404 resultados para Ameller, Carlos Francisco
With the aim of estimating the incidence of infection by Toxocara among residents in the outskirts of Campinas (State of São Paulo, Brazil) two serological surveys, using ELISA anti-Toxocara tests, were performed in January 1999 and January 2000, involving, respectively, 138 and 115 individuals, 75 of which examined in both occasions. Among this group 67 individuals did not show the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in 1999, and 12 presented seroconversion in the second survey, revealing an annual incidence rate of 17.9%.
Even though Chagas disease is rare in the Brazilian Amazon, the conditions for the establishment of domiciliated cycles prevail in many areas where triatomines are of frequent occurrence. In Roraima, a previous serological and entomological survey in three agricultural settlements showed the existence of all transmission cycle elements, i.e., individuals infected by Trypanosoma cruzi, triatomine species previously found harboring T. cruzi in the broader Amazon region of neighboring countries and, domicile/ peridomicile conditions favorable to triatomine colonization. Triatoma maculata was the most frequent species, found in chicken houses in the peridomicile and sporadically within residences. Aiming to investigate the possibility of T. maculata to possess the potentiality to transmit T. cruzi in the area, bionomic characteristics were studied under laboratory conditions. These were feeding frequency, time for defecation after a blood meal, time elapsed in voluntary fasting pre- and pos-ecdysis, moulting time periods, pre-oviposition and oviposition periods and index of oviposition, incubation period, egg viability, longevity and mortality rate. Results show that the Passarão population of T. maculata should be considered a potential vector of T. cruzi since it shows a capacity to infest artificial ecotopes in the peridomicile, to carry out large number of meals during the nymphal cycle, to have a relatively short developmental cycle capable of producing 2.9 generations/year, to blood source eclecticism, to defecate immediately after the blood meal while still on the host and to the fact that has been previously found naturally infected by T.cruzi.
Six years after the beginning of the epidemiological surveillance of Chagas disease in Berilo and José Gonçalves de Minas, Jequitinhonha Valley, MG, Brazil, a serological inquiry was performed to observe whether the transmission of this endemy was occurring in this area. A randomized sample of 1,412 children seven to 14 years old, was screened. Six asymptomatic children were found to be positive, leading to 0.4% of prevalence. Hemoculture confirmed infection in five out of the six positive cases. Additional epidemiological investigation revealed important antecedents, such as disease reports in relatives and predisposing ecological and housing conditions. Our results demonstrated similar seroprevalence (0.4%) in schoolchildren, ranging from seven to 14 years old, and that were observed six years ago (0.2%) for children 0-9 year-old. Thus, considering the constant presence of Panstrogylus megistus in the peridomicile these findings emphasize the need of continuous improved epidemiological surveillance of Chagas disease in this region.
Frontal osteomyelitis is a rare complication of sinusitis. Common intracranial complications of the frontal osteomyelitis are meningitis, epidural empyema, subdural empyema and brain abscess. We described a case of frontal osteomyelitis with brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus with improve after needle aspiration and antibiotics to brain abscess for eight weeks and for chronic osteomyelitis for four months.
Subcutaneous candidal abscess is a very rare infection even in immunocompromised patients. Some cases are reported when breakdown in the skin occurs, as bacterial cellulites or abscess, iatrogenic procedures, trauma and parenteral substance abuse. We describe a case of Candida albicans subcutaneous abscess without fungemia, which can be associated with central venous catheter.
Plasmodium falciparum resistant strain development has encouraged the search for new antimalarial drugs. Febrifugine is a natural substance with high activity against P. falciparum presenting strong emetic property and liver toxicity, which prevent it from being used as a clinical drug. The search for analogues that could have a better clinical performance is a current topic. We aim to investigate the theoretical electronic structure by means of febrifugine derivative family semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations, seeking the electronic indexes that could help the design of new efficient derivatives. The theoretical results show there is a clustering in well-defined ranges of several electronic indexes of the most selective molecules. The model proposed for achieving high selectivity was tested with success.
Virus-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome (VAHS) is a severe hematological disorder related to some viral infections. It is an illness characterized by persistent fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, hyperferritinemia and, the most important, hemophagocytosis observed in the bone marrow, liver and/or lymph nodes. VAHS associated with hepatitis A virus infection is rarely described, despite the high incidence of this viral infection in the population in general. There is no consensus in the literature regarding the optimal treatment of VAHS. In this article the clinical features, presumed pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and treatment of VAHS are discussed, including description of cases of VAHS related to hepatitis A virus infection found in the medical literature.
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in HIV-infected subjects initiating antiretroviral therapy most commonly involves new or worsening manifestations of previously subclinical or overt infectious diseases. Reports of non-infectious IRIS are much less common but represent important diagnostic and treatment challenges. We report on a 34-year-old HIV-infected male patient with no history of gout who developed acute gouty arthritis in a single joint one month after initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy.
SUMMARYIt is important to develop new methods for diagnosing relapses in the co-infection of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and HIV to enable earlier detection using less invasive methods. We report a case of a co-infected patient who had relapses after VL treatment, where the qualitative kDNA PCR showed a good performance. The kDNA PCR seems to be a useful tool for diagnosing VL and may be a good marker for predicting VL relapses after treatment of co-infected patients with clinical symptoms of the disease.
This study longitudinally investigated the association between Triatoma dimidiata infestation, triatomine infection with Trypanosoma cruzi and household/backyard environmental characteristics in 101 homesteads in Molas and Yucatan, Mexico, between November 2009 (rainy season) and May 2010 (dry season). Logistic regression models tested the associations between insect infestation/infection and potential household-level risk factors. A total of 200 T. dimidiata were collected from 35.6% of the homesteads, mostly (73%) from the peridomicile. Of all the insects collected, 48% were infected with T. cruzi. Infected insects were collected in 31.6% of the homesteads (54.1% and 45.9% intra- and peridomiciliary, respectively). Approximately 30% of all triatomines collected were found in chicken coops. The presence of a chicken coop in the backyard of a homestead was significantly associated with both the odds of finding T. dimidiata (OR = 4.10, CI 95% = 1.61-10.43, p = 0.003) and the presence of triatomines infected with T. cruzi (OR = 3.37, CI 95% = 1.36-8.33, p = 0.006). The results of this study emphasize the relevance of chicken coops as a putative source of T. dimidiata populations and a potential risk for T. cruzi transmission.
SUMMARY Feral pigeons (Columbia livia) live in close contact with humans and other animals. They can transmit potentially pathogenic and zoonotic agents. The objective of this study was to isolate and detect strains of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuniof urban feral pigeons from an area of Lima, Peru. Fresh dropping samples from urban parks were collected for microbiological isolation of E. coli strains in selective agar, and Campylobacterby filtration method. Molecular identification of diarrheagenic pathotypes of E.coliand Campylobacter jejuni was performed by PCR. Twenty-two parks were sampled and 16 colonies of Campylobacter spp. were isolated. The 100% of isolates were identified as Campylobacter jejuni. Furthermore, 102 colonies of E. coli were isolated and the 5.88% resulted as Enteropathogenic (EPEC) type and 0.98% as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). The urban feral pigeons of Lima in Peru can act as a reservoir or carriers of zoonotic potentially pathogenic enteric agents.
Foi praticada a esplenoportografia em 10 pacientes portadores de malária, sendo a infecção causada pelo P. falciparum em 5 casos, pelo P. vivax em 3 casos e pela associação de ambos os plasmódios em outros 2 casos. Em 2 dêsses 10 casos, havia associação da malária com a esquistossomose mansoni. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram: 1) tortuosidade da veia esplênica em 4 casos. Êste fato é explicado pela hepatoesplenomegalia, restringindo a distância entre os hilos dos dois órgãos e portanto causando uma retração da veia esplênica em seu sentido longitudinal; 2) discreta pobreza das ramificações portais intrahepálicas, representada pela ausência ou deficiência de contrastação dos ramos aicotômicos portais mais finos. Esta imagem foi encontrada em 7 casos, e pode ser explicada pela vasoconstricção das ramificações portais, relatadas por Skirrow em Macacus rhesus infectados pelo P. knowlesi (19, 20). Outra explicação mais simplista para êste fato está relacionada com a grande diluição do contraste ao atingir os ramos portais mais finos, tendo em vista a ampliação do leito vascular, em virtude da grande hepatoesplenomegalia - sendo de nocar-se que a hepatomegalia era proeminente em 6 dos casos; 3) o hepatograma, além dos aspectos mencionados, mostrou um aumento apreciável e universal do fígado em 6 casos cujos limites podiam ser apreciados em todos os sentidos, contrastando de certo modo com o hepatograma de esquistossomose hepatoesplênica, em que predominam alterações vasculares intrahepáticas, com aspectos sugestivos de peripileflebite esquistossomótica. Parece que êsses resultados não foram influenciados pela espécie do plasmódio em causa, isto ê, o falciparum ou o vivax. Nove dos dez pacientes foram submetidos à punção biópsia hepática, sendo que as alterações histopatológicas observadas foram bastante discretas, estando portanto em acordo com as pequenas modificações evidenciadas no esplenoportograma. Apenas em um dos dois casos de esquistossomose mansoni associada, na qual foi praticada a biópsia, havia fibrose interlobular com a presença de granuloma esquistcssomótico. Neste mesmo caso, a esplenoportografia demonstrou imagens de ncoformação vascular em tôrno dos ramos dicotômicos do sistema porta intrahepático, com seu aspecto musgoso descrito por Bogliolo, considerado característico da esquistossomose mansoni.