (-1.73 ± 4.3 vs -0.01 ± 0.7, P = 0.0975). A continuous fall in MMP-9 concentration was observed in SIR-G, with the greatest reduction at 4 weeks (-352.9 ± 455 vs +395.2 ± 377, P = 0.0004), while a positive variation was noted 4 weeks after sirolimus discontinuation (227 ± 708 vs 406.2 ± 472.1, P = 0.0958). SIR-G exhibited a higher increase in P-selectin after sirolimus discontinuation at week 8 (46.1 ± 67.9 vs 5.8 ± 23.7, P = 0.0025). These findings suggest that the anti-restenotic actions of systemic sirolimus include anti-proliferative effects and modulation of the inflammatory response with inhibition of adhesion molecule expression.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) mediated by oxidative stress causes direct tumor cell damage as well as microvascular injury. To improve this treatment new photosensitizers are being synthesized and tested. We evaluated the effects of PDT with 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)-porphyrin (TMPP) and its zinc complex (ZnTMPP) on tumor levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and cytokines, and on the activity of caspase-3 and metalloproteases (MMP-2 and -9) and attempted to correlate them with the histological alterations of tumors in 3-month-old male Wistar rats, 180 ± 20 g, bearing Walker 256 carcinosarcoma. Rats were randomly divided into five groups: group 1, ZnTMPP+irradiation (IR) 10 mg/kg body weight; group 2, TMPP+IR 10 mg/kg body weight; group 3, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA+IR) 250 mg/kg body weight; group 4, control, no treatment; group 5, only IR. The tumors were irradiated for 15 min with red light (100 J/cm², 10 kHz, 685 nm) 24 h after drug administration. Tumor tissue levels of MDA (1.1 ± 0.7 in ZnTMPP vs 0.1 ± 0.04 nmol/mg protein in control) and TNF-α (43.5 ± 31.2 in ZnTMPP vs 17.3 ± 1.2 pg/mg protein in control) were significantly higher in treated tumors than in controls. Higher caspase-3 activity (1.9 ± 0.9 in TMPP vs 1.1 ± 0.6 OD/mg protein in control) as well as the activation of MMP-2 (P < 0.05) were also observed in tumors. These parameters were correlated (Spearman correlation, P < 0.05) with the histological alterations. These results suggest that PDT activates the innate immune system and that the effects of PDT with TMPP and ZnTMPP are mediated by reactive oxygen species, which induce cell membrane damage and apoptosis.


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We investigated the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) and of an anti-vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) monoclonal antibody on the in vivo growth of C6 glioma. Seven days after inoculation with C6 cells, adult male Wistar rats weighing 280-300 g with MRI-confirmed glioma were randomly assigned to 4 groups (N = 15 per group): PDT + VCAM-1 antibody group; PDT group; VCAM-1 antibody group; control group. Eight days after inoculation, hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether (HMME) was administered as a photosensitizer and PDT was performed at 630 nm (illumination intensity: 360 J/cm²) for 10 min. VCAM-1 antibody (50 µg/mL) was then administered (0.5 mL) through the tail vein every other day from day 8 to day 16. At day 21, 5 rats in each group were sacrificed and cancers were harvested for immunohistochemistry and Western blot assay for the detection of VCAM-1, and TUNEL assay was used to detect apoptosis. Survival and tumor volume were recorded in the remaining 10 rats in each group. In the PDT group, tumor growth was significantly suppressed (67.2%) and survival prolonged (89.3%), accompanied by an increase in apoptosis (369.5%), when compared to control. Furthermore, these changes were more pronounced in the PDT + VCAM-1 antibody group. After PDT, VCAM-1 expression was markedly increased (121.8%) and after VCAM-1 monoclonal antibody treatment, VCAM-1 expression was significantly reduced (58.2%). PDT in combination with VCAM-1 antibody can significantly inhibit the growth of C6 glioma and prolong survival. This approach may represent a promising strategy in the treatment of glioma.


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The testicular feminized (Tfm) mouse carries a nonfunctional androgen receptor (AR) and reduced circulating testosterone levels. We used Tfm and castrated mice to determine whether testosterone modulates markers of aging in cardiomyocytes via its classic AR-dependent pathway or conversion to estradiol. Male littermates and Tfm mice were divided into 6 experimental groups. Castrated littermates (group 1) and sham-operated Tfm mice (group 2, N = 8 each) received testosterone. Sham-operated Tfm mice received testosterone in combination with the aromatase inhibitor anastrazole (group 3, N = 7). Castrated littermates (group 4) and sham-operated untreated Tfm mice (group 5) were used as controls (N = 8 and 7, respectively). An additional control group (group 6) consisted of age-matched non-castrated littermates (N = 8). Cardiomyocytes were isolated from the left ventricle, telomere length was measured by quantitative PCR and expression of p16INK4α, retinoblastoma (Rb) and p53 proteins was detected by Western blot 3 months after treatment. Compared with group 6, telomere length was short (P < 0.01) and expression of p16INK4α, Rb and p53 proteins was significantly (P < 0.05) up-regulated in groups 4 and 5. These changes were improved to nearly normal levels in groups 1 and 2 (telomere length = 0.78 ± 0.05 and 0.80 ± 0.08; p16INK4α = 0.13 ± 0.03 and 0.15 ± 0.04; Rb = 0.45 ± 0.05 and 0.39 ± 0.06; p53 = 0.16 ± 0.04 and 0.13 ± 0.03), but did not differ between these two groups. These improvements were partly inhibited in group 3 compared with group 2 (telomere length = 0.65 ± 0.08 vs 0.80 ± 0.08, P = 0.021; p16INK4α = 0.28 ± 0.05 vs 0.15 ± 0.04, P = 0.047; Rb = 0.60 ± 0.06 vs 0.39 ± 0.06, P < 0.01; p53 = 0.34 ± 0.06 vs 0.13 ± 0.03, P = 0.004). In conclusion, testosterone deficiency contributes to cardiomyocyte aging. Physiological testosterone can delay cardiomyocyte aging via an AR-independent pathway and in part by conversion to estradiol.


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We studied the effect of pulsed ultrasound therapy (UST) and antibothropic polyvalent antivenom (PAV) on the regeneration of mouse extensor digitorum longus muscle following damage by Bothrops jararacussu venom. Animals (Swiss male and female mice weighing 25.0 ± 5.0 g; 5 animals per group) received a perimuscular injection of venom (1 mg/kg) and treatment with UST was started 1 h later (1 min/day, 3 MHz, 0.3 W/cm², pulsed mode). Three and 28 days after injection, muscles were dissected and processed for light microscopy. The venom caused complete degeneration of muscle fibers. UST alone and combined with PAV (1.0 mL/kg) partially protected these fibers, whereas muscles receiving no treatment showed disorganized fascicules and fibers with reduced diameter. Treatment with UST and PAV decreased the effects of the venom on creatine kinase content and motor activity (approximately 75 and 48%, respectively). Sonication of the venom solution immediately before application decreased the in vivo and ex vivo myotoxic activities (approximately 60 and 50%, respectively). The present data show that UST counteracts some effects of B. jararacussu venom, causing structural and functional improvement of the regenerated muscle after venom injury.


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Apatone™, a combination of menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, VK3) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C, VC) is a new strategy for cancer treatment. Part of its effect on tumor cells is related to the cellular pro-oxidative imbalance provoked by the generation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) through naphthoquinone redox cycling. In this study, we attempted to find new naphthoquinone derivatives that would increase the efficiency of H2O2 production, thereby potentially increasing its efficacy for cancer treatment. The presence of an electron-withdrawing group in the naphthoquinone moiety had a direct effect on the efficiency of H2O2 production. The compound 2-bromo-1,4-naphthoquinone (BrQ), in which the bromine atom substituted the methyl group in VK3, was approximately 10- and 19-fold more efficient than VK3 in terms of oxygen consumption and H2O2 production, respectively. The ratio [H2O2]produced / [naphthoquinone]consumed was 68 ± 11 and 5.8 ± 0.2 (µM/µM) for BrQ and VK3, respectively, indicating a higher efficacy of BrQ as a catalyst for the autoxidation of ascorbic acid. Both VK3 and BrQ reacted with glutathione (GSH), but BrQ was the more effective substrate. Part of GSH was incorporated into the naphthoquinone, producing a nucleophilic substitution product (Q-SG). The depletion of BrQ by GSH did not prevent its redox capacity since Q-SG was also able to catalyze the production of reactive oxygen species. VK3/VC has already been submitted to clinical trials for the treatment of prostate cancer and has demonstrated promising results. However, replacement of VK3 with BrQ will open new lines of investigation regarding this approach to cancer treatment.


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Recent evidence shows that moxifloxacin could exert an antimicrobial effect against Helicobacter pylori in both in vitroand in vivo models. To systematically evaluate whether moxifloxacin-containing triple therapy could improve eradication rates and reduce side effects in first-line or second-line anti-H. pyloritreatment, eligible articles were identified by searches of electronic databases. We included all randomized trials comparing moxifloxacin-based triple therapy with standard triple or quadruple therapy during H. pylori eradication treatment. Statistical analysis was performed with Review Manager 5.0.10. Subanalysis/sensitivity analysis was also performed. We identified seven randomized trials (n=1263). Pooled H. pylori eradication rates were 79.03% (95%CI: 75.73-82.07) and 68.33% (95%CI: 64.44-72.04) for patients with moxifloxacin-based triple therapy or with standard triple or quadruple therapy, respectively (intention-to-treat analysis). The odds ratio (OR) was 1.82 (95%CI: 1.17-2.81), the occurrence of total side effects was 15.23% (95%CI: 12.58-18.20) and 27.17% (95%CI: 23.64-30.92) for groups with or without moxifloxacin, and the summary OR was 0.45 (95%CI: 0.26-0.77). In subgroup analyses, we noted that the second-line eradication rate in the moxifloxacin group was significantly higher than that in the quadruple therapy group (73.33 vs 60.17%, OR: 1.78, 95%CI: 1.16-2.73, P<0.001). However, there was no difference in first-line eradication treatment. Findings from this meta-analysis suggest that moxifloxacin-based triple therapy is more effective and better tolerated than standard triple or quadruple therapy. Therefore, a moxifloxacin-based triple regimen should be used in the second-line treatment of H. pylori infection.


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Our objective was to investigate the efficacy and safety of capecitabine maintenance therapy (CMT) after capecitabine-based combination chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer. The clinical data of 139 metastatic breast cancer patients treated from March 2008 to May 2012 with capecitabine-based combination chemotherapy were retrospectively analyzed. When initial disease control was achieved by the combination chemotherapy, we used CMT for 50 patients, while 37 patients were treated with a different (non-CMT) maintenance therapy. We compared time to progression (TTP), objective response rate, disease control rate, clinical benefit rate, and safety of the two groups, and a sub-group analysis was performed according to pathological characteristics. Sixty-four percent of the patients received a median of six cycles of a docetaxel+capecitabine combination chemotherapy regimen (range 1-45); the median TTP (MTTP) for the complete treatment was 9.43 months (95%CI=8.38-10.48 months) for the CMT group and 4.5 months (95%CI=4.22-4.78 months; P=0.004) for the non-CMT group. The MTTPs for the maintenance therapies administered after the initial capecitabine combined chemotherapy were 4.11 months (95%CI=3.34-4.87 months) for the CMT group and 2.0 months (95%CI=1.63-2.38 months) for the non-CMT group. Gastrointestinal side effects, decreased white blood cells and palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia were the main adverse reactions experienced with the combination chemotherapies, CMT and non-CMT treatments. No significant differences in the incidence of adverse reactions were detected in the CMT and non-CMT patients. After initial disease control was achieved with the capecitabine-based combination chemotherapy, CMT can significantly prolong TTP rates with a favorable safety profile.